After School Hookup Ch. 03


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"I could help with that!"

"No thank you, Whitney," he said firmly. "Goodbye. Have a nice weekend."

"Goodbye Mr. Bradley," she said brightly, no doubt thinking that she'd scored some serious brownie points with her teacher. Now she'd be going home to dream of him and play with herself.

As soon as the door shut quietly behind her Evan pulled his leg from between mine. Pussy cried 'no' but apparently he didn't hear. When he was clear of me and his desk he got up holding his slacks so they wouldn't fall and walked over to the door so he could lock it, his semi-erect cock hanging out of his Spongebob boxers. I gratefully crawled out from under his desk. It's amazing how your body can ignore a little physical discomfort as long as you're still having sex. But as soon as it's over you definitely need to move into a more relaxing position.

While Evan was locking the door I leaned on his desk and cleaned up, using my fingers to scrape the sperm off my nose and cheeks and eyes and into my hungry mouth. God, he tasted delicious! And that damned Kelsey bitch didn't even know it because she was all 'ewww' about letting him cum in her mouth. By the time Evan got back to his desk I had wiped my face pretty clean.

I bit my thumb and tried not to look pleased with myself.

"Well, Mr. Bradley? Was my extra credit project acceptable?"

Evan was definitely in the game now that we'd gotten past that awkward first orgasm. He looked at me like he was wondering just who I was. But he'd liked fucking my mouth, and he wanted more. Whatever reservations he still had he got over in a hurry. "Oh, I don't know, Miss Granger. It seems to me that you need to do a little more homework before you come in here with a project like that. You did a rather sloppy job."

Evan pointed at my legs and I looked down to see what he was talking about. Clinging to my new gray and pink skirt right above the hem was a viscid blob of white sperm. While we watched it dripped off my skirt and onto my thigh, which made pussy spasm in a little anticipatory orgasm. I just knew that Evan could tell I was having a little orgasm and I felt myself blushing furiously. I guess I was even more like Miss Granger than I'd thought. I felt a sudden warm rush of love for my big brother, who knew my deepest secret and loved me anyhow.

I threw my arms around his neck and gave him a long deep kiss, one of those deep smoldering ones that you just know you'll remember for the rest of your life. He returned it hungrily, stealing all of the air from my lungs and all of the balance from my legs. I relaxed gratefully into his strong arms.

I was proud that I was only panting a little bit when I came up for air. I felt so safe and loved. Evan knew my secret and he didn't care, not one little bit. He even loved me more for it.

He looked down into my eyes and said, "Miss Granger?"

"Yes, Mr. Bradley?"

"That wasn't all that you learned, was it?"

I wondered where he was going with this line of thought. I felt a little flutter deep between my legs. He wanted to fuck me now, didn't he? Maybe I should just give him a teasing answer to keep me in his mind until I could come back another time and go all the way. It was what I'd wanted all along, but now that the moment had arrived I was all kinds of nervous. Pussy let me know her opinion on things by oozing warm girl cum down my inner thigh.

But Evan had played along with me, so it was only fair that I played along with him. Wondering what I was letting myself in for, I said, "No, Mr. Bradley." I managed to sound playful and willing, so I was surprised at his stern reaction.

In a disapproving voice he said, "In this classroom, Miss Granger, when a student stands before the class for 'show and tell,' I expect that student to actually bring something to for us to look at."

What, blowing your brother wasn't enough?

Before I could answer Evan lowered his hands to my hips and lifted me onto his desk. He scooted me back, sliding me into place across the polished wood easily because of the lubrication provided by my plaid skirt. I guess it had more uses than seducing your brother.

"I know what you can show me," he said. His voice was raspy; a tone that I'd never heard before. But some feminine inner part of my soul recognized it anyway, and it made me shiver. Apparently Evan had decided it was too hard to talk, and he'd be better off just showing me.

Evan put the bottoms of my Mary Janes on the desktop and spread my legs apart. It felt so positively sinful sitting on top of a teacher's desk with my legs spread, wondering just what was going to happen to me. Evan's eyes never left mine while he came around the desk to stand by my side. Slowly he lowered his lips and gave me another of those soul-searing kisses while he unbuttoned my blouse. His hand snuck in and caressed my breasts, but he had a lower destination in mind and soon he snaked his way down my tummy so he could lift my skirt out of the way and slip his fingers along the satin between my legs.

Pussy bucked against him, ever-so-grateful for finally getting some attention. Her shudders of release traveled up through my body, out of my lips and into Evan's, down through his fingers and back into pussy to make me tremble all over again. It was a slow gradual buildup toward an orgasm I'd been needing forever, but the drive to the top was proving so enjoyable I almost didn't care if I ever got there. Almost.

Evan's knowing fingers made little circles around my clit, pressing the wet satin of my Hello Kitty panties against me. It was maddening. Every slippery stroke drove me wild, and I didn't want him to ever stop. At the same time I needed him to stop so he could plunge his fingers into me and I could cum. I was lost, and I loved every wicked immoral second of it.

Evan drew his hand from between my legs and lifted his fingers to my mouth.

"Open up, Alice," he whispered.

I'd never done anything like that before. I mean, taste myself? Yuck. But I didn't hesitate even a moment. I was in the thrall of being a slutty schoolgirl and whatever Evan wanted, he was going to get.

I opened up and stuck my tongue out, and Evan slid his fingers into my mouth. To my surprise I loved the taste -- liquid scent of wet pussy, all and musky and piquant with sex. My mouth watered contentedly and I knew I'd never avoid tasting wet girl again as I sucked the flavor of pussy off my brother's fingers. It wasn't quite as good as having his cock in my mouth but I slurped him as if it were. But he didn't keep his fingers there long -- he'd just been getting them wetter.

He put his hand back between my legs and pushed Hello Kitty aside so he had access to my dripping slit. My whole body rippled as he pushed his fingers, slippery with my own saliva, into my pussy.

I jerked once. Twice. Then I had another one of those mini-orgasms. It was driving me crazy. I mean, it was wonderful and all, but I knew that what I really needed was a huge, mind-blowing, forget-who-I-am cum. And all I was getting was these little orgasms that just reminded me of how much pressure was built up between my legs.

I grabbed Evan's arm and tried to grind pussy down on his fingers, wiggling her lips apart so she could get more thoroughly fucked by my big brother's masculine hand. I squeezed my legs together and wrapped myself around his arm as if it was my lover. I guess, for a few moments, it was.

My hair felt disheveled and I couldn't catch enough air as my orgasm leaked out of me, even while it promised there would be another larger one. I knew I'd left a big wet spot inside my new skirt. Pussy felt weak and used but still hungry for more. So did I.

"Oh, God," I panted into his shoulder.

Evan kissed me gently on the forehead while he slipped his fingers out of me. I just wanted him to hold me, and I practically fell against him. But I couldn't because he walked around to the end of the desk so he could spread my legs apart again.

"Let's see what you've brought for show-and-tell, Miss Granger." Still raspy.

It was amazing how shy I felt. Evan had splashed hot sperm all over my face, and pussy had gushed all over his fingers. But I still felt ashamed of myself and unbearably excited while I looked down between my open legs to see my big brother's hands reaching to lift the hem of my new plaid skirt.

A smile came over his lips when he saw my panties, the little pink Hello Kitty smiling and waving as she drifted away on a handful of brightly colored balloons. He looked up at me, and I know my face was turning a shade of pink that rivaled Hello Kitty herself.

"Hello Kitty? Aren't we a little old for that Miss Granger?"

"Look who's talking," I said breathlessly, nodding at Evan's cock hanging out of Spongebob's face.

Evan chuckled. "I guess you're right. Up," he said, grabbing my panties by the waistband. I lifted my ass of the desk and he slid the wet satin down my legs. He managed to caress them at the same time, and I loved learning that he liked my legs, because I'd always thought they were one of my best features.

He dropped my panties ceremoniously on the desk and then unfastened the tiny buckles on my shoes so that he could take them off and drop them on the floor. He caressed my legs, one a time, making me wish he'd just raise his hands higher and help me where I needed it most. Somehow when he was done my socks had joined my shoes on the floor. I felt very naked, even though it was only my legs.

Evan cocked his eyebrow at me. "Miss Granger? I thought you had something to show me." He nodded his head toward my crotch, and I saw that my skirt had flopped back down over Pussy. While he was staring at my barely covered crotch, Evan almost mindlessly picked up my wet panties and rubbed them on his dick. It grew larger and dripped more sperm onto poor Hello Kitty, who was surely amazed at what was happening to her. The drenched satin looked very black against Evan's bright yellow Spongebob shorts.

I knew boys masturbated, probably even more than girls. But I'd never imagined that one would ever do it in front of me. It was so sexy! I blushed furiously at Evan's lewd display, but I wasn't going to let my embarrassment stop me.

"This is what I brought for show and tell, Mr. Bradley," I whispered. I lifted my skirt out of the way so that my big brother could see my bare pink slit for the first time. I was glad I'd taken the time to shave her before I'd come over. She was such a greedy little hole I couldn't help but give her a quick caress, and I pressed the heel of my hand against her squishy lips, spreading them apart. My fingers came away drenched.

Evan's eyes widened, and it was his turn to murmur, "Oh, God." Suddenly he was in a big rush and he dropped my panties so he could shove his pants down and kick off his shoes. He had a hard time getting Spongebob down over his erect cock, but in a minute Evan was naked from the waist down, looking very sexy in his dress shirt and tie. He grabbed my hips and slid me towards him, my ass resting painfully on the edge of the desk and my bare legs on either side of him.

Somehow his cock looked even bigger now, demanding and hungry. It looked too big. There was no way it was going to fit inside me, I just knew it. But I didn't care. I wanted it anyhow.

I leaned back on my elbows and wrapped my bare heels around Evan's ass so I could pull him towards me. He lined his cock up on my little slit and began pushing it into me. It made me start panting; short little pants that fought with each other. I was trying to take in life-giving oxygen at the same time the cock in my pussy tried to push it out of me, and it wasn't easy. It hurt. It felt wonderful. I felt dizzy and flustered. There were too many sensations flooding my mind, all wanting to consume me and each one begging for individual attention.

There was the pain of a big cock pushing its way into pussy, who fought and welcomed the intrusion at the same time. The sinful pleasure emanating from between my legs. Guilt for seducing my big brother. The cosmic contentedness of destiny achieved. Evan's look of steely determination as he started to fuck his own little sister.

Suddenly his cock slipped in and I was stunned into thoughtlessness by the overwhelming intimacy. I threw my arms around Evan and he buried his face in the hollow of my neck. We froze together like that, our souls joined together not only as brother and sister, but also as lovers. It seemed like an eternity but was probably just a few seconds. Then he started fucking me. Furiously.

The orgasm I'd been needing all my life, the one that had been slowly heading towards me since I was a little girl began its final approach. And it wasn't going to look around for a better runway or radio for permission to land. It was overdue for touchdown and it was going to arrive, no matter what. I swear, if Evan had magically vanished right then I would have laid on that desk twitching for a few seconds and just cum anyhow.

But I didn't have to.

Evan pounded into me, so maddeningly fast and hard that I almost wished he'd slow down for a minute. I could hardly breathe and I curled up into a ball with my big brother as my center, panting into his ear and holding on tight with my arms around his neck. Each thrust of that perfect dick ratcheted me up higher and higher, until I squealed like a girl and came and came and came.

Maybe it was because he was my brother. Maybe it was just the synchronicity that good lovers manage to find with each other. My clit was so sensitive that the slightest touch would have been more pain than pleasure. But somehow Evan knew that, and after he gave one last thrust he froze with his cock deep inside me. I quivered around him as the heavenly spasms wracked my body, my bare legs wrapped around my big brother's bare ass. Pussy gushed around his cock, spilling girl cum all over his dick, all over my skirt and all over the polished wood desk. I was finally cumming in a plaid skirt, pounded into senselessness by my own big brother. The universe was mine. At least for as long as it took my orgasm to wend its way through my body.

I held Evan's face in my hands and moved his lips into place for a kiss. Well, maybe kiss is too strong a word. I was still breathless and fluttery from the waist down and Evan's dick was still stretching me wide open, so I couldn't give him a toe-curling thank you kiss like I wanted to. A girl has to breathe, you know?

Finally, knowing that I was done, Evan started pulling himself out of me, very slowly. Pussy objected, but she was too tired and too abused to make much fuss, and I knew that now that she'd gotten what she'd wanted for so long she'd settle down. Still, every inch that he pulled out made me twitch and wish he was going the other way. Pussy wasn't the only one who was disappointed, and an unhappy mewl escaped my lips when Evan's dick finally popped free. I felt warm and sated and comfortable, and it didn't matter at all that I was lying on teacher's desk, my just-fucked pussy leaking fresh hot sperm onto the wood.

I'd finally gotten what I wanted.

I took deep breaths of air, trying to get myself oxygenated enough to think again. All kinds of thoughts swirled around in my head, a hazy cloud that obscured the real world. I don't know how long I lay there, but Evan finally decided it had been long enough.

He took my hands and pulled me upright, my bare legs still dangling over the edge of his desk and spread apart so my brother could stand between them. I was still feeling kind of lost and dazed.

"Now it's my turn, Miss Granger."

"What?" I said. I had no idea what he meant. Sitting up hadn't caused the hazy cloud to go away.

Evan didn't bother to explain, and I was too dazed to resist. He untugged my shirt and began working on the lower buttons. Then he loosened my gray and pink tie enough so that he could slip it off over my head. He slid my shirt down over my shoulders and then leaned me forward onto his chest, against his crisp white shirt and tie. He smelled all masculine and sexy, and I was quite happy to cuddle there while he reached behind me and unhooked my bra.

Once he'd dropped it on the floor Evan sat me upright again and smiled into my eyes. I was totally naked except for my plaid skirt, and I felt more loved and needed and used than I ever had in my life. But my torpor vanished in a heartbeat when he reached for the zipper on my skirt.

"No!" I practically screamed, slapping his hand away. I was immediately embarrassed. But I'd waited all my life for this day, and I wasn't going to spend a moment of it out of my new skirt. Besides, wasn't I naked enough? I took a deep breath and tried to sound calm and reasonable.

"That stays on," I said, inspiration striking me even as I said it. "I can tell how much you like it."

Evan laughed and looked a little embarrassed that I knew him so well. He stepped back, took my hands in his and pulled me from the desk, my plaid skirt sliding me along until I was standing with my bare feet on the cold floor. I didn't know exactly what he wanted, but I didn't have to wait long to find out.

Evan made me step over to the wall behind his desk. At the same time he turned me so that my back was towards him and I was facing his blackboard. Now I was positioned just where he wanted, standing on our pile of hastily shed clothes; my tie and shirt, my socks and shoes and Hello Kitty panties, Evan's pants.

My bare feet were on Spongebob's face, which was still a little wet from Evan's pre-cum. Even though my new plaid skirt was covering the most important parts of me, I'd never felt so damned naked in my whole life. This was where my life had been steering me ever since I was a little girl. And it was so much sexier than any of my imaginings, which always had me in the comfort of a bed when I finally surrendered my plaid skirted body to a man who wanted me so badly. Instead here I was, standing in a public classroom on a pile of hastily removed clothes, naked except for my skirt, waiting impatiently for my brother's swollen cock to fuck me some more. It was more than I'd ever dreamed it could be. My long overdue destiny, one that I'd been longing for ever since I was little, was finally and suddenly achieved, and the sensations were overwhelming. Every single inch of me was sensitive and alive, as if the slightest touch would be too much to bear. As if I couldn't stand not to be touched.

Evan bent me forward at the waist and my hands landed naturally on the chalk tray. My plaid-skirted ass poked into the classroom and my cheek was near the dusty-smelling chalkboard. He lifted the hem of my skirt, baring my ass to his hungry eyes.

"God, Alice. Do you have any idea how long I've wished I could see this?" His voice was definitely more growl than romance, and it made me feel all girly. I'd never even known Evan had looked at me that way. It was hard to imagine my own big brother had been lusting after my butt.

I had to smile to myself when I realized that Evan had accidentally recreated the scene from the video on his computer. My secret giggle was cut short when I pictured him watching that scene on his computer. Evan's computer. OMG. He'd seen the Miss Granger video. Until that very moment it had never occurred to me that he'd actually watched the scenes he'd saved to his hard drive. He knew exactly where I'd gotten the idea to dress in a plaid skirt and call myself Ms. Granger. Evan had probably been laughing to himself as soon as I'd walked in the door. I was so embarrassed I swear I could feel myself blushing from my head to my toes.

My humiliation was cut short when Evan's dick slid into me again. I forgot everything. Evan's cock stretched pussy and she whispered to me that her destiny had been achieved, too. I trembled from head to toe. The slippery-full ecstasy between my legs drove all thought from my mind. I moaned and dropped my head.