An Officer and An Italian Ch. 03

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Sergio meets Smeralda and Rachel for breakfast.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/23/2008
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Rachel and Smerelda left the house and arrived at Bianchi's about ten minutes before she had arranged to meet Sergio. After deciding on a booth, she slid in and Smerelda sat down across from her. When a petite woman with long dark hair came over to the booth, she offered them both a menu.

"Good morning. Welcome to Bianchi's. Would you like anything to drink?" the woman asked in a slightly accented voice.

"Good morning, Amina. I would absolutely love a mug of your delicious hot chocolate." Rachel said warmly.

Amina nodded with a smile and then turned to Smerelda.

"And for you Mdme.?"

"Oh, pish posh, no need to stand on formality, Miss Amina. I'll have a cup of tea if you have it." Smerelda told her.

"Of course." Amina said just before she was lifted off her feet by a pair of masculine arms from behind.

"Morning Squirt." Sergio said as he squeezed her.

"Sergio Rambaudi, put me down!" Amina said trying to look back at him.

"Now, why would I want to do that, Squirt?" he asked with obvious affection. Next to him, Rambo barked at Rachel in greeting.

"Good morning, partner. Did you enjoy your stay with Sergio?" she asked him affectionately as she rubbed his head in greeting.

"I would say so. But I have a bone to pick with you, Ms. Wordsworth."

"And what's that?" she asked as she looked up from the dog.

"You take Rambo for early morning walks everyday?" he asked her.

""Well, yes. We take a walk every morning on the beach before work. It clears my head." Rachel said defensively.

"It would have been nice if you had told me about that. I almost killed your "partner" yesterday morning when he shoved his cold nose against my leg and demanded that I take him outside at 4:00AM." he told her before leaning in close enough for only her to hear. "Next time Rambo stays at my place, you are taking him out."

"What?" she asked.

"You heard me. Your sexy little ass will be staying because I am not going to be the only fool outside at 4:00 in the morning with your crazy dog." he assured her.

"You assume a lot, Mr. Rambaudi." Rachel said coolly, her voice belying the tremor of desire that raced through her at the thoughts of sensual delights his eyes promised.

He lifted his eyebrow in response before sliding in next to Rachel. He looked over at Amina.

"I'll take an espresso and a muffin, Sis." he said as he slide his arm across the back of the booth and effectively trapped Rachel against his side.

"Really?" Amina asked in a drawled out voice.

"Of course."

"He's your brother?" Rachel squeaked as Amina turned back to her to take her order.

"Guilty. He's one of them -- knotheads, one and all!" Amina said as she waited to take Rachel's order.

Rachel turned and looked over at Sergio. The louse had the audacity to smile broadly at her.

"You are a rat!" she hissed.

"Brutta birbona!" Smerelda scolded.

Rachel glanced over at her as her face flushed.

"Now, why don't you tell me more about yourself- may I call you Sergio?" Smeralda asked.

"Of course. I assume that you are Rachel's childhood nanny?" Sergio asked as he accepted his espresso from Amina.

"Yes. I popped in on her yesterday. She was gracious enough to invite me along this morning."

"I see." Sergio said before glancing over at Rachel. "Then this doesn't count as a date does it, mi bella?" he asked her softly.

"Yes, it does!" she protested.

"Let me ask you something Ms. Smeralda?"

"What's that?"

"If you were planning on going on a date with a man and he brought another guy with him, would you still consider it a date? Or would you say that it was just a 'get together'?" he asked pleasantly, his gaze never leaving Rachel.

Rachel flushed with embarrassment.

"Why that would be a 'get together'. A date should be a man and woman. Double dates are acceptable although."

"Shall I call my father, Smeralda?" Rachel asked sweetly - looking behind her nanny and seeing her father storming into the cafe.

"He won't be able to arrive in time to turn this into a date, young lady!" Smeralda said smoothly.

"Woman, what do you think you were pulling, running off on me like that!" Marshall Wordsworth asked as he approached the table where his daughter, Sergio, and Smeralda were sitting.

"Your father, I take it?" he asked silkily as he toyed with a piece of her hair.

"Yeah. And all hell is about to break loose. I suggest you leave while you can." She advised as Smeralda stood slowly -- turned around and planted her hands on her narrow hips. She met Marshall's gaze head on, while Rachel was sure the look on her nanny's face was not a pleasant one.

"Don't you take that tone with me, Marshall Wordsworth. I am a grown woman. You have no claim on me!" Smeralda declared hotly.

"Really - the fact that you've warmed my bed for the last five years has nothing to do with it?" he asked as hauled Smeralda into his arms.

"No longer, Marshall!" Smeralda told him angrily, before jerking out of his arms and returning to the table.

"You think you can turn your back on five years of intimacy?" he angrily thundered.

"Five years of giving you for free what I should have been charging!" Smeralda shouted back.

Rachel held her head in her hands.

"Is this normal?" Sergio whispered in her ear..

"I warned you. You should have left while you had the chance." She lifted her head and slowly slid out of the booth. "Do me a favor and see Smeralda home? She'll give you directions." she whispered as she grabbed her purse. She whistled to Rambo who immediately popped out from under the table where he had been lying. As she turned to leave, her father stopped her.

She knew her father well. Just the sight of her partner was enough to distract him.

"I can't believe that you brought that flea bitten animal into a respectable restaurant"

"Dad, he is trained police dog and the last time I checked he was free of fleas. I wouldn't let him sleep with me if he wasn't"

"You let that thing sleep with you!" her dad exclaimed. She went to walk around him and he grabbed her arm. She jerked it out of his hand.

"Don't manhandle me, Dad. I don't want Rambo to attack you."

"You'd sic your dog on your old man; after everything that I've done for you. I wish your mother was here." he huffed.

"Well, she's not, Dad. So I guess you are just stuck with me the way I am." Rachel said as she watched Sergio usher Smeralda out of the cafe. She sighed with relief. When she got home, it was time for her and Smeralda to have a talk; even though it was obvious that Smeralda didn't want to explain what was going on. She was going to get to the bottom of it, "come hell or high water," as her nanny would have said.

* * * *

Sergio and Smeralda pulled up in front of the beach house. He looked around after he turned the engine off.

"You know, I didn't realize Rachel lived so close to my brother." Sergio commented.

"Really. Where does he live?" Smeralda asked.

"About a mile and half down the beach but on the same street." Sergio explained.

"So tell me about yourself, Sergio. My Rachel can be a bit closed mouthed at times."

"My brother and I own a clothing design business. He is the real talent behind all of our clothing designs. I am the bean counter. I take care of all the pesky details that he doesn't want to deal with."

"There's nothing wrong with that. We need both types to make this world go around." she said with a laugh.

"Can I walk you to your door, Ms Smerelda?" he asked as he turned his truck off.

"Of course. Why don't you come in for a cup of espresso? I know you didn't get yours at the cafe and I'd be more than happy to make you a cup." Smeralda offered.

"You know I would love a cup." Sergio replied. It would give him a chance to find out more about the woman that had captured his attention from the moment she had pulled him over.

He followed Smerelda as she led the way up the walk to the small home that sat back from the street. He waited patiently for Smeralda to unlock the door; when they entered, he was not surprised by the cozy feel of the house. The antique wallpaper with it's faded rose print gave the living room a soft, comfortable glow, and Smeralda gestured for him to have a seat, before disappearing into the kitchen. The furniture was large, overstuffed and comfortable as Rachel had used several large throw blankets and pillows throughout the room. He easily could imagine snuggling up with Rachel on the couch that faced the bay window overlooking the beach. His loins tightened painfully as he thought of making love to her on the couch while the waves crashed against the shore.

"This room is absolutely beautiful. I can imagine that Rachel spends many happy hours in this room." Sergio told Smerelda as she rejoined him. She carried a small tray that held two cups of deliciously steaming espresso.

"When the weather is rough - yes. But come with me, young man. I want to show you Rachel's favorite place in the entire house. She has many good memories of this." Smerelda explained as she went through the kitchen. She gestured to the sliding glass doors that led onto the deck that ran along the entire back length of the home.

"Wow," Sergio said softly as he took in the view from the deck. Where the bay windows had opened out onto the water, he now realized that they were merely a window above the deck. From the living room, he hadn't seen the wooden deck -- he had seen nothing but open skies and endless ocean. Now he realized that the deck had been cleverly built to enhance the view, but not detract from it. He took the tray from Smeralda and set it down on the small table next to the wooden swing. After they seated themselves, he offered her one cup before snagging the other for himself. He took a small cautious sip, savoring the heavenly taste of rich, strong Italian coffee.

"Rachel spends every morning out here. She used to sit out here with her grandfather. He was an artist - she would sit and watch him paint for hours. For many years I thought she would be an artist. Lord, knows she has the talent! But as she grew older, her desire to help others outgrew her desire to paint. I'm very proud of her. So that brings me to ask - Mr. Rambaudi..."

"Sergio," he cut in with a smile. "Mr. Rambaudi is my father."

"Sergio," she agreed before continuing. "As I was saying, I would like to know what your intentions are concerning Rachel. I love her and I don't want to see her hurt."

Sergio turned and faced the woman head on. He had not expected this but he could not fault Smeralda for being concerned about Rachel.

"My intentions are most honorable, Miss. Smeralda. When Rachel pulled me over and gave me that ticket, she took my heart with her that day."

"Love at first sight?" Smeralda asked disbelief evident in her voice.

"I know, I know. It sounds unbelievable in this day and age. But the truth of the matter is, I fell in love with an incredible woman. I am sure that I don't have to tell you that. I spent a week with her in the hospital as she recovered from her injuries...."

"And many would say that those are less than ideal conditions to decide that you love some one." Smeralda said - playing the devil advocate.

"I would normally agree with you. I am the level-headed brother, I am not the impulsive type, and I always look before I leap. But with Rachel...I don't want to look... I don't want to analyze... I just want to be with her. I want to take care of her. I want to stand next to her, to protect her when she needs it and hold her when she's blue...."

Smeralda looked at him.

"I hear all these "I wants". But have you thought about what she wants?"

"I am not asking her to marry me, Ms Smeralda. much as I would love too. I am asking for a simple chance."

"A chance? Is that what you call pestering me at work? Kidnapping me from the station? Holding my dog hostage?" Rachel asked from behind them.

"I did as you asked, mi bella. I found you your nude beach. I have given you flowers and cookies. What else can I do to convince you to give me a chance. Maybe it will lead to something, maybe it won't but I don't want to go through life wondering what would have happened if I didn't take the chance." Sergio said, as he slowly stood. He stopped in front of her; placing a finger under her chin - he lifted her face until her eyes met his. "JUST think about it, Rachel."

"It won't work, Sergio." she whispered.

"I never figured you for a coward, Brutta birbona." he taunted softly before covering her startled mouth with his.

* * * *

Rachel sat down across from Smeralda. Sergio had left after kissing her senseless. She hadn't met her nanny's eyes since Sergio had gone; she was that embarrassed about Smeralda witnessing her lapse in judgment. She picked at the sandwich that she had prepared mindlessly, and at her feet Rambo sat patiently, waiting for her to give him the crust off the sandwich. She knew she should have never started it - but she just had been unable to resist.

"How long are you going to ignore me?" Smeralda finally asked.

"I'm not ignoring you."

"Really? You haven't looked at me once since your young man left. Are you worried about what I am going to think about him? I assure you, Rachel, you are a grown woman. And as such, I think that you could do a lot worse than go out with Sergio Rambaudi."

Rachel finally looked up at her nanny.

"I'll tell you what. I talk about Sergio when you start talking about what's going on with you and Dad."

"Are you trying to negotiate with me, Brutta Birbona?" Smeralda asked loftily.

"I am about as anxious to discuss my love life as you are." Rachel replied.

"I am returning to Italy."

Rachel choked on the sandwich she had been eating -- after coughing for a few moments, she took a deep gulp of her water.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. It is time for me to return home."

"When are you and Dad leaving?" she asked.

"I'm going alone. I've spent the last five years loving your father. In reality I've been in love with him since you were just a toddler trying to tag along after him."

"Then why are you leaving him?" Rachel asked confused.

"I'm tired of waiting for him to remember that he has a warm and loving woman at home. Since you have moved out, he has buried himself in work; he never comes home until after I am in bed. He's forgotten about me until I've become nothing more than a piece of furniture."

"Does he know how you feel, Bambinaia?"

"I have explained it to him until I am blue in the face. But no more! If he wants a mistress, he can go out and find himself one and lock her away in her own place. I will no longer cater to his needs when he cares nothing of mine."

"Oh, Bambinaia, I'm sorry Dad is being a total asshole." Rachel said softly, her heart aching because she hated seeing her 'parents' at odds. After her father had finished blowing up at her about the dog, she had settled him down and he had breakfast with her. He had forgotten to mention to her that Smeralda was leaving him. Maybe he didn't believe that Smeralda would really leave? Maybe it was time to have a serious talk with her dad; and this time he wasn't going to skirt around the issue of her late mother or the subject of Smeralda. She was going to get some answers and maybe in the process free him from the past. Surely he could be made to see that Smeralda was his future -- he would be lost with out her. She was tempted to let Smeralda return to Italy just to prove to him that he needed her fiesty Bambinaia. But she knew if she did, he wouldn't have a prayer in hell of getting her to return to the US or to him. And now – as much as in the past she needed Smeralda's wise

counsel and sage advice.

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TheOldRomanticTheOldRomanticover 7 years ago

It seems that not only Rachel has problems in her relations with Sergio. I thought that Smeralda would know Sergio's family, not that she was Rachel's father's lover, and with the same problems as her, but in reverse situation, Rachel is doing something similar to Sergio as his father does with Smeralda.

The Italians have a lot of character, and they do not let them take them for granted!

5 * for you.

I apologize for my English (yet and forever), isn't my native language.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Is it me...

or does her last name keep changing?

cantfightfatecantfightfatealmost 16 years ago
Nice update!

There is a lot to look forward to. I hope you can get the next chapter done quickly!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Love it!

Love it! Please more! Cant wait for the next chapter! Thanks!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
coooL !

Glad you posted new one .... Post more soon

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