Country In-Laws


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"Thank both of you for having me here. I want to be part of the family so don't treat me like a guest."

Phil spoke up, "Don't you worry, there is more than enough work to keep you busy for the next year."

The first week went smoothly. Jill fit right in with them. Ann left early each morning to teach and Phil left soon afterwards to see about the daily running of the ranch. The three of them were the only ones on the ranch. During the planting and harvest season he hired contract labor but the rest of the time he did his own work. If he needed help he called his brother and he would come over and help. Phil would return the help when his brother had a need.

Ann was glad to have her with them. Jill took care of the cleaning and cooking so she didn't have to do that when she got home. Besides the sex with Phil had really picked up since Jill came. Ann wasn't a fool; she knew where his mind was during the sessions. She didn't care, as she was the one reaping the benefits.

Jill really liked being out here in the country. She had never been out of the city before and the wide-open spaces trilled her. She had never been one to party so she didn't miss that at all.

She had really been missing Scott. He finally managed to call and let her know he was all right. "How or you getting alone with the folks?"

"Great. They have really made me welcome."

"That's good, they can be a little different sometimes."

He didn't bother to tell her what he meant by different. The call, as welcome as it was, just made her miss him that much more. She hadn't realized how much she would miss have him loving her each night. Her body felt so empty without his big cock filling her up. Her fingers attempted to take his place but only made it that much worse.

The one thing that bothered her at first, but she now looked forward to, was the morning greeting she received each morning from Phil. Each morning he hugged her tight to his body and kissed her. Each kiss was always right on her mouth. It didn't matter if Ann was in the room or not he was going to kiss her when she came into the room. He also did Ann the same way. Phil was in heaven having the two prettiest women in the county living under the same roof with him.

Ann noticed the way Jill was uncomfortable with the hugging and kissing. "Don't worry about Phil. He thinks he is the ruler of this place and all females or under his control." She laughed, "I just let him think that." She turned away and then turned back to Jill. "I don't mind if he is kissing you, so if you don't care then just enjoy it. He is pretty good at it."

From that time on when ever he greeted her she lifted her mouth to his for her kiss. If Ann were around she would turn and wink at her. She loved being with Phil and Ann, even when his hand would slide across her hips as he passed through the kitchen. It was starting to be a fun year.

During the day, after the chores were finished, Jill would go down to the barn and see if Phil needed any help. Often he needs someone just to hold a board while he cut it. She enjoyed being around him. He was so much like Scott that she often thought she was back at home. He picked out a horse for her. "This mare is real gentle. She is yours while you are here." He showed her how to saddle the mare and helped her into the saddle. Jill thought he enjoyed touching her ass a little to much as he lifted her up. Like the kissing this soon became the normal way of doing things.

She would ride with him across the ranch sometimes. He showed her the different pastures and watering holes. The one most interesting was the swimming hole that they had used for years before the pool was put in. The streambed was dammed up and the water was neck deep at the deepest part. "We use to use this all the time but now we use the pool. The water is warmer than this spring fed pool."

Phil surprised her by riding his horse out in the middle of the lake. "What are you doing?"

"Just cooling the horse down. Come on out here."

Jill looked at Phil and he had his feet up on the saddle so his boots wouldn't get wet. She headed Maude towards Phil and picked up her legs, as the water got deeper. The water was up on the mare's stomach when she reached Phil. Jill had never done anything like that before.

"We usually just strip off and ride the horses out here and go swimming."

"Without swim suits?"

"Sure, now who is going to see way out here. Want to strip and go swimming?"

Jill was shocked that he had said it so casual; like it was something they did everyday. "I don't think so, but if you like just go ahead."

Phil reached for his shirt and started unbuttoning it. It flustered Jill to think he was about to undress. She turned the mare and with her feet up she loss her balance and fell into the cold water. The water took her breath away as she came back to the top. The next thing she knew Phil was next to her in the water. He pulled her up and helped her back on Maude. Of course he managed to cop a feel of her tits while he helped her.

Jill was setting back in the saddle shaking as Phil stood in the water and laughed at her. "What do you think is so funny?"

"The way you decided to go swimming all by yourself."

"I didn't go swimming, I fell in."

"You should have left your clothes on the bank, now you have to ride all the way back to the house in those wet clothes."

Jill realized that it was pretty funny after the shock of the cold water was over. She saw where Phil's eyes were looking and she glanced down and saw that the blouse did nothing to cover her wet breasts. Her nipples were rock hard from the cold water and the wet blouse let the shape of them show through. There wasn't anyway to hide them from him so she turned the horse and left the pool.

Her face was red even with her back turned to him. He joined her as the horses left the pool. "What made you fall anyway?"

"I thought you were going to strip and go swimming and I was getting out of there."

"I was only going to wet my shirt to help cool off. Now we are both wet and have to ride home all wet."

Back at the barn she dismounted. The ride back had dried the blouse some but it still didn't hide her hard nipples from him. He didn't even try to hide the look in his eyes from her. She couldn't wait to get to the house and some dry clothes. She tied up the mare and headed to the house.

"Where are you going?"

"To get on some dry clothes."

"The first rule around here is you have to take care of your horse first. Then you can go take care of yourself."

Angrily she stomped back to the mare and led her to the barn. Her tits were pressed against her damp blouse. She didn't care if he watch them are not. She unsaddled the horse and put her up with a hand full of hay.

Phil was doing the same with his horse. He watched every move she made. Being mad she didn't try to hide the lovely tits from him. Those were about the nicest tits he had seen since Ann was her age. He finished before her and stood at the barn gate while she finished.

Jill finished and came out the barn door. He fell in step with her as they walked towards the house. "Are you still mad with me?"

She had long ago lost her feeling of being mad. She knew he had watched as she took care of the horse. He had gotten more than just a glimpse of her tits during that time. She found herself liking his interest as she had the men that Scott had her tease. "I'm not mad now, she added."

He laughed and moved closer to her. He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her next to him. Jill was only a few inches shorter than he was and she fit right under his arm. He bumped her hip with his and she returned the bump. They did it several more times, laughing as they neared the house.

They were almost to the back porch when he spoke again. I sure am glad you fell in the water."

"Why are you glad I fell in the water. Now we both are wet and cold."

She looked at where is eyes were looking and knew why he was glad she got wet. "You are a dirty old man." She said it with a smile in her eyes. He knew that she was joking.

He laughed and let his hand drop down and cover her tit over the wet blouse she had on. "Best view I've had in years."

Jill was surprised by his action, but she was even more surprised that it didn't upset her that he was touching her tit. She just reached up and took his hand in hers and removed it from her tit. She held his hand so he wouldn't be tempted to touch her breasts again.

In the house she started to her room and he called her back. She turned back towards him. "Jill, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed being with you today. I would never do anything you didn't want to do."

"I had fun today also. Even getting wet wasn't that bad."

He pulled her tight to his body just as he did each morning. He leaned down to kiss her and she raised her face to him. She expected the kiss to be as usual but when his lips met hers his lips were slightly parted and his tongue pushed gently against her closed mouth.

It had been a couple of weeks since Scott had been gone and she missed having him kissing her. When Phil pushed against her lips she let it slip open and let his tongue slide inside her mouth. The feeling from his tongue as he moved it slowly about her mouth went straight to her cunt. She could feel the heat from her cunt spread across her entire body. Her arms went around his neck and she pulled him closer and tighter to her open mouth.

For a moment Jill lost all rational thought. It was Scott she was kissing and moving her hips against his hard cock. Then reality sat in. She opened her eyes and found it was her father-in-law she was kissing. She was filled with conflicting emotions. She knew she had to stop but at the same time he was giving her something she had really been missing. It was his hands that caressed her ass that made her break away. "I got to get cleaned up." She slipped out of his arms and went to her room.

The warm shower felt good as she stood under the hot water. Her fingers felt even better as they slid in and out of her wet cunt. It was going to be a long year. Phil looked too much like his son for her to be so close to him. It was going to be a one-person battle because she knew that Phil would take her to bed whenever she said the word.

The first few days she had been with them they would grill out by the pool nearly every night. One night after eating they sat around having a few drinks when Phil suggested taking a swim. Jill was all for it. She headed to her room to get the new suit Scott had bought. Putting it on she wondered how her in-laws were going to react when she came out in it.

She didn't need to worry. They were both in swimsuits. The one Phil had was much like the one Scott usually wore. It was tight and showed a large lump in his crotch. Ann's was also a one piece. It wasn't as sexy as Jill's but it was just as revealing.

They swam around for a while and Ann came by Jill. "Ann the tag is still on your suit. You must have just gotten it."

"Both of us went out and bought a suit when we knew you were coming. Out here we don't need a suit. The only ones that ever visit are Paul, Phil's brother, and his family. They never have any suits either so we just all undress and jump in. There is not a lot of modesty in this family."

"Sorry to be the one that made you get the suits."

"Don't worry about it. If you get ready to toss your suit then just go ahead. I am sure Phil wouldn't mind. She thought about this as she finished her shower and went back to the kitchen to fix dirrer for Ann when she got home. Phil had gone back to the barn.

Either Jill or Phil said nothing, about what happened at the lake or when they reached the house to Ann. Ann took one look at Phil and knew something happened out of the ordinary that day.

In bed that night he was all over her. He had been hard ever since he had kissed Jill and she had responded to him. He moved over Ann and she spread to let him come in. He pushed quickly and she stopped him. "Slow down big boy. What has come over you tonight?"

"Nothing, just horny I guess."

"I can just bet what has you so horny. You must have got pretty close to her young cunt to have you in such a hurry. I know you didn't get any because you are to hard."

He slowed down but continued to work his cock in her cunt. After all these years she still had a hot tight cunt that he never grew tired of. Not many people lived in the valley except kinfolk. What company they had was mostly Paul and Joan and when Scott and Amy were at home. Amy was away in school and Paul and Joan were now alone. Now Jill had come on the scene. It was hard not to think what it would be like to have her wrap her long legs around his body.

The thought started him moving faster. His cock was working her cunt over good and she forgot what she had asked him. All too soon they were both cumin as she lifted her cunt to him as he pushed deeper in her hot body.

They lay in each other's arms as they recovered. "Want to tell me about your day now?"

Phil knew that Ann knew him like a book. He had never been able to keep a secret from her. He told her about the day and Jill falling off the horse. How her big tits were almost naked and even about the kiss before they showered. He knew that Ann wasn't the lest bit jealous about him and Jill. They along with Paul and Joan had spent many an hour fucking together. He also knew that the one afternoon she was late getting home each week was spent in the coach's office. It was Ann that taught Scott how to please a woman. Out here in the country you took sex where you found it.

"A year is a long time. She will come across if Scott did his job right, and I can bet you he did it right."

"I hope you are right. She keeps my cock hard all the time. Her nipples are always hard and sticking through her shirt."

"I bet it was Scott's idea to do away with the bra. Wonder if she wears panties." The talk had him hard again and he moved once again to claim his hot wife. Thank goodness he had an understanding wife.

What neither one realized was they had been in such a hurry that they didn't pull the blinds.

Jill couldn't sleep and had walked out on the porch by the pool and set down in a chair to think. This time it wasn't about Scott, but Phil. Scott was half way across the world and Phil was right here with her. She was pretty sure that Scott wouldn't worry if she had an affair while he was gone, but the only male in miles was his father. What would he think about that? She also didn't want to hurt Ann.

The light went out across the way in Ann and Phil's bedroom. Only a light from the bedside lamp lit the room. Jill watched as first Ann and then Phil moved to the bed naked. Ann was still a beautiful woman and her body was tight and compact. Then when Phil moved into view her eyes left Ann completely. His cock was standing up hard and pointing towards his chest. Never had she seen such a cock. Scott's cock had been huge which she knew from watching the porno movies. Phil was bigger than anything she had seen in the movies.

She was so fascinated that she watched as he slid deep in his wife's cunt. She got up and moved even closer as she watched in a trance as he pushed his monster cock in his wife. How could she ever take such a huge dick in her small body? Ann couldn't be more than five feet tall and one hundred pounds but she took all he had.

Jill watched as he slowed down for a while before speeding up and them cumin together. As they finished she moved back to her chair. Her fingers were up under her gown as she went to work on her cunt. She closed her eyes as she pictured Phil over her and putting that huge cock in her body.

Jill climaxed with her fingers and when she opened her eyes Ann and Phil were at it again. How could the old folks get it so hard so quick?" Her fingers went to work again. When they climaxed Jill was right with them. She decided right then that she was going to check out their window every night.

For the next few days she tried to make sure that she wasn't alone with Phil very much. He still kissed her each morning and usually as she left for bed each night. She found out that the blind was seldom closed anymore. Ann realized the next morning after the talk she had with Phil that it was only going to be a short time until the two of them got together. She decided to help it along by leaving the blinds open each night. Not many women could resist trying a cock as big as Phil's. She felt like Jill would not be an exception.

She tried to stay away from their window but each night found her back out on the porch waiting for the bedroom light to come on. The sight of his huge cock all ways brought her to a climax.

She hadn't seen much of Phil except at meal times and she had started missing him. She had enjoyed the time she helped him around the ranch. She picked up the box of cookies she had baked that morning and headed down to the barn expecting to find him there.

Phil wasn't anywhere around and his horse was gone. She figured he was riding the fence line as he did at least once a week. She decided to join him and ride with him.

She saddled Maude and headed out towards the back pastures. She didn't have any idea where he may have been going. The places he had taken her to before were empty. She gave up on finding him and turned back towards the ranch.

Then she recognized the stream where she had fallen in before. She rode towards it. The idea of a cold swim on the hot day seemed better as she got closer. She was about to round the corner of the rock out cropping when she heard a big splash. She stopped the horse and listened and then she heard it again.

Jill got down from Maude and moved around the rock. She stopped when she saw Phil swimming in the cold water. She knew he must be nude since he would never wear a swimsuit out here. She felt her tits getting hard at the thought of spying on her father-in-law without him knowing.

She watched as Phil swam back to his horse. He climbed on the horses back and stood up on his back and dove in the water. That was what she heard at first.

She watched as her naked father-in-law dove from the horses back several times. His cock wasn't hard as the cold water kept it down. Still it was a tremendous cock that looked like it would reach his knees. She thought he could make a good living in porno movies. A cock like that should bring top dollar.

Watching him she had let her hand slide down inside the low cut jeans and touch her cunt. It was fun to be touching her cunt and watching him at the same time.

Then the fun ended. She had been caught. She looked down and Maude was standing next to the lake. All Phil had to do was look in that direction and know she was out here. There wasn't any way to get to Maude without Phil seeing her.

Phil looked up and saw Maude next to the water drinking. It had to be Jill that was riding her but she wasn't around. He searched the rocks and saw a glimpse of her shirt hiding in the rocks. He was standing in the water and all his privates were hidden. It didn't bother him that Jill had caught him naked. All he wanted was to see her the same way.

"Jill." He called. "You may as well come on out. Your horse is out here and it is too far to walk home. Come on out now."

Jill knew that she didn't have a choice. She had to go get her horse. She moved back and down the rocks until she was on flat ground. She swallowed her pride and walked around the rocks to the water's edge. She caught Maude and turned her away from the water. She would have left without saying anything if he had not spoken.

"What are you doing out here?"

She turned back towards him. I was looking for you but then when I couldn't find you I thought I might come out here for a quick swim."