Auntie and I Ch. 02


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"If last week is anything to go by, I should be able to keep him hard," Auntie said to the women. "We're pretty comfortable, so you should have a decent amount of time to work. How are we looking, girls? Does this look natural?"

"His free hand doesn't look right," Meredith said.

"If this was real, he'd have his hands on you," Celine said

"Yeah," Meredith said, "No guy's gonna let those tits go untouched."

My heart was racing when Auntie's eyes looked up at me. I moved my hand close to her, and my first touch of the warm round curve of her breast was soft and gentle, like hers was when she first touched my cock up in the apartment.

"Ohhhh yeah," she said, her voice soft and breathy when she felt my hand on the fullness of her breast. "That's more natural. Jesus, if I had a cock you girls'd have two boners to draw!"

Laughter relaxed the mood. Auntie's eyes looked up into mine again.

"Keep looking at each other," Meredith said. "That looks awesome."

"I guess this is it," Auntie said quietly to me. She moved her hand almost imperceptibly on my hot shaft. I wondered how long it would be before I ached for more.

Five minutes went by, Auntie's hand moving ever so slowly, keeping me hard as the women worked. "I wish my husband could stay up that long," Ginette said, adding some levity to the quiet, serious mood.

"You and me both," Celine said. A couple of the others joined in on that wish, too.

I was starting to slip into a somewhat altered state, lost in Auntie's lovely eyes, seeing things about her face and hair I'd never noticed before. Beautiful things. At the ten minute point I wanted to kiss her. Desperately. And my dreamy altered mind was sure she wanted to kiss me, too.

"Thirsty?" she asked me, a few minutes later. "I'm thirsty," she said, looking at her busy students. "Who wants to bring us wine?"

"Got it," Meredith said.

She walked quickly to the table, filled two glasses and brought them to us. "You two look cozy," she said, her smile mischievous.

She stood at my side, close, just two feet or so from my drooping cock. Unhanded and taking a break, it was still mostly hard but settling a little bit with each beat of my heart until it lay veiny side up on my belly. My hand was still warm from Auntie's breast when I held the wine to my lips, drinking quickly. Meredith seemed to be waiting for the empty glasses.

"Whoa!" Auntie said, after tipping the last gulp into her mouth. "Guzzling wine. Jesus, I'll be all girls-gone-wild up here in a few minutes."

The others all laughed. Meredith went back to her work station, my hand went back to the pleasure of Auntie's breast, and her hand scooped up my still big but much limper cock.

"This needs a little work, right girls?" she said.

"It was much harder," Celine said.

"Yes," Auntie agreed.

All the women looked on in amazement when she let a mouthful of wine-scented spit drop onto the palm of her hand. My cock was soon glistening, and the slippery hand was moving on it with some urgency. I was right back to hard but she didn't stop. She lay her head on my shoulder and those bedroom eyes looked up at me. We were back in the pose in every way, but the handjob continued. The women went back to drawing, but their eyes were more excited, glancing back and forth from paper to handjob, paper to handjob. My body tensed and what was about to happen was written all over my wide-eyed, open mouthed face.

And then she stopped.

"Hard enough, girls?" she asked, never breaking her gaze into my eyes.

"Wicked hard," Abigail said, the first peep out of her I'd heard. Wicked is much used slang in the state of Maine, and hard is pronounced hod. Hearing her say it made me chuckle. Abigail chuckled too.

I wanted to scold Auntie for taking me to the brink like that, but all I could do was give her a flare of my eyes to let her know she'd been naughty. Her response was a wink, as if to say, I'm in control, you big horny boy. The woman is always in control.

I was soon back in that altered state, as if drugged. Reclined, head against a soft pillow, with Auntie's warm softness in my arms. That would have been enough, but it was the sustained arousal from her slowly moving hand that clouded me, the soothing sound of eight people scraping charcoal on rough paper that tranquilized me, and Auntie's loving eyes that hypnotized me. The minutes ticked by. I was in a dream.

Auntie's whispering voice roused me from it. I had no idea how much time had passed. "I can't believe you stayed hard this whole time," she said, her head tipped back, her whispering lips tickling my ear. "Want to finish?"

I nodded, assuming we were done. I was wrong. She meant finish finish, and I was powerless to stop her. I watched her spit on her hand again, I felt the smoother, slipperier friction, and soon my abdominal muscles were as tight as a drum head. A hush fell over the room, and my sharp quick exhales sounded loud in my ears. Auntie's hand sounded loud, too, the noise of the slippery handjob seeming to take over everything. We were still in our pose, her head on my shoulder, her lusty eyes big, looking up into mine. I wondered if she'd stop again, but it was too late. I was gone. She angled my canon toward the women, maybe to keep the bed clean, maybe for dramatic effect. My hot white cum spurted out in ribbons, falling to the floor like long strips of confetti. A deep grunt escaped my open mouth. Auntie's hand kept moving and my cum kept flying, gushing gobs of it. I think I heard it splatter on the floor.

There was silence when her hand moved slower. The deepest, blackest silence I've ever experienced. The oozing warm cum made her hand slip over my hot flesh like oil on glass. It seemed no one in the room was breathing. Auntie lifted her head off my shoulder and whispered in my ear, so quiet I could barely hear her. "Another wasted protein shake. Didn't need Maria this time, huh?"

The room came back to life with a voice. I wasn't surprised it was Meredith's. "Good God!" she said. "I'm looking for the tube for the special effect, but...I don't see one. Did all that come from him?"

"Some men a very juicy," Auntie said.

There was nervous laughter.

Auntie sat up and looked down at the floor. "Be careful girls, it's slippery down there. I don't need OSHA coming in and asking about this."

More laughter, a little more relaxed. I chuckled right along with them, but I still felt stunned.

"Work those images, girls," Auntie said. "Use the emotion you're feeling. Use everything you've seen."

She wiped her messy hand on the bed sheet and reached for her robe. She handed me some tissues from the pocket. I wondered why she had them. Had she planned on making me cum? Was she that crazy? Was she a closeted sexual nut-job? I couldn't help but smile a little. I was embarrassed to be wiping my cock clean in front of the women, but I was smiling. Maybe I was the closeted sexual nut-job. I glanced at Maria. She was working on her drawing but she saw me looking, saw the goofy smile on my face. A smile flashed across hers, but she fought it back. Her eyes told me she was happy.

I left soon after, retreating to the upstairs as I'd done the previous week. It was an awkward goodbye again, but different. We all felt closer, I think; I could see it in everyone's eyes. Auntie was securely wrapped in her robe, making the rounds to everyone's work stations. I was thoroughly robed, too, wetting my dry mouth with a last sip of wine. "Goodbye, everybody," I said. "I hope it was...good." It was a dumb thing to say, giving away my youth and lack of savoir faire.

"Thank you, Jon," Ginette said, her lovely eyes twinkling, with those turned-up corners of her mouth turned-up a little more than usual.

"Yes, thank you," Meredith said.

The others chimed in with their thanks, too. Auntie didn't say anything.

"Will we see you next week?" Maria asked, as I was turning to leave.

"Sure...if...Pamela wants," I said.

"You're here all summer, young man," Auntie said. "Make sure you hydrate."

I walked away smiling, listening to the happy laughter.

An hour later I heard everyone leave. The circuit breakers clicked off, and the back stairs creaked with footsteps. I was in my sweatpants, sitting at the kitchen table, eating cereal. I expected Auntie to be fully clothed, but when I saw her I remembered we'd both gone downstairs in our robes, ready to work. When she walked into the kitchen her robe was looser than it had been when I'd last seen her. It was still tied with the sash at the waist, covering her, but it was loose enough so her prodigious cleavage was airing out nicely, and her big bosom jiggled with every step she took. She reached for a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water.

"You were fantastic, sweetheart. Did you like it?"

I nodded, smiling more than I wanted to. Auntie smiled, too.

"Good," she said. "You and me, we're cut from the same cloth, I think. Showoffs at heart." She drank half the water in her glass. "Some people like being seen. I've always kind of loved it. It can be hard to find willing partners, though."

"Really? You've...done it before?"

"Not like this, this is new and exciting," she said. "But yeah, being seen is kind of a kick for me. You don't always even have to be seen, just the thought that you might be seen is super hot. But actually having eyes on you is...well, you felt it."

I nodded. I had felt it, and it was a crazy, dangerous thrill I was pretty sure I wanted more of. And Auntie, she continued to fascinate me. I wanted to know everything about her sexual backstory — everything she'd seen, everything she'd done.

She set down her empty water glass on the counter. She stood still, relaxed, with an open body language. Her hair was a little mussed and the robe that barely contained her bosom opened and closed a little with every breath. A subtle sexy smile made her eyes even more beautiful.

"Okay, I am all kinds of horny," she said, looking into my eyes. "If we're gonna get this show on the road, I need it to start. Right now."

I sat still, unsure if I was understanding, worried about saying the wrong thing. Auntie, bless her heart, came to my rescue. She never was one to mince words.

"Any interest in fucking your old Auntie until she screams?"

I had plenty of interest, and she did scream. Luckily, she was the only residential tenant along that block of Main Street. The closest houses were out back, buffered by Auntie's storage room and two thick brick walls, so we were free to cut loose, and did we ever. I developed a strong taste for loud lovers that summer, and I'm happy to say my sweet wife falls into that category. In fact, when it came time to think about marrying her, that might have sealed the deal.

So Auntie and I became lovers that night, and she began teaching me all that she knows. It was learning by doing, an apprenticeship kind of thing. The first thing I learned is just how deep in a willing woman's throat a big cock can go. The answer is all the way. Balls deep, I've heard it called. The first time my balls tickled Auntie's chin I wanted to ask if she was a sword swallower too, but speaking wasn't an option. The best I could do was wordless utterances, loud ones that made Auntie's eyes smile. She held me there — her mouth stretched wide around my girth, her throat stuffed full — for so long my knees started wobbling out from under me. She pulled off, my cock coated with slippery glisten, and she gasped for breath. Her face showed her joyous excitement.

"Wow!" she huffed. "Fuckin' awesome!"

She took me in again, all the way down, holding me there until her face was red and her eyes watered. My hips moved without me asking them to, thrusting the last few millimeters of me into the deepest recesses of her throat. I tipped my head back and bellowed at the ceiling.

Again she pulled of, again she gasped for breath. "Yeah!...Fuck yeah!"

She pulled me down and pushed me flat on the kitchen floor and she mounted me. I was so lubed from her juicy throat I slipped right in, but halfway to her depths I felt her muscles, deep in her pussy, contracting on me. She was cumming already, and the deeper I went the more she convulsed. It was some crazy magic and we were lost in it. She came like nothing I'd ever seen, no porn girl, no girlfriend, no dream. It was something new and wonderful. It was Auntie.

A moment later I was throbbing inside her, my orgasm mixing with hers, our wildly happy eyes speaking our thoughts. Her hands were on the hard muscles of my stomach, pressing to help her thighs lift and fall. The sash of her robe was still barely tied, but her tits had freed themselves from the white terrycloth, tits that always took my breath away, looking even more spectacular squeezed between her arms the way they were. My eyes were unable to look away from them as our orgasms raged on, the soft curves and hard nipples burning into my memory.

The staggering orgasms passed and she rode me slow. She opened her robe wide and closed her eyes. My hands were on her tits. Her face gave away her bliss. I watched how her pussy took me in and let me out. It was my first look at it, shaved almost completely smooth, and I was in it! Deep in it! My slippery cum was leaking out, mixing with the white womanly cream she'd coated me with.

"Ohhh, Fuck!" she said, breathless. "God I love a big cock!" She opened her dreamy, lusty eyes and looked down at me. "You, my boy, make me so happy. You have no idea."

"I'm happy, too," I said.

"Are you?" she said, still fucking me slow. "You'll tell me if any of this is...wrong. Right?"

"Don't worry," I said, smiling at her. "It's not."

She led me to her bedroom.

I'd been in there before, just a step or two inside the door, always with a flutter in my stomach. A woman's private space is special, a little sacred, even, and I'd never felt right about violating it. So the few times I'd entered I stayed back behind the invisible ropes and gazed with curious, reverent eyes upon the nest of a woman. Auntie certainly wouldn't have minded if I'd walked right in, she wasn't even close to protective or standoffish, but it always seemed proper to hold back, to let her woman's space be woman's space. I'd observed things the previous times I'd been inside the door — a soft, toe-cuddling rug on the wood floor, small collections of things on the dresser tops, an inviting-looking, always rumpled bed. The closet was always open, hung thick with the clothes used to cover her beautiful body. There were interesting works of art on the walls, one small painting always a little crooked. Every time I saw it I wanted to straighten it, but that would have been taking too much liberty in her private sanctuary.

And then there was the smell. My mother's room at home was similar, but Auntie's was special. A mix of perfume, deodorants and powders, dark chocolate and yesterday's clothes. Her cosmetics, which she wore sparingly but beautifully, added to the scent, and there may have been, now that I think about it, a whiff of masturbation in the air. All in all, it was a heady mix.

She led me in by the hand, me completely naked, my sweatpants left behind on the kitchen floor. Auntie's robe was open, her big breasts leading the way, hard nipples breaking the wind. That sounds like an exaggeration, but Auntie was in a hurry, moving fast. Those glorious screams that still haunt my dreams were just moments away.

"I gotta have you this way," she said, positioning herself on elbows and knees on her bed. "You're so big, I wanna feel you all the way up in my stomach."

Auntie's robe was on her floor. We were naked together for the first time. We'd been nearly there, downstairs in front of the women, with just a wisp of red lace keeping us from totality, but seeing Auntie stripped bare, giving herself to me so raw and open, my hands touching her ass and pussy while my hard cock brushed against her warm was nakidity that transcended humanity. Auntie looked and felt like a superior life form, and I did, too. It was the deep, shared knowledge that did it, I think, something I'd never felt with a woman before. I was lost in delirium at the first touch of her on that bed.

And then my cock was in her again.

"Deeper, baby. That's it. Every stroke, all the way deep... Oh, yeah, that's it... That's the stuff..."

Auntie had begun her lessons. I love that she talked to me when we made love. My girlfriend at college hadn't really, not much anyway. Auntie, though, she told me just what she wanted, and just how it made her feel. After a while, a few weeks I guess, with her gentle encouragement, I started doing it, too. My wife loves it. She's over on the submissive end of the spectrum, so she enjoys my vocal directions. I wonder what she'd think if she knew Auntie Pamela was the one who taught me to make love that way.

"Fuck me, baby," Auntie said, the side of her face down on her rumpled bed. "Hold my hips tight and fuck me hard."

Having a big cock, you can't help but notice that you fill a woman pretty full. Auntie liked it. A lot. I got into a nice rhythm, thrusting long and deep, feeling like I was indeed mingling with all of her insides. Tight, velvety, squeezing insides. We were both moaning, Auntie with every breath, the heavenly sound rising in pitch and in volume.

"Oh God yeah!" she huffed. "Don't stop!...Don't ever stop!..."

Her moans came faster, higher, louder. I'd broken a sweat and started to shine. Auntie had, too. She rose up on her arms, up on all fours.

"Can you reach my tits, baby?" she asked, her voice breathless.

The angle of my deeply thrusting cock changed a little when I reached under for her swinging tits. I could feel it, a different pressure inside her pussy. Auntie liked it.

"Oh, Jesus!" she hollered. "Fuck yeah!...Fuck yeah!"

That's when her moans sang into screams. She was cumming, deep in her gut and deep in her soul, and her voice went free and sang the glory. I fucked like I'd never fucked before, lifting her to somewhere magical, a place I wanted to take her to again and again.

I saw quite a few of the women around town all during the week. They were all so nice, starting to feel like friends. I'll be the first to admit I thought about what it would be like to fuck them, every one of them, even Ginette, who's old enough to be my grandmother. It didn't seem like a bad thing to think about because I knew they were all thinking about me that way, too. I could see it in their eyes. If things had started going that way, me having sex with all the women, I wonder if Auntie would have said anything. I doubt it. Maybe there would have been a threeway with her, or a fourway, or more. They all seemed to love her, and it wouldn't surprise me if they all craved her big tits and beautiful smile as much as I did.

I had a feeling I could have had my way with any one of them, maybe amongst the rocks at the small State Park on the east side of the peninsula, or inside the abandoned sardine packaging plant at the end of Main Street, or even in my bedroom for that matter. I had visions about it, daydreams, I guess you'd call them. Various of the women would pop into my thoughts, sometimes when I was having sex with Auntie in her bed, sometimes when I was out walking or sketching. The vision was often similar — one of them opening their shirt, showing me the breasts that I already knew. We were usually at the park, amongst the house-size rocks on the pebbly shore. She'd bend over and I'd fuck her, her loud womanly screams reaching the fishing boats as they rumbled past, her husband on the deck of one of them, smiling at us and waving. I guess maybe it was my horny mind's way of reminding me they were all married, but the vision always excited me.