A New Dawn Ch. 04


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Juana looked at us. Then she kissed Esmeralda gently. "Very well. But you two have me quite worked up. Will it offend you if I give myself pleasure as well?"

"Of course not," we both said in stereo.

"Jinx, buy me a Coke," I said.

"What?" Esmeralda said.

"I'll explain later," I said as I moved back down and started licking her pussy again. I worked her until she was close to another orgasm, then moved on top of her and she spread her legs and I started rubbing my hard cock against her opening. She was squirming and panting.

"There are two classic ways of doing this," I said as she moaned. "I can be on top and push into you. Or you can be on top and have all the control."

"Push now," she said. So I did.

She cried out as I broke through her hymen and I held dead still and kissed her mouth and her neck, and stroked her cheek and her hair. A single tear rolled down her cheek. I kissed it away.

"Sorry," I said.

"I'm not," she said, and she wrapped her legs around me and pushed up at me.

So I slowly started trying to work myself into her. I had thought that Jay was tight. This girl was nigh onto impenetrable, which made sense. I was boldly going where no man had gone before. Or anything else for that matter. I stroked gently in and out, gaining fractions of an inch each time. She moaned the whole time and held me tightly to her chest.

It took some time before I was fully inside her. She felt our pubic bones bump together and sighed and opened her eyes and looked into mine.

"Thank you, Johnny," she said, and kissed me.

"No, thank you," I said, and kissed her back. "This is an honor. Do you feel any pain?"

"Only at first. Now only pleasure." She giggled. "A friggin' big humungous fat log of pleasure. I feel so full."

I looked over at Juana. She looked back at me.

"You were perfect," she said softly. "You should do this for a living. Mothers would pay you to lovingly take their daughters' virginity and prepare them for a proper sex life. You know that you will have to do this for us, right? Come back and teach Esmeralda everything and make her comfortable with everything. I will work it out with your women."

"That also would be an honor," I said. "But one step at a time." I started moving inside Esmeralda. She was so tight that it was actually physically difficult to force my cock in and out. Not that I was complaining; the resulting pleasure was intense. I didn't think I would last long.

She was moaning and thrashing on the bed. I was moving slowly but, as I saw that she could take it, I adjusted my angle to best rub her clit and moved faster. She came hard almost immediately, bucking and screaming under me. I slowed down and gently stroked her through her climax. When she was done and gasping for breath, I pulled out of her. She gave a disappointed groan. I gently rolled her over and spread her legs and she yelped as I pushed into her pussy from behind.

"Yes!" she said.

I grabbed a pillow and placed it under her hips and adjusted my angle to make maximum contact with her G-spot and started pounding hard. I held her hip with one hand and placed a finger of the other against her asshole and pushed. Again, she came hard almost immediately.

I heard a moan to my right. Juana was masturbating furiously as she watched us. I grabbed one of her breasts hard and tweaked the nipple and she smiled at me and came. Her body locked up and she yelled out her pleasure.

Esmeralda wasn't moving at all. I pulled out of her and gently rolled her onto her side and hugged her. She was covered in sweat. She slowly opened her eyes.

"Thank you, Johnny," she said, and kissed me gently.

"You are quite welcome, Sweetie, and thank you right back."

"I'm spent. I think another orgasm like those would kill me right now." She frowned a moment. "Did you cum?"

"No," I said.

"I'll take care of you," she said, and struggled to move.

"You rest," I said.

She frowned again, then her eyes lit up. "Mom?"

"Yes, please," Juana said. "Oh, please." She was masturbating again.

I paused. I already had permission from my girls to do something like this with another woman, and I knew that they would tell me to just relax and give Juana pleasure. And Thomas only had issues with the idea of me having sex with Tina.

I gave Esmeralda a long, deep kiss, then moved on top of her mother and quickly plunged my length into her.

"AAHHH, DIOS!!" she yelled, as her hands continued to work on her clit. I immediately started pounding into her and she quickly came and screamed my name and blacked out.

I pulled out of her and grabbed all the pillows and propped up her legs to get the blood to her head.

Esmeralda said, "Mom?"

I ran across the hall and wet a washcloth with cold water and ran back and wiped the sweat from her face and gently ran the cloth down over her neck and chest.

"Mom?" Esmeralda said again, touching her.

"She'll be okay," I said.

Juana's eyes fluttered open and locked onto mine. "Johnny," she said.

"At your service," I said.

"You're cock is indeed quite a bit thicker than Thomas. I should have been prepared, but I was not. You filled me up so. My orgasm was very intense." She looked down at my raging erection. "Did you cum in me?"

"No," I said.

"I am so sorry," Juana said. "Please take me again."

"Not after you passed out," I said. Not so soon."

"Then me, Johnny," Esmeralda said.

"No, you're spent. Remember?"

"We are both very sorry," Juana said. "After your compassion and skill, we repay you in this way."

"Hey," I said. "I got to take a teenager's virginity. That's a first for me. I made love to a beautiful young girl and her beautiful mother. Another first. And I wore out one girl and made the other one faint. I'm feeling pretty studly." I kissed Esmeralda's cheek.

They both chuckled and rolled over into each other's arms. Juana started softly snoring almost immediately. I gathered my clothes, turned off the light, and started to close the door.


"Yes, Esmeralda."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. And thank you."

"Next time... my ass. Please?"

"We'll talk tomorrow."


I walked back outside, my erection leading the way. I tossed my clothes on a chair and walked past the loungers where Nela was on top of Dawn in what sounded like a very passionate 69. They didn't even notice me.

The rest of the group was in the hot tub, looking at me.

"How in the world can you be hard?" Tina said, her eyes locked on my cock.

So I told them.

"Jesus Christ, you big stud," Nela said from behind me. "You wore them both out?"

"Yeah. Now I've got my first case of blue balls in a long, long time."

"Bring 'em over here. I'll take care of you," she said.

I looked at Thomas. He nodded. So did Mary Beth. Tina just licked her lips. Her eyes were still locked on my hard cock.

"Here I come," I said, and walked over to Nela and Dawn. Nela didn't move from what she was doing except to stick her ass a little higher in the air for easier access. I didn't bother with niceties; I just grabbed her hips and plunged in my entire length. She yelped and then moaned as I started moving.

"God, you feel good," she said. "No wonder you wore them out. Damn, it feels so good!"

"Told you," said Dawn from just below us.

"I ... thought... Asians... were supposed... to have... small cocks."

"I'm only part Asian."

"... other part?"

"Porn star," I said, and really started pounding her.

"I... believe it. Oh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck MEEEEEE!!!!" Nela came hard and her pussy convulsed. I felt Dawn's tongue caress my hard cock at Nela's entrance as I fucked her. That was enough for me.

"Cumming!" I yelled.

"In her," Jay and Mary Beth and Dawn yelled together. I yelled as I slammed deep and spurted my hot load into Nela's waiting pussy. Nela was moaning. Dawn was licking my balls. The waves of a great orgasm washed through my body. I rode it to the end and then pulled out of Nela and stumbled onto the nearest lounger. Nela moaned again as I listened to the sound of Dawn happily sucking my cum out of Nela's snatch.

"I'm sorry, Nela," I said.

"For what?"

"For taking you like that. For using you to get myself off."

"Are you kidding? That was perfect." She paused to moan again, then moved around until she could give Dawn a deep lingering kiss. Then she turned back to me.

"I like nice, slow, romantic bubble bath love as much as the next girl. But I'm just as happy to be taken for a hard fuck. You were perfect. Besides, you needed it."

"I did," I said. "Thank you." I leaned down to kiss her. She wrapped her hand around my neck and pulled me in for a deep, passionate, tongue dueling kiss. When we were done she whispered, "I think I'd really like to come over to your place once in a while, Johnny. If that's okay."

"Totally okay by me," Dawn said.

"Me too," I said. "Gonna have to buy a bigger bed, though."

"I don't think they have anything bigger than a California King, Johnny," Dawn said.

"We have a little money. I think we can have one made."


Meyer recovered fully. I got to meet Georgia one night at the Pacific Dining Car bar, my favorite place to grab an after-work drink with Meyer. Georgia was something. Beautiful, smart, engaging. And a redhead, with typical redheaded sauciness and temper. When she left to use the bathroom I told Meyer that my conscience was asking me to tell her about the nurse. He lifted his middle finger in salute.

"There might be something there, Johnny, there really might. I think we're going back to my place after dinner."

"I'm happy for you. Truly."

"I know." He looked down at his Scotch and soda. "Johnny, I'm an old man. I've been a bachelor for so long that I'm not really sure if all the parts work anymore."

I looked at him. "Meyer. No bullshit. Really?"

He looked back at me. "Really."

I leaned in. "Okay, personal question. Do you ever wake up hard in the morning?"

"All the time," he said. "But that's because I gotta pee."

I laughed and put my arm around his neck. "No, it's not," I said. "That's your body's way of telling you it's ready for you to go out and pillage. You're gonna be fine."

And from all reports, he was.

Meyer, my lieutenant, and my captain all bugged me to take the Detective III test, so I did. Within a short period of time I made the list and was very quickly promoted. Buddy's sergeant and lieutenant twisted his arm into accepting promotion to Sergeant I with a guarantee that he would remain on the street.

After my promotion was posted Meyer took me out for a celebratory drink, once again at the Pacific Dining Car. He was slowly nursing a Scotch & soda and I was making faster progress on a Negroni.

"You still gunning for my job?" he said.


"Not even if I retire?"

I looked at him. "You thinking about it?"

He sighed. "I've got almost 30 years on the force. That's a good pension. And I've put money away. Plus..."

I waited him out.

"Georgia's got money, too."

"You guys are going for it?" I said.

He gently swirled his drink. "I think so," he said softly. "I want to. She says she does, too. Like I told you, there's something there."

I signaled the bartender.

"Another round?"

"Yes, but different. We'd like a couple of shots of your Highland Park 18 in buckets, neat."

"You got it." Off he went.

"What's this?" Meyer said.

"Celebration," I said. "You and Georgia. Starting out together is the best part."

"Yeah," he said. "But what if we burn out?"

"Staying together long enough to work through the burnout is the best part."

The bartender brought our bucket shots.

"Maybe," Meyer said. "But all we're going to do from here on out is get older."

I raised my glass and waited until he raised his in return. We clinked.

"Growing old together is the best part," I said. I lifted my glass to my mouth and so did he. We drank the fine stuff down.

"Goddamn," he said as he put his glass on the bar. "You're a bad fucking influence. Pretty soon I won't be happy with my usual Old Whatchamacallit."

"Blame Barker," I said. "He's spoiled me with expensive liquor."

Meyer was silent for a while.

"I've been alone for so long, Johnny. I'm used to it. I don't know how to live with another person. I'm not sure I'm cut out for it. I don't know if she'll be happy with me once she sees me at my worst and we're together all the time."

"It's the same for all of us," I said.

"Yeah, right," he said. "Easy to say. You're living with three women and they're all goo-goo eyed over you. You're my fucking hero."

How to say this.

"Meyer. You are one of the best people I know. If Georgia doesn't fall harder in love with you once you're living together then she doesn't deserve you. But let's say you're right. Let's say you move in together, or get married, or whatever, and it doesn't work out. You're alone right now. If you get together and don't make it, you'll be alone again. Net change: zero."

Meyer nodded.

"But what if it works? What if you two are so fucking happy together that you light up Los Angeles with how fucking happy you are together?"

Meyer looked at me.

"Hey, you can do a pre-nup. 'We hereby state that if it doesn't work out we can go back to the happy booty call arrangement.'"

Meyer laughed.

"You're right," he said. "I'm gonna go for it."

We clinked our empty glasses.

"Thanks, I owe you one," he said. "What'll it be?" He was looking at the liquor.

I looked at him and waited until he was looking at me, too. "Don't retire," I said.

Thanks to all my readers for the encouraging comments. A special shout out to Nosebone for allowing me to bounce ideas off him about this one. If you haven't read any of his stories, please check him out here.

I know that some of you didn't want the Barker clan and the Rand clan to have any sex across the clan borders but, honestly, the characters scripted this one and I just couldn't put up enough of a fight. To those of you who are disappointed: just be glad I was able to cut off the story before 'Ass Night' got started.

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Fantasylver69Fantasylver69about 1 month ago

More of a new dawn would be interesting please

tsgtcapttsgtcapt8 months ago

Great, again, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Yeah, I like the fact that it's more than just sex and has an interesting story to go with it. This could be a movie. Doesn't have to be everyone bouncing around in the nude to make a good movie!

NICHOLXNICHOLXover 1 year ago

Great chapter, another five twinklers. Great writing.

Whome1578Whome1578almost 2 years ago

Hunting words for this fantastic will do in a single word. You have read stories starting out "ONCE UPON A TIME. ... THE END. drop "the end" off and write chapter after chapter I'll be glad to read them. Great job and endless ways to go so write on great work. Thx

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