A Dish Best Served Cold Ch. 03


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His smile challenged hers for lighting up the city. "Oh, Babe! I... I... I don't know what to say." His lips sought and captured hers, their tongues engaging. "God, I am so happy. When... you said mid-April." He counted backward on his fingers. "Mid-July; so when you came out to get me, or on the trip back?"

She nodded. "Probably, but I'm pretty sure it's yours, ours. I made Don use a condom, or I've used a diaphragm, every time I let him do it. Still, he thinks it might be his because I punched a hole in the rubber he used on our wedding night.

"Now, what's this about regaining control of the company. Sit; let's eat while you fill me in."

"Okay, but is it okay for you to drink wine? I've heard..."

"I know. My OB says a glass of wine once or twice a week won't hurt. The problems come when its once or twice a couple of times a day." She sat down and poured them some wine. "Tell me."

Lee shared what Rosa had told him about the books, and his deductions, based on what he had learned about Don. "That lying mother-fucker," she whispered. She looked up at her twin. "Can I cut off his prick, like that woman, Lorena Bobbit? Please?"

Lee laughed. "I'm tempted. But I think there are ways where you won't go to jail. How are you doing with his bankroll?"

"Well, you saw the car. Top of the line, and paid the salesman's first asking price. Same with the house; probably paid eighty or ninety thou too much, but he didn't argue about it.

"When I got to look at all his accounts, at least the ones he'd let me see, he had a net worth close to half a mil. Our stock is about a third of what it was when you took over. Then there was the furniture and decorating, landscaping, my new 'suitable' wardrobe, the wine cellar, pre-paid contracts for housekeeping and landscape maintenance. Oh, yeah! His new car. Considering the fair market retail of the property, he's still got about 300K in reserve."

Lee grinned. "A quarter mil in three months. Not bad, Sis. Glad you're not pissed at me."

She smiled at him as she tore off a bite of chicken. "You said we could have control back in a few weeks; and get rid of Doofus. Spill it."

He related what Rosa had told him about how Don had fraudulently gained control of the proxies, and the share holders agreeing to re-assign control to the family.

"That shit! Are you sure I can't cut his cock off? I'll do it with a spoon, so he feels every millimeter. Please!"

"Sorry, Sweetie, but I think I have a better plan. I just have to wait and get the information Pete is looking for." He drained and refilled his wine glass.

"You up for a video. I've got that film about the girl with a tattoo, takes place in Norway."

"Sounds good. Do you have something to put the leftover chicken in?"

"Just a plastic bag. I'll take your plate. Coffee? Tea?"

She looked at him with a smile, waiting for the tag line. When it didn't come, she pushed out her lower lip, pouting. His laugh was quickly joined by hers. He walked to her and pulled her into his arms. "I love you, Maxie. More now than ever. I can't wait for all this shit to be over. Hopefully, it will be water under the bridge by the time little whoozis is born. Then we can be together as a family."

She buried her face in his neck. "Me, too, Lee. When can I file for divorce, and what reason?"

"Call Dad's lawyer Monday. Go talk to him and get everything ready. Then he can file it at a moment's notice when we're ready." He led her to his bedroom.

"I thought you said we were going to watch TV."

"We are. This is where the cable outlet was installed. It's only awkward on first dates, or when I have married friends over. Awkward or interesting."

Max laughed. "I imagine so, especially if the husband falls asleep." Lee smiled, saying nothing. "You dog. Go get my bag. It's in the back seat."

The TV screen showed Lisbeth tossing Mikael's gift in the trash and speeding away on her bike. Max rolled over in Lee's arms, her bare breasts scraping across his chest. "Do you think there are really people like that?" she asked, then laughed. "Are there people like that? Like I have to ask! Shit! I live with one."

"Not much longer," he said moving in for a kiss. His hand drew her ass closer to him, while the other slowly caressed her back and shoulders.

"Mmmm," she mewled. "You can keep that up all weekend."

"I will, if you stay."

"Did I say I had to be anywhere?"

"When is your husband due back?"

"Monday morning is when he usually gets in, especially when he goes to Buffalo like this weekend. He says he likes to have room service bring him breakfast in his room. Makes it feel like pure luxury, he says. So, you're stuck with me all weekend, including Monday breakfast."

"Damn, now I'll have to cancel all those other women." He grinned and pulled her thigh over his naked hip, opening her to his rapidly expanding cock.

"I'm glad to see part of you, at least, is pleased," she said, smiling, gently biting his lower lip. She reached down and gently stroked his burgeoning member, and guided it to her opening. "Sally, my OB, says we should be able to keep this up, after a fashion, until the beginning of March; we just have to be careful about positions."

"What does that mean for the office?"

"I think it's time to get Thelma and her daughter involved. Teesha, the young black woman who delivers the mail, has been caught reading some of the personal type mail that has come in. Technically, all mail is subject to supervisory scan, but for her to do so is reason for disciplinary action.

"She's been warned twice, and can be fired if there's a third time, and there has been. I've been asked at least three times to speak to her, but have sent the message through her mother. Thelma said she barely made it through high school, more because she's lazy than not capable. Still,if she's fired for snooping, the only kind of work she'll be able to find is stoop labor during farming season.

"Thelma's more worried about her being unsupervised during the day than she is about the money. I'm pretty sure she'll try to bargain with you to try to keep her on, but I don't have any idea how to approach Teesha."

While they had been talking, Lee had been gently rolling his hips slightly, moving his rod an inch or two in Max's tight channel, rocking his pubic bone against her clit. At the same time, with the back of his knuckles, he had been lightly stroking the nipple on her exposed breast. As she had been talking about Thelma and Teesha, her voice had begun to falter, and her breathing, become ragged.

She pulled Lee tighter to her and tried to roll over on her back. "It's time to get serious about this, now. I'm right on the edge of coming. Fuck me, sweetheart. Nowowowow! Yessss! More—ore—ore—oooorrrrre!" she screamed as her climax engulfed her.

Lee stopped his thrusting when Max collapsed and let her legs fall to the bed. He squirreled his arms under her and lowered his body, supporting most of his weight on his elbows, his chest resting on hers. Her arms tightened around him, returning the hug. "Hold me tight," she whispered, pressing a damp cheek to his.

"Tears?" he asked.

"Happy tears. Love tears. Good tears," she replied, kissing him. "You didn't come?"

"No, that was just for you. I'll get mine in a bit."

"Promise?" she asked, with a wide smile, "'cause I'll be ready again in a few minutes."

"Mmhm, I promise. Next time, both of us." he bent down and slipped his tongue between her lips, capturing her lower lip.

"Mmmm," she moaned softly, and began to push her hips up toward him.

He returned the motion, and began to duplicate the actions of his rod with his tongue in her mouth, eliciting a laugh. Max broke the kiss and pulled him tightly against her, grabbing his earlobe between her teeth. "Now," she mumbled around it. "Fug me hahd add faaas!"

She could feel his chest shake with his laugh as he increased his speed and the power of his thrusts into her pussy. "Yehhhhs," she groaned.

"C'mon, girl, you ready to do it? Hmmh? C'mon, It's time! Do it do it do it come on do it do it do it do it go go go go go gooooooooo! Uuuunnnnnggh!" She felt his hot fluids splash against the end of her sheath, triggering her own release.

"Uh uh uh uh uh ugh ugh ugh ugh ah ah ah ah ah arrrrgh!" was all she could articulate. Her legs grasped his hips, pulling him into her, while her own began the instinctual thrusting designed to milk every bit of seed from the organ inside her. "Ahhhhhmmmmmm," she sighed as she relaxed back into the bed, holding her lover tight to her breast.

With a deep sigh, Lee rolled to his side, keeping his flagging dick inside his sister's warm tunnel, pulling her onto her side, still wrapped in each other's arms. In a few minutes, they were asleep.

Sunlight and a full bladder woke Lee in the morning. Pulling away from his sister, he found his foreskin was still in the grasp of her labia, glued to them by dried semen. Her disappointed moan was accompanied by a mild tightening of her arms around his shoulder.

"Gotta go, babe. Gotta go."

"Mmmokay. Hurry back; 'Slonely here w'out you," she mumbled, half awake.

He was back in a couple of minutes. As soon as he was settled in bed, Max's arms were around him, and her leg over his hip. He could feel her fur against his thigh, sending unbrotherly thoughts to his brain and groin. He pushed Max onto her back and bent down to latch onto one of her nipples.

An appreciative moan let him know she was beginning to waken. "Mmm, if you're not careful, that might get you into trouble. It did me," she laughed.

"Well, since I can't get into that kind of trouble, I'll chance it," he answered, increasing the pressure of his suckling.

"Not too hard," she cautioned him, a trace of pain in her voice. "You might get a mouthful of milk."

He looked up at her. "Already?"

She nodded. "Sally says the colostrum, sort of a pre-milk nutrient, can start to flow anytime after the first trimester, although it doesn't usually happen until the last one. Unlike milk, the supply is limited, so we need to be careful. You can kiss, lick and suck gently, just don't try to have lunch," she smiled.

Lee propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at her body, a look of loving wonder on his face. His free hand reached out and began to explore the front of her body, starting just below her breasts and moving down over her just visible baby bump to her thick thatch and back up, caressing her with his palm. All he said was, "Amazing."

She watched him with a satisfied smile, seeing, feeling, knowing his love. When his hand started its second circuit down her body, she pushed him onto his back and mounted him. She reached down and pulled his penis so it lay between them, separating her labia. She moved her hips back and forth, stimulating him to a useable state in a few seconds.

Max lifted her hips and repositioned Lee's staff at her opening. "God, I love you," she said, leaning down for a kiss as she lowered her quim onto him. While their lips were joined, she began to raise and lower herself, slowly building speed, and slamming her hips against his. In a few minutes, his hips were answering hers as he thrust upwards into her.

He had barely begun to move in her when she straightened out on him, her legs thrust backward, and let out a deep moaning groan, "Uuhhhnnnnng!" triggering his own climactic response. Instinctively, he continued to thrust upwards into her until his ejaculatory spasms had ceased. By that time, she had collapsed, resting on his chest, her legs grasping his hips, his arms holding her tightly to his chest as he caught his breath.

He let her rest there for several minutes, content to hold her. The soft snore and dampness running down his shoulder told him that she had fallen asleep again. Very gently, he rolled onto his side and pulled out of her. He took care of business in the bathroom and headed for the kitchen. Soon, he had the sausage on, the waffle batter made, the coffee perkng, the applesauce in the microwave ready to warm, and was working on setting the table when Max walked in, as naked as he was.

He poured them both some cran-peach juice and pulled out a chair for her. He filled the waffle maker with batter, and while it baked, poured them coffee and finished the table. They shared the first waffle while the second one baked. They ate wordlessly, smiling at each other across the table, comfortable with each other's silence, reveling in their domesticity.

Max finished her meal first. As she put her fork down, a very unlady-like burp escaped from her lips. "Oops," she mouthed, an embarrassed smile evident in her eyes. "Mmm, that was good. I hate to say it, but you're as good a cook as me; at least as far as breakfast goes." She gave him a wide smile. As kids, Max's idea of cooking breakfast was to order pizza. Lee laughed.

"I'll take that as a compliment. What would you like to do today?" They looked out the kitchen window, at the leaden sky and the chilly, fall drizzle making going out an uninviting proposition.

"Can we just hang out, read, watch movies, cuddle?" she asked, looking and sounding like she was ten again.

Lee smiled, nodding. "Whatever you want, as long as we're together. These past three months have been awful, being apart from you."

Max's smile faded. "Trade you. At least you've had Ashley to entertain you. It was hard to keep Don at bay until I found that article on spouse abuse."

"He didn't..."

"No, but I could see he was tempted a couple of times before that."

"I think it's time I took you away from him. I'll speak to Ashley on Monday. We'll offer Mrs. Bridges an early retirement. Give her two month's vacation as a bonus for her long and dedicated service; or something. "

"You're going to give him Ashley..."

"Once a week. She'll do that for me if I tell her to. She'll be his secretary, but he'll know she's coming back once or twice a week to service me.

"I was thinking about Thelma. Tuesday, I'll call you, her and her daughter into my office and threaten to fire all of you because she didn't do her job. If she's the kind of person you say, she'll most likely offer to sacrifice herself to save you two. If she does, then I have a plan to help Teesha get over her snooping. I hope." He stood up from the table. "You stack the dishes in the sink while I go get our robes."

"You don't want me naked?"

"As a jaybird, but the living room gets chilly, even with the heat on high. And these chairs get damned uncomfortable after an hour or so. I thought we could cuddle on the couch while we read the paper."

Her smile beamed her approval.

It was approaching one o'clock. The twins were lying on the couch, spooned, Lee behind Max, his arms around her. His left hand, the lower one, the way they were laying, was inside her robe, gently fondling her breast. She was reading a back issue of a popular, science-oriented magazine while he read over her shoulder. In the background, some country rock from the second place American Idol contestant from a couple of years ago was playing. Lee's cell phone rang, startling them.

He looked at the caller ID. It was local, but not one he knew. "Hello, this is Lee Brock...Gram? Whose phone are you using? Oh, I didn't know he had joined the 21st century. Where are you guys? Erie? Are you coming home? Tonight; what time? Why don't you come over here for dinner... 353 First Ave... yeah, that's the neighborhood. It's a green ranch with an attached garage. From Dad's place, take Maple to First, turn left. It's about five or six blocks, on the left. About seven? Good. See you then. Yeah, she'll be here." He grinned at his sister.

"Damn!" she swore, when he hit the off button, "Now I have to get dressed."

"Don't have to. How would you feel about Dad seeing you naked?"

"Probably weird, but I shouldn't. I saw him when we got home. Why, you thinking of having a clothing optional evening."

"Not even optional. A nude evening. No clothes allowed," he said, with a wolfish smile.

"Uh huh; you just want to see Gram naked again, poon dog."

"Well, you have to admit, for a woman her age, she's in great shape."

"True enough. No sex, though. Accepting the fact I was attracted to my brother was hard enough. Doin' Dad, ewww," she said, with a shudder.

"That's fine, love. I don't want to share you with anyone else, family or not."

"So, what are we making that we can eat naked?"

"And cook naked? I've got some meat balls frozen, and we can doctor up some canned sauce. I'll have to run out and get some bread and wine. I have pasta and salad makin's. Hmm, dessert?"

"I can put together a small white cake, with cocoa frosting. There's plenty of time. I'm sorry you have to go out, though."

With an exaggerated motion and theatrical sigh, he answered, "Ah, well, it is my sacrifice, and it must be done."

Max laughed and slapped his ass. "Okay, Olivier, go get dressed and get back here in a hurry."

He turned and picked her up by the ass and pushed her to the wall, lifting her legs to his hips; he leaned in and captured her lips with his. Breaking the kiss, he asked, "Why, Maxie, why should I hurry back?"

"So you can fuck me one more time before they get here." She felt his cock at her opening. "Or right now, before you go, Lee. Do it now," she urged him. "Now," covering his mouth with hers and pushing her crotch at him.

Max had just finished putting the last decorative twirl in the cake's frosting when the doorbell rang. "You gonna get that?" she called.

"On my way," came the answer. A few seconds later she heard her father's loud laugh, quickly followed by her grandmother's. A few minutes later the older pair, nude, came into the kitchen, where Max was setting out wine glasses and filling them.

"My grandson says this nude evening was your idea," Edie said, kissing Max on the cheek.

"Liar," she retorted, sticking her tongue out at her brother, who, with his father, picked up a glass of wine and retreated to the living room.

"That's what I thought ," Edie said, with a grin. "The men in this family will find any excuse they can to get us women naked, even those old farts out in Indiana. I swear, between the two of them, they had eight hands. How are you, dear?"

"Everything considered, pretty good, Gram; you?"

"Oh, I'm fine, for an old broad. Are you putting on weight? He's not abusing you, is he?"

"No, Don's behaving himself. As for the weight, sort of, in a healthy, natural way."

Edie looked at her, puzzled. You could see the dawning of understanding as she slowly smiled. "I'll let you tell Ian."

Over dinner the talk mainly was about the trip and getting re-acquainted with the cousins, whom Edie had known as children. "They were just as randy then as they are now." She turned to Max. "Maxie, have you ever heard of a t.p.?"

Max blushed. "I don't think you're talking about paper, are you?" she asked.

Ian laughed out loud. "Not quite. Just before we left, that whole week, well the last, no the middle three days, after they had 'initiated' us into their sex games, and, no," he said, looking at Lee, "I won't tell you about that. The last week, each of the women, on separate nights, uhh, can't really say hosted..."

"Suffered," interjected Edie.

"Entertained us by allowing the men to go round robin in a triple penetration. The women drew lots for when they'd experience it, while the men went according to dick thickness."

"Poor Ian, he had to go last, after we were all worn out. Not that he objected." Ian just grinned.

"Uhh, maybe I'm dense," interrupted Lee. "Just what is a round robin triple penetration?" He looked at the two older adults, who were looking at each other, puzzled.

"You're kidding," his father said.

"I get the t.p., but what the hell is the round robin?" Max nodded, agreeing with the question.