A Sister's Revenge Ch. 05


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Telling Michael to stand up in just his panties like he was, she instructed, "I want you to stand there like that for a moment."

"Yeah," he started, "So what?"

"Take a look at that unsightly bulge there pushing out the front," she said.

"What," Michael almost shouted. "What do you mean unsightly? I thought you liked this bulge, as you call it."

"I do, at home here, I really love it," Cindy replied reassuringly. "But we can't have you going out and about in a dress looking like that. It would be a dead giveaway that you are a boy in a dress with large breasts. Here," Cindy said. "I'll show you what I mean. Go ahead and remove your panties. After you do so, I want you to put this on. You'll see an amazing difference right away"

"Why," Michael asked. "What is this thing?"

"Its called a gaffe," Cindy replied. "Transvestites and female impersonators wear them to hide the nasty male bulge they have. After it's in place it gives them a more feminine looking front. Now, like I said, I really adore that lovely tool you carry around there, I really do. But for the purposes of our making you up into a woman, that thing has got to go. Sorry."

"And you just happened to have this lying around, eh?" Michael asked with suspicion.

"As a matter of fact, yes," Cindy answered. "Among my somewhat limited clientele, I happen to have a few guys who like to dress up on occasion and come to me because I'm very small and very discreet. Of course, they're not as well developed as you, but their tastes lie in a similar direction. I have several of these in the store just for them and their desires."

"Wow," exclaimed a stunned Michael. "I'd heard of such people, but didn't expect to hear about them living at my back door, or rather your back door."

"Oh yes, dear," Cindy assured him. "You'd really be surprised. Now, let's try the thing on and see how it looks on you. The instructions are on the package. Oh, and use this desensitizing cream. It will help dull any pain that comes from the initial placement of the gaffe. I should warn you, it will hurt for the first couple hours or so. But you will get used to it the longer you wear it."

So Michael removed his lacy panties and, first, taking the ointment, rubbed it liberally over his enlarged rod.

"B. T. Ointment..." Michael read aloud. "What does the B. T. stand for?"

"Um," stammered Cindy. "Basic Therapy, or something like that. Now hurry, we still have to finish getting you dressed."

Cindy gave a sigh of relief and smiled at her quick thinking there as she didn't want Michael to know that it actually stood for Barely There, and that the way it offered relief was to shrink his genitals.

After the cream was painted on and massaged in, Michael took the flesh-colored gaffe and, looking at it, just had to make one more remark

"Look at this thing, Cindy," he began. "Its so tiny. You must have gotten the wrong size. I mean, I don't like to brag, but I won't fit into this darn thing."

"Oh pooh, dearie," She said dryly. "According to the package label, its made to your measurements. Besides, I have some customers larger than you who fit into it easily. Now stop procrastinating and put it on!"

So he pulled it up his legs, moving it into place over his groin as per the instructions on the package. Despite the gaffe supposing to be his size, and despite following instructions, Michael had a difficult time putting the thing on. He soon realized that everything had to be precisely placed for him to endure the torture that the hellish device brought on him.

"Oh shit, that hurts," Michael groaned in agony. "You're right, this really does hurt a lot."

"Well," Cindy reminded him. "Just keep wearing it, like I said, and the pain will gradually go away completely. I promise."

When he replaced his panties, Michael was amazed to see he did have a smooth, feminine front, just like the boy on the cover of the package.

"Wow,"he gasped in amazement. "This thing really works, doesn't it? I really look like a girl now, all right!"

"Yes, dear. That's much better, much nicer," Cindy gushed. "Now you can see why when you dress up to go out and about, in fact all the time from now on, you need to wear your gaffe. I'll get you a spare for when the other is in the wash."

"You bet, Cindy," Michael said. "That's for sure!"

"Now, let's put on the bra."

As Michael was about to reach for the bra he'd been wearing, Cindy stopped him, saying, "No, wait. I have this new one I want you to try. Its color will match the outfit I was planning on having you wear. Also, its a different style that will both look quite sexy and better support and ease the pain you might feel from walking around with your stretched flesh being pulled down too terribly much"

As she spoke, Cindy had Michael lean over so that his breasts could fall comfortably into the cups of the new Wonder Bra she'd gotten him to put on. Even though the color was a better match for the outfit she planned for him as she'd said, what she really wanted to see was how much more oomph the under-wire uplift of the bra would add to his already bounteous bosom. Seeing how it was advertised to turn women into sex magnets, she wanted to see just how much of the same it would convert her loving Michelle, and also to see if it would do anything to his mindset at all. This particular brand was a demi-cup that left the top of his bosom and the top half of his nipples exposed to the elements, and to much, much more than even that.

"Now, stand up slowly," Cindy instructed as she brought the straps together behind the boy's back.

Michael noticed right away a difference between the way this bra felt compared to the way all the others did that he'd worn. As Cindy completed fastening the hooks and eyes together behind him, Michael found that the cups were pulled both inward and upward quite firmly, which compared very differently from his previous bras, which only pulled inwards.

Once the straps were hooked and adjusted tightly enough, Cindy grabbed any excess flesh she could find and, adding it to his bosom, pulled it all up into the cups of the bra. Once finished, Michael's breasts not only filled the rounded cups fully, but now overflowed the cups like a shimmering waterfall, giving an appearance of massive pools of quivering jello. They also stood out much further than ever before, a full 4 inches from his body.

Cindy smiled at the outcome, and just couldn't wait any longer to reveal at least this much of Michelle's surprise to her. Retrieving a large hand-held mirror from her vanity table, she brought it up to Michael.

As she reflected his new and improved bust to him, she said, "Here Michelle, is part of what lies in store for you if you continue with this little game of ours. What do you think? Do you like it?"

Michael couldn't believe what he was seeing. He was stacked! He had tits like he'd seen on the full-bodied peasant girls in pirate movies and such. He blushed a bright crimson when he then realized that he could easily be mistaken (and taken!) for one of them now.

"Cindy," he exclaimed in excited horror. "This bra makes me look...huge! Almost indecent, even!"

"It does, doesn't it," She asked innocently. "It's just a different size, though. But really, girl. In that bra, and killer heels and a micro-mini dress, you could walk the streets of any city's red zone and compete with the best of any slut or whore there, I tell you. I mean, you've got to admit it, you see the same thing I do, right?"

"Well, gee Cindy," Michael started out, totally embarrassed. "I mean, I'm not like that, really. And you know it, I mean you do, don't you?"

"Well gee, Michelle," she replied, trying to sound sincere. "I'll tell you what. I *thought* I knew you, but seeing how easily you can change over like that does make me wonder what else you might be able to change over into. I mean, I just can't help but wonder, that's all."

Michael looked at Cindy with a bit of horror in his luscious looking eyes, wondering how things could have gotten so far out of hand. It wasn't any of his doing, was it? Looking constantly at his reflection though, all Michael could do was wonder. Could this really be his true self coming out like this, showing off the true, inner slut buried within? He shuddered just imagining it, and wondered if the shudder was one of fear, loathing or lusty anticipation.

"Well," Cindy said, disturbing Michael's disquieting thoughts. "If you're finished admiring yourself, we need to finish up here. Give me back this mirror and let's continue."

"I...I wasn't admiring myself," Michael protested while blushing a deep red. "I...I was just, just , just..."

"Yes, of course, honey, I understand," Cindy cooed sexily, then laughingly added, "You were only wondering when the next handsome stud was going to sweep you into his arms and carry you off to some faraway land and then munch the hell out of your boobies, that's all."

"No, I wasn't," Michael protested. "Really, I wasn't!"

"Whatever," Cindy said in apparent exasperation, although she smiled afterward to show she really meant nothing of what she'd said about it all.

Then she replaced the mirror back on the vanity table and instructed, "Let me find you a matching garter belt and some stockings. Once those are on, we can put your outfit on and then your shoes, and we'll be done. Then you can look at the total you. After that we can go on with the other things we have planned for the day."

By this time Michael had ceased to question Cindy about any choices she was making regarding the types of clothing or lingerie he should be wearing and just decided to meekly go along for the ride.

Watching her head back into her stockroom again, he stood there patiently while awaiting her return without even once thinking of peeking to see just what exactly he looked like. To do so just never even occurred to him. The only thing on his mind, really, was the fantastic set of knockers that had just been revealed to him. It was still almost impossible to believe that those were actually completely real, and all his very own, for god's sake!

Meanwhile, while Cindy was picking out his garter and stockings, happy to see she had some in what appeared to be his size, she just happened by a sluttish red micro-mini dress exactly like the one she was telling her Melissa would look perfect on her.

Excitedly, she brought it with her when she headed back to her bedroom with the other lingerie. Placing it at the doorway to the backroom for easier access later on, she had also found a pair of delicious black, patent-leather heels with 5 inch spikes, what they call fuck-me pumps. These would definitely give her that sexy, slutty look she'd had imagining her little Melissa walking around town in. Just the thought of it brought a quiver to her loins.

Leaving those with the dress she returned with only the red garter belt and black nylon stockings and showed them to her darling little girl.

"Okay, here we are," Cindy started. "First let's clip this belt around your waist like so." Then she showed the boy how to place his new garment on so that the straps hung just right to clip on and hold up his soon to come stockings.

"Now," she continued, "you're going to really love the feel of these beauties as they caress those beautiful gams of yours. First sit down and point your toes downward. Then, in order to make these easier to put on, roll them into a doughnut shape and then smooth them up your legs like so. I'll do the first one here, and let you do the other, so watch carefully, okay? You want to make sure to avoid causing any snags -- these are expensive stockings here."

As she rolled his nylon stocking up his right leg, Michael felt a thrill go up to his groin, a truly marvelous sensation that was unlike any he'd ever felt before. He noticed once it was up that the toe was transparent so the color of his nails could be easily seen through the sensuous feeling material.

Then Cindy handed Michael the next stocking and had him repeat the action she had performed, but on his left leg, and Michael noticed the same sensation. He was thrilled beyond pleasure!

After they were both up Cindy showed him how to smooth them up his thighs tightly to make sure the seams in back were even and straight, than showed him how to clip the stocking onto the garter strap by doing the right leg first, then having Michael repeat the actions with his left leg.

He found it wasn't too difficult, and Cindy was amazed to find how easily the boy took to this feminine-only task. If she didn't know better, it would have seemed to her he'd practiced doing this many times before.

Both Cindy and Michael took a look at this nearly finished form of feminine beauty, Cindy having to stand back to take it all in, and Michael only being able to look down, attempting to see what he could beyond his quivering, bounteous mounds of desire. Both were shocked at the vision presented them, and were unable to make any comment about what they'd just laid their eyes upon.

Finally, Cindy started by stammering, "Um, well, I'm going to get the rest of your clothing and finish up what we started here. I've got just the thing for my sexy little girl here, something I know you'll just adore."

At that she ran back into the hallway leading to her storeroom where she'd left the red micro-mini dress and 5-inch heels, and quickly returned with them.

"Here you are, my little missy," she said. "The little red dress I promised you. With this number on, you'll look like the prettiest little whore this side of Sodom and Gomorrah."

Michael was slipping on the sexy little micro-mini dress while Cindy was making her comment. After he heard just what she'd said, he stopped in mid-motion, unmoving. He then turned to Cindy who saw he had tears beginning to form in his eyes.

"Cindy," He began. "I can't. I just can't do this anymore. At least not this part. I don't want to look like a whore, I really don't. Please don't make me, please. I mean, Transylvania Cindy, Transylvania."

'Oh my God,' Cindy thought to herself. As if suddenly coming out of a trance, she began to think with more clarity of mind, 'What the hell am I doing here?! I'm bringing Michelle down the same path with the same forceful desires that her family did, and getting the same thrills from doing it to her, especially knowing she doesn't want to be led this way.'

"Really Michelle," Cindy finally asked compassionately. "Do you really not want to do this, or is it you're just a bit afraid? Do you really mean 'Transylvania' here, honey, because if you do and if I've gone too far, I am truly, truly sorry for everything."

"Yes, Cindy," Michael said. "I guess I do mean Transylvania. I mean I don't mind most of this -- I really like my boobs like this, a lot better than the way I've been these past weeks and months and all, but this dress, I really, really can't wear it. I just can't be a slut whore for people to see and desire -- not even you! I would be so ashamed, really."

"Oh god, Melissa," Cindy cried. "I hardly realized. I almost did the same as your family did without even being aware of it. It came up so suddenly, so unexpectedly. I'm really sorry, and I'm glad you stopped me and made me see just what was happening before it went any further."

Taking the dress and heels with her, Cindy returned to her stockroom. "Let me take these back. I have something I really want you to wear, something that will look much nicer on you."

When she returned, she was carrying a bag with a store's logo that Michael recognized was a store from the mall she worked in.

"I originally brought this with us when we came here last night," she explained. "I just couldn't resist buying it after I saw your expression when you were looking at it in the shop window."

As she was talking, she pulled out the gorgeous sequined evening gown that he'd so adored when walking around the mall after he'd run away.

"This was the dress I'd originally meant for you to wear from the start," Cindy said. "Before I got sidetracked and started going off in that road toward making you my little sluttish tart. When I saw how you so desired it, I just couldn't keep from buying it for you, knowing that at some point you would be wearing it for me.

"Here, why don't you try it on, instead of that little red thing I was pushing. Like you, I think this would look much nicer on you. This is satin lined, so you won't need a slip with it, which is quite convenient. Here, let me unzip it first, and then you can slip into it."

Michael literally jumped at the chance to put his dream dress on, and after slipping it over his head carefully so as not to mess up his pretty new do, allowed Cindy to zip it up behind him. Once it was in place, he smoothed it out gently to remove any wrinkles that were there. The dress sparkled like a mirrored ball at a disco ballroom, and he just couldn't help but swoon as he felt the lusciousness of its satin warmth enveloping him as though he'd been sheathed in a cocoon of sensual, carnal delights, a cocoon showing off almost every curve.

After that Cindy had him put on some black heels similar to the 5 inch heels she'd earlier given him, but these were only a modest three inches high, just right for evening wear. Even so, he was so unfamiliar with heels of any sort that he still had quite a bit of trouble getting around in them.

Then Cindy came up with a black lacquered 4-inch wide belt and wrapped it tightly around Michael's waist, and that, with his now 38C bust line, helped give him the illusion of having a very feminine body, a very attractive sexy feminine body. Cindy knew immediately that any boy or man who wasn't gay would go after this kid like Superman went after his villain.

"Yes, yes," Cindy exclaimed, as she stepped back to take in the whole picture. Just as she was about to announce him complete, she said, "Wait, wait, there's something missing here. How could I have been so forgetful. Of course. Just a minute, I'll be right back."

After a few minutes, Cindy finally returned with something sparkling in her hand. Stepping up to the feminized boy, she added a pair of sparkling cubic zirconia clip-on earrings. Although he couldn't see them, Michael knew already that he loved them, and that he looked really great in them.

"Because I pretty much only have earrings for pierced ears," Cindy explained, "It took me awhile to find these, It would be a good idea to get your ears pierced, you know? You can get a better selection of earrings that way. Anyway, at your age pretty much every girl has pierced ears these days, and you'd look even sexier in them."

"I think I'd like that, Cindy," Michael said. "I'm really enjoying myself here with you, getting all girlied up and sexy looking, and I think you're right, pierced earrings would probably look sexier than clip-ons."

"Well," Cindy said. "I'm very proud of you, Michelle. That's a very wise and bold decision on your part, one that will serve you better in the long run. But it can wait for now. Right now, I think its time for your unveiling. Would you like to see how you turned out -- the complete you, from head to toe?"

"Oh god, yes, I would," Michael gushed. "So much has been done to me, I really can't wait to see how I look."

"Okay, let's do it then." she said. "However, instead of revealing you to my vanity mirror like we'd planned, I think you need to see a fuller version of yourself. Let's go to my shop. I have a full length 3-way mirror customers use for fittings when trying things on. Lets see how you look now, after trying on this new look of yours."

So Cindy brought Michael into the front of the store where all the racks of clothes were located. As she was doing so, she noticed a customer, a male, walking up to the door, looking to shop for something, she supposed. She recognized him as one of her special customers, a very handsome, dashing young man, here because he probably needed something more to continue his dressing up.