All Things Come... Vol. 2 Ch. 06


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'We've been thinking the same, Laura, and we've discussed it, all three of us, and we think it's Uli.' Laura looked puzzled, and Magda went on. 'The Austrian girl. She's visited him once, back in September, and I came to see him one morning and she was there, so we talked and everything. She's sweet, and really sensible. She was his student last year, and I know that they were very close. In fact the three of us ended up in bed together, and to tell the truth it was absolutely wonderful. I've been thinking about that night, and it did seem as if there was something special between them, but she wasn't jealous or possessive at all: actually she was the one who suggested that we made it a threesome, and I was nervous, and she helped me and... well, she helped me.' She looked at Laura searchingly. 'Do you love him?' The blonde girl shook her head.

'No, and I'm glad. If I fell for him that would be the end of my career and my ambitions, and I'd just be another of those women who can only be happy if their man is with them. I'm not that sort of person. I remember the Austrian girl. She was so beautiful and she made me feel like a big fat cow, but when we were talking, before she left, she was so interested and involved with everything that I began to like her.' She thought for a moment. 'It's odd that I haven't fallen for him though. It's as though there's something in my head saying this shouldn't go too far. It's almost as though he planted the idea.' Magda stared.

'I hadn't thought of that. You're right though. We all of us know that if we had to choose between him and our careers we'd choose our careers. Oh, we'd cry, and be desperately unhappy and everything, but we wouldn't hesitate for long. Either he encourages that feeling somehow or he only goes to bed with people who aren't going to give up everything for him.'

'That's all very well, but it doesn't help much.' Laura sounded impatient. 'What are you going to do?' Magda finished her coffee and stood.

'I'm going to think about what you said, and then when he's back I'm going to try and talk to him. Or maybe Elena, our boss will, and we'll see. I promise I'll keep you in the loop.' She smiled faintly. 'After all, we members of the Luke Lancer fan club should stick together.' After a moment Laura smiled too. Magda kissed her goodbye and went out into the street, her head buzzing. Luke and her and me, she thought. That would really be something.


I surfaced reluctantly, not wanting the dream to end, and then as consciousness seeped in I realized it wasn't a dream. I levered my eyes open and peeked. Uli was crouched over me, her mouth enveloping my cock. Her eyes were closed and she was rubbing her mound delicately as she worked. I could smell her arousal and my cock jerked involuntarily. Her eyes opened and she lifted her head.

'It's taken you long enough. I was about ready to give up and sort myself out. Are you ready for some between the legs stuff? I've been watching you sleep, and stroking you, and helping you get hard, and I'm so hot you could fry eggs on me.' She was a hundred and ten percent alive, her eyes dancing as she kneeled back and gazed down at me.

'A piss and some toothpaste and then as much as you're up for,' I said, and swung myself out of the bed. She followed me into the bathroom. My cock was pointing skywards and she looked at it doubtfully.

'You'll never be able to hit the bowl like that. If you stood on your head you'd be able to aim better.' She was trying hard not to laugh, and I groaned.

'It's one of the problems men have to live with. It'll go down by itself if you stop playing with it, or you can speed the process up and ruin the next half hour for both of us, or...'

'Or what?'

'Or I can provide proof that you've really got to me.' I stepped into the double sized shower cubicle and turned on the cold water, trying not to scream as high pressure jets of liquid ice hit me from all directions. I bore it for two minutes then turned the water off. Uli's eyes were huge.

'Luke, what have you done? It's tiny, I mean, not tiny, but...' My teeth were chattering and I couldn't smile, but I felt as if I wanted to.

'Let me have that piss, and then I'll clean my teeth and you can help me get it back to normal. Go keep the bed warm, woman.' She stuck her tongue out at me and I turned to the toilet in relief. I'd give myself a bit of warm water before I rejoined her, I thought. It did look a bit smaller than usual.

When I emerged she was lying on the bed, her legs parted, stroking herself. Her face was slightly flushed and her chest was rising and falling rapidly. Her eyes flicked to my crotch and then back up again.

'That looks better. You were ages, so I started without you. I've had a little one, and if you don't get here quickly I'm going to scream.' I dived and rolled on top of her.

'If you're that impatient you'd better hurry. The sooner you get it ready the sooner you can abuse it.' She reached between our bodies and her warm hand wrapped itself round my shaft.

'I want to feel it growing inside me. I love that so much. Turn over. Girls on top to begin with, and slow, slow, slow.' I rolled off her and she swung over me and squatted over my crotch. The spicy scent of her desire filled my nostrils as she stroked my cock gently, and the familiar ripple of anticipation rolled through me. As I began to swell in her hands she chuckled triumphantly and lowered herself onto me, feeding my semi-flaccid cock into her. Her internal muscles rippled as they drew me in, and after a short struggle her labia were brushing my pubic bone. She was soaking wet, and as her pussy clenched against my softness I could feel her juices trickling into my groin. She began to rock her hips gently and I hardened and throbbed in response. Her breath caught in her throat and a spasm ran through her, squeezing me suddenly and accelerating my growth. I was transfixed by the expression on her face: she seemed to have been lifted to another plane. I tried to reach out to her and share the feeling and was rewarded by a mental glimpse of a landscape I almost recognized. Another series of contractions gripped her and her eyes flew open.

'Another one already,' she gasped, 'and you're not even filling me yet. Oh, Luke, please make love to me.' My heart twisted in my chest at her words, and I rolled her over and settled myself into the fork of her body in the oldest position of human history. Her legs crossed over my back, and she pulled me deeper into her, raising her face to mine. Our mouths met and we began to move together in perfect harmony.

As we fed each other's needs I focused, trying to find the way to the place where she was. It seemed as if I would find it if I only drove myself harder, and the cadence of my thrusts increased. I was pulling her with me and her lower body was trembling continuously as she lifted herself to meet me. Something I didn't recognize was enveloping us and I groaned in disappointment as it faded and I felt my orgasm rising irresistibly. My balls rose and she knew immediately, forcing herself higher and harder against me as I careered towards the edge of the precipice. With a strangled cry I thrust helplessly one last time and exploded into her, and she launched herself after me, grasping at me and following my spiraling fall from the peak.

* * *

'Are you the guy who was too full to ever eat again?' she asked as I came back from collecting breakfast seconds.

'I seem to have regained my appetite,' I said defensively. 'A cold shower before breakfast will do it every time, especially when followed by exercise.' She smiled enigmatically.

'You were trying too hard, Luke: I only just kept up with you. If you'd relaxed and let it come to you, you wouldn't be feeling awkward now.' I skewered a mushroom and chewed.

'I was chasing something, and the closer I got the less it was there. You weren't trying to hide it: it was out of reach.' As I spoke I felt a wave of resentment and frustration at my own inadequacy and it must have showed on my face, because she reached over the table and touched my cheek. When she spoke there was a world of understanding in her voice.

'I've told you how I feel and now you're scared because you can't say you feel the same yet. But that's not what it's about. You're so good at fun, and persuading people to have fun, that you're not used to things being difficult.'

'Fun is harmless, but going further than that... do you know how much people can hurt each other?' She stroked my cheek again.

'She really hurt you, didn't she?' Her eyes were wise and knowing, and I winced at remembered pain that I'd hoped was buried forever.

'We damaged each other pretty badly. I don't want to have to get over that again, and I don't think she's ever managed. She married and divorced and remarried and divorced again; it took me differently though. I've never dared try since then. If I hurt you like that I don't know if I could forgive myself.' Her eyes flashed blue fire.

'I don't believe you've hurt anyone for years. You were pretty young when that happened, weren't you?' I nodded, and she charged on. 'So you've learnt a lot of things since then, and not hurting people is one of them and you do it really well. How long is it since you bothered to learn anything else new?' I thought about that.

'Your turn to be the teacher, I guess. Do I have to do homework?' She smiled.

'Most of what I know about it is from watching you,' she said. 'You're chock full of love but you're frightened of it. Maybe I'd be the same if it had happened to me. We've got a walk to take, and I need to think a little more. Eat your second breakfast and don't you dare get fat.' She sat back and I could see her thinking ferociously. I sipped coffee and watched her and felt scared and hopeful and lucky. After ten minutes she stirred.

'I'm going to need to ask you some questions. Think level testing. Not an inquisition, just trying to build something we can balance on while we work at this.' I remembered the somersaults of the heart when I'd seen her at the airport, and the feeling of coming home that I'd experienced the night before, and the mirage that I'd chased an hour earlier. Maybe it was time to try and change after all.

'Who better to work with?' Her face lit up.

'That's step one.'

* * * *

By Sunday I was exhausted. We'd talked and thought and talked again, and in between she'd shed the seriousness like dropping a glove, and concentrated on fun. In fact I rated it fun plus and then another plus. It was a relief to know that fun still functioned, and a worry to recognize that when I tried to take it further I screwed up royally.

'Don't worry,' she'd said when I tried, haltingly, to express my doubts. 'It'll come. This is nothing to do with technique. It comes from between the ears, and you're pretty good in that area. Why should this be different?' I turned the nose of the car towards Brussels and hit the gas. After twenty kilometers I glanced at her.

'How come you know all this stuff? Have you been sneaking off to psychology classes when I wasn't looking?' She giggled.

'Of course I haven't. I'm just being constructively selfish.'

'God bless selfishness,' I said, 'but I need to think about how to fit this in with Elena and Co. They're all working harder than I thought they would, and letting them down hard would be too selfish. I need to think how to do it without killing what we've got. I hope my being away has made them think a bit.' Uli punched my thigh gently.

'That was fifty percent of inviting me here, wasn't it? I shook my head.

'Ten percent, twelve at the most.' I could feel the smile in her voice as she answered.

'You're Luke, and you always try to be one step ahead. You're dealing with students and motivation and fun with them, and you can do it on your head. I can give you some guidelines if you like.'

'Tell me.' She was quiet for a little, then inhaled deeply.

'It's got to be said. We've been concentrating on you, and I haven't said much about me. But you've got to understand that I'm groping in the dark too. I know where I want us to go, but I don't know exactly how to get there, and I know that trying to go the conventional route would be a disaster and that rushing at stuff won't work for me, any more than it will for you.' She was speaking carefully, and I wondered what was coming. 'I don't want to change much, either,' she said at last. 'I'm a student, and I'm working as hard as I did last year, and I still need to find out exactly who I am when you're not there. So I'm going to soothe Dieter's feelings, and as long as he can accept that our menu is fun and friendship, I'm not going to stop having sex with him. I said the sex was fun, didn't I?' The friendship's good too. In fact it's great, except that there isn't the spark that you and I have. And he needs me more than I need him,' she added quietly, 'and not hurting him is going to be a learning curve too. So you don't need to feel guilty about your harem in Brussels, and you can sort them out and have all the fun you want while you're doing it. All I want is the part of you that we've got already, and I don't want you to let anyone else into that space.'

'One of the things you've done in the last forty-eight hours is make me realize I feel the same.' She patted my thigh, then started fiddling with the radio, her head turned away.

'There's one other thing,' she said, 'and it's going to sound really odd. In fact I think it's a first, even in your peculiar life.' I was intrigued.

'No water sports, I don't do those, and nothing that involves holding my breath. I'm up for almost anything else, especially with you.' She laughed weakly.

'What about incest?'

'What? I'm not going to bed with your brother, and you shouldn't either. Those days are well behind you.' She laughed more naturally and started speaking fast.

'Not Karl, silly, and not really incest either. The thing is, I think Mum needs some fun. I talked to her quite a lot at Christmas and she's fine, really fine, but she's lonely. My father's never there, ever ... well, you know why, and she never slept around much, even before you showed her that she was being too selfish and too much of a bitch, but... She's spending too much time wondering what to do, and she needs some Luke therapy. Maybe you can help her think about how to be constructively unselfish. I'm scared she'll just slip back if she's neglected, and now I'm not there... Well, we've talked a lot, and she knows how I feel about you, and I don't mind about that and neither does she. In fact she said that you're the only completely trustworthy person she's ever met and that if I didn't go for you big time she'd disinherit me. And I told her that if you agreed I'd give her your e-mail address.' She stopped abruptly, and I pulled, quite illegally, onto the motorway hard shoulder.

'Jesus, Uli, that's not what I expected.' She nodded.

'I told you it was odd. But you did as much for her as you did for me, and the reason I love her now is because of you. I just want her to find out how to be happier, and you're the best there is at that.'

'And deep down inside, sweetheart, how do you feel about it?' Her head came up sharply.

'If I thought for one second that it would put us at risk, or that you'd abuse the situation I wouldn't have said anything. But Mum's right: you're completely trustworthy. In fact now that we've talked I know that you'll pull back if you think there's a risk. Mum knows that too.' She giggled unexpectedly. ' She's not looking for love, but she does need something, and your cock's as good a place to start as any.' I thought for about five seconds.

'Give her my address and warn her that we'll need a long talk and bed might not be on the agenda. I'm not going to waste the work you've put in this weekend just on a whim, but I'd love to see her again, and I'm grateful to her too. I ought to thank her.' Uli looked puzzled.

'Thank her? Why?'

'For having such a stupendous daughter of course.' She unlatched her seatbelt and slid across the seats, and kissed me hard.

'It hasn't been just me working this weekend. You've been doing that too, and more than I'd dared hope. Thank you.' She settled back in her seat and I swung the car back onto the road.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Thank you!

I enjoyed part 1 very much, and was enjoying part 2, but...yes, it was starting to be formulaic. Plot then hot sex then plot works fine with me, what I really needed was to know that Luke wouldn't find a new harem in city after city after city, who all find, surprisingly, that they're not jealous of one another.... I have LOVED the way you've changed the story, both with "non-Luke" scenes, and especially with the development between Luke and Uli. Little hints of a special relationship between them were there earlier, but I really was surprised and pleased that you are developing the story this way. The conversations between those two in the Ardennes were beautiful.

I can't wait to read the rest!

GrayMoodGrayMoodalmost 18 years ago
I like the direction the story is going

I was worried in the last chapter when you mentioned that there were changes coming. I like the direction the story seems to be going. Uli is my favorite of the women. Luke is more human now. Keep up the good work.

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