Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 03 Pt. 04


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"What? Sex tapes? How?" Chad replied, confused. Looking at him as if he was being slightly naïve, she continued.

"Chad, no one here is judging you," she began. "This isn't about that. It's about getting ahead of this story. We all have our tastes... our predilections... and we, as the team, want to make sure your come out of this as clean as possible."

"What do you mean, predilections?" he asked. Looking slightly uneasy broaching into specifics, she felt like she had to.

"I'm talking about your taste for older women," Cordelia explained. What? How did she know this? How did anyone? Seeing his eyes go wide at this communicated the truth of her statement. Turning back to look at one of her subordinates, she gave a nod. Suddenly, on the far side of the room, a screen lit up, and on it...

Holy shit!

It was him... and Renee! It was them in the church, going at it. Holy shit! Holy fuck! The image showed him on his knees, plowing her from behind, her mammoth tits swinging lewdly as he fucked her up the ass. Behind them was the cross at the front of the church, leaving no mystery as to where they committing such a sinful deed. There was a timestamp on the lower corner of the screen, letting them all know exactly when this happened. And there was no hiding from this. His face was right there on the screen, no mistaking it. And just as clear was Renee's face, her face... and her body... unmistakably her.

"Oh my God..." he croaked out, his world falling apart, almost wanting to revert within himself out of shame and embarrassment at all these people seeing this. Cordelia gave him a small, comforting nod, clearly disliking that she had to be the one conveying this embarrassing story to him.

"Obviously, this is not a good look. I mean, not in the way..." she began before stopping herself, as if she was gonna say he looked good on the footage, but thinking better of it. "I mean, we know you're married, and very faithful, but in this world, we've kinda seen it all. We know this shit happens. In the future, we can only hope you be more discrete. I mean, it's somewhat foolish not to realize there'd be cameras all around doing this in a public place." She was right. How could he be so stupid?

But then he realized... fuck! This was going to go public! That meant the world was gonna see this... and more specifically, his wife! Seeing the panic in his eyes, Cordelia tried to get ahead of it.

"I know this is a bad look for your persona. You're married, you're a public member of the Church. That makes this tough for us, but I promise, just stick with us on this," Cordelia said, trying to ease his panic. "The problem is... this isn't the only tape."

"What?" he asked, baffled. She nodded at her subordinate again, and the movie on the screen changed.

This footage was in a hotel room. It was him in the same position, plowing a different MILF from behind, her tits swinging lewdly as they went at it, the older woman throwing herself back at him. Just as before, the image was shockingly clear. But the image was touched up in one way. There was a blur over the woman's face, as if protecting her identity, but whoever recorded this didn't afford him the same courtesy. His identity was obvious on the screen, clear as day. Even though you couldn't see the woman's face... maybe it was his MILF-obsessed brain speaking, but it was obvious he was hooking up an older woman. Her body, her ferocity at fucking, her overall vibe... she was undeniably a MILF. And even though her obscured identity might be a mystery to everyone in the room, it was no mystery to Chad.

Professor Albright.

They'd finally completed their date, fucking like crazy in his hotel room the night before the game. She was incredible, even better than he dreamed she would be. He'd been in bad shape he was so backed up that night, and she more than took care of him. And for a night, he felt that free sensation. Unleashed, at the wheel. And he carried that over the game the next day, feeling confident and bold. And it was thanks to the professor helping to ease his stress.

But how had it been recorded? How had any of this been recorded?

"So, this can't be written off as a one-time mistake, which would have really helped us out," Cordelia began. "There is clearly a pattern of behavior, and you obviously have a type."

Chad was wide-eyed. Was this really happening? Was his world falling apart?

"But that's just part one of the bad news," Cordelia began.

"Oh my God..." Chad responded, putting his head in his hands for a few moments. What could be worse than this. Finally, he looked up, Cordelia not speaking until she knew he was listening. She gave him a pained smile before delivering the news.

"Now this... this is something we only learned about recently, and we've been working in that time to corroborate what we're hearing," she began. "But one of those sports blogs is coming out with a big investigation into the recovery program you joined in when you went to school. The one that got you on the straight and narrow..." she paused, only realizing now that this program had failed considering what he'd gotten up to lately. But that kinda went along with the greater point. "There were so many articles about your recovery and your growth, and this incredible program that you vouched for. But no one actually looked into it too deeply, ourselves included, and for that we apologize. But this blog looked into this program of yours, and... it looks like it wasn't exactly on the level..." Chad shook his head.

"What do you mean?" he asked, confused. "That's impossible." The program had been great. It had helped him so much, recent events notwithstanding. It was how he'd met his wife. It had shaped his life so greatly in the last few years. It was a good place with good people... right?

"Apparently, it looks like this program was targeting prominent athletes like yourself in order to market themselves," Cordelia began. "They were more interested in promoting themselves than helping you, and they found someone in you they could cling onto."

"No... that's not how it's gone down at all," Chad replied.

"Tell me, whose idea was it to do all those articles. You... or them?" Cordelia asked.

"Well, it was them, but..." he replied.

"And when you signed up with them, did you find them, or did they find you?" she asked.

"They were recommended to me by my coaches. I'd never heard of them, but..." Chad began.

"Who negotiated your deals? Them, or you?" Cordelia asked.

"Well, they helped out, because I'm not good at that stuff, but..." Chad stated.

"Chad..." Cordelia said firmly, getting his full attention. "There is evidence of these contracts, and frankly... they negotiated deals that greatly benefitted themselves. They are taking money from you for themselves without you knowing. It looks like they've done this with a few different student-athletes, and it sounds like the coaches were in league with them."

"No... that's not true," Chad began. He was making good money. They were on his side... right?

"Chad..." Cordelia began again. "It's not only that. The pastor who ran this program, Pastor Rob Reidenchold... he doesn't seem like the most reputable character either. There is evidence that not only is he taking money from you, but he's leveraged his position in order to sleep with young college women."

"No! That's not true! Pastor Rob's the best guy I've ever met," Chad stated firmly.

"I've seen pictures, Chad," Cordelia stated firmly. "There's no question about it."

Chad's world was completely upended. None of this made any sense. He perhaps wasn't the most perceptive man in the world, but how could he have been so wrong?

"Chad..." she started yet again, getting his attention. "This begs the question... what about your wife?"

"What about her?" he asked reflexively.

"Is it possible that she was in on all this?" Cordelia asked. "That she was aware of all this. That she's perhaps working alongside Pastor Rob to further his goals?"

"No! She loves me! I love her!" he affirmed.

"Maybe that's true," Cordelia stated. "But you sometimes get hurt by the people you love the most. Does she... does she help you with your business decisions?"

"She helps me with everything. She's my wife for God's sake! I go to her for everything," he stated firmly, but the action that had gone on in those videos proved that to be a lie.

"Is it outside the world of possibility that she didn't fully have your interests at heart? That she was maybe serving two masters, you and Rob?" Cordelia asked.

"No... no..." he began, his words weakening. Then again... she was a college girl when they met. And she was the one who always spoke most glowingly of Pastor Rob. Did she... could she... with Rob?

Cordelia let Chad go over this shit in his mind for a few minutes, letting him take this all in. There was a lot of damning evidence against this program and Pastor Rob and his wife... it would be a lot for him to take in at once.

How had this happened?


(Six Weeks Earlier)

A knock on Pastor Rob Reidenchold's office door caught him off guard. He grimaced slightly, as he was about to leave for the night. But he reminded himself of patience, and the important job he had to do, he shut out any annoyance and readied himself to help. The office he was based out of was adjacent to the campus church, and it was humble but nice, adorned with a big wooden desk, a nice leather couch, some bookshelves lined with books and religious teachings, some file cabinets that contained documents relevant to his recovery program, and some religious paraphernalia adorning the walls.

A tall, well-dressed married man of 36, wearing a pair of slacks and a blue button-up, a crucifix hanging from his neck, he ran his hand through his black hair and opened the door, ready to help whoever was there.

But what he saw took him aback.

A young woman in her early twenties stood at his door, looking up at him hopefully. But he immediately recognized that she was dressed rather revealingly, a tight, button-up shirt that was left mostly unbuttoned, showing off a wide expanse of her large, firm breasts. Her trim, tanned midriff was exposed as well, a sight that many would no doubt appreciate. Her legs were being showcased too, as she wore a tiny pair of tight, stretchy shorts that left the rest of her legs bare. On her feet were a pair of nice sneakers. Her dark hair was done up in pigtails, accentuating her youthfulness. She was quite stunning, with a great tan and big expressive eyes.

Rob kept himself in check, meeting her gaze.

"Are you Pastor Rob?" she asked desperately.

"Yes. And you are?" he asked.

"My name's Deandra," she said, biting her lip. The very same Deandra that worked for Dr. White. She was still college-aged, so she was perfect for the job. A girl like her knew how to fit the part of a little college slut, dressing for the part perfectly. "I think I need your help." Nodding at her, suppressing any lingering irritation at her visit interrupting his plans to go home, he opened his door to her and let her in. After seating her across from him, he sat behind his desk, and she quickly came out with why she was there.

"Pastor Rob... I need your help," Deandra began. "I can't stop myself from having sex!"

"Oh!" he replied, almost choking at the bluntness of her admission. "That's quite alright! We help so many just like you." His eyes flicked to her incredible chest for the briefest of moments... not many were built like this one.

"Thank you!" she replied, effusively happy. But then her expression darkened, the truth of her plight hitting her. "But... what I said before... I mean it! I CAN'T stop myself. It feels like I've banged half the guys on campus by this point. I've sought out help before, advisors, teachers... I even tried a sex therapist, but I think they are all quacks. But all these guys that try to help me... I just always end up hooking up with them. All of them. I have a weakness for authority figures, I guess! It's gonna get me in a lot of trouble if I keep it up!"

"Well..." choked out Rob, a bit flustered by the beautiful young woman but not letting her catch onto that in the slightest. "I'd be happy to help!" he added positively.

Deandra smiled sadly to him, glad to hear it yet still putting on a pessimistic façade. Inside, her fires were already blazing. Rob was a good-looking guy, and that ring on his finger only made him a juicier target. She had a job to do... but when you love your work, it's easy.

It took Deandra a week to seduce Pastor Rob. Easy indeed.

She was a needy little minx, demanding his attention, even when he tried to pass her off to someone on his team closer to her age. She told him she needed help from the best, that she wasn't a normal case. She was such a complete slut that she needed a real expert to change her ways. She made sure to consume his focus, getting him to devote so much of his attention to her. So much time spent together, his well-earned willpower and control started to slip. Deandra was letting it all hang out... you couldn't even blame a pastor for sneaking a peak at the goods.

A panicked call after hours dragged him back at work a few nights after their initial meeting, Deandra entered his office dressed like a total skank, explaining that she went out with a friend, and they almost tag-teamed a well-known campus athlete, a baseball player, but she thought better and called Rob. He spent the rest of the evening trying to convince her that she had to respect herself, that the pleasures of sex didn't outweigh the needs of her soul. And she spent the entirety of night explaining why the rapturous pleasure she achieved by taking part in nasty, unholy fucking mattered more to her than anything else. It was two competing philosophies. The ultimate battle. Sex versus chastity. Purity versus sin. Religious belief versus the unchecked desire. A young slut versus an older man of power and maturity.

Of course, Deandra was victorious.

Sluts like her couldn't be beat! Pastor Rob was good at his job, but he didn't know how to combat a determined slut like Deandra. He was dressed for work, and she was dressed for sex, wearing a slutty dress meant to attract attention. And it was potent enough that even a pastor found himself checking out her long legs... her shapely ass... her big, firm, succulent tits.

Her arguments never wavered, and he found himself on his back foot from the start. Even to someone trained in getting through to lost causes, he found himself slowly seeing her side of the argument. As she explained what she could do during sex, how she could fuck and fuck and fuck and still want more... she wanted him to explain why she shouldn't do so when she was so good at it. When she was so obviously built for it. He couldn't think of anything to say.

They ended up having nasty, sweaty sex on the couch, the young slut riding his big married dick until he couldn't think straight, until he was ready to admit that he was wrong about everything, admitting the young tease's argument were undeniable.

It was jarring how her young tease act disappeared once she took control, her skills at fucking well beyond her years, rocking the pastor's world and showing him that sin wasn't so bad. By the end, she coaxed a massive wad of cum deep inside her, capping it off by taking his ring finger into her mouth and sucking on it till his marriage band was resting on her tongue.

Keeping his ring to maintain a hold over the older man, it was an unspoken threat to expose his moral decline. Deandra showed that Dr. White's faith in her was well-founded, proving to be a talented little general as she enacted the doctor's plot to perfection like the skilled schemer she was. It was a quick moral fall for the married pastor once he submitted to temptation, and he couldn't stop the slide. Deandra asserted power over him, fucking him over and over again, not only in his office but even in his home. Eventually, she brought in other girls, some fellow interns, and some were just her friends, teaming up to overwhelm the married pastor with premium young pussy until he couldn't stop himself from indulging further. Deandra having possession of his ring gave her power over him, making him do whatever she wanted, fucking on camera, fucking in the chapel, really damaging the poor guy's psyche.

Even as he felt his soul being corrupted, the prospect of incomparable pleasure was enough to keep him on the hook. But he didn't truly feel the gravity of his mistake until the end, when he found Deandra in his office, having clearly done something underhanded with some of his program's documentation, to what degree he didn't know. Sitting behind his desk, she forced him to sit in front of it as she asserted full control and authority over him. Sliding some papers across from him, she told the pastor that he wouldn't be getting his ring back unless he signed them. Beginning to read them, she advised him that it would probably be best to just sign the papers and don't think about it too hard. The fear of what he was signing his name onto was outweighed by his fear of upsetting this young assertive goddess. So, he signed the paperwork. And that was it. That was the end. They had enough incriminating evidence on him that he couldn't really do anything to defend himself, not that he would, so enraptured was he. All he could do was wait until the other shoe dropped.

Weeks later, it finally did.

And while Pastor Rob's reputation was ruined, the damage it did to Chad Bethel might be even more severe.


Back in the present, sitting in the team's office, Chad was still reckoning with the news that Pastor Rob and his program might have taken advantage of him. Shocked, his head fell to his hands, remaining like this for minutes. Finally, the HR head going over all this with him had to speak up, grabbing his attention.

"This might be an opportunity, though, Chad," Cordelia began. Chad looked up as she continued speaking. "On one hand, you're a cheating bastard who's screwing around on his wife." These words hurt, but they were true. "On the other, you're a wronged husband, a young man whose been taken advantage of. It seems like these two things weren't related... but what if they were? What if we make them related?"

"What?" he asked, overwhelmed, shaking his head.

"We discussed this with an outside agency, and we've come up with a really good plan. What if you found out about this stuff months ago?" Cordelia began, spinning a new narrative. "That your marriage was irrevocably broken upon this betrayal, and you sought comfort elsewhere. You began new relationships with these older women? This way, you're not a cheating bastard, or a wronged fool. You're a smart, vulnerable young man taking his life back. Getting a little bit of revenge. Having a little bit of fun. Sure, it's imperfect, but it's better than the alternative."

"I don't know..." said Chad, not liking the sound of this.

"Well, then, you're the guy who was taken advantage of by the church, by your wife, by everyone, who is also a guy that only fucks older women," Cordelia stated bluntly. "I'm sorry to be rude, but you'll be a point of ridicule for your naivety, and not only that... frankly, it's not a good look for a guy like you. I imagine these available women will dry up upon hearing what an easily deceived dope you've been. Your marriage will be shot, your dating prospects will be shot... and you'll be made fun of by the public at large. You need to make a choice before things reach that point."

Really? Was his public persona really in that much trouble if the truth came out as it stood.

"Chad, it's not a point of shame to fuck older women. I've read articles about how it's this growing type of thing, a sheik, fashionable pairing, and seeing some of the women you got, I imagine you'll just get atta-boys and slaps on the back for what you did if you play this right," Cordelia asserted confidently. "And to be honest, as someone who has watched both of these sex-tapes...your performance was rather impressive. I say, lean into it. It will salvage your public perception, your career, your future, your life. You can come out of this as sympathetic. A hero."
