Christian College Sex Comedy Ch. 11


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Rochelle froze when she felt my cock, rigid in my slacks, pressed against her ass. I was unsure if I'd gone too far when she pushed ever so slightly against me.

"I've got to be going. I will see you on Sunday but I'm home all weekend with one of my girlfriends in case you need me," I informed her.

I slipped out before she could respond because not only did I have a Sorority function to attend, I also needed to figure out where I could score some Viagra because I clearly had no common sense where sex was concerned. Besides, Sahara was obviously in need of attention because Pastor Bill wasn't giving it to her, and Bainbridge was lashing out due to years of sexual frustration – I repeat: I have no common sense.

Every One Like a Fingerprint to Me

When I was racing to get to the Kappa Sigma House, I hardly expected to be met by one of their pledges and absolutely no one else. After I sat down in the den and the pledge, Tina, got me a soda from the kitchen, we found ourselves staring at one another.

"So, I'm here on the correct night; right?" I asked.

"Yes, you are, Zane," she bubbled with anticipation.

"Where is everybody?" I prodded her.

"They are taking care of Sorority business but they will come get us when they are ready," she grinned. I knew I was missing something but I didn't know what it was.

"Is it hot in here?" I wondered.

"Yes," Tina said after a bit of concentration.

"Tina, can I have some Advil? I'm getting a headache," I yawned.

"Okay," Tina responded, still happy...and still sitting down.

"Ah, drugged me, didn't you?" I groaned. I doubted I could still stand and then proved my doubts as I slid off the chair. "Damn," I slurred. Tina walked over to me, took my drink away, and gently maneuvered my body to the floor.

"If it is any consolation, I was selected as the pledge most likely to seduce you," she stated with real sympathy. I might have smiled at her, I wasn't sure, but I definitely passed out.

Cough! Someone plunged cleaning detergent underneath my nose and fired me back to consciousness. Holy Mother of God...I'm cold, my wrists and ankles hurt, I'm outdoors in the woods illuminated by torches and surrounded in a semi-circle of bare-footed figures in ankle long brown robes and black hoods.

I was cold because I was naked and my limbs hurt because I was suspended on a cross – not a 'T' cross but an 'X' cross. I certainly know some kinky, fucked-up people.

"Zane," a modulated voice addressed me, "you are on trial before Kappa Sigma for your treatment of one of our sisters. You have abused the trust of one sister by seeking romantic relations with another. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"If the question is that I had relations with Leigh, then had a similar encounter with Paris, then I confess. In my defense, I never sought to deceive either one and will make amends if permitted," I promised.

"Sisters, we have heard his defense. Will any of you vote in his behalf?" she intoned. No one stepped forward.

"Zane, we will give you one chance to save yourself. If you fail, you will be shaved bald and painted in a permanent purple dye." I assume that means seven days on human skin. "If you can pick out the woman you have wronged, beg her forgiveness, and are forgiven, you will go free." I was getting pretty nervous since they were all totally covered except for their toes when the 'leader' nodded and the girls all opened their robes to reveal string bikinis in a variety of colors.

Their faces were still covered, though that wasn't really a problem for me anymore.

"Choose Leigh and Paris, beg their forgiveness, and you may be pardoned," the 'leader' commanded.

"That's not fair," I answered right back, "because they are not before me now."

"Think carefully," the girl with the modulated voice cautioned me.

"No, seriously; I'm looking at Josephine, Maria, Cynthia, Sarah, Ferrara, Petra, Yvette, Tawny, Jersey, and Monique," I named them left to right.

"What?" Sarah gasped to her assembled sisters. "Do we have name tags on?"

Behind me, I heard snickers turn into giggles...Leigh and Paris. Tawny stepped forward.

"How did you know?" she inquired, clearly not the girl with the modulated voice.

"Ah...Josephine has a birthmark on her ankle, Maria has the darkest skin tone, and Cynthia's breasts don't angle down the middle or to the side but somewhere in the middle."

"Sarah has slender thighs and her calves curve just so below the knee; Ferrara always paints her nails in these crazy patterns; Petra scrapped her knee backpacking two weekends ago; Yvette...has that tattoo over her right nipple; Tawny, you have a slender neck, a...38C chest, and a strong swell from your waist to your hips; Jersey is the tallest and has that scar she got in a boating accident in high school; and finally, Monique has the perkiest nipples and the most slender calves," I recited.

Man, even the crickets went quiet after that.

"Zane, did anyone help you with this test?" Tawny finally asked.


"How could they?" Leigh came to my defense. "You didn't make the line-up until thirty minutes ago."

"Jersey, go check his phone log," Tawny directed her sister.

"I'm getting really cold," I whispered to Leigh. She looked from my eyes to my waist with sympathy. Jersey walked out of the light but quickly returned with my phone.

"His last call was at 2:10 p.m. but he did have a data download at seems to be a bunch of women's names and phone numbers," Jersey relayed the information to them.

"It is my church group, I swear. Honestly, they are all married women in the Festivities Committee that bastard of a pastor assigned me to," I pleaded.

"No phone calls?" Tawny persisted.

"No phone calls," Jersey confirmed.

"Okay, Zane, how did you know who we were with our faces concealed?" Tawny wondered.

"Is that a serious question?" The deafening pause was its own answer. "You are women; I pay attention to women and to me, each female form is as exacting as a fingerprint. Until now I thought all of this was a joke," I related. "I mean, if you wanted to scare me, you would have given me something difficult to figure out."

"And you picked all this up at one party?" Tawny sounded bewildered.

"Have I mentioned how much I like women?" I reminded her.

"But you brought twenty women with you; you always had a woman by your side. How?" Tawny still struggled to understand.

"I repeat: have I mentioned how much I like women? I see nothing wrong with being with one woman and looking at others, but I believe it is wrong to be with one woman and thinking about someone else," I explained. "You should always appreciate the one you are with."

"Mmmm...does any sister believe Zane has earned a reprieve?"

For two seconds no one reacted, then Jersey stepped forward.

"He knew about my scar," was her excuse. Five more stepped forward right after that and all had done so by the tenth second.

"Very well Zane, you are forgiven," Tawny announced. Yay, me! "But I have one other issue to address. Zane, I can't have you cutting a swath through my girls so I'm going to demand that you stick to one and only one Kappa Sigma per semester." I stared at her until she finally had to question me. "What?"

"I wish you would stop treating me like a child," I chuckled.

"What makes you think I'm not being serious?" Tawny growled.

"We've kissed. You can tell a lot about a person in the way they kiss, and you are very caring and thoughtful," I told her. "Why would I be out here in the woods naked if I didn't trust you?"

"You kissed him!" yelped Leigh. Tawny smirked as she looked at her.

"You left me alone with a naked Zane in your room; he looked cold and lonely," she told Leigh. I was cold and lonely because Tawny tossed Leigh out of her own room and then wouldn't let me get dressed...but only Tawny, Christina, and I knew that.

"Besides, Zane, you are naked in these woods because we tricked you into our house and spiked your drink," Tawny pointed out.

"Ah, but would I have been dumb enough to take that drink if I hadn't first trusted you enough to show up...wait, that didn't come out right," I mumbled.

"Are you agreeing to my terms?" Tawny teased.

"Nope. I prefer to hold to the illusion I'm living in the Free World," I declared. "You can certainly tell your sisters what to do because they volunteered for this but I only hang out here because all of you have been so nice to me. If I've been a poor guest, I'll just leave, because I'm not going to pretend I like one sister less than another."

"Zane, you are deep in the woods, tied to a cross, and the only people who know you are here are all bound by Sacred Oaths of Sisterhood, Blood, and Secrecy," Tawny stated sweetly, as she came up and stroked my cheek. "You aren't in the best place to be dumping us."

"Good point," I agreed defiantly. "Maybe I should wait to get on my high horse when I can actually get on a high horse, but I'm still not going to take it back."

"We could always keep him in our secret basement," Monique suggested. When everyone looked at her she added, "Hey, he liked my nipples. Finding a guy who is good with nipples isn't as easy as you would think." Huh...what? I had a definite feeling I was losing control of events.

"You have a secret basement?" I gulped. "I didn't know you had a secret basement."

"Well, duh," Paris snickered. "It wouldn't be much of a secret if you knew about it."

"We are not keeping Zane chained up for our amusement," Tawny warned the girls. "We specifically changed the Charter back in '02 so that we can no longer keep men on the premises for more than forty-eight hours." Yay?

"We also can't leave him here," Tawny continued. "I'm sure Christina will have search parties out looking for you before sunrise."

"I'll stay out here and stand guard over him," Leigh volunteered.

"No," Tawny scolded Leigh. "We can't let him get fucked to death either." Leigh looked truly heartbroken.

"I think we have to let Zane get off this time," Tawny sighed.

"I was trying to get him off," Leigh grumbled.

"Give it a rest, Leigh," Tawny demanded. "Paris, give our guest something to drink so we can wrap this up." Paris disappeared behind me, then reappeared with a glass of water.

"Drink up," she smiled beatifically.

"Just promise me I'm not going to wake up in some landfill or tied to a lamppost somewhere public," I groaned.

"Drink it down right now and you might wake up next to me," Tawny challenged. Needless to say, I drank and quickly...because I'm an idiot who keeps too much blood in the wrong head.

When I woke up, I was back in the Sorority house with a different sweet pledge smiling at me and that smell of ammonia in my nostrils. She handed me a folded piece of paper.

I said 'you MIGHT wake up next to me' the paper read. 'P.S. See you and the Ladies at our Halloween Bash.'

"What's your name?" I asked the pledge. This time the home was filled with the noises of occupancy.

"Larissa," she giggled. "So, are you Leigh's boyfriend?"

"Ah, no; I'm community property; the other sisters hand me around like a box of chocolates," I joked.

"Really! That is so great," she bubbled with excitement. "I can't wait until I get initiated. I want you to make me scream the way you had Leigh singing." Does no one get my jokes?

"Larissa, I am sure you will pass your initiation – no sweat," I told her as I stood up, feeling a bit drunk. Larissa walked with me to the door and gave me a quick peck on the cheek as I turned to head for my car. I made it to campus with seconds to spare. The crawl up to the Solarium was done in relative quiet, though Barbie Lynn decided to sample my tonsils before letting me up.

Not two steps inside the door my phone rang.

"Hello, is this Zane Braxton?" this familiar voice greeted me.

"That would be me. What can I do for you this night?" I responded.

"This is Felicity Tolliver. I wanted you to know that I had dinner with Rochelle Wellington tonight and I think having you on her committee has really improved her mood," she informed me.

I reached the top of the landing and nearly dropped the phone. Iona sat nervously on my bed...which she had made up because I never do it that well. She was wearing lingerie that definitely made her whole form much more feminine.

"Felicity, Rochelle and I talked mostly, plus I showed her some techniques to help alleviate stress," I related, "but you can tell her it was a pleasure to work with such a vibrant and beautiful woman. You two are a lot alike."

There was a pause, then,

"I'll tell her that," Felicity said.

"I will be at my home in case she needs something this weekend. I would like to see both of you, as would my Aunt," I offered.

"That would be nice," she sounded upbeat.

"We could also discuss getting some FFU girls coming over to your place and the workshops you could teach on campus in October and November," I suggested.

"That sounds great too," Felicity agreed. "I would like to spend some time at FFU and having some girls know where Lance's house is would be nice. When do you want to meet?"

"How about after dinner – say 8:00 o'clock?" I suggested. "You can bring Lance."

"After dinner is fine but Lance has a church workshop on Saturday nights," Felicity sighed. Oh hell, does this woman even get taken to first base? "He's always so busy with his fraternity at school, the Young Christian Men's Republican caucus, and the Christian Men's League at church." Does this guy spend any time with women at all?

"Consider it a date," I replied. "Now I have a very good reason to go to bed, so good night."

"Good night," she parted in a friendly manner, which allowed me to hang up and start undressing as I approached the bed. I looked down at my bed buddy once I'd stripped down to nothing.

"You look lovely, Iona," I greeted her. "What do you want to do?"

"I'll do whatever you want," Iona said with a tremor in her voice, looking down at her lap. She looked stunning in her burgundy bra and panties, which were far more lace than substance. I felt the hand of...Christina (?) in all this.

"Thank you, Iona. What I really want is to lie down, you beside me so that I can look into your eyes and gently trace lines along your body, and then I want to go to sleep with you in my arms. That's what I really want."

"Really?" she perked up in surprise and relief. I crawled under the covers, holding them open so she could join me.

"I like this a lot," she murmured, as she settled in at my side, snug in the covers. I shifted to my side and cupped her chin before exchanging several soft kisses with her. Afterwards, I did as I told her I would; my hand caressed her body, avoiding nipples and pussy but doing my best to get everywhere else. I elicited sensual moans and ticklish giggles.

When I had forced her to push me off so she could catch her breath, I felt I had given Iona what she wanted, and more importantly, what she could live with. I sat back and stared at the Moon through my glass roof. Iona's smiling face slowly invaded my view.

"I give up, Iona," I pleaded. "Right now I want some sleep."

"That's okay. I will sit here and watch over you," she sighed.

"That's...that's a little creepy, actually," I confessed.

"I've watched all of the Twilight movies so I know what secretive romances are all about," Iona explained.

Unfortunately, I knew little of the Twilight series of movies. I knew it involved vampires and werewolves and some chick named Bella but I'd never actually seen any of that. Had I known it involved a 100-year-old vampire breaking into some teenager's room and staring down at her while she slept, I would have been much more concerned, but for now I went to sleep.

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NovemberComingFireNovemberComingFirealmost 2 years ago

The irony: if he had drugged any of them he’d be in prison . I really hated this part of the (otherwise really fun) story it was fucking stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
He should boycott the Kappas

Kappa Bitches. WTF. I think he should threaten to boycott the Kappas including the one in Colorado for their drugging of him. If he so famous across the sorority he should just walk away from them until they relent, even apologize. Generate some unrest within that sorority as well as between their chapters if he boycotts them. . Maybe they would not be so bitchy.

LustKnightLustKnightalmost 7 years ago
Still one of the funniest lines in any story...

"I've watched all of the Twilight movies so I know what secretive romances are all about," Iona explained.


Hope you come back to this one, FS.

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