Bachelorette Party


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I briefly thought about telling them what they were showing, before realizing that they knew exactly what was showing. I took the armload of poles that held up the center and stuffed them under the cover. I climbed the boarding ladder in the stern and then crawled under the partly snapped cover to start putting the poles in. I only got the first one put in before I felt a set of hands pulling my pink shorts down.

I turned and looked over my shoulder to see Tabitha under the cover with me, pulling my shorts down to my thighs. I sat down and rolled onto my back in the low confines, and she grinned and moved closer to me. She grabbed my dick and closed her lips around it, sucking and licking it as she coaxed it hard as a rock again. "You trying to make it impossible for me to wear these shorts?" I asked quietly, not really wanting to draw attention to us.

"Yeah. Is it working?"

"I think you know it is," I answered as she crawled up my body.

"Good," she whispered, moving far enough up she could reach behind her and aim my now hard cock at her pussy. She pushed herself back and forced herself on my cock. "I watched you fucking Abby. I watched how hard and full it made her feel. I want you to fuck me like that when we get home. I want you to make me feel what you made her feel, make me come as hard as you made her come," she whispered as she gently moved her body to stroke her pussy on and off my cock, her chest held low enough to drag her nipples across my chest each time she pushed down, dragging the short shirt up off her tits.

"If that's what you want," I said. "But you have to get permission."

"From who?"

"Shania," I said quietly. "I promised when we got home that I'd give her everything I could."

"Well, maybe the two of us can share you?"

"Again. You have to ask her. I don't go back on promises."

She grinned and then slipped off my dick. "Trust me. I can convince her," she said. "Now. I'm supposed to be helping you put these poles up," she said, pushing one of the aluminum poles in the stack next to me.

"Well, turn around and we can work our way out."

She turned around and took the first pole. "Into that hole up there," I said pointing to the round black connector on the canvas. As she aimed it for the hole, I held her hips and pushed my cock back into her pussy, giving it a few slow strokes as I told her how to adjust the height. She pulled off of me to crawl to the next location and I handed her the pole before pushing into her again. Might as well enjoy it if it's there, right?

As we worked our way down the length of the boat, putting the seven support poles in, I'd managed to tease both of us pretty good. I'd also ended up with a rock hard cock that wasn't even going to be covered by the low waisted pink shorts. I really didn't have much choice, by my own making this time, I'm afraid. I did the best I could to get the low cut shorts to cover as much of my hard-on as I could and then climbed out, hoping that I could get to the truck and in it before too many people noticed how much of me was sticking out the waistband.

With all the attention on the girls, I felt like I had a pretty good chance of doing just that. Unfortunately as I stepped around the stern corner of the boat I ran face to face with a woman around my own age, wearing a rather conservative string bikini and a rather angry look on her face.

"What's the big idea, parading these girls around in such skimpy outfits?"

"Excuse me?" I asked startled.

"You! What's the big idea parading these girls around like this? Don't you have any self-respect? Or any respect for them!?" she snapped angrily.

"What are you talking about? I'm not parading anyone anywhere!" I answered sharply, not particularly happy about being accused of what she was accusing me of.

"These girls! They're with you, right?"

"Yeah. So?"

"And they're all walking around flashing their butts and private parts and nipples at the men. How can you take advantage of them like this!?"

"I think you have it all wrong ma'am. I'm just the boat driver. The girls are part of a bachelorette party. What they wear is completely up to them. I have nothing to do with it," I answered.

She looked me up and down and then gasped. "Shit! Your dick is hanging out! And those shorts! They're...they're...obscene even on a girl. What are you doing wearing them?"

"Well to be honest, it's better than walking around naked. And since I didn't have anything to wear but my swimsuit which accidently got ruined and unwearable..." I said leaving the statement unfinished.

"Well...Cover your dick up then! You shouldn't even be wearing something like those...those...shorts."

I looked at her and then at the girls clustered around the back of the truck watching and giggling quietly. "You know. You're absolutely right. It's scandalous for me to wear shorts like this. I should have absolutely refused when Hanna offered them to me so I'd have something to wear," I said before quickly pushing the shorts down. I bent over and stepped out of them hearing her gasp as my hard dick stuck out lewdly when I straightened up. "There. No longer wearing those scandalous shorts. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a long drive home."

I intentionally decided to move past her between the boat and her, rather than around the outside, "Just a minute buster! I'm not done with you yet!" she snapped.

I stopped between her and the boat. She looked every bit as if she wasn't going to back down...or back up... wanting to press her particular moral imperative on me. I've met people like this before. It only took half a second for my anger at her self-righteousness to boil over and cloud my better judgement. I took half a step towards her, the look in my eye daring her to step back. She took the bait and stood her ground, the engorged head of my pussy juice slickened cock pressing against her stomach. "I'm not taking to explaining to strangers, but in your case, I'll make an exception! My well intentioned daughter set this up to get her widower father involved with a very nice woman. Unfortunately her plans to give me limited options of apparel didn't go as planned and I ended up without anything to wear. One of the girls was nice enough to loan me a pair of shorts so I wouldn't have to run around naked the whole weekend. What the girls choose to do or wear to their bachelorette party is their choice. If they chose to run around naked, that's for them to decide, not me. Now, maybe next time you'll keep your narrow-minded opinions to yourself," I said very quietly, almost growling at her as I bent my face closer to hers. I kept my hands down for two reasons, I didn't want her to even think I'd get physical with her, and secondly, because I had every intention of them being busy with something else. As I talked, I intentionally moved my body side to side slightly, making sure she felt my hard-on pressing against her stomach. With my comment done, I straightened up and stepped away from her and headed back towards the truck, leaving her somewhat shocked at my reaction. "Let's go girls."

Half of the girls headed to the second car, the ones riding with me moved to get into the truck, including Shania, climbing into the passenger side and Melissa and Lizzy both climbing into the back seat. I opened the door of the truck and turned to look at the woman, still standing open mouthed. "You know. If you paid more attention to yourself and less to what other people are doing, you might have a different view of the world!"

"What the hell are you talking about?" she snapped.

I grinned and stood with my hard-on poking out at her and held up the pink shorts for her to see before tossing them into the truck so that she could see me completely naked. "Next time if you want me to see you naked, just ask," I said with a chuckle.

She looked confused for several seconds, before I finally mouthed a silent "look down". It took a few more seconds before she did finally look down at herself and then cried in surprise. "OH SHIT!" She quickly tried to cover her pelvis that was completely exposed when I pulled the strings on her bikini bottom as I chewed her out. The two men laughed louder and harder as her bikini bottom fell all the way to the pavement as she tried to cover herself with her hands, to which she snapped angrily. "Shut up George!" Apparently referring to her husband.

"He's right dear," one of the men answered, trying to stifle his laughter, mostly unsuccessfully.

I climbed into the truck and started it up. I looked at her in the mirror, in time to see her run bare assed around the back of my boat towards the women's bathrooms with her hands holding her bikini bottom over her pussy.

"That was so mean...and sooooo fucking good!" Shania said with a laugh as I put the truck in gear, and we started for home.

The ride home was an hour of excruciatingly erotic teasing. Shania left her tits uncovered the entire trip, reaching over frequently to stroke and even sometimes crawling half way across the center console to suck my exposed dick. Along the way it apparently got too much for both Melissa and Lizzy, who I watched in the rearview mirror, take turns laying on the back bench seat with the other's head between their legs until they'd made each other climax. The whole inside of the cab smelled like sex.

When we got home, I backed the boat into the carport where I stored the huge boat. I wormed my way into the pink shorts, at least half of my rock hard dick sticking up from the waistband and got out to unhook the truck from the boat. I live in a quiet neighborhood set back in a wooded area, so we had no neighbors behind us to worry about and only three or four across the road and next to us, with the three across the road the only ones able to see most of my yard and house. I could see Martha, the lady across the street, watering her flowers. Otherwise I didn't see anyone that could really see me in the absurd little pink shorts.

I unhooked the boat and pulled the truck in front of the garage next to where Jenny had parked her car, the girls all getting out of it, still in their little pink outfits.

"Okay girls. We're not done until all the camping stuff is put away. Dad will show you where it goes in the shed, but we have to get it out of the boat," she announced before walking towards the boat shed. She guided the girls to pull the front of the boat cover back to uncover the load of gear that was piled there, and one by one, started bringing arm-loads of gear towards the shed. I pointed to where each armload went, standing in the shed. As each armload was put on the appropriate shelf, then each girl came to me and did something from pressing their bare tits to me, to kissing me, to stroking my cock, my shorts having already been pushed down to my thighs by Tabitha, and in Lizzy's case, sucking my dick.

It was going to take several trips by each girl to get it all put up, as they were intentionally making the armloads less than full. As they started the second trip, I realized that this too was part of their plan. Jenny informed me that I was going to be required to give them each six strokes, with her being the first. She bent over and waited patiently for me. I hesitated and then said the hell with it. I stepped behind her, pushed my dick into her and stroked six times into her. She pulled off of me and Abby walked into the shed, putting her chairs on the shelf and then turning around and bending over expectantly.

It took almost fifteen minutes to get all the gear put away, and by the end of it, I was teased almost to the point of no return. "Last load," Tabitha said with a grin as she set the last box on the shelf. "The girls are putting the cover on the boat now," she said as she stepped to me and pushed her little skirt down. She let it fall to the shed floor and then stepped to me, pulling the front of her top up over her tits. She pressed herself to me and kissed me wetly. "I drew the long straw, so I get to let you fuck me. I know you want to come. I get to let you fuck me and cum in me," she whispered as she broke the kiss.

I didn't argue. I was way too horny to care. I turned her and set her ass on the edge of the chest freezer and lifted her legs. I stepped between her legs, hooked her knees over my arms and aimed my cock at her pussy. My slick cock slid easily into her pussy, and I started pumping into her. She moaned loudly as I drove my hard shaft in and out of her, our bodies slapping together rhythmically. Each smack of my body to her bare ass made her tits bounce and wiggle, adding to the level of excitement I felt. I knew I was going to come soon, and as hard as I wanted to, I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold back. Not after the last hour and a half of teasing. She reached out to my chest with one hand, the other holding her up on the freezer at an angle and started to tease and play with my nipples. "Come on. Do it. Fill me up. You know you want to. We've been teasing the shit out of that sexy cock, so I know you want to come."

"Oh damn," I groaned as my body jerked hard, driving into her and feeling my cock surge and spasm. I felt a gush of hot cum lance into her, drawing a gasp from her. She let go of my chest and moved her hand to her own crotch. She started to rapidly stroke her clit, trying to push herself over the edge herself.

"Oh fuck," I heard gasped from the shed door. "Oh my God."

I jerked my head that way, seeing Martha standing in the doorway, her erect nipples pushing the material of her t-shirt out, her hands clasped in front of her shorts covered crotch. Martha was a few years younger than I was and wasn't bad looking with a slightly rounded figure and fairly large breasts, which she seemed to usually leave free under her t-shirts when she worked outside. She suddenly backed away several steps and turned to walk quickly away from the shed. I got just the briefest glimpse of the front of her navy blue shorts, the crotch clearly darkened with wetness as she turned away.

"Oh shit," I groaned as Tabitha began to climax on my still twitching cock. By the time Tabitha and I finished, and I walked to the shed door to look out, Martha was long gone, and I wondered what kind of trouble this might cause. It wasn't like she had a husband to go blab to, but she was known as the neighborhood gossip. The two of us were passing friends, but she and my wife had been very good friends, and I could only imagine what she was thinking of me at that moment.

I pulled the pink shorts back up, my now softened cock able to be covered, and walked out to say goodbye to the girls. Each of them came up and gave me long wet kisses, leaving Melissa and Shania for last. I kissed Melissa and thanked her for her playfulness and said I'd see her at the wedding. Everyone had backed away enough that I could talk to Shania somewhat alone as we broke the long and very tender kiss.

"I suppose you're going to go to the wedding with your boyfriend?" I asked barely above a whisper as we held each other, her big tits pressed to my chest and her pelvis pressed to mine.

"Actually, no," she whispered back.

"I know it might be out of place, but...well... I don't know if it's appropriate or not..."

"Are you asking me if I'd go with you?" she asked with a whisper and a wide smile. "I'd love to. I was really hoping you'd ask."

I smiled back. "I don't know if it's appropriate, but if you'd like to stay longer..."

She leaned towards me and kissed me again. "As much as I'd love to. I need to go pick up my son," she whispered. "I hope you ask me another time though. I'll leave him with his grandma for the wedding and won't pick him up until morning...if you get my drift?"

"I do," I nodded. "Should I pick you up?"

"Why don't you let me come pick you up," she said with a smile. "Until Saturday then."

"Until Saturday," I answered quietly before she leaned in and kissed me again.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Dating a woman half my age. What a dolt. What a jerk. I can just see the kinds of trouble that are going to come of it, but I have to admit, when she's in my arms I feel something very much different than when any of the other girls were in my arms. It was clear that for each of them, it was sex, desire, lust driving them, and to a large extent me. But with Shania, it was...gentle, sweet, almost loving. It made me feel warm and contented inside. And... it was actually hard to watch her climb into the back seat of my daughter's car and drive away. There was a sort of emptiness after she'd left. I began to wish that instead of Tabitha, she'd drawn the long straw.

I headed to the house and a much needed shower.

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Baqfid12Baqfid1219 days ago

Really entertaining fantasy and story. So very hot!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

An amazingly hot and LOOOONG story. In spite of it's length I enjoyed it very much and look forward to the next part.

OGHMNWOGHMNW7 months ago

This is the LONGEST hot erotic story that wasn’t several chapters. I feel for him as he does have so serious issues to work through but those memories of helping with the bachelorette party will always put a smile on his face. This was an excellent erotic story that most guys would love to have been a part of. Looking forward to reading the next chapter about what happens at the Wedding and Reception and after that. Thank You!

NakedRoyNakedRoy7 months ago

Ok, no what I was expecting, but DAMN!!!! I think I have a new favorite fantasy. Well done.

FundemunFundemun8 months ago

One of the HOTTEST things I've ever read! The characters are amazing and realistic, even when the scenarios stretch the bounds of reality a little I'm still all-in!

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