An Undeniable Passion Ch. 25


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I guess he's never been a carriage driver before and must rather like it, she thought. She sighed and walked up to the carriage to open the door. With her mind a few miles out to sea she numbly pulled open the door and climbed inside.

She sat on the bench and froze. A pair of glowing amber eyes stared back at her. Drake. Was he really there? Her mind swirled, how could he be here, his ship just sailed away. She continued to stare at him, blinking, thinking she was surely losing her mind. The shock of seeing him, combined with the stress of the last few days finally took their toll and the carriage dipped and dimmed before she slumped over onto the seat.

She awoke to someone stroking her face and saying her name. Her eyes fluttered open and there were those warm eyes again. She tentatively reached out to touch him. "You're here," she said, her fingers gripping his arm.

"Yes, V, I'm here," he said smiling at her. He was holding her in his arms across his lap.

"But, your ship! I saw it sail away!" she said bewildered.

"You saw the Aurora sail away. Not my ship," he said with a twinkle in his eye.

Confused, she closed her eyes and shook her head. "But the Aurora is your ship."

"It was, up until a few months ago. It now belongs to Simpson. I sold it to him."

"You sold it to him?" she asked, still confused.

"Yes, V, I sold it. I'm not leaving you. Now do you believe that I love you and will never hurt you?"

Her eyes welled with tears and she threw her arms around him, "Oh Drake! Yes! Yes, I believe you!"

He laughed at her happiness. "Come on now, let me hear you say it, you love me too, don't you?"

She pulled back and stared at him with glowing eyes. "Yes Drake, I love you. I love you more than anything"

"Why couldn't you tell me that before?" he asked, still smiling at her.

"Because I wasn't sure of you. I thought you would sail away the very first moment..." she suddenly paused as a thought struck her. Her eyes narrowed and she glared at him. "You sold your ship to Simpson months ago?" she shouted at him. "And you let me believe all this time that you were going to leave me? How could you? Do you realize the torment you put me through?" She began to struggle, attempting to get out of his arms. "Let me go!" she demanded.

Ignoring her struggles, he said, "At any time, did I say I was leaving? No. I only spoke of the Aurora leaving."

"And of course you omitted the part about no longer owning the Aurora. I hate you Drake Stratford! I want you to go back to England! I never want to see you again!" She continued to struggle in his arms.

"Will you please stop wriggling around so much? And may I ask you something?"

Realizing that he wasn't going to let her go, she ceased her struggles. "Of course, you can ask, but that doesn't mean I'll answer," she snapped.

He dug into his coat pocket as he said, "I'm afraid my dear V, that I will require an answer to my question." She refused to look at him as he pulled the small velvet box from his pocket. He flipped the lid open and lifted it to her eyes. He cleared his throat and spoke. "My dearest Miss Templeton, will you marry me?"

She gasped at the shining emerald ring in front of her. She looked down at him with wide eyes. She could see the anxiety in his eyes and knew that this time he was serious. She stared again at the ring and holding his arm, she lowered it so she could see the shimmering green stone better. "Well, do I get an answer?" he asked, his voice betraying a note of nervousness.

She flung her arms around his neck again. "Yes, Drake, yes. I'll marry you!"

He pulled her to him and hugged her tightly. He drew away and said, "Hold out your hand."

She did and he slipped the ring onto her finger. She tipped her hand back and forth in the light, watching it catch and shine on the stone.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"Yes, very much so," she said, her eyes again glistening with tears. "It's perfect." She lifted her eyes and her gaze met his. As always, before she knew it, his lips were on hers and her mind was in a whirl. All she could think of was how happy she was.

They arrived back at the house and Danny had to loudly clear his throat several times before they finally heard him. Virginia looked up and saw that the carriage had stopped and Danny was holding the door open for them. She blushed and giggled before getting up from Drake's lap and alighting from the cab. They slowly walked up the steps to the house and walked inside, where he took her face in his hands and gently kissed her. In an action that reminded her of Billy, he tipped his head back and shouted, "She said yes!"

Rosy, Dolly and Sarah rushed out of the kitchen and embraced her. Virginia looked bewildered at the three young women. "You knew? You all knew?"

"Only since yesterday, ma'am," Rosy said. "It was so hard letting you go this morning, when you went off before Mr. Stratford even got up," she said, shaking her head.

"I was wondering why you were trying to make me stay," she said.

"Oh ma'am, we're just so happy for you. We knew all along that you loved each other and when Mr. Stratford told us last night of his plan we knew you wouldn't be able to resist. It was just so romantic."

"It almost didn't work. She was quite angry with me in the carriage when I told her that I had sold the ship months ago," Drake said, still holding her about the waist.

She wriggled out of his grip. "And I still am angry. You're going to have to work very hard to get me to forgive you for that. The torment, the agony, the pure torture you put me through!" she said, her voice rising.

"Would you have believed me if I had told you months ago?" he asked.

"Probably not," she admitted. "But it doesn't matter, you were still very mean and you're not going to get away with it that easily."

He saw the sparks flashing in her eyes and said softly, "I wouldn't half mind if you continued to be angry about it. Those sparks in your eyes are most flattering."

She glared at him but her gaze softened when she saw sparks in his eyes as well, but they were of an entirely different nature. Her anger quickly turned to passion and she looked at him with a heat in her eyes that he hadn't seen for some time. He took a step towards her but she stepped away. He lunged for her as she shrieked with glee and ran up the stairs with him right behind her. They ran down the hallway to her bedroom, slamming the door behind them.

The three maids watched them from the foyer. They shook their heads and walked back into the kitchen. Danny was there and told them about what had happened in town. "Oh yes, she was mad. I could hear her yelling at him, and I thought, 'oh no, the whole things off!'"

Drake suddenly flung the door of the kitchen open. His coat and waistcoat were both gone, his shirt was untucked and his hair was hanging about his shoulders. He quickly placed three bottles of wine on the counter and said, "Have a drink to celebrate our happiness." He turned to leave but turned back and said with a grin, "I don't think we'll be needing anything more today so enjoy the wine."

They laughed as they heard him running up the stairs and down the mezzanine above their heads.

Four months later - August, 1799

Elizabeth and Virginia were in her sewing room. Virginia pulled the partially completed wedding dress over her head. Elizabeth gasped. "Oh Ginny, it's just lovely."

She twirled before the mirror, liking what she saw. "Thank you Lizzy. I think it'll look wonderful when I finish."

Billy and Elizabeth had returned from their honeymoon to find the house abuzz with wedding plans. They were delighted for them and couldn't wait to help. They were also delighted to find maids in the house. After being waited on hand and foot for the past seven months, they weren't looking forward to returning to all the work that the house required.

Drake had started on the out-building but it wasn't finished yet so they were still staying in the main house and Virginia had never been happier. It was almost like being part of a big family.

She made some marks on the dress and some notes before carefully removing it. Rosy poked her head in the sewing room to let them know that lunch was ready. "Has Drake come back from town, yet?" she asked.

"No, ma'am, not yet. Shall I wait with lunch?"

Virginia's stomach growled and she laughed. "No, Rosy. If he misses it, that's his fault."

Drake had been going into town almost every day for the past couple of weeks, claiming to be waiting for the Aurora to return. He said he was anxious to hear from Simpson how the crossings went. She kept reminding him that it was far too soon for them to be back, but Drake wouldn't hear of it.

Billy came in from the out-building and was just washing up when Virginia heard a carriage pull up out front. "Well, he's arrived just in time," she said.

She heard the front door open and a few moments later Drake rushed into the library. He had a large smile on his face and he grabbed her arm. "Come with me. Close your eyes. I have a surprise for you," he said, tugging on her arm.

Mystified as to what he was up to, she complied. "Must I close my eyes right away?" she asked as he led her from the room. He led her into the sitting room and sat her down. He told her to open her eyes and as she did, a squeal of delight peeled out of her. Sitting across from her was a young woman with a large mass of black hair in an elaborate arrangement, wearing a rather low cut dress for the middle of the day. She was staring back at Virginia with dancing blue eyes.

"Violet!" she cried and flung herself across the room at her friend. The two women embraced and after drying their tears, Violet explained how she had received a letter from Drake inviting her to the wedding.

"I couldn't possibly miss your wedding day, especially since it took such a long time in coming," she said with a giggle.

"How long ago did you send that letter?" she asked, looking up at her future husband.

"A month before I asked you," he admitted.

"Well, that was rather presumptuous of you. What if I had said no?" she said.

"I knew you would say yes. How many times have I told you that you're the only woman for me and I'm the only man for you?"

She rose and melted into his arms. "Yes, you were right. All along you were right." She pulled back and looked up at him. "It was her ship you've been waiting for wasn't it? Not the Aurora."

"That's right. I wanted it to be a surprise, so I couldn't tell you," he said, obviously pleased that he had succeeded. "I was actually hoping she would be a couple of more days so that it would be your birthday, but is this alright?" he asked.

"Yes, it's wonderful. Thank you," she whispered.

Three weeks later - Saturday, August 24, 1799

Virginia twirled around the dance floor, lost in Drake's eyes. It was their first dance as husband and wife. Their wedding earlier in the day had been beautiful and now they were married and dancing in the ballroom of their home. She liked the way that sounded, 'their home'.

As they floated about the floor she caught a glimpse of Violet. She had changed from the demure dress she had worn during the wedding to one of her more scandalous gowns and now had a throng of men about her. Virginia laughed, so delighted to have her flamboyant friend nearby again.

Along with the Aurora sailing off to England under a new captain Drake had also entrusted Simpson with closing his home in Liverpool and transporting his belongings back to Williamsburg. Simpson and the original crew members of the Aurora were all present at the wedding and were joyously recounting tales of how Virginia had stowed away aboard the ship and fallen in love with Drake.

"They're wrong you know," she said referring to the sailors. "I fell in love with you the moment I first looked into your eyes on that wintry street in Liverpool a year and a half ago," she said gazing into his warm eyes.

"So did I," he replied.

"So how is it that it took us so long to get to this moment?" she asked with a smile.

"Well let's see, first there was Charles, who was all wrong for you, then Thomas, who, also, was all wrong for you - you weren't very good at picking fiancés, my dear - then you wouldn't trust me and then you hated me, then went back to just mistrusting me." He paused and looked thoughtful. "I do believe it was all your fault," he said looking down at her with a serious expression.

She opened her mouth about to utter a sharp retort, when she saw the smile teasing at his lips. "Why you..." she said, smiling herself.

"It doesn't matter now, because I always knew,"

"That I'm the only woman for you and you're the only man for me," she said, finishing his sentence.

"It's undeniable," he said, gazing into her shining emerald eyes, continuing to twirl her about the dance floor.

The dance ended but they stayed on the floor as other couples slowly joined them. After three dances, Virginia begged a rest. "Mr. Stratford, you're going to have be a little more gentle with me," she said as she sank into a chair.

"What are you talking about?" he said handing her a glass of wine.

She gently pushed the glass away and looking up at him, said, "Surely you didn't think that behaving like husband and wife for the last few months wouldn't result in something, did you?"

He gazed down at her, his brow furrowed in confusion. "There hasn't been talk has there?" He looked about the crowded ballroom, before sitting beside her. "Even if there was it doesn't matter now that..." He trailed off as he noticed Virginia gently stroking her abdomen and looking at him meaningfully.

"You mean..." he whispered.

"Yes," she said smiling.

He leaned forward and pulled her to him. "Oh V! Really? A baby?"

"Yes, a baby," she said, tears glistening in her eyes.

"A family," he said, gazing at her in wonder, his voice barely above a whisper.

Five Years Later

Drake leaned over and dangled another strawberry above Virginia's mouth. She lifted her head from the blanket they were lying on and tried to grasp it with her teeth. He kept pulling it away, teasing her with the berry. He finally let her have it and then leaned over and kissed her deeply, tasting the sweet fruit in her mouth.

"Oh no, they're kissing again!" a young voice called out.

Drake lifted his head and smiled at the two small children staring at them with distaste. The little girl giggled and ran off chasing a butterfly that had flown into the backyard. Drake laughed watching her long red curls bounce as she ran, her green eyes sparkling with laughter.

"Victoria looks more and more like you every day," he whispered.

The little boy came and rolled onto the blanket, his dark hair tumbling into his hazel eyes. "Are we going to Aunt Violet's tonight?" he asked.

"Yes, Gregory, we are," Virginia replied. Violet had fallen in love with Williamsburg the moment she arrived. The constant activity of the growing town had appealed to her. She had bought an estate close to town and had already had two discreet but none the less scandalous romances and was currently involved with a visiting Duke who was intensely smitten with her. She was holding a party that night to celebrate Virginia and Drake's fifth wedding anniversary.

"And will Uncle Billy and Aunt Lizzy be there too?"

"Yes, they'll be there too," Drake answered. "And your cousins."

"Hooray," he cheered, jumping up and down. "Can I have some strawberries too?" he asked gazing at the bowl of fruit.

"Yes, you can. And take some to your sister," Drake said to his son, as he ran off with the bowl.

Virginia lay back and gazed up at the puffy white clouds and she suddenly recalled a day, long ago, shortly before Drake had arrived back from England where she had fantasized about this very scene. She smiled as she remembered how hard she had tried to place a different face over his but was unable.

"What are you smiling about, V?" he asked, leaning over her.

"Just how happy I am. How this is all I've ever really wanted," she said, reaching up and stroking his cheek.

"A family?" he asked.

"Yes, but more importantly, a family with you," she said softly. "And with three children it will be even better."

He pulled back and looked down at her. "Three?" he asked, placing a hand gently on her stomach.

"Yes, three," she replied, smiling at him.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers as she wound her hands around his neck, pulling him close. His hair fell down around her cheeks as she faintly heard a cry of "Kissing!"

When he finally pulled away from her they were both breathless. "Should we call Rosy to come out and look after the children for awhile?" he asked, his golden eyes glowing.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Just hate that this story is finished. This was wonderful.

zonozzonozover 2 years ago

This is one of the best stories I've read on Literotica. Great characters and story, and even though the ending was a given, getting there was a memorable ride.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Truly wonderful

This has been one of my favorite stories from beginning to end. Truly amazing with the perfect pace with ebb and flow, amazing characters, and enough tension to leave you wanting more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Opels is BAE!

Thank you for writing so wonderfully. Best story on this site!

EBHumphreysEBHumphreysabout 7 years ago
Classic story.

This is the best story I have seen on this site. Very well written and totally a very fun read.

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