Chocolate and Gold Ch. 02


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I had packed a tan, lightweight summer suit for my travels. I would be fine with that the attendant assured me. I couldn't go to Monte Carlo and not throw down a few dollars on the roulette wheel at the famous casino. I smiled as I thought Vannie would enjoy it too.

I returned to the hotel and wandered through the shops. In the menswear area, I found a lovely silk tie; hand-painted in brilliant Mediterranean blues and greens. It would go perfectly with a pale blue shirt and my suit. Fifteen minutes later, I was being fitted for a very comfortable pair of alligator leather loafers. It was a bit of a splurge, but I was trying to make sure I didn't embarrass Vannie. I wanted to look good for her. I also had a plan for her.

It was going to be another lovely, warm evening, and at the suggestion of the concierge, I booked a table at the rooftop restaurant. I hoped I wasn't being too presumptuous. I sat in the lobby, watching all the "beautiful people" come and go. I wondered idly where they were from and what they were doing here. It was only ten days to the Grand Prix, and I could see the preparations for the race were already underway.

Vannie arrived at the hotel at twenty past four and spotted me immediately. I rose and we greeted each other with a kiss. After retrieving my bag from the storage room, we went to the elevators. The room was terrific, with a full view of the harbor and the yacht basin.

"I booked a table at the rooftop restaurant for seven o'clock. I hope that's alright with you?"

"Sounds wonderful. I love this place already. What do you want to do after dinner?" she asked with a sly smile.

"Well ... I thought we might go to the Grand Casino for a while ... before retiring."

"Oh, I'd love that. I've seen it in so many movies. We have to play roulette ... at least once," she enthused.

I smiled. "That was in my plan too."

"This is your plan?" Her eyebrows were raised in surprise.

"Yes ...this is my plan."

I watched her carefully as she strolled from the window towards me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. It was a full, very intense kiss and my hands were busy fondling her perfect cheeks as we joined.

"I like your plan, Harry. But I don't have an evening dress with me. I'll have to wear my business clothes," she said with a frown.

"No ... not tonight. We're going down to the ladies wear shop in the lobby. I saw a very nice dress that I think would look spectacular on you. My treat."

"No ... no Harry. I can't let you do that," she protested.

"Yes ... you can ... and you will. That's final!" I was leaving no room for argument.

She looked at me again, trying to determine if I was serious.

"All right. But I'll pay you back."

"No ... that would spoil the pleasure of giving something to you. Besides ... you don't even know if you will like my choice."

She was shaking her head, looking at me with a stern expression.

I wanted to close the discussion. "Come along, now. We don't have time to waste. They may have to make alterations and they said to give them at least ninety minutes."

Vannie gasped when she saw my choice. She loved it, I could tell. I was proud of my ability to find a complement to her beauty. Luckily, they had something close to her size and the alterations were minor. It would be delivered to our room at six-thirty, the saleslady assured us. Vannie was walking on air as we left the shop.

"Now I know I'm keeping you for myself, Harry. Your choice was perfect. I love it and it looks good on me. Not everything does, you know."

"I would tend to disagree. I think you'd look good in a potato sack, but I don't suggest we find out just now."

I was partly serious and partly kidding and Vannie picked up on it.

"You're in a very good mood, Mr. Zheng. I think we are going to have a lot of fun together. I can't wait to walk into the casino in my new dress."

"We aren't done yet. We need to get you a nice pair of shoes to go with it. You can't go in half-dressed."

"No ... Harry. You've done too much already. Please. Let me look after the shoes."

"Fine. But make sure you're happy with them. They're your feet you have to protect."

She found a pair of high-heeled sandals she liked, and I agreed they would go well with the new dress. She paid the clerk and we left to return to our room.

"You haven't shown me what you are going to wear tonight," she said, curious.

I walked to the wardrobe and opening my suit bag, pulling out the tan suit and blue shirt.

"Oh ... that's sharp, Harry. We're going to look very cool tonight."

"Wait 'till you see my tie," I said, flourishing it in front of the shirt."

"Wow ... it's beautiful. We are going to be the best-dressed couple in the casino for sure."

I could see the enthusiasm bubbling up in her. I hung my suit back in the wardrobe and wandered over to her as she turned back to the view out over the Mediterranean. I wrapped my arms around her waist as I stood behind her.

"I can't believe everything that's happened in the last day, Harry. You came out of nowhere and yet it all seems so right ... so familiar. I can't help thinking about that dream of yours and what it all means."

"I've stopped thinking. I'm just enjoying. I've found myself in the company of a very beautiful woman and I'm savoring every moment. I don't know how long this will last, but I'm going to appreciate every minute of it."

She turned to me, her arms going around my neck once more.

"Let's make it last a long time, Harry. If it's this good ... let's make it last a very long time."

A knock on the door interrupted our private moment and I moved to open it. A smiling woman handed me the altered dress, and I thanked and tipped her for her speedy work. I turned to Vannie and passed the lovely, colorful dress to her. She couldn't wait to try it on and began stripping off her business wear.

"Nice show, babe," I laughed.

She wiggled her ass and struck a very sexy pose. "Later, big guy, later."

She slipped the dress on over her head and let it fall in place. It fit perfectly and she looked stunning in it.

"Do you really need a bra for that dress?" I teased.

"Now look who's reckless," she said, surprised. "I don't know. They might not let me in the casino if it's too revealing."

"Have you looked at what the other women are wearing in this town? I don't think you'll shock anyone." I had noticed some very scantily clad young women in the casino. I was challenging Vannie to be a bit more daring.

"You think?" She looked unsure.

"Reckless! Go for it," I said firmly.

She looked at me and smiled. "You just want to see me bending over the roulette table with my boobs hanging out, don't you?"

"The thought had occurred to me. I was thinking just how many jealous men I could taunt with you on my arm tonight."

She grinned, and then reaching behind her, undid the snap on her bra. She did that female thing where she was able to get out of it without taking her dress off.


"Very. There are going to be some very aroused men when they see you tonight. Maybe some very unhappy women too," I kidded.

"There's only one guy and I want aroused," she said, walking back to me. She put her hand on my now growing cock and squeezed. "It's a good thing we have that dinner reservation. I might get hungry and eat you right up."

I was surprised there wasn't smoke coming off her.

We had a very fine meal in the rooftop restaurant. The service was impeccable and nicely paced. We shared a bottle of wine and were feeling very mellow as we walked to the casino. I had already arranged for a five thousand dollar line of credit, and as I escorted Vannie into the Grand Casino, I couldn't help noticing the number of eyes that traveled over us, particularly Vannie. She looked incredible and she knew it.

We strolled around the casino, avoiding the slot machines and the card tables. We found a roulette table with a few active players and decided to make ourselves at home. We passed on the offer of a drink from a hostess and Vannie sat as I stood behind her, hands on her bare, beautiful shoulders.

"You know how this works, Vannie?"

"I think so. I pick a number I like and if it comes up ... I win."

"Yes ... that's pretty much it. You can bet on more than one number at a time, and you can bet on whether the ball will fall on a red space or a black space."

"I've already decided. I want to bet on number twenty-eight." There was no doubt in her voice and she placed five chips on the number.

"How much am I betting?" she asked as the wheel spun.

"Five hundred dollars," I said, smiling.

"What! That's crazy. Why did you let me do that?" she hissed.

"You seemed pretty sure of yourself. Let's see what happens."

The ball slowed and began bouncing in the slotted places on the wheel until it finally came to rest. Number twenty-eight had won!

"I won! I won! I can't believe it, I won on the very first try," she cried, jumping up and down, causing her unfettered breasts to bounce merrily in and out of her dress.

"Yes you did," I said as I tried to calm her. She was getting a lot of attention from several of the men at the table, and it wasn't just because she'd won.

"How much did I win, Harry?"

"Seventeen thousand, five hundred dollars," I replied, as calmly as I could. I was amazed. I had never seen anything like it. One spin of the wheel and she had won. The look on Vannie's face was priceless. I don't think she could quite believe it.

"That's insane! I couldn't have won all that. I just made one bet on one spin," she said with a befuddled look.

"True, but the odds are very high that you won't win again, so the payoff is very good when you do. How did you decide on the number?"

"It was your age ... twenty-eight. You're my good luck charm, remember? I just can't believe it. I've never won anything before."

She was giggling and happily stacking the chips in front of her. "I have to make another bet, Harry. What is your birthday?"

"December tenth," I answered.

"OK ... let's see. Two hundred on ten, two hundred on twelve, and two hundred on twenty-two," she said, concentrating.

Once again the wheel spun and as it slowed, the ball came to rest in the pocket for ten. She had won again. Unbelievable!

"How much did I win this time, Harry," she yipped in gleeful excitement.

"Well, seven thousand on the winner, less the four hundred on the losers. Six thousand six hundred all told."

"It's amazing! You really are my lucky charm," she squealed.

"Harry! What's your waist size?"

"Uhmmm ... thirty-four."

"Right! Three hundred on thirty-four," she announced.

She lost. She seemed puzzled. She looked at me like she didn't understand how she could have lost.

"Are you sure your waist size is thirty-four?"

"Yes. Pretty sure. Maybe thirty-five, but they don't make that size as standard."

"Ah Hah! Three hundred on thirty-five!" There was no equivocation in her voice.

Thirty-five won. I was beginning to get a funny feeling. Vannie had won almost thirty-five thousand dollars in four spins of the wheel. I was getting nervous about this. There was something going on that wasn't real. We had gathered quite a crowd around the table now as word of the big winner had spread.

"Vannie, don't you think you should take your winnings and retire. I mean, you've had an amazing run of luck. It can't last forever."

"It's not luck, Harry. It's fate. It's you and me and the gods all coming together at once. It's your dream and my fate. This is the way it's supposed to be, Harry." She was a bit wild-eyed at this point and I thought it would be smart to pull her away from the table to calm down.

"Why don't we go over here and have a drink and a rest. The croupier will look after your winnings," I suggested.

She looked at me strangely and then, unexpectedly, she smiled and agreed. "Yes, let's do that. This is very exciting. I need to calm down and think about it."

We'd barely left the table when a liveried waiter approached us and took our drink order; champagne of course. A hostess led us to a private table and seated us. It wasn't long before a bottle of Perrier-Jouet was sitting in a silver bucket and two flutes were being filled.

"I got a little crazy, didn't I," Vannie said contritely.

"Don't worry about it. Everyone was fascinated with your winning. You've made a lot of money tonight."

"No I didn't. It's your money. You bought the chips. I just picked the numbers."

"Well, then it's a true partnership. How does that sound?"

She smiled that fabulous, white smile. "Perfect!"

"You know what I want to do now?" she asked after a few moments silence.

"No ... what?"

"I want to cash in my chips, drag a certain handsome man into my ... our ... room and make love with him."

I was certain the smoke was rising off her now. "I think that sounds fantastic. Let me look after it." I signaled the waiter and requested our chips be cashed and sent to the Fairmont front desk in Savannah Wilson's name. He nodded silently and it was done.

"Let's just finish our champagne and we can stroll out of here as one of the big winners at roulette tonight."

"Yes. I get to smile knowingly at all the others who didn't win and leave with my stud on my arm. There won't be one of them who isn't jealous."

"Oh ... so now I'm just a boy-toy. Is that it?"

"Harry. You are never going to be a boy-toy. First of all you are a man ... and second ... you never would be a toy. You are the real, grown-up thing."

She rose as she drained her glass. We had barely touched the bottle of champagne, but that wasn't important.

"I have one more request, Harry."

"And that is?"

"If you have any more chips, put them on eight for one last spin."

I reached in my pocket and found four one-hundred dollar chips. I took them out and handed them to Vannie. She smiled widely and walked back to our table, waiting for the next spin of the wheel. When it came, she slapped down the four on number eight and waited for the result.

Why was I not surprised when she won? I asked the croupier to add the amount to our previous winnings and forward it to the Fairmont. Once more a wordless nod as I led a stunned Vannie from the table and toward the exit. I could hear a smattering of applause as we left and I acknowledged it. Vannie was still in a state of shock.

"What was the number eight related to?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later. It's very private," she said seriously.

We walked back to the hotel slowly, her arms wrapped around my arm as she leaned into me. I was surprised how comfortable I was with Vannie. When the elevator doors slid shut, she encircled my neck and gave me another of her passionate kisses.

"Do you believe me now?" she asked in a sultry voice.

"Believe what?"

"That you are my lucky charm ... my talisman."

I chuckled. "I believe that you believe it."

"You're hard to convince, Harry Zheng."

"If anyone can do it, you can," I said as the doors slid open on our floor.

"It isn't just the money, you know. It's my sales too. I've made almost every sale to every potential customer since I met you. That's never happened before. You can't tell me that's just luck," she said as I opened the door to our room.

"No ... of course not. You are a superior salesperson with a superior product. That's all."

"Harry ... be serious for a moment. There's something special going on with us. I don't know what it is, and I don't know how long it's going to last, but I know this for a fact!" She was very emphatic with her opinion.

I wrapped her up in my arms and kissed her. "You're right about that. There is something special going on with us. And I want it to last a long time, just like you do," I admitted.

We worked our way slowly toward the bed, loosening our clothes as we went. It took a while, but I was finally naked. It didn't take Vannie very much time at all. One pair of shoes, one dress, one pair of panties and she was ready.

"Did I tell you how sexy you looked tonight, Harry?"

"A time or two. I had to look good to be seen with you."

"You say all the right things. Now ... why don't we celebrate our good luck?"

Our lovemaking, and that's what it was, lovemaking, took quite some time that night. It lacked the frantic joining of yesterday, and was more erotic and passionate. We had found each other's perfect place and settled down in it. That didn't mean that it wasn't dynamic and powerful at times, but in the end it was considerate and giving. Both of us seemed to be trying to please the other.

"I never told you about the last bet, did I?" Vannie spoke as we lay side-by-side after our most recent orgasms.

"No. Number eight, wasn't it?"

"Yeah. It's how big I think you are ... you know ... lengthwise," she snorted.

"Oh ... well ... how about that. And you won. But ... the truth is ... it's more like seven."

"No matter. It was still a lucky number. Maybe the gods were rounding-up tonight."

That started a contagious laughing match between the two of us. First one would start and as it wound down, the other would begin. It was juvenile and silly and ... fun. That was what I enjoyed about being with her the most. It was fun.

"So ... what's the plan for tomorrow?" I asked.

"I'm supposed to catch the train to Milan. I think it leaves just before eight tomorrow morning. I'm sure they will have room for you." She looked at me questioningly, perhaps wondering if I would follow her.

"No need. I'll drive you. Save the company money and we can see the sights along the Italian Riviera before we head north. It's about a three-and-a-half hour drive. The train takes forever, and you have to change in Genoa."

"You'd do that for me ... drive me all the way to Milan?"

"Uh-huh. I gather you don't have any sales calls tomorrow."

"No. Tomorrow is a travel day. Friday in Milan, Saturday and Sunday off, Monday travel to Rome, Tuesday in Rome, Wednesday travel day to Naples and Thursday is my last call. I'll probably fly home on Friday or Saturday."

"Do you have to?"

"What ... fly home?"


"I don't know. I still have to be at work on Monday, and I'll need to recover from the jet lag. Six hours is a big jump. I'll need some rest and I've learned I can't sleep on planes."

"Nine hours for me. I know what you mean, though. But here's my plan. Tell me if you're okay with it," I said, looking at her carefully.

"I'll drive you all the way to Naples. I assume your plane leaves from Rome?"

She nodded.

"Good, then I'll drive you back to Rome to the airport and see you off. Then, I'm heading north to Turin, and then across to Lyon. Drop my rental off and take the train to Paris and then, if it's still OK with you, I'll catch the plane to someplace close to Naples and meet you there for the following weekend." I looked at her to see how she was going to respond to my suggestion. It didn't take long.

"You will! You'll come to Naples ... just to see me?" She was up on her elbow, looking at me incredulously.

I rolled toward her. "Yes. Just to see you. Actually, to be with you too."

She virtually dove at me, smothering me with kisses and hugging me with a bear-like grip.

"Oh, Harry. You are special. I feel so good about you. About us!"

"Yeah ... I know what you mean, babe. Oh ... and there's more good news. We don't have to get up early to get the train. How does ten o'clock sound?"

"Wonderful. Lots of playtime for us," she smirked.

"I was thinking that very same thing."

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fanfarefanfareabout 8 years ago
Ah Karen. it's the luck of the Irish...

...with Karma giggling in the background!

KarenEKarenEabout 9 years ago
A Sense Of Foreboding

Things are going too well, something's gonna mess them up!

GualterioGualterioabout 13 years ago
I like it! What a change of pace ... so different

I'm enjoying your story. Interesting and much more sex than the usual coaster tale ... not complaining, mind you :-)

bruce22bruce22about 14 years ago
Warm and Friendly Story

Coaster does good stories and they are worth reading. This one involves really hot first contact and sex in interesting surroundings (Paris and Monte Carlo) along with a really funny roulette session. Amusing reading!

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