Captured Ch. 03


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"I have to go back up on deck. I want you to stay here, where it is safe."

He released her and with one last look, closed and locked the door behind him. Miriam gazed after him in bemusement. How long would she be locked up in here alone before he ransomed her? Could she trust him when he promised her that the monster would not hurt her sister?

She looked about her, and spied the quill resting on the desk. Miriam walked across the cabin and sat down before it. Perhaps there was some parchment and ink to pen a letter to her parents. It may be days before word of their capture reaches their ears, and hopefully a swiftly followed letter would allay their fears. She sat down and pulled open the long narrow drawer just below the surface of the desk.

Her fingers curled around a sketch resting on top of the papers and quills and charcoal. Slowly she withdrew it and placed it on the desk, smoothing its curling edges. It was a drawing of her.

But not her. The woman in the picture lay on her side asleep amongst rumpled sheets, her hair spilling across the pillows in seductive abandonment. The strap of her chemise had slipped down her arm, baring the swell of her breast and a hint of nipple above the frilled edge. The picture was alluring, beckoning, as if she waited to be wakened by a kiss.

Had Devlin drawn this as she slept, watching her?


A conversation that could be heard from the hallway roused Miriam from her drowsy nap, and she stiffened as she recognised the monster's and Devlin's voices. She couldn't make out the words, and they faded as did their footsteps. She slid from the bed and tried the door, and found it unlocked. Slipping from the cabin, she padded quietly down the hallway and into her sister's cabin, closing the door softly behind her. Something about Carly's stillness frightened her, and she settled beside her on the bed, smoothing her silvery curls back from her pale face.

Her sister did not move as the bed dipped. It was clear what that animal had done to her sister, and she castigated herself a fool and worse for believing Devlin.

The noisy scraping of crates above them and shouts from the crew floated down from above deck, and Miriam realised they must have anchored.

"Did he hurt you?" Miriam asked softly.

Carly shook her head, never taking her eyes from the porthole. Tears filled Miriam's eyes at the obvious truth. Gently so not as to hurt Carly, Miriam ran her hands through her Carly's mane, untangling small snarls with practiced fingers. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Again Carly shook her head, and Miriam fell silent. Her sister was younger than her by eight months, but despite the age difference Carly was so much more confident and self contained than Miriam was. Miriam had not known of their true relationship until two years ago. Carly had been a maid in their household ever since she was a young girl, and Miriam had always been jealous of her. Carly had been allowed to run and play with the other children on their country estate while Miriam was forced to learn musical instruments such as the piano and harp, and to stitch pretty patterns on hanker chiefs under the watchful gaze of her mother.

Miriam had become increasingly aware of the attention her father gave Carly, a mere maid. He barely spared a moment for Miriam or her older sister Gwen. It wasn't until she overheard the maids whispering about how Miriam's mother had trapped the Earl into marrying her, when it was Carly's mother that he loved, that Miriam finally understood why her father didn't love her.

After an eternity, Carly finally spoke. "Do you remember the summer we spent in Brighton, and how we swam in the sea?"

"Oh, yes, it was absolutely freezing, and my toes turned blue!" Miriam shuddered in recollection. Miriam had watched enviously as Carly and the other maids had swum in the sea. She had begged her mother to allow her to swim also, and finally she had relented, only letting her swim for a minute of two, lest someone thought her unladylike.

"The sea would be warm here." Carly rolled onto her back on the bed and looked up at her.

Miriam gazed back at her with her head tipped the side, before enlightenment dawned. "You want to-to..."

Carly nodded intently, grasping her hand in a painful grip. "We are both narrow enough to fit through the porthole. It would be a small drop to the sea, and then we could swim toward shore and get help."

"But they would surely see us and stop us!"

"It will be dark soon."

"But what if we can't make it that far?"

"We will," Carly almost pleaded.

"He did hurt you!" Miriam exclaimed at Carly's look. She had never seen Carly like this, so desperate, and guilt surged through Miriam. It was Miriam that had pleaded with her mother to allow Carly to come on the voyage. Miriam had done so for her own selfish reasons, for she had wanted a familiar face to be there when she wed a stranger.

Carly sat up and turned from her, and Miriam caught sight of her back. Horror welled in Miriam at the sight of tiny bruises on her hips and back, before her hair tumbled down, covering the evidence of the monster's abuse.

It was how Miriam found herself floundering in the inky dark water, trying to keep afloat. Carly was far ahead of her, heading toward the lanterns from the distant shore that seemed to bob up and down as Miriam coughed up water.

Her chemise tangled around her legs, and she felt she was drinking the whole sea. Her arms burned and her kicks grew less forceful as she neared the beach. She could see Carly climbing ashore, and struggled to cover the distance. It was only when she next raised her head that she couldn't see Carly.

She blinked the seawater out of her stinging eyes as she searched the dark beach. She saw a figure then, and her eyes narrowed as she tried to see. It was a short, bulky man, and he was carrying someone. The air burned in her lungs as desperation clawed at her. She tried to call out, but water smashed her in the face, spinning her about as she struggled to stay afloat.

When next she spied them, he was lowering Carly into a small dingy. He was rowing her out to the other ship anchored in the bay! Miriam didn't know what to do. Should she search for help along the shore? What if they asked for payment? Carly carried the small pouch of coins she had found in the Captain's cabin. Another wave hit her, then another, and she found herself sucked out back to sea. It was as though it was a sign, and she struggled to swim back to the ship, praying she wouldn't be too late.

She cried out hoarsely as she reached the side of the boat. She coughed up salty water, her throat burning. Again she cried out, and tears of relief flooded her eyes as a face peered down at her before calling out over his shoulder.

Soon she saw Devlin, and without hesitation he plunged into the water. He came up beside her as a rope ladder was lowered. Somehow she managed to cling to his shoulders in a death grip as he climbed the creaking rope, her face pressed between his shoulder blades.

He lowered her to the deck, and someone handed him a blanket and he tucked it around her.

"Carly," she whispered, but he couldn't hear her. He leaned closer, sweeping the hair back from her face. "Carly. He rowed Carly out to the other boat."

"Hell," he muttered, turning to gaze at someone over his shoulder. "A man's taken Carly on board the Orient."

"Please, you must get her," she cried into the unearthly silence, her voice strained. "I'll do anything. Please, she's my sister."

A sharp voice barked out orders, and men ran across the deck. It was the last thing she remembered before passing out, exhaustion washing over her.


She woke, a warm, thick blanket tucked around her. She felt fingers smoothing her hair back from her face, and a light kiss press against her forehead. She blinked sleepily, gazing up into her sister's concerned face. She looked like a drowned kitten. Miriam must have said the words out loud, for her sister laughed. "So do you, brat."

The warmth sucked her back down, and she closed her eyes, everything turning vague.

When she next woke, it was to the feel of fingers massaging sweet smelling soap into her damp hair. She moaned, her body languid in the steaming hot tub. She gazed down at herself, her creamy skin glistening in the candlelight. The water was clear, none of her usual lavender bubbles, and she could see the floor of the tub between her thighs.

Water was dumped unceremoniously over her head, and she spluttered, trying to wipe the soapy suds from her eyes. Her head lifted to glare up at her maid, only to discover it was no maid.

"Devlin!" she cried, and belatedly placed her hands across her breasts. "Get out!"

He merely smiled that dangerous smile of his that she was becoming familiar with, and a trickle of heat swirled low in her belly. He crouched by the tub, his arms resting along its edge, a mere fraction from her glistening shoulder. His gaze lazily swept over her, and blushes swept over her body.

"This is my cabin. If anyone should leave, my little captive, then it should be you."

"But I'm not wearing any clothes." He smile merely deepened, and her grey eyes narrowed. "Why did you undress me?" She didn't know whether he did or not, but his reply confirmed her suspicions.

"You, my salty mermaid, needed a bath. I refuse to share my bed with someone encrusted with salt." he replied dryly.

"You are no gentleman," she declared, her ears burning. He threw his head back and laughed.

"And you are every inch the Lady," he teased.

She ignored his comment, hating the blushes deepening over her breasts. "I refuse to share a bed with you. I am engaged to another man."

"If you choose to sleep on the floor without the benefit of a blanket or pillow, then I will have to abide by it." His voice turned suddenly serious. "However, should you share the bed with me, I promise not to do anything you don't wish."

The silence stretched as she measured his words, her head tipped endearingly on its side. "You are not angry with me?"

"No, Miriam," he replied. "I'm sorry that things ended badly, I would not have wished that for you for your first time. You are young and innocent, and it was my own brutish stupidity that made you fear me. I do not blame you for trying to escape me. I only ask that you let me make it up to you."

She swallowed hard as she met his sombre gaze. "You promise to ransom me to my fiancé as soon as possible? "

"I will send a letter to him on the morrow. Now, let's get you dry and into bed."

She shyly asked him to turn around. He did as she beckoned and she stood in the tub and took the towel held out to her. She turned, putting her back to him as she swiftly patted herself down, propping first one leg then the other on the rim of the tub as she dried her thighs. She then wrapped it around her damp hair, and holding onto the edge of the tub, stepped over it carefully onto the waiting towel. She padded over to the chest, calling out over her shoulder "don't look, I'm not ready."

She rummaged through a drawer until she found a soft white shirt. She slipped it on, and hastily did up the buttons to her throat. It reached her knees, and dangled well below the tips of her fingers. She rolled up the sleeves, and then glanced down at herself. It was roomy and hid her body, although she was conscious of the indecent amount of legs on display as she turned to face him.

The breath caught when she found him lying on the bed facing her, propped up on his elbows, his eyes closed. Had he looked?

"Miriam, if you do not hurry up, I will dry you and put you to bed myself."

"I am ready," she mumbled with relief, fiddling with the buttons of the shirt.

Devlin swallowed hard at her poor choice of words. Opening his eyes, he gazed upon her standing shyly before him, clutching his shirt before her. He wanted nothing more than to peel it off her and taste her delightful breasts as she writhed against him, yet he knew he had to bide his time. He would not make the same mistake twice, even if he burned with frustration at the mere sight of her.

"Come, I am tired and am in need of sleep," he murmured huskily, patting the mattress at his side. Her eyes on the floor, she walked toward him and climbed up on the bed, keeping as much distance between them as possible. Which was not much.

He pulled the blanket over both of them and pinched the flame out with his fingers. Turning on his side, he pulled her stiff body up against his. "Relax," he murmured against her sweet smelling hair. "There is more room this way."

After a time, when all he did was merely hold her, she eased against him. He brushed his lips against her hair as her soft, even breathing reached his ears. Sleep, he knew, would be a long time coming.


When Miriam woke, he had gone, yet his warmth lingered. She lay there, stretching on the bed as she remembered his kiss. Her belly fluttered and a small smile curled her lips as she propped herself up on her elbow, pushing her curls over her shoulder. She touched her fingers to her lips. Would her soon to be husband kiss her like that?

"So you're finally awake, sleepy head?"

"Carly!" she cried, sitting up in bed. Carly stood in the entrance to the cabin, and the breath caught in Miriam's throat at the sight of her. She wore a long sweeping gown of light blue intricately beaded with seed pearls. Her hair was loose and slightly damp.

"Thank you for what you did last night. I shouldn't have made you swim to shore, and put us both in danger."

"Carly, you didn't make me. I wanted to. And I'm so glad you are safe." Carly smiled nervously as she crossed the cabin to sit on the edge of the bed. Miriam's heart fluttered. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"No, no. I...I'm going to marry him, Miriam."


"I love him, and he loves me." Miriam stared at Carly in shock. Carly had been so desperate to escape the man not long ago, and now she wanted to marry him?

"I know you wanted me to stay with you when you married your Duke, but Daemon and Devlin own several vineyards in the south of France, and he wants me to live there with him."

Miriam could say nothing as she gazed at her sister. What about me, she wanted to cry, but knew that would be selfish. Her sister finally had a chance at happiness, and Miriam couldn't ruin that for her.

"I'm happy for you," she whispered, blinking back tears at the thought of never seeing her sister again. Would Miriam's husband allow her travel to visit her sister after she had borne him some heirs? She hoped so.

Carly threw her arms around Miriam and hugged her. "It will all work out, you'll see," her sister whispered. "You will come, won't you? Word can be sent to your fiancé, and to our parents."

Miriam murmured "yes, of course". Something shifted on the edge of her vision and her lashes lifted. Her lips parted as she caught sight of Devlin standing in the doorway. He smiled a lazy smile and winked, before turning and disappearing from view. Miriam found it suddenly hard to breathe.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

At first I was apprehensive of the repetition. But soon realised it was important to make us feel familiar about Miriam and Devlin. And it has been dine wonderfully!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I like how they both handle their anger at the two women. It was an unexpected surprise and a very effective way to handle the situations.

raven616raven616over 13 years ago

I liked Mariam and Devlin too.... they are so cute

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I think I might have accidently clicked Report Story a few seconds ago, sorry about that

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
then what happened

then what happened?

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