Beware of What You Wish For Pt. 02

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Wife's regret and husband's revenge.
21k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/15/2016
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Yeah I know ... it's been a long while since the first story. This sequel had actually been part written for some considerable time. I just needed to re-focus on it.

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"Hello ... Gina ... are you there?" I asked.

"Hi ..."

At last. "Gina, where have you been? I've been trying to get hold of you for ages. Where are you now?" I was trying hard not to sound angry but I knew I wasn't making a very good job of it.

"I've been busy," she replied curtly.

"I'm sorry," I apologised. "I'm still incredibly jet lagged. I've no idea what time it is there. Anyway, where are you?"

"I'm on a second date with Paul!" she announced.

"Sorry ... pardon?" I was momentarily confused, not sure what she'd just said.

"I said, I'm on a second date with Paul. I've been on one date with him and this is now my second!"

I heard a gasp. It sounded like she was in pain. "You okay?" I asked. "But what are you talking about? Dates ... with Paul?"

"Yep! But you already know all about it anyway ... don't you!" Gina spat back at me. Why did she sound so angry?

"I'm sorry, I don't understand. You're going to have to spell it out for me." I shook my head. I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Ohhh fuuuck ..." I heard Gina gasp. "Ohhh ... fuuucckk ...noooo ..."

What the hell ...

"Okay ... okay ... oooooooo ..." I heard Gina gasp, "I'll give you a clue ... eeessshhh fuuucckk ... it ... involves money ... oooooohhh ..."

I could hear the sound of muffled noises. Gina had obviously covered up the mouthpiece trying to mute the sound.

"What money ..." I screamed down the phone.

"The money Paul paid you. The big bonus. I've seen your payslip Ian."

"Oh that! Well ... yeah ... Paul told me not to tell you ..." I paused briefly to make my next statement a momentous occasion.

"Yeah after I landed the Anderson contract I finally got the pay rise Paul had promised me and he generously back dated it to the beginning of the year. But he put it down on my payslip as a bonus. It was a huge amount of money, don't you think so? Just think what we can spend that on. We can finally go on that cruise you've been dreaming about," I proudly announced.

"YOU BASTAAAARD!!" I head Gina scream.

"Gina ... GINA ..." I shouted back. It was no good, she didn't answer. I could hear muffled murmurings and concluded that she must have dropped the phone. "GINA..." I shouted again.

Nothing. I pressed the phone harder against my ear, hoping that would make the noises clearer. And it did. And then I wished I hadn't bothered.

It didn't take me too long before I realised I was listening to my wife getting fucked. And if she was on a date with Paul then the man fucking her was my boss. The man I thought was my friend. I could hear the steady slap of flesh on flesh, the gasps and groans and moans of pain and delight from Gina and the grunts of pleasure from Paul as he hammered his cock into my wife's delectable receptacle of love.

I dropped the phone as blood surged up my body and into my head and just as quickly drained away. I turned and vomited, my stomach tightening like a vice as I emptied it's contents onto the hotel room floor.

I slumped down onto the bed as I slowly died inside.


As Ian's words sank in, so did Paul's cock. He filled my pussy with his big fat cock and fucked me to an intense orgasm.

I struggled to free myself after that but Paul was having none of it. I could do little about it anyway. I was pinned beneath him, he was heavier than me and I was still impaled on his cock.

Despite my best efforts to shrug him off he continued to undulate and flex his hips and to my shame he soon got me aroused all over again. I clung onto him, my arms coiled around his neck as he took me to paradise and back with his cock, driving it relentlessly in and out of my spasming pussy. He was insatiable and to my dying shame I was loving it.

There was no love involved in what we were doing. Paul was just taking what he wanted and what made it worse was that I wanted him to. All thought of Ian had gone. This was my revenge. Or so I thought.

With a final hard pounding Paul came. I could feel the spurting jets of his cum as he filled me with his seed. I climaxed again, my body then shuddering through the aftershocks before Paul finally rolled off me. I lay there panting, feeling the cold air on my naked, sweaty body. I shivered and then as the reality hit home, my eyes filled with tears.

What had I done!

I sat up and looked across at Paul. He was watching me intently, a faint smirk playing on his lips. And it was then that I actually realised he wasn't that nice a man. Good looking maybe, but his eyes betrayed him. They were hard and predatory not soft and kind like Ian's.

Oh god what had done! What the hell had I been thinking?

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD," I yelled at him as I struggled up off the bed. I then saw my mobile phone on the floor by the side of the bed. Oh god no! Ian!

I picked it up. "Ian?" I looked at the screen and pressed a few buttons. The call had been ended.

I started to gasp for breath, sobs racked my body as I searched for my clothes. "How could you?" I muttered angrily. I didn't know if I was actually talking to Paul or to myself.

"Ssshhh, calm down Gina, It's all good. I just hope you haven't disturbed the Sanderson's," Paul said.

"I don't give a flying fuck about the Sanderson's and it isn't all good!" I raged. "Did you drug me again Paul? Huh? I guess you did because that's the only way you could ever have me. You know that don't you? You're not man enough to even attempt to seduce me without help because you know that I would never, ever go with someone like you."

Now fully dressed I stood and glared at him. I was breathing hard, trying to keep my temper in check. Paul looked back with that same smirking, smug look on his face.

"And yet here you are," he said. The smirk changed into a broad smile. He looked like the cat who'd got the cream. God how I hated him at that moment.

I saw his car keys on the dresser and snatched them up.

"Not for long," I snapped back as I opened the bedroom door. I quickly ran down the stairs and out the front door to Paul's car. As I drove away I knew what I had to do. The problem was I wasn't sure that Ian would listen to my explanation because as I played it through in my head it didn't sound all that plausible to me. So god only knows what his reaction would be.


"You know that I love you above all else and always will," I'd said.

She'd nodded.

"But don't let that fool you into thinking I wouldn't leave you if you cheated on me," I'd added.

"Yes of course. I realise that," she'd answered brightly. "But I never would, so it will never happen. I'll always be yours."

Just words but in my mind meaningful words. Spoken all those years ago in a candid moment when laying ourselves bare to each other. Hollow words now it seemed.

She'd lied to me. Our vows of love and fidelity had obviously meant nothing to her. She had single-handedly ruined our idyllic life together.

I called the hotel house-keeping service, apologising profusely for throwing up all over the room carpet. When they arrived to clean up I apologised all over again and gave them twenty dollars each. I then grabbed my coat and went for a long walk. I have no idea where I went. I just walked blindly, my head in turmoil as I tried vainly to comprehend what was going on in my life. Loads of questions but not one single, solitary answer that made any sense.

My phone rang. I automatically switched it off. I didn't need to see who was calling. I already knew that I couldn't speak to her right now. Not until I'd come to terms with the betrayal. The problem was, I wasn't sure if I ever would. Of course I still loved her. That's where the pain and angst came from but I could no longer BE in love with her. I knew without a shadow of a doubt I would never be able to get past this. The hurt might diminish over time but the loss of trust was incontrovertible.

I eventually found myself back at the hotel. On returning to my room I switched my phone back on. It lit up like a Christmas tree and beeped incessantly. Numerous missed call notifications and text messages. Unread, I switched it off again.

I slept badly, tossing and turning all night as images of Gina and Paul fucking each other whilst laughing in my face flashed through my head. She taunted me in my dream, her mouth moving in rictus as she struggled to form her words. "Paul's SO much bigger than you! ... Paul's SO much better than you! ... Paul can get me PREGNANT!" And as she spoke there was Paul, leaning in over her shoulder grinning like the proverbial Cheshire cat, his hands groping her breasts, holding her close as he rhythmically fucked her hard from behind.

The cold light of dawn didn't make things any better. I showered and dressed and forced a couple of pieces of dry toast down my throat for breakfast. I then rang the airlines and got myself booked on the first flight home. I rang Andersons and told them I had a family crisis and would have to leave immediately. The boss man, Jerry Guzman, was surprisingly most concerned, enquiring if he could do anything to help. Anything at all. All I had to do was ask. I was impressed by his compassionate stance. It was unexpected and almost comforting.

The long flight home gave me lots of time to think about what I was going to do. The problem was that when I landed I still had no idea of what my next step would entail. I didn't even know where I was going to stay.

After retrieving my case from baggage reclaim I made my way through the arrivals hall and outside to grab a taxi. And there she was.


My stomach flipped over as my chest tightened. God but she looked gorgeous, with her strawberry blonde hair, her deep brown soulful eyes and her luscious curvy body. She'd obviously been crying a lot but even so she was still capable of turning heads.

How had she known I'd be on that flight? Well of course she would. She would instinctively realise what my next move would be. She knew me so well, as I did her. Or so I'd thought.

She stared at me, wringing her hands together, a sad but hopeful look in her eyes, unsure of what my reaction would be. It was mind numbingly, gut wrenching to see.

I stopped dead. I could barely breathe let alone talk. I so wanted to go up and hug her but it badly conflicted with my desire to hurt her.


She uttered one simple word and I did what every other red blooded male would've done. I turned and walked swiftly the other way.


I ignored her. I heard the clicking of her heels as she ran after me and then she was grabbing at my arm, hanging on to me. The smell of her perfume assaulted my senses. God, she smelt so good. I almost buckled.

"Get off me!" I hissed angrily, pulling my arm away as I tried to shrug her off. My emotions bubbled up, threatening to overwhelm me. I needed to get away before I made a fool of myself.


I jumped in the nearest available taxi but before it had chance to pull away, she'd clambered in behind me. It was too late to get out so I accepted that we would ride together.

"Ian please ..." Gina looked over towards me. I looked out the window. I felt her move nearer and then her hand touched mine. I pulled it away.

"Please Ian ..."

I looked up to see the cabby watching us through his rear view mirror. "Not now," I hissed back. She moved back into her seat as I hunched up against the car door trying to keep as far away from her as possible.

We made it back to our apartment. I went straight to the bedroom and unpacked. Gina went off to the kitchen. I could hear her making us both a coffee. When I finally walked into the lounge she was already sitting on the sofa waiting expectantly. I grabbed my mug and sat down in the chair across from her. I didn't trust myself to sit next to her. I might hit her or even worse grab her and kiss her.

She started hesitantly. "Ian, it wasn't what it sounded like. Whatever you think might have happened, probably didn't."

"WHAT ... are you fucking kidding me Gina, I heard you fucking my slime ball of a boss. What more is there to know?"

"Ian ... please ... please let me explain. Yes, yes he fucked me but that's the point. It was against my will."

"WHAT .. he raped you?"

"No ... not exactly. It wasn't rape ... he ... he admitted he gave me a powerful aphrodisiac. Add that to the booze I'd drunk and I was pretty much out of it. I would probably have fucked anybody I was so horny. I can't explain it any better than that. The fact it was Paul is actually incidental. I didn't know what I was doing. It could have been anyone I was SO turned on!"

I sat there with my mouth hanging open. It was too much for my brain to compute. Powerful aphrodisiac? Surely there hadn't been one invented that could turn a perfectly rational human being into a sex crazed whore ... was there? But mixed with booze ... maybe? Or maybe laced with something else? A drug of some kind? I didn't know what to make of it.

"And then there was the bonus." She stopped talking for a moment and looked at me. "Why didn't you tell me about it? Paul used it against you. He told me that the money was payment for you letting him fuck me. According to Paul, you sold him my body just like I was some common prostitute."

"WHAT! How the FUCK could you possibly think that? Are you that FUCKING STUPID? You are everything to me. I would never, ever do that. HOW COULD YOU BE SO FUCKING GULLIBLE!"

My anger had surged to the surface and I saw her visibly cower before she replied. "I guess it was the booze and the aphrodisiac. I was so turned on I couldn't think straight."

"So is he bigger than me?" I stared at her, my eyes blazing. "Was he better than me?"

She swallowed hard and turned her head away. She clearly didn't want to give me an answer.

"Well ... is he?" I snapped. For whatever perverse reason, I needed to know. No ... I HAD to know. Doesn't every cuckolded man?

She swallowed hard again and took a deep breath before answering.

"Yes, a little bigger. Not in length ... but in thickness ... yes." Her voice was barely above a whisper.

Oh fuck, just brilliant! Not only had she fucked my boss but he was better endowed than me. Thanks Gina, stick the knife in and twist a little bit more why don't you! I shook my head in bitterness. It was my turn to swallow hard.

"But he wasn't better ... it was ... he's very thick ... so it was just different ... that's all."

She looked into my face, her eyes full of tears. She was pleading for my forgiveness.

I felt like I'd just been kicked hard in the stomach several times. Twice! She'd fucking told me twice how thick he was!

Unlike some stories that you may have read, I didn't feel my cock throbbing and swelling with perverse delight at hearing about another man ramming his big, thick cock repeatedly in and out of my wife's pussy.

This wasn't fantasy. This was real life and it was gut wrenching agony. I wanted to kill her. But most of all I wanted to kill Paul.

"But Ian ... you have to believe me. It was only because of the aphrodisiac. I would never have betrayed you otherwise, never."

I sat there for a full five minutes, sipping at my coffee, trying to calm myself down, my head awash with all sorts of thoughts. Gina wisely kept quiet.

"I think you'd better tell me everything from the beginning don't you?" I finally said.

She nodded and then took a deep breath and began. "It all started when you rushed off to America. Your message was so garbled I couldn't make sense of what was going on so I rang Paul to find out. It was then he asked me to help him out with a client. He had a big contract he was after and he asked me to play the part of his wife."

"What," I exclaimed, "for fucks sake Gina ..."

"I'll ... I'll get to that in a bit," Gina replied. "I was so pleased in one way because I thought you would be proud of me doing my bit to help your company."

"Paul's company," I interjected, "not mine. You were only helping Paul, not me."

"Yes I suppose you're right. I didn't really think it through. The thing was, it also gave me the opportunity to enjoy a date with Paul. You know, a platonic date. There could be no threat of anything sexual happening, not with all his potential clients around to impress, so I thought it was a perfect opportunity to have my curiosity sated."

And there it was. She did it because she was curious. Curiosity killed the cat. Or in this case, curiosity killed our marriage. Fucking - stupid - cunting woman!

"But Gina, I told you what Paul was like, don't you remember?" I said.

"Yes I know, I know ... but I thought nothing would happen. I was always going to be in control. And I was until Paul spiked my drink."

She stopped talking. I waited a while expecting her to start again. "So is that it? That's your full, unabridged explanation is it?" I eventually said.

"Yes," she nodded enthusiastically, "it is."

"Meh," I snorted derisively. "Bullshit Gina!"


Well the shit was really going to hit the fan now. Ian had clearly heard me fucking his wife and I was certain he would be home from America in a flash.

Business-wise our relationship would be over. In one way it was a shame because Ian had been a valuable asset to my company and had made me a tremendous amount of money. But with the Anderson contract already in the bag, as soon as I landed the contract with the Cressida Corporation I was pretty much set for life. I could get by quite easily without Ian.

Was I ashamed of taking my friend's wife and presumably ruining their marriage? Hell no! She was every bit as good in the sack as I'd hoped she'd be and then some. Her pussy was as tight as a drum and she was a very enthusiastic lover. She made a lot of noise especially when she came, which is always pleasing from a man's perspective. We like to feel we're doing a good job.

Ian is nothing but predictable so I knew he'd hop the first flight home and I'd figured out what time he would make it to my office. I pre-warned my PA Angie that he was coming and that when he arrived to let him in.

Right on my predicted time, he turned up.

"You fucking bastard!" he stormed as he rushed at me. He swung a fist. I dodged it easily and hit him square on the nose. He fell back clutching his face. I could see a small trickle of blood as it seeped through his fingers.

"Sit down Ian," I rasped, breathing hard. The rush of adrenaline will do that to you.

He sat down. "You fucking bastard!" he repeated, "and to think I thought you were my friend."

I stood towering above him. I smiled and sighed. "Shouldn't have married such a hot piece of ass then Ian, should you." He made to rise out of his chair but I shoved him back down. "If you get up Ian, I'll just hit you again. And this time it won't be a love tap." I went back around my desk and sat down.

"But why? Why Gina?"

"Firstly my intention was to hurt you, to gain revenge on your plan to take over my company. MY company Ian, not yours."

"What plan?" Ian stormed back. "I've never had any plans to take over your company. I like working for you. Well, I did like working for you. Where would you get such a crazy idea from?"

"It doesn't matter" I replied, "I still wanted your wife regardless. This just gave me the added impetuous to finally nail her. And you landing the Anderson contract couldn't have come at a better time."

"But what happened to your policy of never touching your employee's wives and girlfriends?" Ian whined.

I smiled, which hopefully to Ian looked more like a leer. "Well, in Gina's case I was prepared to make an exception. Besides, who says she's an employee's wife anymore?" The look on Ian's face was priceless. "I've wanted her for some time and I have to say Ian, she was very easy to seduce. Almost no fun at all"