Calliope's New Life Ch. 02


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He always sent the tasks a day ahead after she had finished with her laptop and started her journaling. There were things about cleaning day she was not going to enjoy and he watched her carefully while looking through his own work load. Her eyes widened and she pulled a face now and then, but she said nothing as she carefully read the whole article and another story he had sent her.

Calliope couldn't believe this would be part of her cleaning day and she tried hard not to react as she read the whole article, rereading some sections more than once just to clarify what it all meant in her head. The benefits of doing it were clearly outlined, but she was put off by the whole idea and chewed a nail as she thought about it.

"Don't chew your nails Callie," Padraic growled from his desk making her pull her hand away and look up at him with wide eyes. He smiled at her and turned back to his work, and she lowered her eyes and opened the story he had sent. She enjoyed the stories that often accompanied the articles he sent her, they were always about couples in similar Dominant and submissive relationships like theirs where there was an obvious disparity in age and maturity, most often Daddy-Dom's and their girls. Though they were stories, when she read them in her study time, it made their relationship seem more normal though with every passing day she became more the type of girl he needed and wanted her to be.

When it came time to write the email response to the article and story she sat there and stared at the plank page of her email for several minutes. In the end she wrote, "I don't actually know how I feel about this, and probably won't know until I have tried it. I am not sure that I do want to try it. The idea seems yucky, but the benefits are there so it all balances out. I just can't imagine what it would be like or enjoying it much. I don't want to but I guess it comes down to rule number one, if you insist." It was short and simple but it was honest and she knew he prised that above all else from her responses to these tasks.

Closing her laptop she put it back into her desk and opened her journal. Each day she did a journal on the day before and in a second book she consistently updated the rules she now had to live by. Being creative she had made them both into a form of scrapbook and glued in little bits and pieces from their days together as well as writing about her feelings and his rules. As she took up her pencils and searched for the right colour to express how she was feeling about yesterdays punishment, she worried that her response would make Padraic cranky at her. The last week and half since she had come to him had been one big learning curve and she had felt the sting of his punishments often.

Worrying she glanced up at him to try and gauge his mood but he looked engrossed in his work and she looked down again at her work. He morning dragged by and Calliope's tummy rumbled before they stopped for the morning and went out to the kitchen. Padraic had skipped her morning snack instead giving her a bottle of water to sip on explaining once again that today was cleaning day and they would be on a special diet.

Mama Bea had made them a wonderful salad that not only included the usual garden salad ingredients but had added a variety of melon and chunks of pineapple to replace the lack of dressing that would normally spice it up and add flavour. Calliope sat and ate quietly, still worrying that she had made Padraic cranky with her by her reluctance to accept that she would submit to the process outlined in the article.

Padraic too was quieter than usual as he worked through whether it was best to explain again or just bulldoze ahead through the day and all that was expected of his girl citing the number one rule whenever she balked. He could see the worry crease her brow and began to explain again in an effort to ease her tension. "After lunch," he started, "We will go and do all the things we need to do to keep you so very pretty and healthy." Padraic smiled widely, "A hair treatment, shape your eyebrows, maybe a face pack, all those grown up things you like." He tried to highlight the positives of their day as he poured another glass of juice for himself and asked, "Would you like some more juice?"

"Yes, please," Calliope replied, still nervous about their cleaning day but a little more relaxed as he spoke to her throughout the rest of the lunch about his preferences of scent and asking what she liked. Bea arrived and joined their conversation as Calliope picked at the remnants of the salad in the large bowl. Bea preferred the spicier cents of ylangylang and the like rather than the sweeter flowery scents both Calliope and Padraic favoured.

"I love the new colours you chose for your room," Bea said conversationally. "It's all put together for you to look at when you are finished with the lunch," she smiled broadly as Calliope's face lit up.

Dropping her fork noisily to her plate, Calliope squealed excitedly, "I'm done can we go now?" The only thing Calliope had truly gotten her own way about was the original doona cover and bed linen and the colour scheme it held. The rest had been Padriac's suggestions and she wondered how it would all look now it would put together.

Padraic had chuckled with genuine amusement but looked at her plate, and her glass, "Finish your juice then and try to eat just a little more it will still be there in five minutes." Calliope picked up the glass and took a large gulp making Bea and Padraic chuckle more. Padraic finished his lunch quicker than he had planned as Calliope stabbed at the remaining food on her plate with the fork and gulped down her juice.

Unable to bear her pouting any more Padraic stood up and the three walked to Calliope's room together. The muted greens, blues and purples of the peacock coloured bedding set, lent themselves to the harsher darker jungle type themes she had favoured while still being bright and light lending them selves to the fairytale kingdom style he had wanted her to adopt. His choices of the extra pieces in the room of cushions, bedside lights and curtains blended the two ideas together into a room that was young without being babyish.

Calliope jumped on the bed bouncing and squealing, "I love it! It's so much better than the pink and white stuff, thank you thank you!" She bounced off the bed into Padraic's arms and hugged him peppering his face with little kisses.

"You are quite welcome, baby," he said between kisses, "Now thank Mama Bea for putting it all together for you."

Wriggling from his arms Calliope ran over to where Bea stood beside the door and hugged her tightly gushing her thanks. The play table was gone and in its place a desk that must have come from somewhere else in the house and she wondered how Mama Bea had completely changed the room in such a short time by herself before remembering Jamie was here to help her today. "Should I go thank Jamie too?" Calliope asked softly, "Did he help you with all the furniture?"

Bea smiled down on the sweet girl, "He would like that he is just cleaning up the play room, it was very dusty. We had to move things around in there too to make all the changes in here. I will go get him."

Calliope hadn't heard of that room but there was only one room in the house she hadn't been allowed into yet and she looked curiously from Bea to Padraic. "If you are a good girl for me today and do everything we need to do, I will show you that room tonight," Padraic let a small smile curl his lip, he was not sure she was ready for that yet but she had to see it sometime.

Callie nodded, but a worried look came over her eyes just as quickly as she realised what that would entail. To try and guard against losing the opportunity she said quietly, "I will try, Paddy."

"Good girl," he leaned down and kissed her forehead, "That's all I ask, that you try." Padraic liked what Bea and Jamie had done. Between the new colour scheme and the change in some of the furnishings they had erased the last vestiges of Shelly and made this truly Calliope's place, as it should be. "You and Jamie did well. Thanks, Bea," Padraic said as he walked around making sure everything he needed was in its place. Bea disappeared out the door in search of Jamie smiling happily.

Jamie came in with Bea and smiled shyly at Calliope. She immediately ran over and hugged him, "Thank you for helping Mama Bea," Calliope grinned at him and kissed his cheek making him look quickly at Padraic who was smiling. Relaxing Jamie hugged Calliope back tightly enjoying the feel of the girl against him.

He didn't release Calliope until Padraic approached him holding out his hand to the young man who took it, "You did a good job in here," Padraic congratulated him with a firm hand shake before chuckling at the young man's expression and ruffling his hair. Padraic had always like Jamie and his obvious interest in Calliope was sweet but Padraic being the man he was, did not know that he should encourage the relationship beyond the occasional innocent meeting like this. "Come show me the other room while Callie explores this one with Mama Bea, you know how girls are," Padraic almost groaned.

"Yeah," Jamie replied rolling his eyes and led the way out of the room.

Calliope ran and bounced onto the bed again hugging Zigzag her zebra, "So much better now," she said exaggeratedly to Bea.

"I think so too," Bea said and went to sit on the bed with Calliope. They barely had time to start chatting before Padraic walked back in smiling followed by Jamie who looked just as happy. Calliope tilted her head but Padraic said nothing as he walked toward her and gathered her in his arms cuddling her close.

"We all have a lot to do, this afternoon, so we better get started," Padraic thanked Bea and Jamie again as they took the hint and left the room closing the door after them. Carrying her into the bathroom Padraic sat Calliope up on the bench and handed her a small hand mirror and some tweezers, "Eyebrows," he said and left her to tease the small hairs. He stood up in front of the mirror and shaved cleaning up his facial hair at the same time. He hated that as he got older more hair seemed to grow in the strangest places.

Taking the bands from her hair and letting it fall loosely around her shoulders he smiled, "Deep conditioning treatment," he said holding up a jar for her to inspect. Opening it he slowly began to work it through her hair paying special attention to the ends. Once done he plaited the long slick strands of her hair and tied them in place with one of her hair bands.

Taking a basket from the cupboard he showed her the range of cleansing masks he had available and pulling a stool from under the bench sat down so he was at her high as she sat on the bench. The giggled and laughed as they gave each other a facial, cleansing, toning and moisturising after having face packs. Padraic put the basket away and took another one out. Kissing her lightly he curled his fingers under the tight material of her top and pulled it up over her head. He never tired of looking at her body and as it was revealed to him again he ran his hands over her petite figure and small perky breasts.

The bathroom had been remodelled to his specifications many years ago and the T shaped benches had been put in place with a shallow wide drained sink centred within the dividing bench. Padraic lay her back as a worried look entered her eyes again. He helped her wriggle out of her skirt as he crooned, "You are absolutely the most beautiful girl." His hands moved over her body slowly tracing each contour.

With scented massage oil he began massaging her body slowly kneading her flesh his hands looking large and old against her soft pale skin. Gently he rolled her over to her front and began massaging her neck and shoulders helping her to relax. He spent time massaging the firm cheeks of her ass squeezing the flesh and rubbing at her as he pulled them wide playing with the plug in her ass and slowly removing it. Her legs had widened to fall either side of the narrow bench allowing him easy access to the tight little asshole as he played with it.

Calliope closed her eyes knowing what was coming and tried not to think of what was actually happening as she felt a small plastic tube rather than the plug she had worn work its way into her asshole. Padraic continued to stroke her back with one hand as she felt the rush of water enter her bowels. The feeling made her whimper and her legs close slightly until he smacked her lightly and she opened them wider again.

Padraic squeezed the accordion style bottle to send the slightly warm soapy water into Calliope's ass, enjoying her whimpers and the discomfort her tightly closed eyes told him she was enduring. "Hold onto it now baby, hold tight," he said softly as he removed the hose and pressed a smaller plug into her ass to help her. His hands travelled back up her back massaging the tense muscles as he made her hold it for a full five minutes. He would make her hold larger amounts for longer periods of time, but this first time, he did not want her overwhelmed with pain or discomfort.

When he gauged the time was right he pulled her up to straddle the dividing bench, she was pouting and whimpering softly at the pain in her bloated belly, turning on the taps he pulled the plug roughly from her making her squeal and stroked her back as she released the water, she leaned into him, her breathing heavy as the soapy water cleaned her out thoroughly leaving her pale.

Calliope was surprised by the immediate discomfort she felt, his constant touch and massage eased her panic as the water filled her to the point of painfulness and she squeezed her eyes closed tighter as small whimpers escaped her lips. The relief of being able to let the water go far outweighed any embarrassment she may have other wise felt. She sat there for the longest time feeling the cramps as her body expelled everything that was within her and more after that it seemed. Eventually, using a cloth Padraic gently cleaned her as the water subsided to small dribbles and he lay her back down again.

Bending over her he kissed her deeply, "You're such a good girl," he praised her and watched her small shy smile curl her lips. "A shower now and a body scrub and you will be a clean little bean," Padraic grinned and sure she was safe on the bench left her to run the shower. Returning quickly to her side he began to strip off his own clothes before picking her up and taking her into the shower.

He held her close and kissed her deeply. The power she gave him submitting to his needs as she had today made the girl he held in his arms even more desirable. Manoeuvring her body around so she straddled his hips he pressed her against the wall of the shower and drove his harden cock into her without any warning. She cried out, and he felt the passion and need to use her and claim her once again as his very own.

His darker inner self longed to force his rock hard cock into her newly cleaned ass, but he knew he couldn't without proper preparation or he would risk damaging her beyond reasonable expectations and widening a gulf between them that he had worked so hard to heal in the last week with all of his compromises and care. His need was strong though, and he pounded into her with abandon grinding her back into the slick tiles of the shower stall. Her gasps and cries echoed off the walls barely drowned by the sound of the rushing water, and he felt the tell tale tremors in her thighs about his hips. Placing a hand around her throat stifling her cries and begging while holding her back against the tiles as he pumped into her little cunt he growled loudly, CUM!"

Her eyes flared open and her body stiffened arching out from the wall while he held her throat without choking her, and he slammed up into her hard as his own cum sprayed into her. Gasping he leaned against her pinning her to the wall his own legs shaking. Slowly he raised her face to his and kissed her deeply, "You are amazing, and I love you baby." He smiled softly down into her face before kissing her again as she began to answer him swallowing her words.

Once Padraic was sure she had recovered he stood her up and took up a tube of body scrub and a loofah. He scrubbed her until she was pink all over and left her standing under the warm shower, to rinse out her hair. He got out and dressed himself first before taking up a towel and turning the shower off. Wrapping her in the towel he walked into her room and laid her on the large bench against the wall. Reaching to the shelf above him he took down some lightly scented body lotion and began to massage her again as he moisturized her hot little body.

With her restless nights sleep and the extremely early morning she had Calliope relaxed so much under his gentle massage and crooning praise that she dozed off. Realising how exhausted she must have been Padraic picked her up and put her in bed, covering her with a light blanket and left the room quietly to clean up the bathroom properly even though Bea would do it for him if he asked and probably would do a double check in there before she left for the day.

Just the thought of being able to take her in a way no other had tonight had hardened his cock and he walked to the play room considering the furniture and equipment he had in there and how much he would love helping her to understand it in time. It was not that they would use it often, or even that he would use her ass very often, but the image of her in this room filled his thoughts and he growled to himself and walked away to get a cool drink and wait for his girl to finish her nap.

Padraic sought out Bea once he had a glass of juice in his hand, and found her in the guest room. "Must have been some night last night if all the rooms have been used," she grumbled at him.

"Not all," he grinned, "She needed the lesson."

Bea didn't say anything but nodded knowingly. She waited knowing Padraic had more to say, "Go on say whatever is on your mind," she urged him, "We have been friends too long to beat around the bush with each other.

"Jamie tells me he wants to be a Daddy when he grows up," Padraic began.

"Yes he has told me," Bea said casually, "He has been trying to dominate Jessie for a while now, but she won't have a bar of it, and I won't let him punish her." She looked thoughtful, "Did he ask you to mentor him?"

Padraic nodded sadly, "I'd like to Bea, but after Shelly," he shrugged, "I don't know when or even if I will be willing to share again. The family initiation was one thing but not in a close personal way like mentoring." He went and sat on the chair in the room while Bea continued her work. "I told him he should explore that side of his nature though but that maybe he should talk to you about expanding your family."

"I think he needs a man to guide him, I am not really sure my way would work for him," she said honestly.

"Carl is probably the best. Plus he often trains new graduates he has an eye on," Padraic smirked, "He is going to get himself in serious trouble one day."

"Yeah that's what I am worried about" Bea grinned, "Maybe he could just watch you with Calliope more often, till we work something out."

"I guess, but it's still very new to her, so not for a while, okay?" Padraic said, "Why don't you and the kids come for dinner once in a while, he can get to know how I handle things or he can come talk with me from time to time, I am not going to share Callie though," he sighed knowing trapping her was as ineffectual as giving her too much freedom, "Well, not for a while anyway."

"I understand Pad, really I do, and I did warn Jamie that you would probably say no," she said softly, "Dinner though sounds lovely let's make it once a fortnight to start and see how that goes. We can start on Monday. I'll cook while I am here during the day." She patted him on the shoulder, "Jamie would love to have a man he could talk to about how he is feeling, they all grow up and move on eventually," her voice had turned wistful.