A Turn for the Worse


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"Lady wolves," Cheryl said. "That's what we call our gang. Do it again. And give those tits a nice jiggle at the end, and remember to smile. Cheerleaders are supposed to smile, ain't that right Tam-tam?"

"That's right Lil'Chief," Tamara said, zooming in on the cheerleader until she filled the frame.

"Two..ahhh...four," Shit. Cheryl's was fingering her in full force now. Diddling her clit and fingering her pussy at will. It served to cut the humiliation that poor Stacy felt. "Six-eight..ahhh..who do we ahh..appreciate?"

"Lady wolves!" Stacy took her pert breasts and gave them a wiggled, bouncing them in a circle.

"Was that a good cheer Tam-Tam?" Cheryl asked. "I can't see from here, but it sounded enthusiastic."

"It was real enthusiastic," She had her hand down her pants fingering her pussy, so enthusiastic was the Stacy's cheer.

"That's a good girl Cheer-baby," Cheryl said. "I'm real proud of you. Now we are going to play another game. Listen real careful, because I'm only going to tell you the rules one time. Are you listening careful Cheer-baby?"

"Yes..." Stacy breathed. She tried to concentrate, but it was so hard with Cheryl diddling her clit.

"In a minute your friend Tam-Tam is going to call the other girls downstairs," Cheryl said. "There's five of 'em and your little slut friend, but she don't count. And no matter what anyone says, you are going to sit right here in my lap, just like this, with those long Cheer-baby legs spread wide and those hands holding up those little lemon titties of yours."

"Please.." Stacy begged, it came out as a hoarse whisper. She would die from humiliation. Surely she would. Yet, the heat never came to her cheeks, though it grew ever hotter in her loins.

"Don't be shy," Cheryl said. "I bet they don't even look like lemon-titties when you hold 'em up like that." To Tamara: "Do they Tam-Tam?"

"They look real pretty," Tamara chimed.

"Now if those hands move," Cheryl warned. "Or those pretty white thighs close...even just a little. Well, I've promised those 5 girls they get to play with a white girl and they are going to be awfully turned on after being upstairs for so long. And some of those girls like to play rough....you know how it is. But I'm the boss here. What I say goes. Isn't that right Tam?"

"That's right Lil'Chief." Tamara said.

"So if you are a good girl," Cheryl said. "You just make out with me a little more. Won't that be fun?"

"Yes.." Stacy breathed and her body trembled.

Now spread those legs a little wider," Cheryl urged.

Stacy complied.

"Come on Cheer-baby,' Cheryl said, her tone going from a purr a hint of steel. "A real cheerleader can do better than that. Matter of fact, I know one can."

Not while being fingered, Stacy thought, but kept that to herself. With a moan, her lean legs grew taunt as her thighs spread as wide as she could make them. She couldn't believe she was doing this. Providing this cruel girl with humiliating entertainment, at the same time basically selling poor Becky to these other five girls after who know what she'd already been through with ever how many men were upstairs.

But Stacy couldn't help that. She felt a bit guilty, but it was Becky's fault that all this had happened in the first place.

"You ready Cheer-baby?" Cheryl asked.

"Yes," Stacy reluctantly answered. She was anything but ready.

"Call me Lil'Chief," Cheryl said. "We are friends now."

"Yes Lil'Chief," Stacy said.

"Call them down," Cheryl told Tamara.

Tamara picked up a cell phone. Stacy could here another ring upstairs.

"We're done here," Tamara said. "Get that white girl down here."

Stacy took a deep breath and tried to mentally prepare herself for seeing Becky. Would she be naked too? Would she be bruised? What had she been through up there? It sure sounded bad downstairs. Whatever had happened, Stacy was determined to make sure Becky didn't say a word about it, to keep the humiliating material on the camera from being shared.

There was a sharp intake of breath. Stacy was in shock upon seeing her friend Becky. She wasn't bruised or battered or raped. She looked even better than she had when she went upstairs. It was enough for her to forget the deal she'd made with the girl called Lil'Chief. Only the hungry stares of the other five girls was enough to keep her there in Cheryl's lap with her legs spread wide with her hands cupping underneath her small breasts.

God, she felt so stupid.

"Do you have it?" Becky asked Cheryl.

"Does it look like I have it?" Cheryl said.

"Yes." Becky couldn't believe her eyes. Stacy. The girl she'd always been second best to. Cheer Captain. Drama club president. Student body...fuck it.... the bitch had stolen Lance and that was the last straw.

"Here's the deal Stacy," Becky began the lines she'd rehearsed over and over. She'd said them so forcefully in front of the mirror, but looking at her rival in such a humiliating circumstance, she couldn't help but smile and it was all she could do not to laugh. "The first thing you are going to do is break up with Lance. Then you are going to quit the cheer squad. Then you are going to pay me two hundred dollars a week to pay me back for the money I blew to get this video tape of you. And then you can start...doing my homework and wash my car. I may even make you shovel out the kitty litter at our house ...with your teeth. We are going to have some real fun times for the rest of this year, you can believe that."

God. Poor Stacy felt her last bit of hope slip away. It was only by chance that she stayed in position. Only a few moments more and she would have closed her legs and tried to do her best to cover her nakedness.

"That wasn't our deal," Cheryl said.

A flicker of hope bloomed. It was enough. Stacy felt her cheeks grow hot, but she stayed as still as possible even when Cheryl slid her nether lips open, displaying her swollen clit and tight pink entrance.

"Yes it was," Becky said. "I paid you three thousand dollars."

"Yeah-yeah...to blackmail her so she'd break up with some dumbass." Cheryl interjected. "I got it the first time." To Stacy. "You are breaking up with that boy, you got me Cheer-baby?

"Yes..." Stacy squeaked. Her throat was tight from being being fingered and teased.

"Matter of fact," Cheryl said. "I don't know which boy she's talking about, so let's make it all boys. No boys allowed, are we clear Cheer-baby?"

"Yes Lil'Chief." Stacy said.

"But...the camera," Becky said.

"I'm keeping the camera," Cheryl said. "Cheer-baby stays on the cheer team. She stays whatever school shit she wants to stay in. She does her own fucking homework. She washes her own fucking car."

Stacy was relieved. She was getting out of this nearly scott free.

"No deal," Becky said. "That's not acceptable. I paid you three thousand dollars and gave you the video camera. If I don't get the camera, I want my money back."

"See there's a problem," Cheryl said. "We are splitting the money, so even if I agreed to give it back, there's still Tam-Tam, Sneak, Knives, Tiny, and Jewels to think of. Hell, Tam-Tam's been having fun with that camera. I think she wants to go into film school now. Go ahead though...take it from her, I bet she don't mind."

"Ahh. Never mind." Becky said. She suddenly felt a bit chilled. "Just keep it."

"And there's another problem," Cheryl continued. "See, I told Cheer-baby here that if she was good, she'd only have to lick one more pussy tonight...and that was mine. And she was very good." The small black girl grinned, but her eyes were cold slits as she looked around the room. "But there's lots more pussy around here that needs to be licked."

It didn't take long for Becky to realize that if Stacy wasn't licking these other girls, just who would be doing the licking. Becky wasn't like that. She was into boys, but she didn't think that would matter to these girls. She made a break for it.

She didn't get far.

Stacy watched as Becky was pulled to the floor and stripped naked. She kept her position there on Cheryl's lap, spread wide, hand under her breasts, offering them up like ripe fruit. Repeating the instructions from the short black girl over and over in her mind, just to be sure she didn't end up down there with Becky.

"You aren't busy every night though are you Cheer-baby?" Cheryl whispered to the girl perched on her lap, while her fingers gently fanned the flames of Stacy's desire. "Today's Thursday. You got Thursdays free next week?

Cheryl went through all the days of the week, quizzing the cheer captain about her schedule, her parents, when they got home, where they worked, did she have any brothers or sisters. Everything. Stacy answered every question and dared not lie.

"So here's who it's going to breakdown," Cheryl continued. "You come over here to visit us on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. And no one sees this tape. Not your friends. Not your parents. Not your parents friends. No one. We clear."

Oh God. Stacy wasn't free. Not by a long shot. But, it seemed her only option. She couldn't afford for the tape to get out to anyone. Her parents. God, her parents would be devastated.

"Yes..." Stacy agreed, as she averted her eyes from what was taking place not five feet from her.

"Don't look over there at the window," Cheryl commanded. "Look there on the floor. Looks like your skank friend shaves her beaver."

Stacy didn't need to be told. She couldn't help but notice Becky's shaved box. The girl was a skank alright. Who else did that? But even skanks deserved better than what was happening to poor Becky.

"I like shaved beavers too," Cheryl said. "I want my Cheer-baby to be smooth beaver the next time I see her, you got me Cheer-baby?"

"Yes." Stacy breathed. Who else did that? Oh God, now Stacy did.

Stacy couldn't ignore what was taken place at her feet. Sure, Becky deserved everything she was getting, but Stacy couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl. But at the same time...there was a reason she was avoiding looking at the scene.

"She aint' lickin' with a damn," the fat girl said.

"How 'bout now?" the girl that had a firm grip of Becky's tender breasts asked as she pulled on the tender flesh of the white girl's nipples.

"That's better," the fat girl moaned. "Keep it up. She seems to like that."

There was a muffled protest from below.

No. Becky thought, I don't like that. It hurts. They are my nipples, not fucking cabinet pulls to tug on. But she couldn't say anything from there underneath a large black girl, with a wet slit placed over her mouth. Sure, she could bite the girl, but she didn't dare. All she could do was lick more. Lick faster. The girl on top of her moaned her pleasure.

Stacy was horrified that she was growing even more turned on when by all rights she should be experiencing revulsion.

"You watching? Good." Cheryl said so that both Stacy and Tamara could hear. "But first, look over there at Tam-Tam. See those strap-on dildos she's holding up? Yeah...the big one and the one with the thick ridges on it. She wants to know which one to use on your little friend down there. And I want you to help pick. If you like the one on the right. Shake your right pom-pom little Cheer-baby. If you like the one on the left. Shake your left pom-pom. Both? Shake 'em both."

Oh God. She couldn't choose. She couldn't. She couldn't take part in this. Oh God. She was going to come. Stacy felt it welling up inside her once more.

Tamara held the dildo's up. Each looked menacing. What would happen if Stacy didn't choose? Would she use neither? Stacy wasn't cruel. She wasn't. She looked down at the floor. At Becky. At her smooth shaved box. Her tight ass. A black girl riding her face like a horse. Another rubbing Becky's nipples and clit. Tamara there with a hungry look and two menacing dildos in her hands.

Oh God. God. Stacy felt the heat rise up.

She shouldn't. She really shouldn't. She did. She shook her breasts. Both. Shook them almost violently. She came. Part of her mind protested. Good girls didn't do this. Legs dancing, hips bucking, she came and came and came.

Maybe she wasn't a good girl after all.

Tamara and Cheryl smiled to each other and shared a conspiratorial grin.

Tamara tossed the other dildo to the girl called Sneak.

"Now it's my turn Cheer-baby," Cheryl said. "Lil'Chief want to feel that sweet tongue of yours again."

Stacy slid down between the small girl's legs, and reached for her panties. Despite her size, Lil'Chief was the boss here. It made Stacy feel special that she was the one the girl smiled down at with hungry eyes.

"Uh-uh," Cheryl said, grabbing Stacy's wrists. "Use your teeth."

Stacy like she was falling into an abyss and she was helpless to stop. Using her teeth, she managed to get Cheryl's panties down her legs.

"Work your way up," Cheryl said. "Starting at my toes."

Stacy kissed the girl's glittering purple toe nails. With a groan she took a toe into her mouth and sucked. God. She could feel herself growing ever more lost. She realized the other girls could see her sucking on Lil'Chief's toes. They could see the aroused state of her naked sex and ass. They could see everything. She should be mortified, and yet the heat flamed up in her loins once more.

"Oh Cheer-baby," Cheryl moaned. "You are something else. Hurry up bitch. I want to feel that tongue in my pussy."

Stacy happily obliged. She heard Becky behind her.

"No..Not there..." Becky protested. "Oh..God..Oh..God...ufffff..."

Stacy's fingers found her clit and strummed, while her tongue worshiped at Chery's purple tinged altar. She hoped someone was getting a video.

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flabufflabufabout 8 years ago
Well done...

I rarely leave comments but your story was so well written that I just had to leave a note to say "Thank you".

DiannahDiannahabout 11 years ago
4 stars

Not quite a 5 star story, but still an excellent read!

ork13ork13almost 13 years ago
Great job

I love your stuff as usual. Keep up the great work

JentvcdJentvcdabout 13 years ago
Glad Youre Writing Again

A long time waiting since your last story you do write really good revenge humiliation stories so real to life,keep up the good work as I really enjoy your stories would love to be the victims of your wrath.

Sophie87Sophie87about 13 years ago

Cheerleaders, lesbian gang members, blackmail and a happy ending... what more can you ask for?

Loved it.

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