Beauty and the Geek Ch. 20


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"Yes," Charlie gasped as Miley swiftly masturbated him.

"Do you want a taste?"

"Y-yes," Charlie gasped again.

Miley smiled mischievously, swinging her leg once more around Charlie. But this time she maneuvered her legs to either side of Charlie's head so that she was over his face.

Gripping his hands to her butt, Charlie lifted his head as Miley lowered her pussy to his mouth. He lapped between her lips and began eagerly eating her out. He could feel Miley's mouth return to his erection as they sixty-nined, and before long both of them were squirming with arousal. Fluids leaked profusely from Miley's sex as tremors of her orgasm arrived like a building earthquake between her thighs. She took her mouth from Charlie's cock in order to gasp and moan, but she kept pumping him in her hand and masturbating his length with firm and swift motions.

"I'm going to cum," Miley announced in a raspy breath. "Oh fuck, Charlie, I'm going to cum on your mouth!"

With his hands squeezing tightly into the flesh of her butt, Charlie focused on Miley's clitoris and pushed her over the edge. She screamed and pushed her sex against his mouth, grinding her cunt against his tongue. Honey poured from between her legs and coated Charlie's face.

"Eat my pussy," Miley coaxed desperately. "Eat my cunt, baby... oh god I'm cumming. I'm cumming!"

Just as Miley's orgasm reached its climax, she heard Charlie's muffled groan as a spurt of warmth hit her face. She realized she was still stroking him and Charlie was cumming as well. His semen jetted forth as she jacked him off, spraying out wildly. Ropes of it sprang up to land on her cheeks and forehead, and even in her hair. She kept pumping his length and lowered her mouth to suck the last of it from the tip of his cock.

Charlie titled his head back, gasping for air. His face glistened with Miley's juices as she suckled on his tip, coaxing the last of his semen out. "Holy shit," he exclaimed breathlessly.

Miley crawled off of him and knelt at Charlie side, "That was kinda hot," she grinned, wiping a dollop of cum out of her eye socket.

"Damn," Charlie stared. "I got it all over your face."

"I know," Miley giggled. "You made a big mess, as usual. It's okay; I love it when you shoot your stuff all over me."

"I love make-up sex," Charlie grinned.


"I can't believe you kissed him."

"I know," Stacy groaned, talking to Brian on her cell phone.. He had called her later that day, after arriving home from breakfast with Charlie. "It was so stupid, I don't know what I was thinking."

"Are you into him?" Brian asked.

"No, of course not," Stacy assured him. "I mean, I love Charlie. But not like that."

"Then why did you kiss him?" Brian wanted to know.

"I told you," Stacy sounded annoyed. "I don't know. God, I can't believe he even told you."

"I think it just slipped out of him. I doubt he would have told me if he had been thinking straight. He'd had a late night and was tired."

"Do you think he'll tell Miley?" Stacy worried.

"He already did," Brian replied. "I guess they had a big fight over it; thus the late night."

"Great," Stacy lamented dryly. "She and I were just starting to get along again."

"I'm sure it will be fine," Brian tried to assure her. "You know how Miley is; she blows her stack at first, she and Charlie have a bunch of drama, and then a day later everything's cool and they're back to normal."

"Yeah," Stacy let out a reluctant laugh. "Yeah, you're right."

"Listen," Brian started tentatively. "I'm worried about you. Is everything okay? Charlie said you've been kinda depressed lately."

"I'm fine," Stacy promised. She did her best to make it sound true. "It's just... I can't stop thinking about the baby, you know? I think I made a big mistake."

"I... I don't know what to say. Do you want me to come over?"

"No, it's fine. There's nothing you can say, Brian. It wasn't your choice. It was mine."

"I know, but if you need someone to talk to...?"

Stacy got up from her living room couch when she heard a car door and pushed aside the shade to look out into the driveway, "Maybe later, okay? Looks like I already have someone to talk to."

"Huh?" Brian sounded confused.

"Miley's here," Stacy said. "I'll call you later, okay?"

"Uh oh," Brian replied. "Okay. Call me later."

Stacy hung up her phone and moved to the door. She stepped out as Miley approached and met her on the front steps. If there was going to be a blowout Stacy wanted to shield her parents, who were inside the house.

"Hey," Miley greeted, wearing her favorite cut-off shorts and one of Charlie's tee shirts; she had it tucked in and billowed out, oversized for her small frame.

"Hey," Stacy greeted back, wondering when the yelling would start.

"Charlie said you were over last night," Miley said calmly, sitting down on the concrete steps.

"I heard he told you about the kiss," Stacy joined her, sitting beside Miley and brushing her blonde hair back.

"He didn't tell me," Miley grinned.

Stacy looked confused, "But Brian said-"

"He wasn't going to tell me," Miley corrected herself. "He only admitted it when I saw lipstick on his lip."

"Miley, I'm sorry. It didn't mean anything." Stacy exhaled tiredly, still thinking there was going to be a fight, "And Charlie pushed me away..."

"Why did you kiss him?" Miley wondered.

Stacy glanced at Miley, scared that she was being so calm.

"I'm not mad. I mean, I was, but I over-reacted."

"Brian said you and Charlie had a fight?"

Miley nodded, "Sort of. But it's okay. We made up. I just came from his house, as a matter of fact."

"I don't know why I kissed him," Stacy lowered her forehead to a palm. "I guess it was because I'm tired of feeling so awful all the time, and I wanted to feel something good. Something nice. I see how happy Charlie makes you, the way he treats you, I guess some part of me wanted to know what that felt like."

Miley put her arm around Stacy's shoulders, "So if it would have been me at home you wouldn't have kissed me?"

Stacy laughed at that. It felt nice to laugh, "Maybe."

"It would have been my second kiss from a girl last night," Miley grinned.

"What?" Stacy lifted her head and looked at Miley.

"Yeah, you know that Haley girl who found Charlie after he got mugged?"

"No way!" Stacy exclaimed, "Charlie said you guys were out shopping last night?"

"Yeah," Miley confirmed. "And she kissed me. We were in a dressing room together trying on lingerie."

"Oh my god," Stacy laughed. "And she kissed you? Did you kiss her back?"

"A little," Miley admitted with a bite of her lip.

"Oh my god!" Stacy repeated. "Does Charlie know?"

"Yeah," Miley nodded. "I told him."

"What did he say?"

Miley lifted a shoulder, "He was pretty cool with it."

Stacy grinned and rolled her eyes, "Boys."

"I know, right?" Miley giggled. "It's like two girls kissing is some magical aphrodisiac for all guys."

"So this Haley girl is into you?" Stacy asked.

"I don't know," Miley answered. "It just kind of happened, and then we acted like it didn't for the rest of the night."

"Well, are you into her?"

Miley gasped out a quick laugh, "Of course not! I'm engaged, Stace. I'm not suddenly going to leave the man I love and go all lesbian on you."

Stacy chuckled, "I didn't mean it like that. So Haley is gay?"

"No," Miley shook her head. "I'm pretty sure she's into guys too."

"So what are you going to do?" Stacy wondered.

"Nothing," Miley replied simply.

"Aren't you two going to hang out again?"

"I hope so," Miley said. "You should hang with us, we could go shopping. She's really fun."

"Yeah right," Stacy huffed. "Maybe we could all make out in the lingerie dressing room together."

Miley giggled, "We could make a fortune selling the photos online."

Stacy laughed, swatting Miley's leg, "You're so bad!"

Both girls laughed and giggled together for a while. Stacy was happy there hadn't been a fight, and was thankful that Miley had come over. It had been a long time since Stacy laughed like that, and it felt good.

"So," Stacy started after their giggling subsided. "Are we cool?"

"Of course we're cool," Miley hugged her best friend. "Just don't kiss my boyfriend anymore, okay? I mean, unless I'm there to approve."

"Whatever," Stacy hugged back. "Oh, by the way. Guess who called me and asked me out."

"Who?" Miley asked, eager for more gossip.

"That friend of Charlie's, Chip?"

"Oh my god," Miley beamed. "I totally forgot that Charlie mentioned you were into him."

"I'm not into him!" Stacy denied. "I said he was cute."

"He is cute," Miley agreed. "So he asked you out?"

"Yeah, but I turned him down."


"I felt so bad," Stacy said. "He seems like a really nice kid, but..."

"But what?" Miley prodded, "You should go out with him."

"He's only seventeen," Stacy reminded. "I'm almost twenty. He's still in high school, for crying out loud."

"So?" Miley wondered. "Who cares. You're barely two years older than him. That's nothing. My mom is like five years older than my dad."

"And look how that worked out for them," Stacy noted. "They're divorced."

"Okay, bad example," Miley admitted. "But my point is that lots of couples are a lot farther apart than two years."

"It's different when one of them is in high school and the other one is in college."

"Oh my god!" Miley cried, "You're such a hypocrite."

"I am not," Stacy defended herself.

"You are too," Miley countered. "When we were seniors like Chip is you only dated college guys."

Stacy blinked, stuck by Miley's point, "That's true..."

"You should go out with him," Miley encouraged.

"You think so?" Stacy considered.

"Yeah," Miley nodded. "He's a really sweet guy. Whenever I stop by the comic book store he's so nice to me. He really needs a girlfriend."

Stacy rolled her eyes, "So I'm reduced to dating desperate guys now?"

"I didn't mean it like that," Miley replied. "I meant, he needs a girlfriend because he's going to make some girl really lucky. The first girl that gives him a shot is going to realize how sweet he is, and get treated like a princess."

Stacy glanced at Miley, thinking that sounded nice.

"The same way I get treated by Charlie," Miley added.


Haley sighed, resting her chin in a palm as she leaned over the counter at the jewelry store. She hated working weekends, but her boss had called that morning stating her co-worker was sick and offered time-and-a-half. It had been slow all afternoon with nothing but a couple of browsers that didn't need any assistance. Haley thought she was going to go out of her mind with boredom until she saw Charlie walk by in the mall.

"Uh-oh," she muttered as Charlie saw her and stopped. She wondered if he knew about the kiss.

"What are you doing here on a Sunday?" Charlie asked, entering the store.

"Someone called in sick," Haley replied. "What about you?"

"I needed some comic bags," Charlie lifted his purchase.

Haley smirked, "You are such a nerd."

Charlie grinned and didn't take offense at the good-natured teasing.

"It couldn't wait until tomorrow?" Haley asked. "When you work?"

Charlie shrugged, "I was bored. Miley ditched me to go hang with her best friend."

"I know how you feel, it's been slow here all day."

"No girls around to kiss?" Charlie said with a smile.

Haley winced, "She told you?"

Charlie set his bag from the comic book store on the counter, standing across from Haley. "Of course she told me. What's with kissing my fiancé?"

"Sorry?" Haley offered. She was relieved that Charlie didn't seem too upset. "Miley's really attractive, and I... it just kind of happened, you know?"

"Actually, I do," Charlie replied.

"You do?"

"Yeah," Charlie sighed. "Long story. Look, I've never had to be a jealous boyfriend before; Miley's pretty good at chasing off the guys that hit on her. But could you not try making out with her in the future?"

Haley grinned, "I thought all guys liked it when girls kissed."

"Yeah, well, I didn't even get to see."

Haley chuckled, "Would it make you feel better if you got to kiss me too?"

Charlie lifted a finger, "You're trouble, you know that? I thought you were a nice girl, but you're trouble."

Haley laughed at Charlie's teasing, "Sorry, I'm a shameless flirt."

"Don't worry about it," Charlie replied.

"So we're cool?" Haley asked, "You don't hate my guts for kissing Miley?"

"We're cool," Charlie assured her. He was about to say something more when he felt his cell phone buzzing. He lifted a pausing finger to Haley and dug in his pocket.

"Hello?" Charlie answered.

A deep male voice was on the other end of the phone, "I'm looking for a Mr. Charlie White?"

"This is Charlie."

"Hello Mr. White, my name is Detective West; I'm with the Tallahassee police department."

"Yes?" Charlie said, wondering what the call could be about.

"Do you know anyone by the name of Brock Edwards?"

Charlie blinked in recognition. He remembered the name clearly, though he hadn't thought of the bully from his high school in a long time. "Yeah," Charlie replied. "I mean, sort of. We went to high school together."

"He was arrested earlier today on a traffic violation," the detective said. "After a search of his vehicle, we found your wallet."

Charlie blinked, wondering how Brock would have his wallet. Unless...

The detective continued, "We believe he may have been involved in the mugging and assault you suffered two weeks ago."

(to be continued)

[edited by manda126)

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