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That thing was to stop by a gym and purchase a membership. Chris considered where to start. Due to his job, Charley had good upper body strength, but no wind and no stamina. His agility was nil, due in a large part to the fat around his middle, and she shuddered to think what his cholesterol count was. That was all she needed, to have him have a heart attack from exertion when she confronted the killer, They certainly were not going to indulge in Tae-Kwon-Do, her favorite workout. By the time she had changed clothes, carefully ignoring the fact she was surrounded by half-naked men, she had decided that she would start with the treadmill.

God, it was even worse than she thought. Five minutes and Charley was gasping for breath. They weren't even running. She pushed him, keeping his pulse elevated to the right level and gave him a good, if limited, workout. She returned to the locker room and decided to take a shower here before going home.

That wasn't the greatest idea she had ever had, Chris decided five minutes later. After all, she had never been in a man's shower room before. Being surrounded by nude male bodies, some of which were QUITE attractive, was more than she had counted on. She closed her eyes, concentrated, washed up as quickly as possible, and fled as soon as she could.

Angela was quite surprised to have Charley home at a reasonable hour, even though he fell asleep watching TV. Dinner was good, Angela making an only slightly barbed comment about "Wasn't it nice to eat it hot for a change". Chris just smiled in return and agreed.

The next morning was almost as bad as the first. This time, instead of a hangover though, the pain was caused from the previous day's workout. A couple of hastily swallowed aspirins helped though along with the coffee, as well as a chance to actually relax a bit and talk with Angela over breakfast.

As Charley drove to work, Chris thought over what she had observed so far. Getting Charley in shape was going to be work, but was something that could be accomplished. Knitting the gap between Charley and Angela was going to be harder. the morning conversation had been pleasant, but impersonal. There didn't seem to be any real connection between the two people. It was as though they were simply sharing the same house, the same bed. Well, nothing good ever came easy.

Charley staggered away from the health club that afternoon, mentally protesting at the sudden drive to get him in shape and wondering where the impetus was coming from. Still, it did feel better to wake up without the usual headache. Even the aches and pains from the exercise that somehow he seemed almost compelled to do seemed to be lessening. And he admitted that Angela wasn't on his case all the time.

Saturday morning came and Charley cut the grass around their small two bedroom tract house and made some minor repairs that Angela asked him to do. Asked him, Charley noted, not nagged him. Not even when he took a break in the hottest part of the day and watched the baseball game and had a couple of beers, the first he had all week he realized. Well, he smiled, that might make tonight even better than usual.

Chris had been content to simply sit back and watch. She HAD made Charley drink water when he got hot while mowing the grass but that had been about it. She had wondered what the building excitement was all about, but had not delved into Charley's thoughts. It wasn't until bedtime when Chris realized what had Charley excited was that Saturday night was his and Angela's "Do It" night.

"Oh CRAP! Okay, calm down Christina," she thought. "Maybe this isn't so bad. Think of it as a learning experience. Something to reflect on, experience the other side. Find out what you could have done for Jack to increase his pleasure."

Resolutions were all very good, but Chris nearly screamed for Seth to get her out of this body when she felt Charley's cock start to stiffen. She looked down in amazement as it grew. She felt dizzy. Well, no wonder, as the amount of blood it must take to engorge this thing couldn't leave much at the top.

Then Charley was rolling on top of Angela, who spread her legs and guided him into her as the couple kissed. Chris made a mental note that Charley's kissing left a good bit to be desired, but at least it was enthusiastic. She could feel Angela's body moving under Charley. It felt good to feel her rounded and soft curves. Quite different from Jack's firm and lean body. Her mouth tasted different also. And the feel of Angela's pussy engulfing Charley's cock. No wonder guys like this so much. It really felt good.

Charley heaved up and down, moaning and gasping as he thrust into Angela. Chris noted that Charley felt increased excitement that he was able to move faster and with more vigor than last week. Angela seemed to be responding also, verbally and physically. Then Charley was yelling and Chris shuddered herself in the throes of her first male orgasm. Shared though it was, it felt damn good too.

Angela had cried out and bucked wildly under Charley and told him how good he was. Chris snorted. "Fake an orgasm there much honey?" She herself hadn't done that in years and even then she was better at it than Angela was. But Charley didn't seem to notice and fell asleep shortly afterwards. Chris slept when Charley slept somehow, but tonight she stayed awake after he was snoring. That allowed her to notice when Angela slipped from the bed and snuck into the bathroom. Straining, Chris could hear squishing sounds and figured Angela was finishing herself off.

No wonder, she admitted to herself. That wasn't much. basically no foreplay, no cuddling and not much time in the saddle either. okay, she was really going to have to work on this. But, she searched Charley's memory, it wasn't all his fault. Maybe Angela wasn't getting much, but she wasn't helping either. She needed to be a bit more vocal in letting him know what pleased her. She sensed Charley WANTED to sexually satisfy his wife but didn't know how.

Sunday morning came. After breakfast Angela got ready for church. Charley didn't usually go with her, but Chris figured that not only was this a good opportunity for the couple to spend some time together but she herself darn well needed it.

Good Catholic girl (well, mostly she reminded herself) that she was, Chris was unaccustomed to the Protestant church that the couple attended but sat back and enjoyed the service. She reminded herself that the roads to God were many, that no one denomination had a lock on heaven by itself. And Angela was happy that Charley was with her.

The next week passed, and then the next. After a while they seemed to blur together, as Chris felt herself doing with Charley. She now thought of the body as "Theirs" rather than "His". Charley was working out at the gym of his own accord now. He had never been an athlete, but he had been active when younger and he enjoyed getting back into shape. Angela also enjoyed Charley's increased vigor. Chris had been subtlety coaching Charley on how to please a woman. Not a lot at any one time. She had to laugh, thinking what Angela's reaction might be if Charley suddenly began to act on everything that Chris wanted him to learn.

First she instructed him in foreplay, how to use his lips and his fingers to excite his wife. She taught him where to touch her. She admitted that the first time Charley went down on Angela she almost started running again. After all, what Charley felt she felt, and the sensation of their shared tongue dipping inside of a woman was just about too much for her straight, church-going self to handle. But she did.

The biggest thing she managed to do was to get Charley to talk to Angela about their sex life, to ask her how she felt and what she wanted to do. To Charley's surprise, she confessed that she had always wanted to try oral sex on him, but had always worried that he would think her some kind of slut for suggesting it.

Charley was so excited by the idea that Chris couldn't understand how he could possibly be conscious. His cock had grown to a size matched only by one she had caught a glimpse of in the shower at the gym. He stretched out and Angela bent over him.

Good GOD. Charley let out a moan that rattled the windows when Angela's mouth slid over his raging hardon. Chris chimed in silently. No wonder guys loved this. No wonder Jack always had a grin on his face when she suggested this, or simply surprised him by blowing him. The sensations were incredible. It felt completely different than she remembered when Jack went down on her.

Angela was a bit clumsy, but determination kept her going even when it looked like she was about to pass out from lack of air. She never stopped, not even when Charley warned her about the buildup that was about to explode. Indeed, she rammed her head down even farther on the straining shaft and rode Charley's squirms and upheavals as his balls emptied themselves in Angela's mouth. After a pause to recover the duo (or was it a trio Chris wondered?) made love, slowly, sweetly, attending to each other's needs.

Of course things weren't always smooth sailing. Sometimes Chris wanted to pound BOTH Charley and Angela's heads together. She also forgot sometimes she was in a male body that didn't move the same way her original one did. Not only did she get an occasional bump and bruise, she once got Charley to attempt a position that she as Christina had strained to get into and Angela seriously thought she was going to have to call the paramedics when his back went out. But she persevered.

One day on the way home from the gym, Chris noticed a sign in front of a stand-alone building in the local mall's parking lot. Intrigued, she got Charley to slow down and take a look. The sign advertised couple's ballroom dancing lessons.

Chris had always loved to dance. It was something in common that she and Jack had discovered during their courtship. She missed it. Granted, the majority of their dancing had been to country music, two-stepping and line dancing. Chris had briefly considered trying to get Charley and Angela interested in that, but had discarded the plan almost immediately. What if she ran into Jack? She wanted her husband to be happy but the thought of him dancing with someone else was too much to bear, let alone the idea of him doing other things. But now this different type of dancing might be fun.

Charley broached the subject and Angela threw her arms around him and nearly carried him off to the bedroom right there and then. The next evening they went down and enrolled. Chris was relieved to discover instructor didn't go in for fancy dress ideas. The thought of being in a tux was a little more than she was willing to accept. Shared body or not, Chris felt she was and always would be female, and some things were just not going to go down with her.

The classes were fun. Charley was much more agile then before and Angela kept up with him step for step. The closeness between Angela and Charley was wonderful. Chris felt that no matter what happened in the near future, in this part of her mission she had succeeded.

The other part weighed heavily on her mind as the months went by and it became October. She shifted her efforts in the gym to kick-boxing, sparing with several other novices and improving rapidly. Then, finally, it was the night before All Hallows Eve.

When Charley had arrived home, Angela met him at the door with a huge kiss and a hug. Pulling him inside she fairly danced around the room.

"Guess what?"


"We've been invited to compete in a competition tomorrow night at the studio. There will be other couples with about our same level of experience. Won't that be great?"

"Oh, my, yes." Chris was in full control right now. Giving Angela a smile that she hoped wouldn't be recognized as phony, she rushed into the bathroom.

"Seth!" she whispered fiercely

"What is it Chris?" asked the black clad man as he appeared beside her.

"Tomorrow night, Angela wants Charley to go to a dance contest with her! Shouldn't I, we, be out searching the city?"

"Where are you going to look Christina?" asked Seth.

"I don't know."

"Then don't worry about it." For the first time he touched her and she felt his calm peacefulness. "Take no care for tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself." He was gone.

She quickly Walked back to the living room, finding Angela there, trying to stifle tears. Charley took her in his arms and kissed her. "Of course we're going,' he smiled. "Don't be silly."

Angela wrapped her arms around Charley's neck and kissed him. there was no subtlety in her movements, her tongue was in his mouth and she rubbed her body against his. Chris felt the instant stirring in Charley's groin that never ceased to amaze her. He picked his wife up and carried her to the bedroom, shedding his clothing as he went. Standing her beside the bed, Charley slowly stripped Angela of her clothing next, pausing to kiss and savor each new part of Angela's body as it was revealed, from her white neck all the way down to the curve of her calves. He scooped her up in his arms and lifted her into the air. Responding, Angela wrapped her legs around her husband and lowered herself onto his jutting shaft.

Chris' head swam. The sensations were incredible. She had grown accustomed to feeling with Charley's body, sensing what he sensed and incidentally enjoying what he felt. But when Charley turned and fell backwards onto the bed with Angela impaled on his cock she almost passed out from the sheer pleasure of that. Angela's weight buried Charley completely inside her and she arched and let out a strangled moan of delight. She braced her knees on either side of Charley and began to ride him.

Charley was going crazy. Angela was going crazy. Christina was completely lost in the actions of Charley's body. She wasn't guiding Charley, not any longer, she was one with him and glorying in the strength of the male body she was sharing and the delight of satisfying the woman on top.

"Charleyyyyyyy," cries Angela. "Fuck me, oh FUCK me darling. Oh GOD you feel so good." She bounced harder and harder on him, her face twisted in glee. Charley grasped her hips and pulled down hard, thrusting up into his wife with all his new found strength. The couple moaned, cried, called each other's names and when their orgasm took them, when Charley flooded every inch of Angela's womb with his cum, there was no faking the wild exultation they both felt.

They slept late the next day. Charley had called early in the morning to arrange to take the day off and then collapsed back into bed with his wife. that afternoon they simply relaxed before showering, together, and preparing for the dance contest. They arrived a few minutes early. Charley guided Angela around several taped off areas where the pavement was being repaired. They carefully warmed up as the music started. Dance pair after pair performed and then it was their turn.

As the dance went on, it seemed to Chris that she was drawing away from Charley somehow. It was Charley who was moving to the music, who was spinning Angela around. He, not her, was reveling in the speed and grace of Angela's movements and the response of his body to his wife was all him. Chris felt almost like an observer now. Still inside Charley and feeling what he did, she was no longer the one in control. She was just watching.

The music rose to its climax. Charley spun Angela away, then back to him, He dropped to one knee and she stretched out over him. Her arms reached past her and one leg rose. She laid across his thigh, trusting completely on the support of it and of his arm under her back to keep her from falling.

The music ended. there was a moment of silence, then applause. The couple rose and Charley crushed Angela in his arms before he bowed and she curtsied to their friends and fellow dancers.

When they left, over an hour later, they walked out of the dance studio with Angela clinging to Charley's arm and beaming up at him. For his part he couldn't seem to keep his hands off her. All he wanted to do was touch her and hold her. When they reached their car he swept her up into a long kiss.

The kiss was broken by a scream. The couple looked around and saw a young woman running across the parking lot, a dark figure in pursuit. Automatically, Charley shoved Angela through the car door he had just unlocked, tossed in the keys, and slammed the door.

"Stay in the car and call 911," he shouted as he took off across the parking lot. Neither the fleeing woman nor the man chasing her noticed him until he slammed into the pursuer with his shoulder, both men tumbling to the ground. He bounced back to his feet and then froze for a moment as the other man produced a long knife.

"Get out of my way," the dark figured screamed.

Chris tried frantically to take control. "Don't freeze up," she tried to cry mentally to Charley. It was no use. Chris no longer had any semblance of power over Charley's body. it was all up to him.

Charley came unstuck. "Fuck you," he shouted defiantly. "Pick on someone your own size you bastard."

The man made a swipe at Charley, who dodged the blow handily. The two men circled. The man with the knife cast frantic glances past Charley, who never took his attention way from the knife-wielder. He assumed the woman had fled towards the dance studio and tried to keep himself between the madman and her, and also between him and Angela.

The man made several more feints and passes at Charley, moving the knife in circles. He thrust and when Charley jumped back, he found himself teetering on the edge of one of the holes dug in the concrete. The knife wielder grinned and lunged.

"NO!" came a scream. The man paused and looked away as Angela continued. "Charley. Catch!" He turned just in time to pick a flying piece of rebar out of the air as his wife threw it to him. She shrank back and the killer turned his attention back to her.

"You should have stayed out of this," he snarled. "I would have simply done the other one, but now you'll do instead."

Charley caught his balance. "The Hell you will." He dove forward towards his wife, swinging the metal construction rod. The killer tried for Angela but Charley was between them. He used the rebar like a sword, driving the man back.

There was a distant boom of a church bell. The clock was striking midnight. The killer threw caution to the winds, desperately trying to get past Charley. Catching the sight of Angela out of the corner of his eye, Charley was roused to fury. The man took his eyes away for one moment to look at Angela and Charley swung the bar with every ounce of strength. Without a sound, the man fell to the ground, his skull crushed.

Chris felt light-headed, even as the rebar fell from Charley's hand and he rushed to take Angela in his arms. Then she was no longer in Charley, instead standing there with Seth beside her. She looked at the angel.

"Well done Christina." he complimented.

"But I didn't do anything," she objected. "It was all Charley."

"Yes, but had you not guided him on the path you did, he would have not even been here, much less have been able to take the actions he did." The two watched as police cars, an ambulance and even a TV van arrived. Chris watched the blonde female she remembered as one of the hosts of the early show begin to interview Charley. Well, some things change. She scanned the responding police officers, looking for someone she knew.

"Now Chris, come on, none of that," reproved Seth. Chris blushed, or would have had she been capable of it. It was NOT easy having someone around who knew what you were thinking. "It's time for us to go."

"Will Charley be alright?" Chris inquired as the parking lot faded away.

"Better than alright," smiled Seth. "He and Angela risked their lives for each other, and for a stranger. They will spend their lives together and their children will be an important part in the scheme of things to come." He studied Chris. "Are you ready for your next step?"