Arabian Knights


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"I hold you to everything you said," Fahim panted, his eyes of scorching sienna locking with Bahadur's of smouldering sapphire.

"It will be my pleasure and my privilege," the warrior vowed. His hand slid to cup Fahim's sex and he took the lush, kiss-swollen lips once more. However, he could feel his lover's reactions slowing and knew the draught was taking effect.

"Sleep well, my beloved," he whispered tenderly.

"Be safe," Fahim murmured, trying to open his eyes to look one last time at the adored visage.

Bahadur did not move until certain Fahim had succumbed to sleep, kissed his lover's temple softly and then made his way into the outer chamber.

"Fahim sleeps, Princess," he said. "I beg you to keep him safe."

"Not even Mahfuz would be stupid enough to attempt to enter these chambers," Faysal said. "He is moving slowly, not wanting to alert the Princess to his insidious machinations. Some of her ministers believe he has her blessing, and the Sultan's, and acts on their behalf. Others simply acquiesce to him to gain favour and some are covertly suspicious. I fear for the Sultan's life should Dalal agree to marry him ahead of the agreed day. Each week he brings a few more of his men, but we still have more than enough to deal with him as you suggested."

"You are both under my personal protection," Dalal said. "I will ensure your beloved comes to no harm here."

"In that case, I must return to Hashim as you agreed, my Lady," Bahadur said, giving a last, longing glance towards where Fahim slept.

"Wait," Dalal said. She removed a distinctive bangle from her wrist and placed it on the warrior's and smiled as Nadra handed her a scarf of cream silk to tie at the warrior's right biceps. "You will tell him I have chosen you as my personal favourite for these games and that I expect to hear of your success. I swear I will not leave Fahim here alone."

"Thank you, Princess," Bahadur said, raising her hand to his lips.


Nadra made her move after Bahadur had left, leaving the Princess, and the peacefully sleeping Fahim, in Faysal's care. The physician still held respect at the Sultan's court and, on her return with Afzal and his men, he was going to speak to the ministers that he knew would listen and act. Nadra gave a grim smile. It would not be long now before the detested Prince, and those who had become his sycophants at court, would be revealed for what they were and removed. She bit back a scream as a large rat ran across her path. The tunnels had shrunk so she now crawled on her hands and knees, keeping her torch in a tight grip. She shuddered as unseen insects crawled over her legs. However, she had no intentions of failing Dalal or the men who depended upon her.

Espying light ahead, she hurried forward to emerge filthy but triumphant some distance from the palace. Dousing her torch's flame she began to run towards her uncle's inn.


Afzal and his men listened to Nadir and were now huddled together trying to formulate a plan to enter the palace. They looked up as a dirty and dishevelled young woman rushed into the inn calling for Nadir. Within moments she had been taken to speak to Afzal.

Nadra had thought the warrior handsome, but he paled into comparison to the Captain of the Farris. Nadra could not remember being as shy before a man as she recounted her tale. However, when she spoke of Fahim's whipping, she silently prayed that she never angered Afzal. His countenance darkened with fury and his eyes became as cold as jet. Nadra continued with her story, giving her attentive audience the warrior's suggestion for getting into the palace.

"It is a good plan," Afzal nodded.

"Some of my nephews are amongst the palace guard," Nadir said. "It explains why the guards are not allowed outside. If they had known what the Prince was doing they would have acted sooner."

"Then you must be part of the delegation that goes to the palace gates," Afzal said. "Your voice would be heeded. I will take a small group into the palace. Once we can bring the Princess before her guards and ministers to denounce Mahfuz the battle will be over before it can begin." Afzal muttered quickly to his men and smiled as Rabi raced away. Then he turned to Nadra and gave her a genuine smile.

Nadra felt she was melting from the heat as Afzal turned a fiery gaze upon her.

"I owe you thanks for being so brave. I hope to find a way to repay you when all this is over."

"You are welcome, Captain," Nadra said breathlessly. When had she become so unsophisticated before a man? "Uncle Nadir, may I go and clean up?" Nadra needed to go and regain her composure and prepare for what was yet to come. As she scurried upstairs into her Uncle's private quarters, she sent a prayer that there would be little bloodshed.


Dalal and Faysal stared fearfully towards the door of the chamber at the sounds of fighting just outside. Faysal pushed the Princess behind him as the doors were flung open and a small group of armed men stood as their leader stepped forward, sketching an elaborate bow.

"I am Afzal, Captain of the Farris and brother to Fahim. Do I have the pleasure of addressing Princess Dalal?"

For a moment, Dalal felt as though her tongue had melded to the roof of her mouth. She swallowed as she stepped from behind Faysal, trying to look regal, desirable and confident all at once.

"I am Princess Dalal," she said. She heard the breathless sound to her voice and gave her best smile.

"We are here to help you regain your rightful place and to rescue my brother and Bahadur. I believe you have Fahim safe here."

"He is in my bedchamber," Dalal said, sweeping her hand in an elegant manoeuvre to indicate where the young man slept.

"Fahim!" Afzal shouted his brother's name as he reached the archway, unaware that Dalal dogged his steps.

The princess watched enviously as the dashing Captain moved to envelop his brother in a tight embrace. She saw the grimace of pain on the younger man's face and then Afzal was moving to examine the welts on his brother's back. Dalal was unable to suppress the shudder at the look of cold fury on Afzal's face.

"Give them a moment's privacy, Princess." The voice was not Faysal's and she whirled angrily. However, at the look from her physician from across the room, she reluctantly obeyed.

"Please do not be angry with Bahadur," Fahim pleaded as he looked at his brother's anger-filled countenance.

"The warrior did not beat you why would he incur my wrath?" Afzal asked, genuinely puzzled.

"I took the whipping in his stead. They had already beaten him and I could not bear to see him hurt more. We love each other, Afzal."

"I am glad for you both," Afzal said softly. Carefully he gathered his brother into his arms, his heart rejoicing both to have the precious young man safe and to hear Fahim's love was finally returned.

"When we return to the Farris, may we have your blessing, both as my brother and as Captain?" Fahim asked, his head comfortably ensconced against Afzal's shoulder. He murmured a soft sound of contentment as Afzal dropped a kiss into his hair as he had done since Fahim was old enough to remember.

"You may indeed," Afzal smiled. "But now we have a scheming Prince to rout and Bahadur to find. And I have a personal score to settle with one by the name of Hashim."

"I am coming with you," Fahim said determinedly, reaching for his pants as Afzal stood.

The older man saw the tilt of the chin and knew it would be a waste of his breath to try and argue. In addition, he had to confess that he would prefer to have his brother close by him. He gave a nod and received a genuine smile in return. As they entered the outer room, Fahim was greeted warmly by the other men and Rafiq passed him a small dagger which he slipped into a pocket.

"Princess Dalal says that Mahfuz will be watching his games in the main courtyard," Rafiq said. "By now Nadir will have the people at the gates demanding to see him and Nadra should have been passing word around the palace guard. We are ready to make our move."

"Let us end this villainy," Afzal said, and smiled at the rousing shout from his men.

"I will seek out the ministers on whom we can rely and have them prepared," Faysal said. "If you can spare me one of your men, I will then go to the Sultan's bedchamber. Mahfuz has but one man stationed there."

Afzal sent Rabi to accompany Faysal. He then strode purposefully through the palace whilst the Princess walked proudly at his side. Fahim and the rest of his men trailed in their wake. As they hurried along the corridors, Fahim hesitated a moment, seeing something he felt would be advantageous, then quickly caught up with the others.


Bahadur moved with grace and strength as he mock-battled a Roman gladiator, his saifs whirling and glinting as he moved. He disarmed the other man, sending the trident his opponent had wielded flying and the man dropped to his knees in defeat. The loud cheers of the crowd meant nothing to the warrior. He glowered at Hashim who simply grinned back.

He had been redressed since his reluctant return to their keeper. The gladiatorial kilt had been replaced with little more than a tiny leather one and his chest had a leather harness that emphasised his pectorals. A pair of sandals with leather ties criss-crossed his legs to his knees. His appearance had been well received and Hashim had personally oiled his body before sending him out. Hashim's hands touching him where, as yet, he was to feel Fahim's hand had both angered and humiliated the warrior and Hashim had known it and moved with deliberate slowness.

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd and Bahadur's attention was instantly diverted as he recognised a confident and commanding voice echo around the gathered audience.

"Prince Mahfuz, you have attempted to take control of this kingdom by stealth. You have kept the Princess Dalal away from her ministers and her people and usurped her authority. She now commands you lay down any weapons you have and any here who are loyal to you to do likewise. I have men inside and outside the palace and have secured the Sultan's safety. If any doubt the truth of my words, here is the Princess herself."

Afzal gave a theatrical bow as Dalal moved forward, a loud buzzing coming from the gathered visiting royal dignitaries.

"You have heard the words of Captain Afzal. My guards are reclaiming control of the palace as we speak. I urge all in Price Mahfuz's employ to heed him and do as he directs."

Bahadur grinned and turned towards Hashim and instantly threw himself into a roll, attempting to rise on his feet with his saifs raised. The other man had lunged with his scimitar, clearly intending to fight his way out of the palace. Bahadur cursed as the ties of his unfamiliar sandals entwined with net of the gladiator he has just bested, preventing him from rising. The sound of metal on metal rang out as, despite his entrapped legs, Bahadur demonstrated the mastery of his swordsmanship and parried blow after blow from the enraged Hashim.

Then a spear intercepted Hashim's sword and the older man turned to face Fahim. His face betrayed shock, cunning and malice.

"You dare to challenge me, boy?" Hashim rasped. "I will deal with you and then kill your precious warrior."

As Hashim and Fahim fought, Bahadur cut desperately at the net binding his legs. His beloved wielded his weapon well, but the warrior knew the younger man would still be weak and sore. Glancing up, he could see the same thought had occurred to Hashim and the older man was using brute strength to wear Fahim down. The warrior's movements sped up as he shredded the net to surge to his feet.

He was not fast enough.

He heard a pained cry as Hashim brutally drove his elbow into Fahim's still tender back and the younger man dropped his spear. Hashim moved fast to wrap a hard arm across Fahim's throat, forcing the smaller man up and onto his toes and placed his sword against the fragile, unprotected flesh of his abdomen.

"There is nowhere for you to run to, Hashim," Bahadur said desperately. "Your Prince has surrendered. Lay down your sword and end this."

"I will not give up so easily. You wear the Princess' favours. Use them. Get me out of the palace and I will release your boy."

Fahim tried to push the sword-arm away from his body. He did not trust Hashim. If the man took him from the palace he would be at Hashim's mercy and Fahim was certain the older man did not know the meaning of the word. His left arm dropped from trying to pull away the limb restricting his air. He let his legs and body go limp, forcing Hashim to change his stance. Praying for success, Fahim stabbed with the small dagger concealed in his voluminous pants and pushed away the arm holding the sword against him. He flung himself into Bahadur's waiting arms.

Spittle foamed at Hashim's mouth and his eyes glinted with madness. Uncontrolled fury possessed him as he raised his scimitar only for it to clash with another. Hashim glared at the stranger and then his eyes flitted quickly to where Fahim peeked around the solid body of his lover.

"Yes, his is indeed my brother; a most beloved baby brother who was tortured at your hand. You may put up your arms if you wish. Personally I hope you choose to fight, no one harms Fahim with impunity."

Fahim watched in fear as Hashim screamed in maniacal rage and attacked Afzal. He held tightly to Bahadur's body as his brother's sword clashed again and again with Hashim's. Even though he knew how good a swordsman Afzal was, the young man was still afraid for the brother he loved. This was a fight between the two men that would only have one winner. He tried to suppress the whimper of distress as Hashim seemed able to press Afzal back, the younger man giving ground as Hashim's weapon sang through the air. Then Afzal moved. Fast. Hard. His own sword singing in fury until, with a deft flick of his wrist, Hashim's weapon flew into the air and the older man was impaled upon Afzal's scimitar.

"Afzal," Fahim cried, flinging himself into his brother's arms.

"As much as I wish he had died at my hand, I cannot begrudge your vengeance, Afzal," Bahadur said as he came to stand by the brothers, staring dispassionately at the body before them.

"Fahim spoke to me of love," Afzal said, gazing at the warrior as he kept Fahim in the circle of his arms.

"I have declared my love to Fahim and been blessed with his in return. I am only sorry we could not seek your approval. There were ... fears ... regarding Fahim's safety in Hashim's presence."

Afzal understood the meaning behind the words and hugged his brother tighter before slowly releasing him.

"You have both had my approval since I saw that you were meant to be," he smiled. "Fahim has asked for my blessing as brother and Captain and you have both. Once we are back aboard Farris, I will have a public ceremony to show you are mated. For now," he held out Fahim's hand to Bahadur. "I give the safety and well-being of Fahim into your hands, Bahadur. Do not fail me."

"Never," Bahadur vowed, as he accepted the small hand and then drew Fahim into his own tight embrace.

Afzal looked around and smiled and nodded. All was well.


A contented smile was on Bahadur's lips as he added the final touches to the bath he had prepared; a scattering of rose petals. Satisfied he made his way into the main bedchamber where there hung some dimly-lit lamps, candles as well as an incense burner that scented the room with rose. A sumptuous bed, draped in pink and cream silks and red satin pillows took pride of place and a small fire added a warm, ambient glow. He had craved his beloved's indulgence to be allowed to leave the party the Sultan had thrown a little earlier than Fahim.

The previous day, they had assisted the Princess regain control of the palace. The Sultan was no longer ill; he was simply being kept drugged by Mahfuz's physician. Time seemed to fly past as things had slowly been put right and arrangements made for the disgraced Prince to be dealt with when the Sultan was more capable. By the time evening had fallen, Fahim was exhausted and they had simply fallen asleep fully dressed in a room shared with Afzal. Tonight, however, was the night Bahadur made good his promises. Afzal and the rest of the men had remained to enjoy the Sultan's hospitality. All Bahadur wished to enjoy was Fahim's precious body. He gave a smile as his lover announced his arrival with a knock to the door before opening it to peer anxiously inside.

"May I enter, Bahadur?" Fahim asked.

"Of course, beloved," the warrior smiled indulgently, as Fahim stood and stared entranced at the room.

"It is beautiful," Fahim murmured.

"But not as beautiful as you," Bahadur said, pulling the slender young man into his embrace and drinking his fill of Fahim's sweetness from his lips until his lover was almost limp. He swept Fahim effortlessly into his arms to panting laughter and the men kissed tenderly as Bahadur carried his precious bundle into the bath room. Slowly ...reverently ... Bahadur unveiled his living treasure. None of the grateful Sultan's jewels compared to the gold of Fahim's skin, or the diamonds that sparkled in his eyes, or the ruby red of his luscious lips. Bahadur assisted his denuded mate into the warm, fragrant water.

"Are you not joining me?" Fahim asked.

It had been Bahadur's intention to simply bathe his beloved but, at the yearning look in Fahim's eyes, he began to strip. He made a show of unveiling his own body, turning, posing and preening before his more and more delighted mate. Finally he sank into the bath behind Fahim and guided the smaller man to lie against his chest.

In this position he could indulge Fahim with the kisses the younger man seemed addicted to whilst indulging himself in touching his lover freely. He stroked across Fahim's chest, fondling the large, dark discs, until the cinnamon nubs were hard and tight. He ran his hands down Fahim's body to dip into the wiry curls that guarded an already engorged shaft.

"Bahadur," Fahim groaned, as a powerful hand began a slow, firm slide up and down his aching manhood. "I do not think I can last."

"Relax, beloved. The advantage of youth includes swift recuperative powers. If you spill now, I can fulfil my promise to taste you ... all of you." Bahadur's voice was a midnight silk caress of his lover's ear and had the desired effect. As he spoke the last three words, he twisted his wrist and flicked his thumb over the leaking tip of Fahim's penis. Fahim tensed, arched and cried aloud Bahadur's name as he shuddered through his release. The warrior murmured his encouragement, milking Fahim of his seed, leaving a sated young man in the wake of his climax.

Bahadur urged his love to rise and they dried each other, the warrior revelling in the shy, intimate touches from his mate. Hand-in-hand they walked to the large bed, the older man feeling the frisson in the younger, as they moved to lie together, finally fully naked and able to see, to touch, to taste in comfort and safety. It seemed but seconds as they indulged in kissing that Fahim's sex began to revive. Bahadur used a single finger to run along the underside of the young man's refilling sex, brushing it against the sensitive vein with painstaking care. Fahim mewled, his eyelids fluttering.

Remembering his promise, the older man began to anoint his lover with his tongue tracing and tasting the hidden sweetness of Fahim's body. He paid homage to the cinnamon nubs before teasing the delectable navel. He took Fahim in his mouth, carefully probing at the weeping tip, tasting his mate's nectar. Then lower to lave the smooth sac. Once he had completed his ministrations on the front of Fahim's body, Bahadur urged his mate onto his stomach. He fussed over pillows, ensuring Fahim was comfortable and that he had the access to his mate's body that he desired.