Evil Bitch Ch. 16


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"Have you cleared this with the mayors of those cities Jon?"

"Yeah, in a manner," I said.

"I'm not sure I want to know what that means," she said and I just shrugged and smiled.

Umbra appeared without warning.

"Sir, your special guest has arrived. I have already alerted Roger Sterling and his lady companion as well as the dining staff."

"Very good Umbra that will be all," I said and she vanished. "Care to have dinner with a legend?"

"What sort of legend?"

"The man who proved Black Holes exist."

"Wow," she said. "That would be awesome."

"Excellent, then follow me."

We walked into the dining area where the man in the wheelchair and nurse were waiting for us.

"It is truly an honor to meet you professor. This is my sister Colleen..."

I would have invited the entire family but that might have overwhelmed the professor and his nurse. The dinner went well and I could tell he was eager to see the device. So we skipped dessert and moved onto the lab for drinks and a demonstration. Colleen was close by my side the whole time watching and learning.

Roger ran the entire demonstration and answered every question the professor asked with an ease that surprised me. We gave his nurse a USB drive with all the pertinent information on it so that he could look it all over at his leisure.

"This will change everything," the professor said in his computerized voice.

"Yes it will," Roger replied. "For good or ill, once that plant goes online the ball will start rolling."

"I agree. I have a request. I wish to speak with Jon, alone."

I nodded and everyone left.

"I was afraid you might remember me," I said.

"You haven't aged a day, how is that possible," Stephen asked.

"Good eating habits and cheating Mother Nature," I replied.

"Now that I believe, you are the one responsible for this, aren't you?"

"Are you suggesting that I am over five thousand years old Stephen?"

"Are you Jon," he asked. "You haven't aged since I've known you. There's no telling how old you are."

"Very logical of you," I said. "Would you like to see a black hole with your own eyes?"

"Now you are being just plain cruel... or are you? Can you really show me?"

"I can, here and now. So what do you say old man?"

"Yes... if you can do it... then bloody hell do it!"

I brought my hands together and the room became pitch black. When I drew them apart a trillion-trillion stars exploded outwards. I stood next to Stephen at the heart of this alien galaxy that was on the other side of the universe.

"The natives of this galaxy call it the warrior's hammer."

"I can see why," Stephen said. "It's gorgeous. Where is it?"

"We are on the other side of things Stephen, Quadrillions of light-years from home. All of this is in real-time."

I directed our journey to a trinary star system that had recently collapsed.

"This happened approximately three hundred years ago. The most recent black hole formation in this galaxy on record and I think you will be surprised."

"Why is that?"

"What, wait and see."

We got closer to the star systems primary sun and I heard Stephen gasp. Its size dwarfed anything observed in our galaxy. It was thousands of times larger than a red giant.

"I call it a blue titan. I estimate it to be two million times larger than the sun. It is the only one of its kind and it is dying."

The view drew back dramatically as the titan perished. It reached its supernova stage and swelled up hundreds of times its normal size. It took out the other two stars in the system along with planets, asteroids and comets as well. Then came that moment Stephen was waiting for. The view shifted so it could catch the cataclysmic collapse as the star fell in on itself and a black hole was born. But it wasn't an instantaneous thing as Stephen had expected. It was a slow process. A dirty ugly thing that rent time, space and dimension.

"What is this," he asked.

"That Stephen is a proto Black Hole," I said. "Display tactical please... notice the fissures that radiate from the singularity and the still forming event horizon. Those fissures are cracks in the higher and lower dimensions."

"Well I'll be damned. I never imagined it would be this ugly and irregular."

"Nature is never what we expect it to be. There are races that mine those fissures for valuable resources before the event horizon gets too strong and the cracks close."

"What is it they say about inspiration?"

"It makes for one hell of a profit."

"Well this is going to keep me busy for a couple of years," Stephen said smiling.

"Are you mad at me?"

"Mad," he said. "Why would I be mad?"

"I've actually been out there. Seen things you've only dreamt of."

"You have just proven that black holes exist. I now need to rewrite my work on their formation is all and prove the existence of higher and lower dimensions."

"Do you want to go?"


"I asked you if you want to go Stephen."

"But what about..."

"Would you rather be experiencing it or writing papers?"

"You said something like that the first time I met you all those years ago at Oxford."

"Did I, you know I think I did," I said. "So are you game to see the universe?"

"Yes but not like this," he said.

"Nah, not like that," I agreed. "I did a little research on everything British and came up with this." I said as the room lit up.

And standing on the far side of the room was a rather young dapper young man. He was just about six foot tall with dishwater blonde hair and grey eyes. His features were very handsome and he was broad in the shoulders and ruggedly muscular. But his fingers were long and dexterous as if he played either the piano or violin regularly. And though he was muscular he wasn't so bulky as to be awkward. He could move with a gentleman's grace when need be or stealthy when called for as well. A sort of Renaissance man Stephen thought.

"Who is that," Stephen asked.

"The new you if you want," I told him with a smile.

"What," he said his eyes locking on mine. "That's not... scratch that... so if I take up your offer I die tonight and take up a new life out there."

"Yes, I will provide you with everything you will possibly need old friend."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because you deserve this, after everything you have been through. You my dear friend deserve this most of all."

"I don't know what to say."

"Say yes. Say will do it all, see it all and come back and share it with me."

"How can I possibly say no?"

"I'll take that as a yes."

A tear ran down his face and he closed his eyes. Five minutes later Stephen was sitting in his new body and was getting used to being able to move around again.

"Jon this body is amazing," he said more tears flowing. "This built in technology is remarkable."

"You also get a travelling companion of your choice. You can personalize it in any way you choose. They can appear as a hard light hologram so that you don't get lonely on your journeys. The avatar learns and has distinct personalities. You can change them if they don't work out so don't worry. You have a wide variety to choose from."

"It appears as if you have thought of everything," he said.

"Well a lot can happen out there; I just wanted to make sure you were well prepared. Are you ready?"

"Eager and ready to see anything and everything that's out there," Stephen said. "And uh Jon I owe you more than I can ever repay you."

"This isn't about debts Stephen," I told him. "This is maybe an old man making amends."

"Meaning you I take it," he said.

"Yeah, meaning me," I said. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes I am."

"Goodbye Stephen and safe journey," I said.

"Thank you Jon, for everything," he replied.

There was a loud pop as the air around him collapsed and Stephen disappeared never to be seen again. I was going to miss our discussions. But oh the wonders he was going to see. I had a feeling we would see each other at some point or another. That gave me hope. I turned and Umbra appeared.

"How do you want to handle this situation Sir," she asked.

"With great dignity of course," I replied. "Inform them that he passed away from natural causes, which he did of course. It was a true loss to the scientific community really."

"I will take care of it Master," she said.

"Thank you Umbra."

I opened the doors and Stephen's nurse rushed in and examined him and looked at me accusingly.

"He passed peacefully and painlessly," I told her.

"Damn him I warned him too much travel could kill him," she spat out.

"Don't be upset," I said. "He came here doing what he loved most. Most people perish in accidents or much worse ways. So don't blame him or yourself. Let us celebrate his life and his accomplishments. He was a great man who passed quietly but who will never be forgotten."

"You are right Sir," she said. "He came with a great passion in his heart. I cannot curse that passion or the man, thank you."

She strode away and I turned to head into the dining room. I expected to find it empty but it wasn't. Akira was there seated at the head of the long table.

"Hello Jon," she greeted me.

"Hello Akira I take it Roger is busy," I said.

"Oh yes very busy with all the publicity and scientists and all that. Far too busy for me," she pouted.

"Ah, I suspect I know where this is going," I told her.

"Well you told me on top of the train car to wait for you in Berlin," she said.

"Yes I did," I replied with a nod. "So how can I make amends to you?"

"Amends, I don't understand Jon," she said standing up.

"The device that hurled your friends into that terrible place and held you in limbo for so long was of my creation."

"That is not possible," she said.

"Then how is, that Roger spent all that time trying all those combinations to free you and I did it in mere moments."

"If that is true you can free the others," she said her voice rising in hope.

"No I can't Akira," I said.

"You mean they are dead," she said her voice dropping.

"No, they aren't dead."


"...their bodies are alive but their souls have been consumed by a terrible entity. An entity, that was stalking you in that mist for ten years."

"That's not true; if it was there it would have killed me."

"It was waiting until you fear had turned to panic. Then it would have pushed that to terror and then it would feast upon you. That's what it does."

"How do you know so much about that thing?"

"I used to buy information from it."

It didn't take her long to figure out how I paid for the information.

"You are a monster! You fed people to that thing for facts and statistics?"

"I did what I had to do. I will ask you again what I can do to make amends to you."

"I wish it had never happened," she said on the verge of tears.

"Is that what you want... with all your heart?"

"YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS," she said dropping to her knees and sobbing.

"Okay then you shall have it." I said.

"That's not possible," she said looking up at me through her ruby eyes.

"It is for me," I told her. "Now stand up and get your shit together. Wipe those tears away and act as if you are happy alright. When you get there you have to blend in okay, do you understand?"

"Yes... YES... I understand," she said her voice trembling now.

I summoned the symbiot. I drew on the full power of Weaver that was in me and peered in the 'What If's'. I heard Sterling whispering in my mind 'Jon don't do this, please don't this is so wrong.' I was closing in on my target. 'She won't be happy until she is back in her own timeline or at least a reasonable facsimile of it.' Now we were in the ballpark of it. 'Jon you know how perverted this is. Please you are trying make amends not add to your sins.' Oh but I was past reasoning now. There it was. I was in the 99 percent bracket and locking on. I had a nose for finding these things. I called them alternates or shadows, worlds that were so close to our own they were literally one decision different than our own. In this one the only difference is that Roger's group didn't find the alien device and no one died.

With a rush of power I opened a portal and stepped in. It didn't take me long to find what I needed and came back with it. I stepped back into my world with my catch on my back. Akira was there watching as I appeared again with the unconscious girl over my shoulder.

"Go on Akira the way has been made clear for you," I told her. "Be quick the portal can't stay open much longer."

That was enough for her to sprint through without a look behind her. The gap between worlds snapped shut and I laid the sleeping girl gently on the floor. She was identical in all ways to Akira except for the memories and experiences. I had robbed her of her love, her future and her entire world. I hope the other Akira was happy.

I sat cross legged opposite the stranger that I had snatched from a parallel world. The sedative I had given her would wear off soon. Ah, then the confusion would start and I would weave the story I had chosen to tell her. No Jon the LIE you had fabricated to feed her to keep from going insane.

'Well you see Akira you suffered an aneurism and it nearly killed you. What is the last thing you remember? Well let's go from there shall we? Roger is here, yes he looks older but he loves you just as much as he ever did. Blah... blah... blah...'

Sterling appeared unannounced and she looked very unhappy.

"I see the Old Devil has reared its ugly head again," she said coolly.

"Yes he has," I said.

"Why Jon," she asked. "Why have you done this terrible thing? Just because you can do a thing..."

"I know," I agreed. "The power burns in me. It whispers to me, calls to me to be used! It's like a goddamn drug!"

"You didn't deactivate the nanites in the other Akira," she said.

"I know," I said.

"You did that on purpose," she asked.

"Yes, everything has its price. She wanted to be back with Roger and the others. The price is watching them all grow old and die. Watching anyone and everyone she loves and ever will love grow old and die."

"How is what you did making amends then," she asked.

"I guess it wasn't after all," I said. "I guess deep down after everything I have been through I am a monster."

"I don't think so."

"Why do you say that?"

"You still love your family. You care enough to lie to this poor girl. And you love so many others elsewhere."

"Then I guess I am somewhere in the middle then."

"I guess so."

The girl stirred and sat up. She opened her eyes and they were the most amazing color of sterling silver. Had I somehow made a mistake?

"Where am I?" she asked.

"Berlin," I told her.

"Who are you," she asked again.

"My name is Jon Masters. How are you feeling?"

"Dizzy and confused but otherwise fine, has something happened?"

"You have suffered an aneurism my dear," I said.

"An aneurism well that seems unlikely, but let me check." Her eyes flashed and then narrowed evilly. "Why would you lie about such a thing Mr. Masters?"

Suddenly a shimmering hologram of an elfin figure appeared and spoke to Akira.

"Mistress I am unable to access the World Network. But there is a crude binary network that I do not recognize in place. Also Lady there is a very powerful Ghost Web in orbit consisting of 36 satellites powered by what appears to some form of cold fusion technology that I am not familiar with."

"Oops, my bad," I chuckled. "My apologies Lady Akira you deserve an explanation. Would you care for a fine bottle of wine while I spin you an interesting tale?"

"This time it better be the truth Jon for your sake."

"Oh I like this version of you much better," I said.

"This version... what the fuck does that mean?"

I led her down to the wine cellar and let her have her pick. She had a very cultured palate and a very expensive one too. We returned upstairs and while I poured a ten thousand dollar bottle of wine I talked and she fumed.

The world she came from hadn't known war for more than ten thousand years. Apparently the Eternal Master had decided to lay his dominion over the world and that as they say is that. All the nations of the world had known a world of plenty and prosperity ever since.

"I can send you back if you want," I offered her.

"You obviously need my help," she said with a smirk on her face.

"Really, where do you suggest I begin?"

"Get rid of this silly religion thing, prove it as a hoax and go on from there."

"OH, that will go over well..." I said. "Riots in the streets... mass hysteria... etc etc"

"Okay show them the Button you built," she said.

The Button is a permanent two way wormhole linking Earth's solar system with another star system half way across the galaxy. I picked the system for its location, mineral resources and the two earth class worlds that are uninhabited. It was perfect for a first step out of the solar system.

"How the hell do you even know about that?"

"Why do you think I was in that cave in the first place? I have been looking for more of your legacy silly man."

"You need to give me more than that."

"When you finished with the earth and everything was ordered. You left and went out among the stars. It was you that created the Button near the sun. You forged the way ahead for all of mankind to follow out into the universe. We have colonies in much of our galaxy thanks to you. We have allies and trade agreements with several other species. Humanity is a thriving race thanks to you. I want that here too."

"Well if that is what you want I may have to appoint you my Architect, what do you say?"

"I would be honored," Akira said tears forming in her eyes.

"But first I want a complete work up on you and every bit of tech you possess if you have no objections," I said.

"I have none," she said. "I would do the same in your position. I would want to know who and what I was dealing with as well."

"I am glad you are so cooperative, Sterling if you do the honors."

"Yes Jon," she said as she appeared.

A shaft of violet light appeared around Akira and rings of bluish light drifted down in ten second intervals. After ten rings had passed over her the scan was complete.

"I have all the data I require," Sterling said. "Also I had sent out a complete press release concerning Stephen's passing. His body is being sent back to London with full honors per your requests. The world mourns his passing."

"As it should," I said. "He was a great man. I bet he is having a great time. Where is he?"

"He is examining the Cerberus Cluster per your suggestion," Sterling said.

"Excellent, he is going to love that!"

"Okay," Akira said. "I am really fucking confused is this guy dead or not."

"To the world he is dead," I said. "But I gave him a second life in a genetically engineered body I made for him as a gift."

"He must have been a very close friend," Akira said.

"He suffered greatly but also gave so much to the world," I said. "He deserved it."

"You are a very kind man," Akira told me.

"In this case yes," I said.

"Master, "Umbra said as she appeared suddenly. She seemed quite upset. "I have some disturbing news."

"Jon, be calm," Sterling said soothingly.

"Aw crap," Akira said.

"Show me," I said.

Umbra displayed a virtual screen. On the screen was a news caster for Al Jazeera who was excitedly announcing the capture of American prisoners. This was in reaction to the demonic cold fusion power that Roger Sterling had discovered. A member of the Iranian government appeared next and supported the actions of these holy warriors. He was ranting about the evil of this devil energy.

"Sterling do it," I said.

"Yes Jon but be... diplomatic please!"

"I will I promise," I told her.

She cut into the transmission and there I was talking to the Iranian live for all the world to see.