Blind Man's Bluff Ch. 02


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He only had two small bags, so he took everything as carry-on. The only things not in his bags were his wallet, a reading light, and his biology book. He was hoping to sleep most of the way, but he wanted something to read just in case. The first leg of the trip at least was reasonably packed. He hoped he didn't get stuck next to a "larger" person with an unpleasant smell. That had happened the last time he took the bus somewhere, and he wasn't looking forward to that.

"Excuse me," came a pleasant voice. Wes looked up and saw a vision of heaven leaning over, giving him a generous view of a great rack. "I think I'm in the window seat."

"Sorry." He tucked his legs in while the young woman moved across. Suddenly, Wes hoped there was no one assigned to the middle seat. This woman was simply stunning. Medium-length brown hair fell lazily around her face, but didn't obscure her large, dark eyes. A man could get lost in those eyes. She had reasonably high cheekbones, ruby-red lips, and flawless skin. She had a delicate, smooth tan on her face, arms and legs, and he was willing to bet she had no tan lines anywhere. Her semi-formal jacket was strained at the seams in a vain attempt to contain a truly gorgeous chest. Her ample cleavage (also tanned) was tastefully displayed through the opening. She wore a short skirt revealing toned and lightly muscled legs. She had the physical dimensions of a magazine centerfold. And she even smelled nice.

She sat down and quickly closed the window shade; her hands shaking a bit.

"Not a big fan of flying," Wes asked.

"You could say that," she returned nervously. "I'm okay when in the air, but takeoffs and landings are bitches."

Wes wondered if he could do anything to help ease her anxiety. He looked her over for clues as to her interests. She had her purse with her, and hanging out of the pocket was part of a key chain with a picture of a little girl on it.

"Who's the girl?" he asked.

She glanced down at her purse and a happy glow overtook her. "That's my daughter, Samantha. She is so adorable!" She had the look of joy good mothers always had when they talked about their children.

"Your daughter?" he said, a little louder than expected. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. But she looks three or four, and you . . ."

"I'm twenty-one. Had her when I was seventeen."

"I didn't mean to pry, but that's pretty young. Is your husband looking after her?" She rolled her eyes a bit, and waved her fingers in the air. No wedding ring. Wes felt embarrassed. "Sorry. I didn't mean to stick my foot in my mouth quite so quickly."

"You never do." Luckily, she was still smiling, so he hadn't completely ticked her off. "No, her FATHER has her this week, so I'm going to go visit my sister for a few days. She's old enough now that we're trying to explain to her what happened." With that, the woman shut down, staring at the seat in front of her.

"I didn't mean to pry." Wes got the impression she wasn't going to talk about anything else if he didn't earn her trust. "I get it though. Things don't always go as planned. I'm on my way to visit my brother, the proverbial apple of my parents' eyes, who is apparently gay, and then I'm coming home to a situation that could spell my academic doom." He was a little shocked that he had come out and said all that, but for some reason, he really wanted to talk to this woman. And her curiosity was obviously piqued. He found himself telling her about his brother and the phone call he had received, and then he told her about his fling with the president of the university's wife. Wes was convinced that this would anger the other passenger, but it turned out not to be the case.

"She sounded lonely," the woman said with an absent look in her eye.

"She was," he returned. "But I think she's going to be all right."

"Yeah. People can do strange things when they're like that. Like getting pregnant at sixteen by a man in his thirties." She seemed to be opening up a bit. She told him about meeting this guy while she was still in high school. Like a lot of young girls, she lied about her age so he would 'take her seriously.' Well, he did that and more. He was her first, and he gave her something to remember by. She cried and panicked when she found out. She told the guy the truth about her age, and he went into a panic. He could get arrested for his part. She wouldn't give up the child, and her parents pretty much disowned her at that point, leaving her daughter and her sister (who lived in New York) as her only family. So the guy put her up in an apartment, and paid for medical expenses. He had even paid for daycare so she could finish high school. When she turned eighteen, he thought he was in the clear.

"So," the girl said with a bit of venom in her voice, "he went back to his WIFE."


"Yeah. But he confessed everything, and she was more pissed off at HIM than at ME!" Now she sounded almost gleeful. "Because of my age and the fact he had never told me he was married prompted her to 'encourage' him to continue helping me out. But I had to make a living, so I did what a lot of uneducated girls did for money. I started stripping."

"I thought you had to be older for that?"

"Depends on whether the place serves alcohol or not. A couple of girls pointed out early on that to make the big bucks, you had to have big . . .well . . ." she looked down at her enormous chest. "But hey, they paid for themselves in under six months."

"I believe," he said with a cheesy smile and a raise of his eyebrows. "Oh, could you do me a favor? Open up the window shade. We've been in the air for twenty minutes."

She looked surprised. Then her eyes and mouth opened wide in surprise. "You sneak!" she said throwing open the shade. She smiled warmly. "And thank you."

"You could thank me by telling me your name."

"Where ARE my manners," she exclaimed. "It's Molly." After he introduced himself, they continued to converse well on towards their mutual layover at DFW airport. She talked a lot about her daughter and her plans. Rather than getting out of the dancing business, she wanted to get further in. She wanted to open her own club; someplace a little more posh than where she was working. She was thinking of taking business classes at the community college in her spare time. And she talked in depth and detail about her breast augmentation operation, which made Wes more than a little blue at the gills. She had spent extra for quality, and she felt it had paid off. Wes silently agreed.

"People feel them and know they're fake, but they aren't solid objects like cheaper implants. It's hard to describe." She looked puzzled, then grabbed one of his hands, sticking it into her jacket and onto one of her boobs.

"And to think, in the old days they just shook hands."

"Oh hush. But do you get my point?"

He gave as polite of a squeeze as was possible under the circumstances. "It feels . . . thicker, or more pressurized."

"See, it's hard to explain, isn't it? Oh, you can take your hand off now."


"Oh, okay." She placed her hand on his and caused it to squeeze again. "That'll be ten bucks."

"Oh, so that's it! That's you're game."

"Yeah, but hey, you get points for still wanting to do that even though you know I've got a kid. Most guys' interest drops drastically when they find out that to get me, they have to accept my daughter." And with that, she sounded subdued again.

"Well, most guys are stupid."

She smiled warmly at him, and rested her head on his shoulder. "Why can't more guys be like you?"

"Optometrists around the world would like that." In response to her perplexed look, he took off his glasses and handed them to her.

"Damn! How blind are you without these things?"

"Bats make fun of me."

"Ouch. So can you see me right now?"

"All I see is a pretty blur."

"Pretty, hunh?"

Wes was blushing now. He hadn't meant that to slip out. Then the blur seemed to move closer, and it kissed him on the cheek. He also felt a hand on his leg, dangerously close to his groin. As a result, he began feeling a stirring in his pants. He felt her breath on his neck.

"Hey, you got a gratuitous grope," she said as he felt a hand on his shaft, "so turn about is fair play." There was a pause. "Oh my!"

Wes felt the hand disappear just before he heard the drink cart trundle by. The pilot's voice came on over the intercom, saying they were approaching DFW and were preparing for descent. The lights started to come back on and passengers got ready for the landing.

Molly whispered in his ear, "You know, the layover isn't that long. I was thinking of just chillin' here on the plane." Her breath was hot on his ear and neck. "Wanna join me?"

"Is that a trick question?" he asked, adjusting his dick so that it didn't stick out too much. He crossed his legs to help hide his erection. "Can I have my glasses back?"

"I don't know. I kind of like it like this."

They sat there engaging in idle chit-chat that could scarcely disguise the desire in their voices.

"It seems everyone but us has 'gotten off'," she said quietly. "I don't think that's fair, do you?" He felt her hand in his lap again, gently rubbing his still rigid cock through the fabric of his shorts. She was also nibbling on his neck, and his flesh became covered in goose-bumps. He was incredibly turned on, but also incredibly nervous. He couldn't see if anyone, such as a stewardess or another passenger, was anywhere nearby. He was completely at Molly's mercy. And she didn't have much mercy. She was seriously nuzzling his neck, which in turn was sending shivers down his spine. He felt a tugging at his shorts, and suddenly the zipper was undone and her delicate hand had snaked its way in. "Hmm. No underwear. How convenient." She couldn't move her hand much, but she did what she could. She had a light grip on his shaft, and she started to stroke. He humped against her hand slightly, not wanting to be too obvious. Like anyone would be fooled if they actually saw her hand chasing his trouser-snake into its burrow.

She removed her hand briefly, and the blur that was her body seemed to arch up in her seat a bit with her hands around her skirt area. Then she bent over, and he heard her pick her feet up and then put them down again. Suddenly, her hand was back in his shorts, and he felt something silky in her hand as it encircled his prick again. "Since you weren't wearing any underwear," she whispered, "I thought you might like to try mine." With panties and dick in hand, she started jacking him off again, and continued to kiss him all over his neck, ear and mouth. The plane may have been on the ground, but his head was back up in the clouds.

He didn't even care if they got kicked off the plane. The feeling of her silk-wielding hand wrapped around his iron rod was worth it. Then he heard voices coming from the front of the plane, as a few of the passengers started to make their way back on. She withdrew her hand, but left her precum-stained panties inside his shorts when she zipped him up. "Don't worry," she said. "I'm not done with you. You might want to cross your legs again though. It's looking like you smuggled a bazooka on board in you shorts." He crossed his legs just in time to hear the voice of the stewardess approach, asking if they wanted anything. 'Yeah,' he thought to himself. 'A private room or a cold shower.' Molly said she was a little chilly and tired, so she asked for a blanket and a pillow, which the nice lady dutifully brought. The passengers started trickling back onto the plane.

"There aren't nearly as many people for this leg of the flight, it looks like." She sounded quite please about that. "And there isn't anyone right across from us, behind us, or in front of us. Lucky me!" She was cut off by the flight announcement that they were preparing for takeoff. The time spent on the runway and waiting for their turn was agony for Wes. Molly placed her hand on his leg, but made sure not to quite touch his throbbing member.

"You are an unbelievable tease," he said huskily.

"Hey, most people would pay for this. You I'm doing for sheer pleasure." Finally, they were in the air, and the fasten seat-belt signs were turned off. Lights were flickering off all over the plane, as passengers settled down for a few hours of sleep in the wee hours of the morning. The light over their row was quickly turned off, and they undid their seatbelts. Her hand was resting on his crotch now, but she seemed to be waiting for something. "There we go," she said at last. The flight attendants are settled in. We should have enough uninterrupted time now." With that, she unzipped his shorts again and reached her hand in. The hand-job continued for a few minutes while she took the blanket and threw it over the both of them. She seemed to take a look around. It was almost impossible to tell, as he couldn't see more than a few inches from his face with any clarity, and the plane was almost completely dark. She unbuttoned his shorts and pulled his dick free.

Then her head slid down under the blanket and into his lap. The moment her lips touched the end of his cock was one of the happiest of his life. The head slid into her hot, velvet mouth, then the rest of the shaft started to follow suit. He kept his ears pealed for signs of an intruder. He felt her head bobbing up and down, and she kept the base of his dick wrapped up in her hand and panties. The sound of slurping was incredibly faint, but he was still afraid someone might hear it. She seemed to be really enjoying herself. She took about half of his eight inches in her mouth, then pulled all the way off and starting rapidly licking the sensitive head with her tongue. Then down she went again. She would repeat this procedure, sometimes bobbing her head a couple of times before coming up for air. A couple of times, she managed to get about six inches in her throat before he felt her start to gag. She pulled her hand of his cock and gently wrapped his heavy nuts in her underwear, then started to gently fondle them. He would have loved to cum in her mouth, but that wasn't her plan. After a nice long blowjob, her head reappeared above the blanket.

"Having fun so far?"

"You are, without a doubt, the sexiest woman I have ever met."

"Hmm. And I'm just getting warmed up." She seemed to be doing something under the blanket. It seemed to Wes that she was unbuttoning her shirt from the general location of the movements, but he wasn't sure. Then he felt something soft in his hand. Apparently, it was her (very large) bra. "Ready to feel something wild?" she asked as she rummaged through her purse. Suddenly, the blur that was her head disappeared, and he felt her body slide to the floor. She managed to shuffle over until she was kneeling in front of him. He felt some kind of lotion being rubbing into the sensitive skin of his cock, and it seemed she was rubbing in onto her chest as well. He felt his cock enveloped in something hot and firm, and he realized it was her tits.

Now, having had the opportunity to tit-fuck a woman with natural breasts, he was able to make a comparison. One of the swimmers he had fucked, Tracy, had soft tits that almost cradled his shaft. Molly's tits almost gripped it. But with whatever lotion she had used, she had managed to make her cleavage incredibly slick. The pressure those massive globes were exerting was mind-blowing. She pressed them tightly together and started rubbing them up and down his dick. He felt the head of his cock peak out of her cleavage for air, but her tits remained locked around the rest of the shaft. It was possibly the most pleasurable thing he had ever felt! He heard the rattling of the drink car towards the front of the cabin. He tapped her on the head, and she quickly slid back into her seat. He felt really weird. His shorts were around his ankles, and only Molly's hand was keeping his dick from making a tent under the blanket. Her jacket was open, and her shirt was apparently pulled up passed those glorious globes. She pulled her half of the blanket up and began feigning sleep, with one hand still wrapped around his shaft.

He heard the stewardess ask if he wanted anything. Molly gave his dick a gentle squeeze as he told the nice lady that he was fine. After she moved on, he turned and whispered, "That is cheating." He slid on hand down her body and between her legs. Her skirt was hiked up, and his hand met hers. Apparently, she was pleasuring herself while he had been talking. Their hands started to work in tandem while waiting for the flight attendant to pass by again. She would insert her own fingers while he would rub the mound. Once, they both started fingering her pussy, causing a traffic-jam in her moist opening. Since she had right of way, he was content to insert his thumb towards the bottom of slit, and managed to squirm one finger between her tight ass cheeks and into her puckered rosebud. She let out a light gasp and a cooing sound. She leaned over and kissed him passionately, then bit lightly on his bottom lip. He had definitely found a sweet spot on this girl. Unfortunately, as soon as he found it, he had to play dead as the stewardess swung back by on her way back to the cabin.

When she was safely away, he felt Molly shift in her seat. She seemed to be facing the other way. He felt her fumbling under the blanket, and her hand was once again on his cock, pulling it and him toward her. He hunched up against the armrest separating the seats, and felt the warm wetness of her vaginal opening tickling the engorged head of his penis. Then he slid inside.

There really wasn't much room to move, so he did the best he could. It was almost eerie; like someone had hit the mute button on a television set. He was humping into and out of her tight, moist box so slowly as to not make a sound. He wanted to groan and talk dirty to her, but couldn't out of fear of being heard. He was willing to bet her mouth was opened in that pleasurable 'O' shape people sometimes made when in ecstasy. He slid his hand under the blanket and cupped one of her titanic tits, enjoying the firmness of it in contrast to the softness of the nipple. She lifted the breast being fondled to her own lips, catching his finger with it. He heard her lightly sucking on her own nipple, then taking one of his fingers into her mouth and sucking it like a small cock. Then she let him return to his silent groping. He sensed her head turn, and he leaned into to kiss her. After a lingering kiss, she whispered something else to him.

"There's one thing left I want you to do for me." He felt her draw away until his cock slid all the way out of her. She reached back and grabbed it, then directed it towards her backdoor.

Wes was almost in a daze. This was one thing he had never done before. He didn't want to hurt her, but she was offering it too him. At that moment, she was positioning the head of his dick directly at the entrance of her asshole. "Are you sure?" was all he could think to whisper.

"I never start something I don't mean to finish," she whispered back. That was all the encouragement he needed, as he slowly pushed inward. Molly pulled the pillow from her head and placed it directly in front of her face. Wes could almost swear she was biting it, but whether to keep from moaning or screaming or both was a mystery to him. Her ass was so tight that he was afraid he was going to shoot his load right off the bat. He slowed even more until he felt that he was back in control of himself. Meanwhile, the head of his cock was fully submerged, and he felt the vice-like grip of her sphincter relax a bit. Progress suddenly became much smoother and he slid about half his length inside her tush. With both her hands grasping the pillow, he slid one of his over her thigh and into the groin area. With the earlier traffic jam gone, he once again worked her pussy with his fingers while simultaneously plunging his meat stick into her butt.