Everyone Loves My Ass Ch. 08


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"You suck," he said with that same little smile, shaking his head as he closed the curtain behind him.

"Oooh, believe me, I would love to," she said to me in a conspiratorial whisper, cupping her hand over her mouth.

"You are positively evil," I whispered back, and Mom rolled her eyes at us as we exchanged happy giggles.

"I told you I would get him to show it to me!" Megan gushed. "This is going to be so awesome."

Now it was Mom and I who exchanged knowing grins. "She has no idea..." I mouthed to her, turning so Megan couldn't see what I was saying.

"This will certainly be interesting," Mom said evenly, flashing us a Mona Lisa smile, and Megan nodded eagerly.

"Yep," Paul said over the curtain, "you girls are out of your minds if you think I'm going to wear this at the beach. But, okay, here goes...."

He pulled the curtain aside and stepped out.

Right away, Mom took charge. "Stop that, Paul. Move your hands out of the way, and stand up straight and tall for us. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. You have a beautiful body, baby. Let us see you."

Reluctantly, he moved his hands to his sides and straightened his shoulders.

'At least he's not erect,' I thought, grinning to myself over Megan's astonished gasp.

"Hey, you asked for it," he said, setting his hands on his hips while staring into her eyes.

"Jesus, Dawn..." she said quietly, again with her hand over her mouth.

"I know," I answered. "Believe me, I know. I see it every day."

"He's beautiful, isn't he?" Mom said, beaming. She let her eyes trail down his bare chest and chiseled stomach to his enormous bulge dressed to his left, stretching nearly to his hip. "Absolutely beautiful," she said again, moving to his side. Reaching down, she adjusted the waistband, pulling it out from where it was trapped beneath the top few inches of his resting shaft. "There...nice and neat," she continued, straightening it across his lower abdomen.

Stepping back, she hooked her arm around my waist and smiled at Megan. "What do you think? Is it everything you hoped for?" Then she asked, "And how about you, Paul? It's not so bad, is it?"

Megan turned to Mom. "He's...amazing."

"I bet you wish more guys wore Speedos now, huh?" I grinned, hooking my arms around both their waists.

"Oh...my...god," she said, returning my grin. "If they all looked likethat, I would never leave the beach."

Still beaming with pride, Mom fixed her warm smile back on Paul. "So, baby? What's the verdict?"

When Paul took a pained glance down to check himself out, Megan whispered to me, "I've never seen one anywhere near that big. I mean, not even close...and look how huge the head is. Your brother has the most perfect cock ever."

"And he's not even a little hard," I answered. "That tiny suit will never keep him covered if he gets hard. At least half of it will stick out."

"Jesus, Dawn, and look at his enormous balls. I mean, seriously, what the hell...?"

Feeling our eyes feasting on him, Paul did in fact begin to grow erect then, and he raised his eyes to Mom's. "Is something like this even legal? How could I ever get away with this in public?"

"Sweetie, I admit, on you that suit is rather revealing, but, yes, it's perfectly legal. I promise you, no one is going to arrest you for wearing a Speedo at the beach."

That's when Megan and I had started teasing him, trying to convince him to wear it for us. I desperately wanted him to let us buy it for him, but his pleading look combined with the fact that his dick was beginning to extend up and to the left so obscenely made my decision clear.

"Honey, I think that one might be a bit too much for the beach. I can't see you being comfortable at all in something like that. Isn't it awfully tight? It looks so restricting."

"Exactly!" he said, jumping on the plausible deniability lifeline I'd just offered him. "It's hella tight, like crazy tight. I don't see how anyone can wear these things. It's way uncomfortable."

"Go back inside, and I'll find you something else," I said, shooing him into his dressing room.

"Now listen here, missy, don't go spoiling all my fun! You better still pick something hot!" giggled Megan, hugging my arm as we took off to go check out another pair I'd noticed when we first walked through the store.

"Don't worry, I think you'll definitely like it..." I said, showing her the one I had in mind.

Mom came over and slid her hand through the leg hole. "This will be only slightly less revealing than the Speedo, especially once it's wet. Look..." she said, moving her hand around inside.

She was right. Sure, it was a lot longer than the Speedo, and it wasn't so skintight and stretchy, but it was still white, and surprisingly thin. Plus it was unlined.

"Hey, check it out!" Megan said, sticking her finger through the unzipped fly. She started wriggling it around like it was a worm on a fishing hook.

"Paul's won't look anything like that. It'll be more like this..." I grinned, pushing my fist and forearm through the fly and waving it in wide circles.

Watching us, Mom smiled. "At least he'll be willing to wear this one, so you'll still get your wish, Megan. Mission accomplished, I'd say."

"Yeah, come on, let's go!" she squealed, dragging us back to Paul's dressing room. "Here, Mister Shy Boy. And no complaining this time. If this one fits, we're buying it."

"Yeah, whatever," he smiled, catching it when she tossed it to him over the curtain. "Oh, and here..." he added, stretching the Speedo like a slingshot before firing it at Megan's face. She squealed even more delightedly, and Mom and I laughed at her silly antics. She was totally hamming it up for his benefit, chomping on the tiny swimsuit like a rabid dog.

"Well, I guess now we have to buy it," Mom deadpanned.

"Yep!" answered Megan, happily twirling it around her finger. "And just you watch! I'm going to get him to wear it again for us, guaranteed."

"You need to seek professional help," Paul said, stepping out from behind the curtain. "You definitely have a screw loose."

"Wow," she said, suddenly becoming quiet again. Her intent smile as she ogled the clear outline of his semi-stiff shaft showing over his left thigh told him everything he needed to know.

"So is this one okay then, you big perv?" he asked, and the cool thing was I could tell that Paul was now enjoying the spectacle he knew he was putting on for us. Maybe the Speedo was more than he could handle wearing in public, but as long as whatever he was asked to wear seemed reasonably 'normal' he was willing to indulge us a little.

"Uh-huh...very okay," she answered, and I swear it looked like she was about to reach out and grab his dick, she was staring at it so hungrily.

For that matter, so was I. The difference is, I at least did something about it.

"Here..." I said, taking her by the hand. I had us kneel before him, positioning her so her face was only inches from his thickening cock, and I smoothed out the twisted lower hem of the leg hole on my side. I had her do the same to the other leg, and she shot me a wicked smirk.

"I think they approve!" chirped Mom. "Paul, go ahead and leave those on. Just grab me the tag so I can go pay for them."

"And don't forget these..." Megan laughed, tossing her the Speedo.

"Oh, I doubt I ever will," she smiled. "Megan, can you please get his tag for me, honey?"

"Sure thing, Samantha," she answered, happy to be given an excuse to remain kneeling before Paul's awe-inspiring bulge. Setting her hand on the snap closure of his waistband, she held him steady while tugging on the tag. With each jerking tug we could see his dick swing back and forth, until finally she stopped teasing him and broke the tag free.

An hour later she and I were lying together on our towels at Zuma Beach, and Paul and Mom were standing together halfway down the sand, facing the ocean. "God, you guys are so awesome. I wish my family were more like yours," she sighed, watching as Paul wrapped his arms around Mom from behind. He leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek, and she reached up to hold his face to hers.

I looked over my shoulder and smiled. Paul and Mom really were beautiful together, and I knew he and I looked just like that whenever he held me.

"It's because of Mom," I answered, after a long pause. "She just loves us, and that's all that matters."

"But what about...you know..." she said hesitantly. "I mean, the way Paul is always so big and hard, and you and your mother never seem to mind. You even seem to encourage it sometimes, which I think is the coolest thing ever."

Sitting up, she grinned. "Check it out. It's happening again...."

Paul still had his arms around Mom's waist, but now her arms were crossed back behind his head. He was resting his chin on her shoulder, and as they stared out at the waves together they looked for all the world like lovers. More to Megan's point, though, was the fact that Paul clearly had a full erection, which was pressing against her bare ass. Mom wasn't exactly discouraging it, either. Shifting her stance, she let his enormous shaft split her smooth, supple bottom. Her back was arched, and the only bikini she brought with her to California was that same incredible white one she wore for us at the pool party.

Right from the start, Megan was amazed at our bikinis. Of course mine was my usual threadbare thing that no longer covered the top half of my deep crack, never mind how see-through it became when wet. Mom's was even more revealing, being much tinier and completely see-through, wet or dry. Since we were constantly at the beach together, those bikinis were just about the only things Megan ever saw us wear, and I guess the thought of us wearing such sexy things around Paul totally blew her away.

"Mom says he's always like that," I replied, smiling again, "and she's not going to stop hugging him or being affectionate with him just because he's a 'horny teenager with raging hormones,' as she puts it. Not that she minds in the least, either. She thinks it's beautiful. She thinks he's beautiful."

"And you know what, Dawn? It really is. All three of you are just awesome together. What about you, though?"


"Yeah, I mean, what do you think about all this, especially the way he always gets so hard every time he so much as looks at either of you. As big as he is, come on, it's not like you can miss it. Does it ever bother you?"

Paul and Mom were headed back our way, and I turned to Megan. "Honestly? Not at all. I guess I'm just like Mom."

"You think he's beautiful? Even his huge erections?"

"Don't you?" I asked, trying not to grin too much.

"Well, yeah, I think he's totally amazing, but he's not my brother." Still sitting up, she couldn't help but smile as they walked up the sand together. She was full-on staring at his swaying pole, which his wet swimsuit did almost nothing to hide. Mom was right. That suit was nearly as revealing as the Speedo. Because it became see-through when wet, and also ultra-clingy, I would say that it showed him off even more clearly. That fact was definitely not lost on Megan, who sighed, "Never mind. If my brother looked like that, it wouldn't bother me either if he always got a huge erection every time he saw me. God, Dawn...."

"Can you blame him? Look at Mom."

They were both dripping wet from playing together in the surf, and with their hair slicked back they couldn't have looked any sexier. As easily as we could see every inch of Paul's swinging snake, Mom really may as well have been naked, her teensy white bikini was that transparent.

"No, I can't," Megan answered quietly. Avoiding eye contact with me, she looked straight ahead as she added, "And I was never into girls. Not until I met you and Samantha, anyway."

I reached out and took her hand. I gave it an affectionate squeeze, and she squeezed mine right back.

A few moments later Mom led Paul over to our cozy little spot on the sand, where they resumed their tender embrace. Again facing the water, with her son pressing into her from behind, she smiled at the sight of Megan holding my hand. Turning in Paul's arms, she draped hers around his waist before resting her head against his chest. "I see you two are becoming fast friends," she said, and if she noticed Paul's obvious erection pressing against her stomach she didn't let on to us about it. All she did was snuggle in closer.

I think Megan surprised us all when she grabbed my bottle of tanning cream and said, "Dawn, let me do you." She popped the cap and squeezed out two big palmfuls, then her hands went directly to my ass.

"It looks like they're becoming better friends all the time," Paul quipped, and I purred while wiggling my bottom for Megan.

She certainly wasn't shy about doing me, that's for sure. After smoothing the cream round and round for a few minutes, she tugged my bikini bottoms deep into my split, turning them into a thong. Right there in front of Paul and Mom, she'd fully exposed the only part of my ass that had been at least partially covered.

"See?" he laughed. "Just better and better and better...."

"Okay, now your turn," she said, surprising us even more. Grinning like a bandit, she handed Paul the bottle. "And don't miss a spot. You three are coming to my party tomorrow, and we can't have a single inch of Dawn's perfect bottom all sunburned and sore."

I think she wanted to shock him with her sneaky stunt; little did she know that rubbing, squeezing, and caressing my ass was now old hat for Paul. It's not that it didn't still make him instantly become as hard as a rock; it was more that he was no longer the least bit bashful about letting people see him touch my body. If anything, he turned the tables on her, surprising her with how nonchalantly he took over and began smoothing the cool, thick cream into my happy bottom.

"A party?" Mom asked, grinning not only at the sight of Paul rubbing my ass for Megan, but also at Megan so blatantly ogling Paul's jutting erection.

See, that was the other thing that was becoming old hat for him: letting appreciative girls check out his huge dick all they wanted. With the way he was letting Megan admire his monster hard-on as he sat there fondling my bare ass right in front of her, I was pretty sure that in another day or two we'd have no problem coaxing him into going to the nude beach with us, and then Megan wouldreally have some fun!

"Yep!" she replied. "My parents are in Chicago for a week on a business trip, and they said that as long as it's nothing too crazy and we mostly stay outside by the pool then they're okay with me throwing a proper party while they're gone. There will probably be forty or fifty people there, easy. It's going to be totally chill. You guys are definitely coming."

"I guess we're going to a party then," Mom said, smiling sweetly. "But are you sure you want me there? A thirty-six-year-old married woman, who also happens to be the mother of two of your guests?"

Paul and I looked at each other, and we broke down laughing. "Yeah, right, Mom!" I grinned, rolling my eyes. "Because you're just some boring old hausfrau who wears mom jeans while shuttling a minivan full of sixth-graders to soccer practice. You wouldn't fit inat all at asexy pool party!"

Shaking his head at her, Paul took a break from rubbing my ass. "Mom, you didn't really just say that, did you? 'A thirty-six-year-old...are you sure you want me there?' Seriously? Jesus, there won't be a guy there who wouldn't give his left nut to spend ten seconds alone with you."

"Don't assume it'll just be the guys, either," added Megan. "Every girl there is going to freak when they see you, Samantha. Half of them will probably try to drag you off for themselves to one of the bedrooms. Yeah, you won't exactly have to worry about 'fitting in.'"

"And what will our gorgeous blonde hostess be doing while all this rampant debauchery is going on, hmmm?" Mom asked, absentmindedly caressing her breast.

"Debauching right along with everyone else, hopefully," Megan answered, playfully wiggling her ass for us. "That is, assuming every last person there hasn't already dragged Miss Perfect Everything here upstairs, along with her über-MILF mom and porn star brother."

"My 'porn star brother'? Hmmm, now where have I heard that before?" I asked, smiling happily over my shoulder at Paul.

"Hush, Miss Perfect Everything," he said teasingly, giving my ass a long, deep squeeze.

Kneeling beside me, Mom added her hand to Paul's. Instead of squeezing, though, she trailed her fingertips down my thighs, back over my bare cheeks, and up my spine. "Megan's right, you know. Baby, it's hardly just your beautiful bottom. Every last inch of you is absolutely...positively...deliciouslyperfect, from your rich, lustrous raven hair all the way down to your flawless legs and pretty little toes."

The way she slowly breathed each word as she ran her nails along my warm, creamy skin, god, it made my entire body shudder.

"Megan," Paul said, taking her hands and guiding them back over my smooth mounds, "since you're planning on debauching her anyway, here's a little tip for you. If you really want to drive Dawn crazy, this is her weak spot: her ass."

"Yes, Megan," Mom added with barely restrained glee, "whatever you do, don't eventhink of spanking my daughter's perfect bottom, especially with people watching." Sliding her hands back over my ass to join Megan's, she paused there. "You simply can'tstand that, can you, sweetie?"

Just in case she hadn't already made her point clearly enough, she gave each cheek a lingering caress followed by a teasing swat.

"Ohhhh, god," I moaned, raising my hips for more....

~to be continued~

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I can't help but wonder if you've wrote yourself into a corner, can't figure out how to resolve it, and are vapor locked, writing-wise.

You've been dropping hints about Dad having cognitive issues which point to something dramatic/traumatic/fatal, but it does no good in a story to kill off/sideline a character with no good reason. He already let's/encourages Mom slut it up as much as she really wants.

Making her a widow will take the wind out of her sails for a year or two; she's not the type to be bouncing back 'Sex Goddess' status after a few months. So, the direction you've taken with the Dad character looks more, and more, like a misstep. You originally had him moving from KU to UCLA, but that fell through, (don't recall details);

Offing his character, so Mom can join the kids in SoCal just won't work because of what I said above about how you've developed her, as a character. It would seem too contrived, even worse than the near contrived Texas Strip Bar sidetrack. I won't go as far as saying it was conrived, but I didn't truly see if being in line with our heroine's character. You semi-saved it by having her come to her sense, and stop her from fucking every dick in the barn.

You got back to her, (and the story's) central theme in the last two chapters, by bringing Dawn and Paul's deep bond back to thr centrality of the story.

I hope you get unstuck, if that's what it is; it would be a shame to see an otherwise well done piece of work adding to the ash heap which is Lit's mountain of unfinished gems.

Thanks for what you've done, and by all means don't let the embarrassment of delay block you from finishing.

Art comes in its time; it cannot be rushed. It's taken me nearly my lifetime, (heading to 70), to come to terms with unfinished projects. I used to beat myself up for having so many things partially done, but as life and inspiration have come full circle on a portion of my projects, I realized two interconnecting truths:

"Our dreamed endeavors are controlled by THEIR timeline."

"WE have no control over our timeline, OR our endeavors'. We can only persevere."


Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearabout 5 years ago
I hope you finish this the characters are so real

I feel like I missing my favorite tv show I got a cliff hanger and no follow up.

If you don't finish this I plan on stealing the Idea making it my own then finishing it myself.

P.S. I feel like you plan on killing off the dad I hope you DON'T. The absent mindedness and headaches sound like foreboding of an aneurysm or a tumor. Dad's cool they seem to have a great and open relationship let them continue in L.A. And, bring the Kansas friends guys and girls let the modeling go for a while make big bucks they buy a big Mansion for all to live together. Share and share alike even Lucinda Fair is Fair... I DARE you. THANK YOU.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Good story

Good story.. are you gonna finish it or leave us hanging

oldpackoldpackabout 7 years ago
So where is the next Chapter?

Did you say, " six-month wait for chapter nine" or did you reall8y mean six-year wait for chapter nine?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

When are Dawn and her father going to start fucking???

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