At Long Last: Gwen Ch. 05


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Tom gave a long, low whistle and shook his head. He thought a long time and said, "Let me give you two facts to consider. First, the department needs you to teach a course or two per semester for the next few years. We don't need you as an active researcher, because we've got the young guns in line."

"Second, the University (and you can't repeat this) is preparing to elevate you to Distinguished Professor this year and that imposes some real responsibilities on you."

I gave a snort of disgust and said, "The University should have thought of that five years ago. Tell the powers that be that I'm not interested."

I continued, "As for your assessment that I can teach for the next few years, let me jump at that. I think I have one more book in me and that kind of teaching load will let me do the book."

Tom put us his hand and said, "Think about the Distinguished Professor thing for a few days and let me know. Don't throw that away today."

"I don't have to think about it, Tom. Thinking about it will just make me angry. If that was to happen, it should have happened five years ago."

"Will, are you sure?"

"I am."

"OK," Tom concluded.

"Thanks for the briefing, Tom. It's much appreciated."

"Sure. I'm heading back to the office."

"So am I, Tom. I have some mail to look over."

We walked back to the department together and parted and I looked at my mail and found nothing earth shattering so I headed home.

I drove home and found the cats sprawling all over the front yard and only Gwen inside. "Where's Barb?" I asked. "She's usually home by now."

Gwen smiled and said, "Oh, I imagine she off screwing Derek right now."

I smiled and said, "You think?"

"Yes, I think!" Gwen snapped.

Who came walking in the door at that moment but Barb.

"Where's Derek?" Gwen asked.

Barb smiled, and said, "He's out in the car. He's afraid to come inside because he thinks Will is going to dismember him."

Gwen said, "Tell Derek that Will is certainly not going to dismember him, but if I find some shears I may emasculate him."


Gwen laughed and said, "Tell Derek to come inside. No one is going to say anything to embarrass him."

I was in no mood for Derek so I wandered back to the bedroom and lay down and stared at the ceiling and frankly fulminated at the stupid University and their belated idea to award me the title of 'Distinguished'.

An hour later the Princess walked into the bedroom and lay down beside me and asked, "What's wrong?"

I responded, "Nothing is really wrong, I'm just fuming about something Tom told me this afternoon."

"Can you share it?" Gwen asked.

"If it goes no further than you, I can."

"Sure," Gwen said.

"While talking with Tom today and asking if I could slow down and just teach and write, he said the department could handle that, but I needed to factor in the variable that the University was going to promote me, this year, to the rank of Distinguished Professor."

Gwen sat up and said, "Wow!" The she added, "But..."

"I told Tom to tell the powers that be to forget the promotion because that should have happened five years ago."

The Princess was frowning and she asked, "Why turn it down at all?"

I explained, "Most universities promote their people to the distinguished rank when it's merited. Ours waits until the man or woman is over the age of sixty and makes it clear that the rank carries with it a lot of expectations as well as power and prestige. It's a little trick the administration uses to keep high-profile people active long after many of them don't want to be that active."

"So," Gwen added, "you really are serious about slowing down."

"Yes, I'm firm on that now. I'll continue to teach each semester and I think I have one more book in me and then we'll see where we are."

"Old Man, are you doing this because of me?"

"You're darn right I am. I want to be with you and not running around the country or spending all my time directing research assistants and guiding grad students."

To my complete surprise, tears began running down Gwen's face and she climbed on top of me and hugged me fiercely.

"Uh, Princess, what's this about?"

"Oh, Old Man, I'm just so struck by the contrast of being married to Charles and to you. With him I was the trophy wife and everything revolved around him. With you, you're reordering your life for me!"

"Well, not really," I said with a smile.

"What do you mean by that?" Gwen asked guardedly.

"It's just that you wear me out sexually so I don't have any energy left for academics."

The Princess emerged instantaneously and began beating on my chest yelling 'You idiot."

Then she leaped up and ripped off her clothes and said, "When you said, a minute ago, 'I want to be with you' it was like an electric charge to my pussy."

She jumped on top of me and shimmied her way up my body and sat her face directly in front of me and pulled open the outer lips of her pussy and yelled, "Lick!"

"Hey," I said, "I have on a shirt. You're going to leak all over it."

Gwen said, "I'll wash the damn shirt. Now lick!"

I grabbed her by her hips and began a long, leisurely, licking of the Princess' pussy. She expressed her delight with a series of sighs and moans. Shortly she asked me to go higher and faster and I addressed her clitoral hood and the signs turned to moans.

After a few minutes her clit appeared and I licked it and the Princess started panting as she gripped my head and began thrusting herself into my face.

It couldn't be but a few minutes later than Gwen moaned, "Oh, I'm cumming," and she squealed and slumped forward against the headboard.

I left her alone for a minute to regain some normalcy and then I asked her to lie on me. She scooted down my chest and then leaned forward and collapsed onto my chest.

Gwen lay silently for a while and then said, "Oh, I wish the world would go away so I could just stay in bed with you."

I kissed her and Gwen passionately returned my kiss. When we stopped, Gwen said, "I have something really touching to tell you."

"OK," was my response.

I took a few minutes to talk to Barb while you were back here and I asked her to go slowly with Derek and not find herself getting married too soon.

She said, "I'll try, but he's the closest thing to Will I can find."

I think I gulped a few times and couldn't really say anything.

After a minute I asked, "What did you say in response to that."

"I told her, then, to be very careful because there was a streak of pure steel in you that I didn't think was in Derek."

"I'm deeply humbled that you would say that."

Gwen kissed me, I think, for nearly forever.

When she broke the kiss, she asked, "So, you'll be teaching for the next few years?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Be happy doing it, Old Man."

"I'll try."

Gwen nodded and asked me to shower with her.

After the shower, I indicated that I had something for her and a puzzled Gwen asked me, "What?"

I reached into my bedside table drawer and retrieved my mother's engagement ring and gave it to her.

Gwen looked at the ring and at me and back to the ring and at me and was simply speechless.

I urged her: "Put it on."

Not surprisingly, it was too big for Gwen, but the act of putting the ring on her finger loosened her tongue and she said, "This is beautiful! Is this really for me?"

"Of course it is," I responded.

"Tell me about it," Gwen asked.

"It was my mother's and she gave it to me and said she hoped that someday I'd find a lovely woman to whom I would want to give it. Honestly, I'd forgotten about it in the safety deposit box, but Barb asked me the other day to get you an engagement ring and she explained the engagement ring protocol and I remembered that I had this one."

Gwen then went on about a "solitaire" setting and gushed about the beauty of the ring and said that we'd get it sized and talked about carets and simply got excited. I was happy!


The next morning we left the YMCA for downtown and a jewelry store Gwen fancied. A pleasant young lady waited on us and we looked at rings although Gwen and the clerk kept referring to them as 'wedding bands.'

After exhausting their supply of rings Gwen asked me which style I favored and I considered the lot and said "This one."

Gwen nodded and said, "Oh, the ugly one? No, we won't get that one, Old Man."

The clerk made a funny gurgling noise and walked away because she had a coughing fit.

I looked at the Princess and asked, "So why did you ask me which style I favored?"

"Well, I certainly didn't think you'd choose the one you did. It might look good on a Sasquatch, but on me it would like I was trying to wear a bracelet on my finger."

Gwen then isolated two different rings and said, "Choose."

"Is this a test?"

Gwen said, "No, this is not a test. These are both nice looking rings that will look good on you, with your big hand, and on me, with my small hand."

"Oh, I see. Either one is fine with me."

"All right, then, we'll take this one."

The young lady who was waiting on us had recovered from her coughing fit and said, "Let's get your respective sizes," and she started sliding skinny rings on our fingers.

Gwen was size 5 and I said, "Oh, the same as your bladder size," and the Princess punched me in the gut.

I was a size 13 and Gwen said, "Yes, Sasquatch-size."

I asked the Princess if I could punch her in the gut and she said I could not. Life is not always fair.

Anyway, the rings, we were told, would be available for pick-up in two days along with the engagement ring and I paid the young lady and we drove off to visit the Campus Chapel.

We parked and walked into the open chapel and discovered a few students were in the pews reading or thinking or praying so we very quietly walked around and explored the chapel proper and some rooms off to the side and Gwen nodded and we departed.

Gwen noted that the Chapel did not currently have any religious symbolism in evidence and she wondered if each religion or denomination brought their own symbolic trappings to the Chapel as needed. I said that I guessed that was the case or, perhaps, the trappings were stored somewhere in the Chapel in a location we hadn't uncovered.

Gwen said she would call Campus Ministries and ask.

"What else do you have to do, today?" Gwen asked.

I indicated that I had some e-mails from Dubai already that I had to consider and I also had a troubling e-mail from the chemical company in Texas who had developed a very potent new liquid fertilizer and they were worried about quality control of the production process and wanted to know how frequently they needed to conduct quality control tests to assure a one-hundred percent safe product.

Gwen frowned and said, of the Texas firm, "It sounds like they have an engineering problem more than a quality control issue."

"You're absolutely correct, Princess," I said, "and the chemists see it that way and are asking me to come down on their side, but the finance and marketing guys are trying to bypass the real problem and get me to tell them how often to sample the product to make sure it meets the chemists' standards without the time and expense of developing a new back-end process that assures quality control."

"How really interesting," Gwen said.

"I suppose it is, Princess. But, when you get the technical guys lined up against the finance guys and the marketing group, the technical people always lose."

"Why?" Gwen asked.

"Money. The faster you get the product to market with as little overhead as possible, the more money the company makes and the happier the stock holders are."

The Princess nodded her comprehension and asked, "So what are you going to do?"

I said, "I'm going to try to get more information. I think I'm playing with one-half of a deck of cards with this company."

I went home and Gwen went on to campus to do some course planning and I reminded her before she left that she had, in fact, forgotten to ask me about the systems analysis book and I stuck my tongue out at her. She archly informed me that she had not forgotten, but she was simply excited about the engagement ring.

Later that week we picked up the engagement ring and wedding bands and Gwen wore the former and put the latter in the bedroom so we would remember to take them to the ceremony.

The remainder of the week seemed calm enough although Gwen pitched a hissy fit the evening Barb called home to say she was spending the night at Derek's.

Later when we went to bed, Gwen wondered what Barb and Derek were doing 'now.' I thought I'd have a little fun with Gwen and said, "She's playing with his pee-pee right now."

In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have said that. I took at least ten punches to the gut and was called an idiot, a dumbass, a moron, an imbecile, and a pervert and she even tried to push me out of bed.

When that failed, she yelled, "Don't you dare touch me tonight!"

That started me laughing and, as we know, it is not a good idea to laugh at the Princess. She erupted into another yelling outburst at me and then she yelled, "Good night!" and turned her back to me.

Maybe five minutes elapsed and Gwen rolled over and said, "I'm upset. You have to hold me."

"OK, Princess. Might I suck your nipples while I hold you?"

"No! I'm mad at you! Well, maybe a little."

"I'll just suck a little and you tell me when to stop," I suggested.

"OK," the Princess agreed.

I began flicking Gwen's left nipple slowly and then rapidly and then slowly again and she said, "You said you were going to suck."

"Oh, I did, didn't I," and I sucked hard and Gwen expressed a long, low moan.

I stopped sucking and asked for her other nipple which she thrust into my mouth. I sucked lightly and then strongly and I felt Gwen grab my hand and pull it between her legs.

I continued sucking and Gwen began breathing hard and rubbing her pussy against my hand that she had pinned against her.

I alternated sucking one and then the other nipple and Gwen was gasping and writhing about. She asked me to stop and she dove under the covers, located my cock, and commenced performing an amazing job of sucking me to hardness. She then stroked me slowly and then released me and emerged from under the covers.

The Princess announced, "You on top and I don't' want to hear any dumbass comments about any pee-pees."

"No, Your Highness, I promise."

Gwen scrambled beneath me and positioned myself above her. She guided my cock into her pussy and I gradually insinuated myself into her. Once I was firmly inside Gwen wrapped her legs around me and her arms around my neck and I commenced thrusting.

"Oh, slowly, Old Man. Make it last."

I slowed my thrusts a bit and smiled at the Princess who mouthed the words, "I love you," at me.

The Princess was soaking wet and her pussy was hot. We fell into an easy rhythm that lasted for minutes until Gwen shuddered and said, "Faster."

I quickened the pace of my thrusts and Gwen began to thrust against me and she exhibited the early signs of her orgasm and she began to gasp. Eventually, she blurted, "Let me cum first and then I want you to cum in my mouth."

I quickened my pace yet again and it triggered Gwen's orgasm. She moaned loudly, stiffened, and then collapsed. I slowed my thrusts considerably and when she had recovered her sanity, she said, "Put Ivan in my mouth."

I pulled out of her pussy and presented Gwen my cock which she engulfed in her mouth. She stroked me rapidly for only a minute and I groaned and released everything I had. Gwen swallowed and kept sucking me and eventually sucked me dry.

When she released me she very sleepily said, "I've finally figured you out, Old Man."

"Oh?" was my response.

"Yes, Gwen added, "you're an idiot savant. You screw like a genius and you're a complete idiot the rest of the time."

I found that pretty funny and enjoyed a good laugh.

The Princess stuck out her tongue at me and said, "Hold me."

I think she was asleep in two minutes.

The next day Barb escaped some carnage by coming home apparently while Gwen and I were at the YMCA and she was apparently forgiven by the end of the day when we next saw Barb.

Gwen was busy the remainder of the week with course planning and double-checking every detail of the wedding and reception.

I was engaged for a surprising amount of time with Dubai and the Texas company. I was at wit's end with Dubai and had to call Sheik Abdullah to ask him to get the politics out of the equation because some of his underlings were using the statistics curriculum issue to jockey for political position. The Sheik assured me he would break a few heads and let me get on with the question.

The weekend was calm. I guess it was the calm before the storm because Gwen's dad was arriving Monday

Barb had been working part-time in Sociology for the past week and today, Monday, she started full-time so only Gwen and I made the trip to the Birmingham Airport.

We arrived in time for Gwen to sip a Coke and I had a cup of coffee and when we checked the schedule board we learned that Pop's flight was on the ground so we went to baggage claim and waited. We waited. We waited. Gwen called Pop's house to see if he had missed the flight. She got no answer.

When we were about to launch an all-points bulletin for him we heard over the loudspeaker, "Gwendolyn Davis: Report to the Southwest Airline Ticket Counter and claim your father."

Neither Gwen nor I said a word. She took me by my hand and we walked off to the Main Terminal and ticketing. We found Pops being virtually guarded by an old skycap who had probably seen it all during his day. Gwen rushed to her dad and I nodded to the skycap to join me which he did.

I asked the skycap, "Is there anything we need to know?"

The skycap was a bit edgy and he replied, "Yes, send that crazy old coot back where he came from."

"Give me a few details, please," I asked.

The older fellow said, "Look around. Everywhere you look you see black faces. Most of the employees in this airport are black. It's Birmingham, Alabama for God's sake. This old coot asked me what all the black people were doing here. I told him they were working."

He actually said to me, a black man, "I was told all blacks are on welfare."

The skycap continued, "I don't whether to hug the poor dumb sonofabitch or hit him!"

"Thanks for not hitting him," I said.

We were interrupted by Gwen who handed the skycap a twenty dollar bill and said, "Thank you very much. That can't have been easy for you."

The skycap expressed his appreciation and said to both of us, "That old coot had the nerve to ask me if there were any Communists lurking around because Commies like to recruit poor, uneducated people like blacks."

Gwen was pretty upset at this revelation and I said to the skycap, "Take me to your leader. I want him or her to know about the work you did today above and beyond the call of duty."

We went to his supervisor's office and I gave the old guy a glowing recommendation and the supervisor asked me my name and address in case the company wanted to confirm with me what I had said about their employee.

I provided that information and the old skycap cocked his head and looked at me and asked, "Are you the Will David who played with all the brothers at Ole Miss back in the 70s?"

I laughed and said, "Yes."

He said, "Man, you had some moves even the brothers couldn't defend."

I added, "And they all had moves I couldn't defend."

That tickled him no end and with a handshake we parted company.

I returned to Gwen and her dad and I deduced that Gwen had given him hell once or twice about his behavior, because he was quiet and withdrawn.

Pops perked up once we were in the car and back on I-20 and he pulled out a sheet of paper and announced that he had some questions for me that he and his buddies at the Senior Center had devised.