Beware of What You Wish For


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I shook my head.

"Anderson's were so impressed with us and what we accomplished for them here, that they want us to represent them in America as well! And Ian ... you're their man! They want you and they want you over there now!"

He leant forward in his chair and looked at me earnestly. "Land this baby and your new six figure salary will be whatever you want it to be!"

I sat back in shock. This was so big I wasn't sure how to handle it.

"What ... that's like ... wow! When do I have to leave?" I stuttered. I was beginning to panic.

"Erm ... NOW! You're booked on a flight at three o'clock this afternoon, paperwork's all sorted." Paul grinned. "So you'd better get off home and get packed." He stood and began to walk out the room before he looked back over his shoulder, "and Ian, don't forget to pick up your passport."

My head was whirling as I quickly rushed home, packed a small suitcase and took a taxi to the airport. I barely made the check in. It wasn't until I got into the departure lounge that I managed to get through to Gina and tell her what had happened, although I had to cut the call short as we were ushered through the gate to board the airplane.

It wasn't until the airplane levelled out at it's maximum cruising altitude that I realised Paul hadn't told me what the second thing was.


It was my day off work and I'd been out when Ian had rushed home to pack for his trip. I returned to find his clothes strewn all over the place. This in itself wasn't unusual, he's always been an untidy person. I sighed as I began to pick up after him. His suit had been discarded, he'd not even bothered to put it on a hanger like he was supposed to and when I picked it up it was quite wrinkled and creased.

I decided that I would take it to the dry cleaners for him and began to empty the pockets. It was then I found his latest payslip. I know I shouldn't have but it was open and there should be no secrets between a husband and his wife when it comes to money.

I already knew what his salary was but my idle curiosity got the better of me and I took a peek anyway. My mouth dropped open in disbelief. I looked again at the bottom line figure and then looked at the gross figure. As well as a significant increase in his basic salary there seemed to be a huge one off payment as well. I couldn't fathom it out and I wondered why Ian hadn't told me anything about his increase in pay or for that matter the massive bonus.

The persistent ringing of the phone made me jump. I answered it and got Ian's garbled message, which ended abruptly. Sadly, not only was I unable to ask him about the money, even though I knew perhaps I shouldn't but I hadn't fully understood what he was babbling on about before we got cut off. So I rang Paul for clarification.

He explained that Ian had to go to America to save some deal or other or sign some contract or something like that. I didn't really understand what he was talking about as he was rather vague but it wasn't unusual for Ian to go away at a moments notice like this; it had happened before although thankfully it wasn't a regular occurrence.

But it was then that Paul threw me a curve ball.

"Actually Gina, I'm glad you've rung." He hesitated as if trying to find the right words. "I've got a bit of a problem and I was hoping you might be able to bail me out of the proverbial, if you know what I mean."

"Oh," I exclaimed, "what is it?"

"Well; I've got a big meeting this afternoon with a very important client, a company I'm desperate to get signed up. My problem is that they want to go out for dinner but as they've all brought their wives along as well they want the venue to have a dance floor. Apparently the wives love to dance."

"I see," I said. I didn't really. "So what's your problem, there are loads of hotels you could go to that have restaurants and dancing."

"Yes there are. But I have a couple of issues; the main one being they expect my wife to be there."

"Oh ... so take Tracy. I'm sure she'll be delighted to go as your wife!" I was smiling broadly as I emphasised the word wife. I couldn't resist the dig and I swear I heard him wince.

"Well ... that's the problem. For starters I don't want to give her the wrong impression with the wife thing but that's a minor concern really. No, my main issue is that she's not good at handling her drink. You saw first hand at the soiree what happens when she's been drinking and sadly that isn't the first time she's gone into total meltdown. I don't want to run the risk of her getting drunk and running off at the mouth. I can't afford to screw this up."

"So what are you saying ..." I replied.

"Well ... I was wondering ... perhaps ... if you would go with me ... as my wife? For one thing you can hold your drink and for another you are much more sophisticated and mature than Tracy. One thing about this company, they are big believers in family values and I don't think they'd be too happy to find out I'm living with someone who isn't my wife."

I was incredulous. So he'd rather take me along to act as his wife rather than the woman he was living with. Where was the logic in that? Family values, what family values were these Paul? Divorced, living in sin, kids littered around everywhere, including one he denied was his ... what a hypocrite!

"You're kidding right ..."

"No I'm not ... I wish I was. Please Gina, I need you ... I mean I need your help; please ...?"

"Christ, I don't know." I replied with a sigh.

"Look if it helps, I discussed it with Ian before he left and explained it all to him. He was fine about it. He knows it's for the good of the company."

"He did?" I said.

"Yes, he did." He paused briefly and then added the little bombshell.

"Besides, he says you told him that you wanted a date with me anyway just to see how well I treat my ladies. So this could be the perfect opportunity to get your wish fulfilled!"

"What!" Again I was incredulous and I could sense the smug look on Paul's face. I felt my face flush red. Was there anything my husband didn't tell his boss about me in what I thought were our private discussions?

"He also said he told you that I would expect you to have sex with me at the end of it."

Apparently not!

"Hah," I responded, "like that would happen."

"Yeah, I know," he answered flippantly. "So ... will you ... will you be my wife tonight ... please? Will you come and help me land this account?"

I felt a slight surge of excitement. It would be good to contribute to the success of the company that employed my husband and if he was okay with it, then why not!

"Okay, I'll do it. But firstly, have you told Tracy?"

"Not a chance ... but don't worry. She's on holiday for a week. She actually flew out today."

I shook my head. He certainly had it all planned out. And so soon!

I ignored the slight feeling of doubt that flashed through my head. "So where is it and what time do you want me there?"

"I'll pick you up around seven thirty this evening ... and Gina ... wear something sexy. I need to impress the suits!"

I felt a little twinge of titillation rush through my body although it passed so quickly I thought I must have imagined it.

"Okay, see you later," I replied.

"Okay ...oh ... and Gina ... before I go, I have to tell you this ... I actually DO fuck all my first dates!" I knew he was joking although his voice seemed quieter, more sinister even. He was trying to be so melodramatic. It was so Paul!

"Yeah okay Paul; bye," I said, laughing as I ended the call.

I took my time selecting the outfit for my date. The thought that I was classing this as a date felt funny and I had to admit I was really quite nervous about it. Pushing that thought aside, I wondered whether I could make a difference to this business deal and I realised I genuinely wanted Paul's business clients to like me. Stupid I know but I wanted in a way to prove to him that I could help him land this client.

I stood surveying the clutter that is my wardrobe; yes I know, dual standards but I'm allowed, I'm a woman; dressed only in my black underwear, a matching lacy bra and thong together with stockings and suspenders. The body reflected back in the mirror was pretty good I thought. I'm slender but have a nice curvy ass and shapely legs, which Ian tells me he loves but it's my 32DD boobs he's really besotted with.

I slid the hangers across the rail discounting one dress after another before I finally came to my favourite. My little black number. I took it out and held it up against me.

It didn't look right and then I realised why. I'd had my hair coloured and I'd deepened it from strawberry blonde to bordering on auburn with some blonde highlights. I'd had it styled off my face and teased down to my shoulders. And just for tonight I'd also had my makeup professionally applied. My deep brown eyes had never looked better, highlighted as they were by the thick, dark eye liner and mascara. They seemed to be smouldering back at me. My eyebrows too had been plucked and arched and now looked fabulous. And my lips. I'd always thought of them as a bit too full but looking at them now they had just the right shade of lip gloss on them and were lips that demanded to be kissed and kissed hard. I felt a momentary pang of regret that Ian wasn't here to see me. He'd go crazy to see me like this. I felt a twinge of arousal thinking about what he would do to me. I was missing him already.

I returned the dress to the wardrobe and continued in my search.

And there it was. A red cocktail dress that I'd forgotten I'd bought. I took it off the hanger and slipped it on.

It looked stunning. A form fitting sheath dress with a scoop neckline in a ruched fabric it moulded itself to my curves. Although I'm fairly big up top the neckline was high enough not to show too much cleavage and the tightness of the fit ensured that my large boobs would remain securely inside the dress, which I thought would be handy when it came to the dancing.

I smoothed it down over my hips and took a final look in the mirror. I nodded to myself. There was a lot of thigh exposed but yep, I thought I looked okay.

Then for some reason that I couldn't explain I decided that I should change my underwear to match. I took off the dress and rooted around in my lingerie drawer until I found a red lacy bra and matching thong. It took me a little while longer but I finally located my red suspender belt. Putting these on I slid back into my dress. I felt good.

I located the shoes with the 5" heel that complimented the dress and slipped them onto my feet. With a final primp of my hair, I was satisfied. As I descended the stairs I heard the front doorbell ring. My lift was here.

As I climbed into the back seat of the stretch limo, Paul whistled.

"You look fabulous!" he exclaimed.

I felt a surge of pride that another man appreciated how I looked.

"You look pretty good too," I replied. His suit was immaculate. Clearly a designer label and clearly expensive. You could tell that by the cut.

Paul turned slightly so he could look at me. I turned and looked into his eyes. I could make out the desire in them. It was funny I could hold so much power over a man just by dressing up a little bit. I followed the track of his eyes as he took in my legs, the sheen of my silky sheer stockings, the amount of exposed thigh on show and my high heel shoes.

"You like?" I couldn't resist teasing him.

"Oh yeah ..."

He put his hand on my knee. I quickly removed it.

"What?" he exclaimed, a hurt look on his face.

"Steady tiger," I replied, "you can look but you can't touch. I'm married you know!"

"Yes you are," he replied, "and tonight you're married to me! Remember Gina, the suits think that you're my wife and I told them we're still madly in love with each other even after fifteen years of marriage and we can't keep our hands off each other!"

"You must think I'm stupid," I answered with a faint smile.

"No ... seriously they'll think it's funny if we don't at least touch each other now and again or even have the odd kiss. After all we will be dancing later and that's what couples tend to do on the dance floor, especially when the smoochy numbers come on." He smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes in fake disgust. "Okay, just the odd touch ... AND NOT NOW!" I added as his hand slipped onto my knee again. He didn't remove it this time and with a deep sigh I let him leave it there. He moved it up and down my leg, which was actually rather pleasant until he began to stroke the inside of my thigh with his fingertips, trying to move up higher, encouraging me to part my legs for him. This sent little flutters of excitement through my body. Enough was enough. I firmly removed his hand.

The night went well. His potential clients and their wives proved to be really good company and we had a hugely enjoyable meal. Paul had certainly pushed the boat out in his desire to impress them. The food was superb and the expensive wine flowed freely. Paul was very attentive, not just to me but to all the wives as well, although by the end of the meal I had grown tired of removing his hand from my knee and had just let it stay there.

It was a mistake of course as Paul then thought I had given him free licence to let his hand roam wherever it wanted. He moved closer to me as his hand travelled up my leg and then slid under my dress. I could feel him tense when he reached my suspender belt clips and my stocking tops. His breathing got a bit strained.

"Like what you feel?" I asked with a smile as I extricated his hand from beneath my dress.

"Oh yes, indeed I do," he smiled in reply. "I like it a lot!"

I looked up to see his business clients getting up out of their chairs. "I think you'd better attend to your clients," I said nodding towards them.

"Ummm ... perhaps I'd better." Paul shot up and quickly made his way over to them. I could see him talking intently to all of them, even including the wives into the conversation. I could see the women giggling at something he said.

I watched as he came back to me. "They're going through into the ballroom for the dancing. I'm going to get them all a drink. You can join them if you like."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Okay, I'll see you in there then."

When Paul returned I was already on the dance floor. One of the clients had obviously taken a fancy to me and was trying hard to grab hold of my ass cheeks. I didn't let him and fended him off easily.

I saw Paul walking over to us and was relieved when he cut in.

"You handled that well," he whispered in my ear as he nuzzled into my neck. He nipped at my ear lobe and I flinched. He had just found one of my erogenous zones. How had he known that?

"Oh you like that!" he smiled. He licked my ear and then sucked on my neck as if trying to give me a hickey. I flinched again. He'd just found another one. I sometimes think that my whole body is an erogenous zone.

"I think we'd best sit this one out," I said. I took hold of his hand and led him off the dance floor. He sat down next to me and put his hand back on my knee.

I smiled sweetly as the business clients looked approvingly at my long, slender legs and the amount of thigh that I was showing, until their wives nudged them to stop.

For the rest of the evening I danced a lot but mainly with Paul. He was a really good dancer and when we weren't dancing he made sure the drinks flowed. I was enjoying my date with him immensely. He was excellent company and I could see why women fell for him and his easy seductive charm.

Paul took me onto the floor for the last dance. As we swayed around the room he had his hands resting casually on top of my ass. I had my arms around his neck. It was nice; soft and sensual and I felt really mellow. As he lowered his lips to mine I didn't hesitate. I've allowed other men to kiss me when I've been on nights out without Ian, so it didn't bother me tonight. I kissed him back. He was a good kisser although no better than Ian. It just felt different, that was all. But even so, was there nothing this man wasn't good at?

His hands started to roam north and he eased me slightly away from his body to give them access to my 32DD boobs. It all happened so quickly I didn't have time to stop him before they closed around my breasts and he gave them a soft, loving squeeze. I felt my nipples respond and as he groped them for a second time I felt a tingle down below. He'd just found yet another of my erogenous zones.

I shrugged him off. "I ... erm ... think we'd best go ..." I breathed heavily.

"Okay," he replied. If he was disappointed he didn't show it.

He led me off the dance floor and I returned to our table whilst Paul said goodnight to his clients and their wives before returning to me.

"Thank you, I've really enjoyed tonight," I said as I leant over the chair and reached for my purse. I could feel his eyes were on me.

"God Gina ... you know what ... you've got great legs ... and your ass ... well that's even better," he sighed. "What I could do ..."

"Paul ... really?" I shot round to stare at him and sighed. "I think maybe you'd better take me home please." Typical man. It had been a lovely evening and he was close to ruining it.

"Okay, okay ... just saying ... it's not a problem." He grinned at me and I saw his eyes twinkling. God he looked cute when he did that. My attitude softened.

"But before we go, I just need to get some stuff out of my room," he added.

"Room! ... you've got a room here?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "Well it's more a suite than a room but yeah sure, why not. I thought it was a good idea, you know ... just in case."

"In case of what?" I exclaimed.

"Well you know ... I do sleep with ALL my first dates and I thought it was better to be prepared. I think too much of you to just fuck you in the back seat of the limo. You deserve much better!" he smirked.

"Really," I said sarcastically, "you really do have a high opinion of yourself don't you Paul!"

"Yep, I do, so you might as well come up for a couple of minutes."

"Yeah, right," I scoffed. He must really think I'm stupid!

"No ... no funny business, I promise. Seriously, the suite truly is worth seeing and besides everybody's leaving so you might as well come up anyway. You don't want to stand around here on your own do you, getting in their way?"

He had a point. I looked around the room. It was clearing quite quickly and the staff were already breaking down the tables and stacking the chairs away. And judging by the looks we were getting we were definitely in their way.

"Okay, okay I'll come and have a look," I sighed reluctantly. "But no funny business Paul!" I added when I saw him smile.

He chatted quite easily with me on the way to his room. In the lift he made no move even though he was stood very close to me. I could still smell his strong cologne and though I hated to admit it, I liked it, which just added to my already heightened sense of well-being.

We walked down the corridor until he stopped at a door. He inserted the key card and swung open the doors to reveal a large stateroom. It was massive. I was amazed. It looked so luxurious. Paul gave me a nudge in the back to push me further into the room.

"Nice, isn't it?" he said.

"NICE ... It's fabulous!" I gasped. I didn't know where to look first. Apart from the large lounge there was a small kitchen area off to the side and through an open doorway I could see a luxuriously appointed bathroom. I walked further into the room, running my fingers over the rich fabrics that covered the chairs and sofa. The bedroom double doors were wide open and I saw a massive bed inside. The sheets were red and I could tell they were satin just by looking at them.

"Paul ... this is unbelievable!" I enthused. "It must have cost you a fortune."