Christian College Sex Comedy Ch. 13


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"All that proves is that you are too stupid to know you are not wanted here," Rhaine spat.

"Who are you trying convince, Rhaine? I'm not alone and I have been welcomed by enough of the student body that the Chancellor is worried," I corrected her. "I think you should be asking yourself why they actually give a damn and you don't."

Our arrival at the Chancellor's office ended that conversation.

"I've got it from here," I joked to the ladies and the secretary. "I know the way."

I walked into the room, up to the Chancellor's desk, and bowed to Dr. Bass.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Bass," I grinned.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Braxton," she replied in a stony voice. "Is there a reason why you are trying to make my job easier?"

"You are over-worked and under-appreciated and I only want to help?" I suggested.

"Mmmhhh," she rumbled, "I was referring to you getting in a brawl and arrested last night."

"Technically, it was an ass-whooping, not a brawl. A brawl insinuates they actually had a chance against me," I joked. "I would hope my actions would have shown that your students know how to defend themselves and fight for the honor of our school," I added.

"I should have made that distinction when I sent the formal letters of academic probation to Hope Song's and Chastity's Adams' parents," the Chancellor gloated. "Your aunt received a notification as well."

I felt there was no need to ask how she knew who my companions were last night. I was going to know that soon enough.

"Cool. Is there anything else you need to tell me?" I grinned, which did nothing for her disposition.

"I wanted you to know that you are dragging more and more people down with you," she countered.

"Hmmm..." I stroked my chin. "I'm not sure what I'm on probation for but I'm definitely sure Chastity and Hope didn't break any laws or school rules; but knock yourself out."

"Any action that puts the school in a bad light, or actions of an immoral nature -- as defined by me -- are grounds for academic probation," the Chancellor quoted.

"Oh, well, if you are just going to make this shit up as you go along, why am I even here?" I wondered.

"I want you to keep up-to-date with the wreckage you create in the women's lives who have chosen to support you," she told me.

"Oh, please," I sighed. "You are a sadist, and a bitchy one at that. Your updates are pointless because we both know they didn't do anything and I'm not going to feel guilty because of your lack of principles."

"If you have finished wasting my time, I've got important things to do, Chancellor Bass," I said in a bored voice.

"You find this amusing, do you, Zane?" she responded with a sinister smile.

"No, but I'd rather not have to listen to you pretend you're clever or listen to you delude yourself that you are getting one up on me," I explained.

"Get out of my office, Mr. Braxton," she snapped.

"Have a nice weekend, Chancellor," I quipped, then turned and left. Rhaine, Joy, and Mercy were waiting for me when I got out.

"Well?" Rhaine asked.

"Academic probation," I shrugged.

"You can challenge that," Joy blurted out, then looked highly embarrassed.

"Thanks, Joy," I smiled at her. "How does that work?" Joy continued to look worried.

"An Academic Review Board goes over the conditions of your punishment to see if the situation justifies it," Rhaine informed me. "They are appointed by the Chancellor."

"Let me get this straight," I chuckled, "the Chancellor picks the people whose job it is to tell her she's done something improper or not? That's rich." The girls shrugged and we moved on. After that piece of news, I wasn't sure how to react, and I was still mulling things over when I got to Archery Club. I tried to apologize to Chastity but she laughed it off. I still owed her a date, or so she claimed.

Painless Acts and Re-enactments

Karate Club was a bit different this time; I was actually asked to instruct part of the class. After stretches and warm-ups, Coach Gorman asked me to help her recreate my fight of the previous day. I got to play Me, Gorman was 'the Talker', Wilhelmina was 'the Weasel' and Cappadocia got to be 'the Shy Guy'.

"Okay, girls, after Mr. Braxton put down Mercy Chaplain in ten seconds, I began to accept that while I was teaching you the fundamentals of the art of Karate, you might also need some practical experience in defending yourselves," Dana Gorman began.

"As most of you know, Mr. Braxton -- Zane -- was in a fight last night involving him and three opponents. He put two in the hospital overnight."

"Why did you do it, Zane?" Evangeline asked abruptly.

"Mr. Braxton was defending two fellow students," Dana answered for me. I'm not sure what inspired her to alter the retelling of events. "That really isn't relevant; what is important is that he was confronted with three opponents but won."

"Now, Zane, what was the situation," Dana asked.

"Okay, they followed us to the parking lot so we were fighting on asphalt. Our lead antagonist was about here," I positioned the Coach, "the toughest fighter was here," I positioned Willy, "and the third guy, who never got into the fight, was here," I set Cappy in place.

"How did things begin?" Coach led off.

"Once I knew there was going to be a fight..." I started.

"What made you decide that?" Dana interrupted.

"Umm...ah..." I looked to Dana for confirmation and she nodded. "They said they would sexually assault my two companions, then hunt down a few other women I knew. I took that threat to be credible."

"Then?" Coach prodded me.

"I noted their positions and aggressiveness. Cappy was not making eye contact or talking and I viewed him to be the weakest threat. I asked if he knew the name of the local hospital," I continued. "When I noticed Willy moving to the left, I switched from defense to offense."

"Two things," Coach noted: "Don't underestimate your ability to intimidate; don't use fists when words will do. Also, don't let numbers deter you, because skill and initiative count for more. Zane?"

"I struck Coach first with a blow to the chest," I related, as I mimicked the blow.

"Why that blow?" Dana led me on. She held my comment with a hand.

"I would have hit him in the gut," one student stated.

"Understandable, but now he is folding toward you," Dana responded. "Zane is fighting for space, so he hits him in the chest to give him some distance. That is why the initial moves by Willy were so important. While he moved to flank Zane, he also moved himself out of range to support the man in the middle. Know your place in a fight. Zane, continue."

"I face Willy in time to intercept her wide right swing, which sets up the blow to the jaw, stunning him." Willy and I went through the motions but I don't recall the Weasel grinning at me the way she did. "This allowed me to do a set-up blow, then a kick to Coach's chest now that I had the room and the time."

"Let's go over that; we all know the importance of recovery after an attack. The Weasel hadn't learned that lesson and we all saw what happened -- a blow to the head," Coach lectured us. "Cappy is standing out of the fight because of intimidation; now Willy has been stunned so Zane can concentrate on me. I'm only now recovering from the chest blow when the kick catches me in the chest and that is because Zane set me up with that first strike."

"Remember," Dana lectured, "that is why we teach you not to think about the next move, but three moves down the line. Control the fight and you win; it is that simple. Zane assessed the opposition, reduced his odds, then took the initiative. Next."

"I turned back to Willy, blocked another swing, trapped his arm, and began driving my knee into his midsection until he went limp," I completed the story with Willy obediently falling down.

"Now we don't normally practice Zane's finishing move so what would we do?" Coach asked.

"I would have used the arm hold to flip him and finish him with a strike to the head," Cappy volunteered. The suggestions that followed were in that general theme. At the end of class one girl did finally ask,

"Zane, why didn't you get the other two girls to fight too, to even out the odds?"

"Fighting is forbidden by school policy," I told them, "virtually no exceptions."

"What is going to happen to you, then?" Cappadocia inquired.

"I'm under academic probation," I informed them. For the first time most of the class was sorry for me.

When I got out of the shower and went to exit the gym, Coach ambushed me.

"Good job, Zane," she told me.

"No problem; I am doing my part to make this school a better place," I grinned.

"I'm going to miss you when you are gone," she said with some sadness.

"Don't sweat it, Teach; you are only doing your job and I'm not gone yet," I winked as I left.


Rio and I walked up to the Kappa Sigma House. Since it was between 5:00 and 6:00, I was hoping most of the girls would be there. A pledge whose name I think was Allison answered.

"Hi, I'm Za- ..." was all I got out before she jumped me and gave me a deep hug.

"Of course I know who you are," she giggled. "Come on in. I'll go get Leigh."

"Hi, I'm Rio," my buddy muttered darkly as she followed me inside, "I'm the girl standing next to the guy you just mugged." Allison went pounding up the stairs and I was left to a chorus of 'Hi, Zane', and we even got a few 'Hey, Metal Girl' greetings (Rio had all fourteen of her piercings back in).

Right as Leigh, dressed in super-tight jeans and a pink bra, and Allison came down the stairs, Tawny came from the direction of the kitchen.

"Zane," Leigh and Tawny said one right after the other, but Tawny's carried the greater weight.

"Zane, we need to talk," Tawny demanded. Rio growled menacingly. "I apologize. Hello, Rio."

There was a hush in the room and even Leigh looked contrite.

"Zane, Kappa Sigma does not condone violence of any kind. If you ever thought we wanted you fighting our battles for us, you were sorely mistaken," Tawny explained. "Are we clear?"

"Okay, I understand, did you know? I didn't tell anyone anything about what was said," I wondered.

"You should have never put your neck out for these Sorority bitches," Rio snapped.

"Hang on, Rio. I did what I did for my own reasons, not for them," I calmed my friend. Rio was clearly not making friends but Tawny held up her hands for peace.

"You didn't even tell her, your best friend, did you?" Tawny smiled with surprised satisfaction. "Christina knows, but that is understandable and she's told no one except me."

I looked at her for some explanation.

"It seems two co-eds from the University thought you might be in trouble and followed you. They covered your exit from the building, the argument, and the fight that followed," Tawny grinned. "They posted it on their site. By 10:00 this morning, everyone knew."

"Except for us idiots with limited internet access," groaned Rio.

"My fellow Kappa Sigma presidents wanted to make sure everyone knew that we had nothing to do with your actions," she completed. "That being said," she stepped up and hugged me, "Thank you." I received a round of applause from the gathered sisters.

"Fine. Would someone tell me what my idiot friend did?" Rio griped.

"Rio," Leigh snickered as she snuck to my side and wrapped an arm around me, "those three assholes called the Kappa Sigma House a bunch of whores and then told him they were going to rape Chastity and Hope, then come and rape Paris and me when they were done."

And that's when Rio hit me. "Moron, why couldn't you tell the police this? They don't put you in jail for defending women under imminent threat," Rio snapped.

"I think that was the point," Tawny sighed at Rio. "He didn't want to drag us into what was essentially his choice; just like he kept Chastity and Hope out of things."

"Because he's a dumb-shit," Rio declared.

"Rio," Tawny groaned, "be happy Zane has personality to spare, because you work really hard at having no other friends. I put up with your crap because Zane thinks the world of you and he's not been wrong about a person yet."

"Wow...Tawny, I'm so touched," Rio sneered sarcastically. Before anything else could happen I grabbed Rio by her nipple chain and elevated it rapidly.

"Ow, ow, ow..." whimpered Rio. "That hurts!"

"It supposed to," I glowered. "You are acting crazy. The Kappa Sigs are being nice and all you are doing is burning through the weekend time I've devoted to you." I let go and her hands flew up to her offended flesh.

"You had better kiss them and make them better," Rio glared at me while cupping her nipples.

"I promise," I pledged.

"Fine. Tawny...all you Kappa Sigs, I apologize for being...unfriendly," Rio ground out.

"Okay," Tawny allowed. "Now, Zane, what brings you here tonight?"

"Zane came here to see me," Leigh grinned, as she started tugging me toward the stairs.

"Leigh," Paris questioned, "don't you have a date tonight?" Leigh looked guilty.

"Zane, why are you here?" Tawny asked again.

"Actually, I need help with my English term paper. I'm doing it on Edmund Burke and I was hoping to use the UV library," I told her.

"Of course," Tawny nodded. "I'll get the pledges to figure what books and archival material we have on Burke and I'm sure we can find a few volunteers to check out what you need."

"Thanks, Tawny. And on that note, I do really have to get going. I promised Aunt Jill we'd help with dinner," I smiled. Tawny grinned in response and waved me away. A series of 'bye's followed, after which Rio and I made our way back home.

"So, are you upset that I didn't tell you what happened?" I inquired.

"Nah," Rio shrugged. "I imagine you were trying to avoid the beating I would have given you had I found out this morning."

"Thank you for understanding," I commented.

"No problem; you are my bro," she snorted.

"Do you still want me to work over your nipples?" I asked.

"Is the Pope Catholic?" Rio smirked.

Passing the Night in Confusion

I sat at one end of the sofa, Rio stretched out with her head in my lap as we digested our dinners. Jill sat on the chair closest to me, watching TV but stealing an overprotective glance my way from time to time. My aunt and I had a serious argument earlier about where Rio would sleep. She had insisted that Rio sleep in the guest room Barbie Lynn had used last weekend. I had held adamant to the fact that it didn't matter where we put her, Rio would end up in bed with me. I swore on the Bible that I wouldn't have sex with her if Jill relented and let Rio stay in my bed over the weekend instead. I won out through persistence and because I went down on my knees and begged.

To add to the weirdness, Rio was downright affectionate. No, she was not feeling me up or attempting to arouse me; she snuggled against me and would occasionally rub my knee while I stroked her hair, ear, and jawline gently. At 10:00 we agreed to call it a day. Rio was kind enough to only shed her jeans once we were in my room.

Rio draped an arm over my stomach and her thigh over my thigh as we drifted off to sleep. It was wonderful contact because the sexual elements were submerged to keep the moment uncomplicated. It was so special that I was disappointed when I woke up hours later with Rio lying on top of my body and my cock had, of course, responded. Damn it.

"Zane, there is someone at the window," she whispered to me. It then occurred to me that Rio had been crawling over me to get to my window, which was over a trellis. It was the route Leigh had used last week too. We both scooted off the bed and went to the window. It was Paris, not Leigh.

"Zane, Leigh needs you," Paris pleaded softly once we opened the window for her to get in.

"Let me get dressed," I responded quietly, this being necessary because I sleep in the nude.

"I'm coming too," Rio hissed. We quickly got on some jeans and I put on a shirt before we snuck through the house and out the front door. Bare-footed, we crossed over to the Kappa Sigma house and up to Leigh and Paris' room.

Leigh was curled up on her bed, a pillow hugged to her chest and her back to the door. Paris stepped aside and let me in. I padded up to Leigh's bed and sat beside her. Paris and Rio fidgeted by the door a bit before migrating toward Paris' bed where they could keep an eye on us.

"You don't need to be here," Leigh mumbled. She'd been crying.

"I heard a rumor that you needed someone to talk to," I teased her. She didn't comment for a bit.

"Zane, I'm sorry," she sobbed.

"About what?" I asked as I moved her so she was facing me on her side.

"The video; I didn't think about how badly it could impact your life -- what people would think of you," she muttered.

"Don't worry about it; I'll cope," I assured her.

"I'm not sure I can," she simpered.

"Tell me what happened," I encouraged.

"There was this guy on campus I knew since last semester. Tuesday he asked me out. We went out on a date but he forgot his wallet so I paid for dinner, and we went back to his apartment to get it before heading out to a club," she told me.

"The thing was, he had two friends over and while he went to his room to get his wallet, they began talking about me...about you and me. I wanted to bolt but he convinced me to stay and have a drink. When I tried to leave they got physical, and only when I started screaming did they let me get out of there," she related.

"Who is he?" I asked calmly.

"No," Leigh sighed, "I don't want you to hurt him. It is my fault for not thinking that everyone would see me as a slut."

"You are not a slut and anyone who thinks so is an insecure ass and not worth your time. That video was a single snapshot of your life; it doesn't define you," I stated.

"But all those girls now treat you..." she murmured.

"If they treat me like crap, I move on. Listen Leigh, don't let a few people who could never look past your cup size ruin what was a good time for you, Paris, and I. We don't need them because we still have each other; right?" I insisted.

Leigh snuggled into me and sighed away some of her tension.

"Can you stay awhile?" Leigh asked softly.

"You have to ask Rio; this is her weekend after all," I reminded Leigh.

"Sure, he can stay," grumbled Rio playfully, "but scoot over; I'm joining you two."

I was on the outside, Leigh was tight up against me, her head pressed into my neck, and Rio was against the wall, her front pressed into Leigh's back and her arm over both of us.

"Zane, what am I going to do on Monday? What are they going to say now?" Leigh whispered.

"Laugh; laugh against the darkness, because while we can laugh, we cannot be defeated," I told her. "When someone asks about it, tell them he was such a disappointment you left."

"I was going to say, call him a psycho-rapist scumbag," Rio snarled, "but if you feel nice, listen to what Zane said." Leigh gave a weary snicker.

"Thanks, Paris," she called over to her roommate.

"You are welcome, Sister," Paris responded.

I set Leigh's alarm for four in the morning and settled in for a short night's rest. When the buzzing woke the three of us up, I rolled out of bed, Rio climbed out over Leigh, and we kissed Leigh goodbye. On the way down the stairs we stumbled across Tawny sitting by the pool.

"Hey, Zane, Rio," she said.

"Good morning, Tawny," I responded. Rio was silent.

"Zane, if she had given you his name, would you have gone and kicked his ass?" she questioned.

"No; that wouldn't have done Leigh any good. I'd have found another way to get at him, but I'd have taken my time," I replied. "I'd like to think I occasionally learn something."

"Thank you, Zane, for the answer and coming to help Leigh; you too, Rio," Tawny smirked.

"You know me," Rio chuckled, "I'll never pass up a chance to grab some of that cheap Sorority tail."