Confessions of a Fledgling Flasher Pt. 02


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"Oh dear." I tried to sound as perplexed and innocent as I could. "I'm sure this isn't right. I'm so sorry, Mr. Taylor. Could you please show me the correct position again? I'll really try to remember it this time."

He grinned so sweetly; he must have had the patience of a saint, even if all I wanted were the hands of a devil. "Of course, Jenny Lynn. Here, let me help you. Remember what I told you about the danger of cramping if your torso is positioned at a bad angle to the pedals." He actually patted me on the bottom. "Just be still, and we'll take our time and get it right this time."

I was so into the game I hoped I wasn't being too subtle and indeed he was getting the message I was trying to convey. I mean, after all, I had never, ever done anything quite like this before. Being older and more experienced, perhaps Mr. Taylor had, but I doubted it. This time when I leaned forward onto the handlebars, he firmly grasped my butt with both hands, even burying his thumbs deeply into the crease where the strip of my thong ran down between my cheeks. Then to my extreme delight, while leaving his left hand on my cheek, he drew the center finger of his right hand down along the crack between each of my cheeks. Leaving no doubt as to his intent, he paused for just a few lusciously long heartbeats with the tips of his fingers pressed to the wedge of velvety fabric where it emerged from between the bottom of my bare butt. Then ever so slowly, and much to my delight, he slid his fingers up between the open spread of my legs and curled them up so he was cupping the fabric of my thong centered between my legs.

This was another next step, that next plateau. Pretense was pretense, and for the fun of the game we could both continue to act as if I was just his daughter's innocent friend, and we were both only interested in my receiving a proper workout. Yet the delicious reality was I was standing astride off of the saddle, my butt, for all intents and purposes was naked, and Mr. Taylor had his fingers exactly where I craved for them to be. While standing astride the pedals, I was now basically sitting my bare bottom down upon his palm. Bent over with my elbows on the handlebars, when I looked down, I could actually see his hand cupping the front of the wedge of fabric centered between my legs, and I couldn't help but gasp from the pleasure of him being so bold as to reach in from behind and touch me everywhere up between my legs.

Mr. Taylor made no move to withdraw either of his hands, and when I looked up, I saw him look me in the eyes. "Do you feel that, Jenny Lynn?"

I could have replied with, 'Are you kidding? Of course I'm feeling your hand cupping my pussy!' Yet not able to find my voice, I simply nodded.

With his eyes still on mine, he drew back his hand slightly, and then using his three middle fingers he actually pressed deeply into the thin strip of fabric covering my vagina. "This is how you need to feel the saddle when you sit on it."

With my heart up in my throat and pounding in my ears, his voice sounded strained, but it could have just been me. Dropping my eyes again, my heart skipped a beat when I saw him slide his hand back up between the spread of my legs and then once again firmly cup the front of my pussy. His left hand still on my bare left cheek, and his right hand now centered between the spread of my legs, when I looked back up and again met his eyes, my throat had gone so dry, all I could manage to do was to croak, "Yes, Mr. Taylor. I definitely feel that."

Ever so slowly, and while still looking me in the eyes, Mr. Taylor slid back his hand. Then holding onto my hips, he helped me position myself down on the seat correctly. I was so excited, Mr. Taylor could have ordered me to get down, told me to take off my leotard, then bent me over one of his machines and plunged himself inside me. Right now, at this very moment, I would have done absolutely anything he wanted. Anything at all. Yet I absolutely loved every second of what he was doing, and my pussy was absolutely on fire.

After I had settled down on the seat and begun peddling, I had a flash of inspiration, which would serve well to advance us another step in our naughty little game. I'd only been peddling a short while when I reached up and began rubbing my shoulder around the strap of my leotard.

From where Mr. Taylor was standing off to my side, he noticed right off and was very concerned. "What's the matter, Jenny Lynn?"

"My leotard is chafing my skin. I'm not sure why, but it's very uncomfortable." Ceasing to pedal, I began rubbing my shoulder more vigorously. "It must be because the fabric is new."

In response, Mr. Taylor simply raised his eyebrows questioningly.

That he didn't say anything, only looked at me as he had was perfect. I took it that he was now leaving our next step to me. Since I had made a good show of demonstrating my growing discomfort, I turned my attention back to the machine and concentrated on working up an even stronger sweat. When I got off, I quickly reached down with both hands and tugged at the crotch area of my leotard. Naturally, Mr. Taylor' eyes eagerly followed my every move.

He stepped closer, his own face gone ruddy as if it was he was the one working out. "What's the matter, Jenny Lynn? It's not a cramp is it?"

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Taylor." I went so far as to run my thumb up under the fabric in the center of my crotch and pull the strip of cloth out much further than was necessary. "Now it's chafing me down here, too. You can't actually exercise when you're trying one of these things on in the store. There was no way I could have known it would be this uncomfortable."

"Would you like to stop now?" The disappointment darkening his voice was so real it almost hurt for me to see it in his face. "It'd be such a shame to quit now." Focused upon watching me tugging at the fabric between my legs, he didn't look up. "You haven't even really gotten started with learning most of the equipment. But you tell me what you want to do." Now, he made a point of looking me squarely in the eyes. "Remember, Jenny Lynn, if you ever say you want to stop what we're doing, we'll stop. If you become uncomfortable for any reason, you just tell me, and we will stop."

Hearing him say this was so sweet. Of course, I absolutely had no desire in the world to stop, but the sincerity of his concern for me was just the right thing to give me that gentle push over the edge.

"No! No!" Ceasing to tug at my crotch, I placed one hand on his shoulder and looked him back in the eye. "I really do want to learn everything you can teach me, Mr. Taylor. Anything, anything at all you want me to do, all you have to do is ask." I changed my tack slightly; confident he had received my message as surely as I had received his. "This is really important to me. I need to get in shape as soon as I can, and I know using these machines will help me a lot."

He seemed satisfied. "Well, I hate to see you in so much discomfort. Do you have anything else you could change into?"

"No, I didn't bring anything else." I actually even threw in a pout as a measure of effect. "Darn it."

Mr. Taylor showed me that sly grin of his once again. "I don't suppose you'd want to borrow Mrs. Taylor' flannel nightgown like you did when you spent the night here before?"

Maybe I was a little slow, but it took me a moment to realize he was joking. When I realized he was only teasing, I definitely shook my head.

"Well, Jenny Lynn." He began rubbing his chin. "What'll we do?"

That was it. It really as all up to me now. It was time to go for broke. "Well..." Looking down, and wanting to make it look as though I was considering my options, I watched the tip of my shoe drag back and forth across the carpet. When I looked up, I swallowed back my throbbing heart, and came right out and said it. "Mr. Taylor, I know you've already as much as seen me naked when I was here the last time." Eye to eye, there fell such a deliciously long pause as we both envisioned at least one favorite scene during my previous visit. Even without sharing any words, taking a moment for the both of us to flash back and watch each other as we relived at least one of the memories we'd created together was unexpectedly intimate, but I felt compelled to press on. "So..." My foot was back to pawing a circle around and around on the carpet. "I really don't think there needs to be any false modesty between us." My foot stopped and so did my heart when I looked straight into his eyes and asked, "Would it embarrass you all too terribly if I were to take off my leotard, and I exercised without it?"

It was his turn to pause. And I have to admit, even at this stage in our game I was taking nothing for granted, and wasn't sure of what his answer might be.

"Why, uh, no, Jenny Lynn," finally, Mr. Taylor responded. "I'm pretty sure I could handle that. Remember what I said before, though. Are you absolutely sure this is something you want to do?"

"Oh yes, Mr. Taylor!" Revealing what an excitable young girl I was I even bounced up on my toes. "Yes, I do! I really want to win the hurdles this year, and I would like to be in good enough shape to win the first meet, which is only a few weeks away." Somehow, I knew it would be more fun if we still managed to keep up some sense of our pretense, and even as eager and willing as I was, I didn't entirely want to let that go. Perhaps it was my excitement talking, but immediately after I said what I said next, I knew it sounded silly. "It would be great if I could win so big my opponents will be afraid of me for the rest of the season."

Mr. Taylor was back to rubbing his chin again. Yet I was pretty sure I could tell he'd already made his decision last night, the moment he'd heard my voice on the phone and agreed that I could come over. "Well," dropping his hand from his chin, he nodded, "okay, Jenny Lynn." In an instant, he looked so serious and fatherly. "I just don't want you to do anything you're not completely comfortable with doing. Because to tell the truth, being so much older than you, I was a little afraid I might have gone a little too far and exceeded some boundaries the last time we found ourselves alone together."

"Oh, no, Mr. Taylor." Aware that he's the father of a daughter my own age and was taking a big risk simply by being alone with me, it was my turn to try to show him how serious I was. "You've never done anything I didn't want you to do. And I want you to know." With a quick flash of my hand across my chest, I crossed my heart. "I promise I would never do anything you wouldn't want me to do."

I'm sure he understood what I meant, because instantly that boyish gleam returned to his dark and beautiful eyes. "So," he cleared his throat, "you really don't have a problem with being naked in front of an old man?"

"You are NOT an old man, Mr. Taylor." Taking a step back, my excitement showed through. "And you are in really great shape."

He smiled. "Why thank you, Jenny Lynn. On both counts."

Without waiting for the remote possibility that Mr. Taylor might change his mind, I stepped back a couple of paces and then brought up my hands exactly as I had learned in the ballet classes I took when I was a little girl. As he stood only a few feet away watching me, hooking my thumbs up under the straps I lifted my leotard off from my shoulders and then down my arms and breasts. When my nipples popped out into view, they were as stiff as they were sensitive, and they became even more so as Mr. Taylor stood there giving me that sly grin. I know I had pretty much showed him all of me before, but still, it was so very exciting to be stripping naked in front of him; I took a little time to massage my shoulders and then even my breasts. It was so thrilling to have him just watch me; I grew so bold I even allowed my fingers play with my nipples and lightly pinch at the tips hoping I could make them stand up extra stiff and pert for him.

I was standing before him with the top of my leotard rolled down around my waist, when I let loose with a sigh of relief. "It feels so good to get that leotard off my shoulders, Mr. Taylor. I can't tell you how much it was bothering me."

He appeared about to say something, but I didn't hear anything come out. I was so eager to show him even more of me; I simply tugged the leotard down over my hips, enjoying the rush of cool air touching upon the wisps of dark blonde hair between my legs as my little triangle came into view. Though I was looking down at myself, I knew Mr. Taylor's eyes had followed down from my nipples to my pussy, which is exactly where I wanted his eyes to be. The leotard was quite wet, and all balled up I actually had to struggle to get it down off my hips and thighs and onto the floor. The effort was actually quite fun, as I knew my breasts were dangling away from me, and bending down and wiggling my hips served to enhance the overwhelmingly erotic feel of stripping myself naked in front of Kaylee's dad.

Finally, I just stepped out of my leotard and left it lying on the carpet. Wiggling around as I had getting it down my hips and off my thighs, I'd made sure to end up with my back to Mr. Taylor so I could enjoy the delicious sensation of having my bare ass sticking straight up, almost exactly as I had exposed myself to him while I was bent over in front of his refrigerator. Enjoying every second of it, there just simply is no sexy sensation to compare with those moments when I've just freshly bared my body to a man.

My cheeks on fire as much from my excitement as from bending over, I turned around to face him and then raised my hands up to either side of my shoulders with my palms up. "Well," when a little giggle slipped from my lips, luckily it sounded more girlish than nervous, "this is me."

For a few moments I just stood there soaking it all in and letting him have a good, long look. Then not waiting for him to ask me, though I would have absolutely loved it had he asked me to do it for him, I turned slowly around. When I stopped and presented him with a view of my bare bottom, even though out of the corner of my eye I could see him looking at me in a mirror to my side, something about having my back turned to him caused my excitement to surge. Right then, had he walked up behind me, reached around and cupped my breasts, and then pulled me up to him so my bare bottom pressed into that bulge I remembered feeling in his pants, I would have been in absolute heaven.

Turning back around, I showed him my happiest smile, then I bent down and snatched up my leotard off the floor, and with a girlish bounce in my step, I carried it into the bathroom and hung it over the shower curtain. Unexpectedly catching sight of myself naked in the mirror over the sink when I walked in was even more exciting than when I was in the bathroom not a half hour ago. Yet not wasting time, when I quickly came back out, it was everything I had hoped for to see Mr. Taylor so hungrily devouring my naked body with each and every step. As excited as I was, I knew my pussy lips and my pubic hair must be glistening with moisture, which I hoped Mr. Taylor could see and appreciate. For me, now that I was completely naked and my soaked pussy was so openly exposed, the slippery sensation between my legs as I walked was surely as titillating for me as looking at my pussy was for him. Of course, I had an agenda, too. Glancing down at his trousers, he must have repositioned his cock because I hadn't been able to see if he had an erection before, but now the bulge in his pants was pointing up at his waist and very prominent. It was then I thought of how much I would like to see it outside of his trousers, and with that thought alone the most delightful little shiver passed through me, and I became instantly even more moist up between my legs.

Easy as you please I walked up to stand before him, then put my hands behind the small of my back, simply enjoying being naked for the incredible rush it was. In the mirrors all around I could see us, and that too was so exhilarating. There we were, just a very naked and very eager young girl alone with her friend's father. I could see my own breasts, my nipples, and the little triangle of the darker blonde hair between my legs. From other reflections in other mirrors, I could see us in profile, and I could even see my own butt and my girlish ponytail hanging down my back. Truly an exhibitionist's dream come true, the entire sensation was so incredibly delicious. I just stood there for him, letting him feast his eyes while eating it all up myself. The atmosphere of sexual heat in that room was so real, it was as if I had never before felt so naked in all my life. The essence of what he and I were doing was pure thrill. I knew it right then as I will for the rest of my life, this is what sex feels like! You're standing totally naked in front of this man, Jenny Lynn. And, oh God! How much I like it!

Raising his hand to cough, Mr. Taylor broke the spell.

I was only dimly aware I was digging the toes of one foot into the carpet when finally I found my voice. "Is this okay with you, Mr. Taylor? You know. My being naked and all."

Mr. Taylor crossed his arms and then crossed them again, then uncrossed them and then finally shoved his hands down into his pockets. "Sure." Still unable to decide what to do with his hands, he brought his fist up to his mouth and cleared his throat. "Jenny Lynn..." Shaking his head as if lost in wonder, he never took his eyes off of me for a second. "You are truly a very beautiful and very sexy young lady."

Without another word, Mr. reached out as if to touch me. For a split second, my excitement spiked off the scale when I saw his hand move towards me. Right then, he could have wrapped me in his arms, pulled me down onto the floor, climbed on top of me and had his way with me however he liked. Or, he could have just touched me, toying with first one nipple and then the other while with his other hand he reached down and cupped me between my legs, slipping his middle finger deeply up inside me while watching my reaction in my eyes as he explored the deepest intimacies of my body. Whatever he wanted to do with me was what I wanted, too. Yet placing his hand on my shoulder, he steered me over to the next machine. It was then I realized maybe I should have waited until after this next machine to have found an excuse to have taken off my leotard. He led me over to a leg spreader called a hip abductor! It's the kind of machine meant to exercise the muscles of the groin and the inner thighs. To use it, you put your knees into the pads, then open and close your legs against the resistance of the weights. Of course, you don't do this only once. To receive the full benefit, you're supposed to repeat the process for ten, twenty, or even more repetitions!

Even just seeing the seat and thigh pads and realizing what I would look like mounted on such a machine, I was pretty sure the lips between my legs would end up spreading wide open, possibly even giving Mr. Taylor a clear view up into my vagina. Perhaps because I was still somewhat of a fledgling exhibitionist and only just learning, the thought of so openly exposing myself was almost overwhelming. Strangely, I felt embarrassed. Yet, too, doing something as audacious as to sit back and spread my legs wide in front of a mature man like Mr. Taylor was so exciting; I had never dared to imagine I could experience such a thrill without immediately having an orgasm.

As if in a daze, I willingly allowed Mr. Taylor to help position me in the machine. He was ever so flushed and his eyes stayed absolutely glued to my pussy as I straddled the seat and then sat down. I recall sitting there for a moment gathering my resolve, and when I actually did it, it didn't seem real. Lifting my thighs and spreading my legs apart, I placed both my knees up between the pads.