Charlie & Miley Ch. 02


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"You have to take care of Captain Darkness," Charlie reminded. "How did it go with Stan Lee?"

"Oh my god," Brian sounded like he was in awe. "Stan was awesome. Do you know what he told me? He said he hasn't seen cooler artwork since Jack Kirby! Can you fucking believe that shit? Stan the Man Lee compared me to the King!"

"That's awesome," Charlie grinned.

"That's not the half of it. Sam and I took that meeting with the Marvel Studios guys -- they want to do a thirteen episode serial on HBO and see if it takes off. Captain Darkness could be the next Game of Thrones!"

"That sounds great. What did Sam say?"

"You know her," Brian chuckled. "She kept advising me not to sign anything until we have assurances on script approval and all that other creative-rights Hollywood bullshit."

"We should listen to her," Charlie advised. "Sam's never steered us wrong before. I mean, other than her fake... never mind. We should let her take the lead on this."

"Yeah," Brian agreed softly. "She's so awesome. Jesus, Charlie. I'm in love with two girls. What the hell am I going to do?"

"You want my honest opinion?"

"Of course."

Charlie took a deep breath. He loved Stacy and she was one of his closest friends, but he felt like she and Brian weren't right for each other. "Stacy broke up with you, and from what Miley told me she's moved on. Sam's right there and she wants to be with you. To me, I guess it's kind of obvious."


She tried to ignore it but it was the third time her cell phone had rung in as many minutes.

"Answer your phone," Chip groaned from beside her on the bed; he too was half-asleep.

Through the fog of her hangover, Stacy reached to the bedside stand and blearily glanced at the face of her phone to see who was calling. It was a Tallahassee area code but she didn't recognize the number. "Hello?" she decided to answer, mumbling.

"Stacy?" asked a female voice.

"Yeah?" Stacy confirmed, glancing at her clock which told her it was eight-thirty in the morning. After a long night's partying Stacy didn't like to get up until at least noon, especially since she didn't have any classes during the summer session of University.

"It's Haley," the voice in her phone said. "Haley Andrews."

"Haley?" Stacy rubbed her eyes and sat up. "Why in the hell are you calling me? How do you even have my number?"

"I know you still hate my guts," Haley started. "And that's fine, but I thought you'd want to know about Miley."

Stacy suddenly sobered at Haley's serious tone of voice.

"We had to take her to the hospital last night," Haley explained when Stacy didn't say anything. "She's fine, and hopefully they'll let her out today, but she gave us all a pretty good scare. I know you two are fighting and all, but you were best friends once and I.... well, like I said I just thought you should know."

Stacy closed her eyes at the well of emotions she suddenly felt. She had done her best not to think about Miley ever since their fight about Brian a month prior, but worry and concern flooded over her, "Is... you said she's okay? Was it the baby?"

"She was bleeding and that caused a lot of stress, but she's fine. The baby too."

"Listen," Haley urged after Stacy remained silent. "I know it's none of my business but whatever you and Miley are fighting about, is it really worth it? I mean -"

Stacy hung up, ending the call before turning her phone's ringer off.

"Who was it?" Chip mumbled, still half-asleep.

"Nobody important," Stacy replied, setting her phone down. Haley's call was an intrusion of reality -- something Stacy didn't want to face. She got up from bed and looked around her dorm room for a bottle. "I need a drink."


Miley peered over the rim of the glass in her hand at a purplish-colored fluid, sniffing at it cautiously. "This smells funny," she grimaced.

"Drink it," her mother-in-law instructed firmly.

Miley glanced apprehensively at her while sitting at a tiny table in Olivia's kitchen. "The hospital said I was fine, why do I have to -?"

"It's herbal tea," Olivia urged, wiping her kitchen counter of crumbs after having made Charlie a sandwich. "It's supposed to help relieve stress."

Miley bit her lower lip and glanced out the kitchen window towards Charlie, who was eating his sandwich and standing outside next to his father and a lawn-mower. She wondered what they were talking about as she took her first sip of the tea, imagining John telling his son how proud he was of him. Either that or they were talking about lawn mowers; men talked about the strangest things, Miley thought.

Looking beyond, towards the driveway, Miley fondly remembered the first time she had visited Olivia and John's house. She had driven Charlie home from high school and it was the first time the two of them had ever fooled around together sexually. Though that had happened only two and a half years prior, Miley thought it felt like a lifetime.

"It's not so bad," Olivia joined Miley at the small table, opposite. "Is it?"

Miley shook her head and took another sip. She saw Olivia glance out towards the boys, "It's good to have Charlie home, right?"

Olivia nodded, "I'm glad the two of you came over today, but you just got out of the hospital this morning. You should be home resting. John and I could have come to you."

"I'm fine," Miley reiterated. "Besides, I needed to get out of the house. I've been cooped up there for weeks. I took a long relaxing bath before we came over. Plus, your granddaughter stopped kicking all the time. I think she can hear Charlie's voice, so she knows her daddy is home. We both missed her daddy."

Olivia smiled proudly when Miley referred to the baby as her granddaughter, "Have you two decided on a name yet?"

"I think we should name her Electra," Miley huffed, "but Charlie says he doesn't want to name her after an assassin."

Olivia's brows lifted with alarm, "An assassin?"

"Comic book stuff," Miley intoned dryly.

"Ah," Olivia nodded knowingly. "Well, what name does Charlie like?"

"He wants to name her Gwen," Miley set her tea down.

"That's a nice name?" Olivia offered, sensing hesitancy from Miley.

"That's Spider-Man's dead girlfriend's name," Miley elaborated. "This is what happens when you marry a geek."

Olivia chuckled, "You know, I used to worry about Charlie. When he was a little boy he always had his nose stuck in those comic books of his. I thought he'd eventually grow out of it, but his interest only increased. By the time he was a senior in high school I wondered if he'd ever get a girlfriend."

Miley grinned, remembering well.

"But then you came along," Olivia recalled warmly. "Oh, honey. Your arrival changed everything. All the sudden Charlie had a new obsession and he grew out of all his boyhood hobbies practically overnight."

Miley glanced out the window towards her husband, smiling at Olivia's memories.

"But he held on to one dream," Olivia continued. "Charlie wanted to be a comic book writer. I always encouraged him to follow his dream, even though I had my doubts. But he proved me wrong. He's doing exactly what he always wanted, and by the sounds of things it's going very well. Comic books aren't just some passing boyhood fancy to Charlie, that's his livelihood now. Both of your livelihoods. So maybe Charlie isn't such a geek after all, and there's more to comic books than the rest of us thought."

"Yeah," Miley agreed. "Hollywood can't make enough comic book movies, lately. Geek certainly is the new chic."

"Looking at it that way, maybe Gwen isn't such a bad name," Olivia lifted a shoulder. "I kind of like it."

Miley bit her lip, considering Olivia's words. She often appreciated her mother-in-law's wisdom, especially given that her own mother wasn't in the picture and never offered much in the way of wisdom even when she and Miley were on speaking terms.


Samantha sat up in her hotel bed like a shot, waking suddenly to an undeniable churning sensation in her stomach. She covered her mouth with one hand and threw the sheet off her form with the other. Sprinting towards the bathroom she made it to the toilet just in time. Groaning miserably after everything was up, Samantha vowed silently never to consume alcohol again. She tried recalling exactly how much she had to drink at the bar but realized she couldn't even remember leaving.

A knock came on the door while she was still kneeling on the cold bathroom tiles and Samantha assumed it was the hotel's cleaning service. "Can you come back later?" she called loudly.

"Sam," came Brian's voice. "It's me."

"Oh god," Samantha moaned. She called out, "Just a second, okay?"

Using the lip of the toilet to push herself up, Samantha regarded herself in the mirror. Everything was slightly blurry without her glasses, but she could tell black strands of her hair were wildly going everywhere. Clutching a brush she hurriedly tried sorting it out.

"Sam?" Brian's voice called from the hotel hallway. "Is everything okay?"

Brian finally heard the deadbolt before the door opened and he was greeted to Samantha's disheveled demeanor. "Whoa," his brows rose. "You look terrible."

"I'm hung over," Sam remarked dryly with a frown. "Thanks to you."

"Me?" Brian placed a defensive hand on his chest, "I wasn't pouring those drinks down your throat, last night."

"You kept teasing me that I couldn't keep up with you!"

Brian grinned smugly, "Yeah, I'm pretty good at holding my liquor. I trained well as a college freshman."

Samantha stuck her tongue out and gestured for him to join her in the room.

"Listen," Brian followed her into the hotel room. "I need to talk to you."

Samantha collapsed into a chair. "Is it about what happened last night?" she asked, hopeful.

"Uh, you remember that?"

"I remember making out," Samantha confirmed.

"It's not about that," Brian shook his head. "I need to go. Home."

"What? Why?"

"To kill someone."

Samantha gave him a blank look.

"It's that little rat-fink Chip," Brian gnashed his teeth in anger. "He made a move on Stacy! I swear to god, Sam. I'm gonna kill that little fucker."

"For Stacy," Samantha huffed, hardly believing her own ears. "You want to go home for Stacy? Not six hours ago you were laying right there in my bed with your hands all over my breasts, making out with me, and now you have the nerve to come in here and tell me you need to go home because your ex-girlfriend is seeing another guy!?"

"Wait..." Brian backpedaled, "It's not like that. I mean -"

Samantha angrily rose from her chair, "I can't believe I did this to myself again! I thought maybe you were finally over her. I thought maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for us after all. But you'll never be over her, will you? I'll always be the girl you settle for when Stacy isn't around."

Brian winced, "Please, let me explain. I swear it's not about Stacy. It's Chip, he's supposed to be my friend."

"No," Samantha refused. "Forget it, Brian. I'm not doing this anymore. If you want to go, then go. I don't care. Go chase after the girl who dumped you."

Brian felt immediately guilty at the stinging words, "Wait, I know I sound like a jerk. It's just that we've been gone so long that I feel like everything's passing me by at home."

Samantha held her skeptical expression but allowed Brian to talk.

"I talked to Charlie this morning," Brian continued. "Miley is in the hospital. She's okay, but -"

"I don't want to hear it," Samantha lifted her hands in a gesture of defeat, "I'm surprised we lasted on this promotional tour as long as we did, what with all the drama you and Charlie are constantly bringing to the table."

"Why don't you come with me?" Brian suggested.

"Because someone has to manage Captain Darkness," she replied in an annoyed tone. "You and Charlie are unbelievable, you know that? You guys are on the verge of becoming a major mainstream success. You could be millionaires by this time next year if this HBO show gets off the ground. But it seems like you're both more concerned about your women."

"That's not fair," Brian frowned. "Well, maybe for me, but not Charlie. Miley is his wife, and they're about to have a baby. I think that's pretty important to him right now, and rightly so."

"Which is why you hired me," Samantha sighed. "So go, Brian. Just go. There's no point in arguing with you anymore."

Brian let out a heavy breath, wondering why he could never make up his mind when it came to women.


Charlie looked around his old bedroom within his parent's house. It seemed much smaller than he remembered, though he was certain his parents hadn't changed a thing. His poster of the Incredible Hulk bursting through the wall still hung above the bed, and all of his action figures and other geeky memorabilia remained on various shelves and furniture surfaces.

"Hey," Miley poked her head around the doorway, her dark curls falling at an angle.

Charlie blinked away his childhood reminiscing and smiled, "Hey."

"What'cha doin?"

Charlie scratched his temple and shook his head, "Nothing."

Miley caught the wistful look that left Charlie's eyes and grinned at him, "Were you thinking about the first time I jerked you off in here? Because I was thinking about that earlier...."

Charlie laughed, "Not exactly. But something like that."

Miley stepped into the room, one hand over the tight tee stretched around her pregnant stomach, "I have so many good memories that happened in this house. It's hard to come back and not think of all the stuff we used to get up to whenever your parents were dumb enough to leave us alone."

"Seems like a long time ago," Charlie mused. "Doesn't it?"

Miley smiled playfully and gently pushed the bedroom door shut, "Want to make some more memories?"

Charlie immediately shook his head, "Miley, we can't. You just got out of the hospital."

"So?" Miley lifted an uncaring shoulder. "The doctor said everything was fine, and that we could continue having intercourse right up until the baby is born." Her eyes twinkled, "Intercourse means sex."

Charlie smirked, "I know what intercourse means."

Miley slinked up against him, her round tummy pressing against Charlie's waist, "I'm fine, Charlie. Come on; let's fool around in your bedroom -- for old time's sake."

"What about my parents?" Charlie worried.

"Your dad is out in the garage and your mom is busy baking something," Miley said while kissing his neck.

"What if they catch us?"

"What if they do?" Miley giggled. She teased, "Think they'll ground you?"

Charlie scratched his head, "Good point."

"By the way," Miley said, holding him. "I talked to your mom. She thinks Gwen is a good name."

"Yeah? What do you think?"

Miley bit her lip in thought, "It's definitely old-school, but... it's cute. Let's just say it's growing on me. A little."

"Can her middle name be Stacy?"

"You want to name her after Stace? That's not a bad idea. Gwen Stacy White...."

Charlie grinned as Miley failed to get it, "I love you so much, you know that?"

Miley beamed up at him, "I'm just glad you're not stuck on 'Mary Jane'."

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Brain needs to sort his shit and just commit to Sam already. Fuck Stacy; just a drama magnet and she already dumped him then was all over whatever guy would touch her as soon as - hard pass on that. She can stick with Chip, maybe once she goes to rehab.

As for Miley and Charlie, not much happening there. I suspect drama is coming though.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

(Replying to Anonymous) Gwen Stacey is Spidermans dead girlfriends name.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

can anyone explain me the gwen stacy thing which charlie suggested and like mylie i didnt get?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

eveerytime sam comes up i feel more sad her flaw she is not beautiful as stacy brian broke her sam was only imp to brian till he popped her cherry then brian lost all interest in her

fake preg was a low thing to do but stacy will never love or will never be loyal to brian as sam was

i am the only one rooting for sam for some gud ending every other reader of ur stories hates sam for being ugly or even to exist

its sad

MarkT63MarkT63almost 3 years ago

Stacy will die of alcohol poisoning before Brian can go FULL CUCK!!!

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