A BBW Learns of Life and Enjoys It


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As I started my last year I saw him occasionally when my need grew overpowering but I'd been asked out by a shy guy in one of my classes. The guy was not into premarital sex at all and I didn't push him but then at the end of the year just before graduation he asked me to marry him. I agreed and we were married a month after graduation.

On my honeymoon night I was completely disappointed. I found that he had the smallest dick I'd ever thought of and he wouldn't allow me to suck or play with it.

I was amazed after two years when I found he'd impregnated me. I had a baby boy months later and although I too had been working outside the home while being a dutiful wife, I took time from work to raise the boy until he was three. During those three years my old neighbor found his way to my place a few times but each time after he left I went into the doldrums of sexual need.

I was growing more and more dissatisfied with my husband and finally I divorced him, took my son and moved several states away.

More than a year later I met a really tall guy and although in many ways his attitude toward sex was almost identical to my ex's, and I'd mentally vowed never to marry a guy with a small dick, I fell for it all over again. On our honeymoon I couldn't believe that such a tall guy could have a dick only a tiny bit larger than the equipment of my ex.

Again after two more years of sexual frustration I found myself once more amazed that I was pregnant. How could a guy with such small endowment have reached deep enough to give me another child? This time I didn't have the secondary benefit of an occasional visiting neighbor and although there was less than once-a-month sex with my husband, my oral fixation was not at all satisfied even with my toy.

Again after my second son was born and weaned I divorced my second husband and found nested solace living with a divorced cousin. My alimony and child support were larger than they had been from my first spouse. My cousin had four kids and was living on alimony and child support. She was happy to watch mine for regular spending money while I looked and after I found a job.

When I began interviewing with prospective employers I looked for over a month before finally one afternoon I was called to a company where I'd left a resume' as an applicant for degreed design engineer employment. My appointment for the interview was the following morning.

I wanted to dress conservatively but appear as sexy as possible because my career field was well dominated my men. I assumed my interview would be with a man.

When I was escorted into a meeting room and had taken a seat several long minutes passed before the door opened and a tall distinguished looking man came in carrying a copy of my resume'. He appeared only a few years older than me and smiled easily.

After asking for examples of my past work and a lengthy interview I was hired and began work the following week. During the interview I only occasionally noticed him appear to focus on my cleavage.

I worked in a room filled with other designers and all were men.

I received many interested looks and more than a few from guys that seemed to think they were heaven's gift to women. I wasn't interested in any of them but too, none ever approached me socially.

Meanwhile our boss began looking more and more interesting to me. He worked hard and wasn't afraid to roll up his sleeves. He was more than a capable designer himself and I watched as he took apart each design and required the designer to defend it.

My first design was reviewed and he was thorough but smiled at the end and I knew I had passed. After that I sometimes noticed him checking me out but never getting too close.

Then one day he called a meeting and gathered us all around my own desk, because it was closest to entry into our big room. He explained a new major contract we'd just received and would be expected to complete in an extremely short window of time.

When he'd finished he opened the meeting to questions and as the questioning bounced back and forth I noticed him focused on my cleavage. I deliberately raised my hands and ran them down the front of my blouse, stretching the neck tight and lower, to see if he liked the view. I thought he did and so while sitting displaced beyond the rest of the group and sitting in a draftsman's tall chair I raised one leg higher than necessary and crossed my legs letting my skirt slip higher on my thighs. His eyes followed eagerly and then he had trouble focusing on a question and had to ask the guy to repeat it before he could answer. I felt better than I had in months as I appreciated his interest but couldn't actually focus on the contract he'd been covering.

By this time I was approaching my current age above the middle thirties.

I was wet and that night things got heavier. I had trouble getting to sleep and spent more than two hours trying to get temporary satisfaction but nothing I did worked. I had climax after climax but satisfaction was elusive. I attempted to imagine what he'd be like and what he'd look like making love to me. I wanted to see, touch and taste his dick. When he'd climaxed I wanted to drain him so completely that he'd be totally and happily exhausted from it, then I'd tell him how much I enjoyed it and would be ready any time he needed more.

I began trying to figure a way to get the boss to approach me or for me to seduce him. I felt confident he wasn't gay and by then I knew he wasn't married and that gave him a lot of time to think about problems at work in a new design.

Finally one day I had an idea. I hoped it wouldn't blow up in my face and the more I thought about it the more aroused I got. I'd thought more and continually about it for almost two months before I finally made up my mind to actually do it.

The next time I was in his office I studied his desk and noticed that it came all the way to the floor and wasn't sitting on legs keeping it above the carpet. Also there was a long table against the front of his desk that faced straight away from it and was used for spreading out drawings or contracts for study. The table had chairs around it for visitors or meetings. The desk was deep with deep drawers and very professional looking.

He usually went out to lunch and always returned on time except for meetings with clients or customers. The rest of our brood of designers ate in a small lunch room adjoining the main room. The men usually played cards or listened to a radio during lunch.

I waited until ten minutes before the boss was to return from lunch and I entered his office.

That day I'd worn a short skirt and thin lacey scoop-necked blouse with no panties and a sheer mesh bra with my high-heels. I'd checked myself out in a mirror that morning and convinced myself that I looked as sexy as I could get and still maintain a business demeanor. Again I wished I wasn't so chunky.

I walked around the desk, got onto my knees and crawled into its knee space then curled back as far as I could get. I thought and hoped he'd never see me unless he deliberately looked. I pulled his executive chair as far into the space as I could and waited.

Minutes passed before I heard him come in and he was talking with someone. I also heard him invite the guy to take a seat while he walked around the desk, pulled out the chair and sat down. He always seemed to sit close to the desk and that would give me the chance and opportunity to play with him.

I was relieved he wasn't alone. I'd thought of him as a guy that would never mix business with pleasure. If we'd been alone he might have discreetly ordered me from his office without a reward. It had been my biggest fear.

Now the two men began a long discussion. I reasoned that while he was talking and I'd begun to play he wouldn't let the other guy know I was under the desk.

A few minutes passed and I felt assured the meeting would last awhile so I moved forward and reached over his knees and rubbed his crotch. He was startled but quickly recovered and slid his chair back a little. I followed him and as I looked up I caught a quick glance of his eyes before he caught himself and looked away but seemed a little flustered at finding me there. I knew he couldn't expose my presence without an embarrassing explanation to the guy and everyone else if he kicked me out.

He said nothing and I reached up and found his zipper. He moved nervously in his seat at what I was doing but I was insistent and slipped the zipper down. I was gratified that he too wore nothing beneath the zipper and felt myself grow wetter as I slipped my hand in and had to force his dick out by bending it to clear the zipper's opening. At last it was in my hand hard and swollen. I stroked it and then turned my head and moved over his knees.

I was grateful when I felt him spread his knees and begin letting the guy at his table do most of the talking. Now I had an easy space to fit in and feed him into my mouth. The boss was big. He was hugely larger than any I'd known and seemed at least fifty percent larger than my old neighbor. He was also swollen harder with a head that almost defied my mouth but I managed to get him in and suddenly all my needs for sucking a dick were being fulfilled. I intended to have it and provide both of us an appreciative experience greater than we'd ever before known as I brought my tongue into play. I was sucking and pleasuring when a momentary leak of my lips occurred and the resulting sound filled my crawl space.

I was immediately afraid the guy at the table may have heard and understood but after I'd taken a moment's pause he was still talking and suddenly the boss had one hand on my head working it. I was almost afraid I'd gag if I tried to swallow his immensity but I wanted it so bad that I threw caution to the wind and drove it into my throat. It was tight and for a moment seemed far too large but then it was sliding deep and I lost myself in the pleasure of him.

When the guy paused I heard the boss's voice say "Let's continue this tomorrow." and the guy agreed.

I heard the guy get up and as he approached the door I hear my boss say "Close the door would you? I have some work and I'd like not to be disturbed for a while."

I almost laughed when I heard the door close and the boss switch to total dedication as his other hand joined the first and I forgot about controlling my effort and gave it all to him.

It was intense and lasted longer than any I'd ever experienced. It was a period of amazing pleasure to me even when he released and began filling me. I felt better than I ever had and didn't lose a drop even though it was a greater release and continued again and again. It was better in the extreme than any other I could remember. I loved the feel of it heating me from the inside and then filling my mouth each additional time before I swallowed it. It was the best taste and better than I could have asked. If he let me I'd be his love slave anywhere he wanted me from then on. I'd had the most arousing and intense sexual experience of my life and had climaxed repeatedly as I enjoyed every moment. I realized then that my hands had cupped and were gently kneading his balls before I milked it of every drop and cleaned him.

When I finally opened my eyes and looked up at him his eyes were also closed but there was a satisfied smile on his face and it made me feel good. Another surprise to me was that, unlike other men I'd been with, he was still very hard. I spoke softly and asked him if he wanted another. He opened his eyes then and patted my head before saying "Tonight stay after hours. I'll lock up before we can continue." Then he slipped his hands inside my bra and I felt his hands exploring before gripping my nipple and he said "I knew they were large and firm like this when you were excited." and I just smiled in appreciation.

We talked a few minutes then he walked to the door while I stood behind it. When the area was clear he motioned for me to slip out. I went down the stairs and around the building then came in through the back door so that nobody could know where I'd been.

I hid in the ladies room at quitting time and waited until everyone else was gone then I went to his office. A moment later I heard him coming up the stairs and he smiled as he entered and locked his office door from inside. We kissed and he stripped me before I insisted on stripping him too. His body was the most exciting I'd seen and his endowment was proud. His immense height and huge equipment made him appear as Adonis to me. We hugged and our hands explored before he led me to the table and leaned me backward over it. He teased me for long minutes. My mind was on his dick again and I wondered if I wanted it orally first or conventionally.

He answered my interest by suddenly driving in fast and deep. Initially although I was wet he was still dry and his size hurt but when he was fully embedded all pain was gone and was followed only with pleasure. His stamina was amazing as he extended us for an hour of almost continuous orgasm for me. My life had been complicated but finally it was all being justified. If I'd known before I'd have asked for it all to be exactly this way.

My breasts were facing upward and his hand worked them before he finally dropped down and his thumb began working my clitoris. I'd been climaxing but this added effort drove me to pleasures I hadn't known during conventional sex and my body devoted itself in overtime to show it's appreciation as I rotated my hips and arched my back into him.

Moans and grunts filled the room even as wet sounds swept my ears. I screamed my pleasure when he finally filled me.

Perhaps I sound like a Nymph and maybe I am because sex has always been foremost in my thoughts. In the past I'd always wondered where my next chance would be? When would it come? What would it be like? Would it be better or not up to my desires?

These were some of the million questions I'd had but at that moment all I wanted was his dick and I would take it one way at a time. I knew I would be pleasured completely as I worked to pleasure him as much and often as I could now that I'd found him.

When I finally managed to shift my concentration and the focus of my body I devoted my longest and best effort at cleaning and preparing him.

That following evening when everyone was gone and we were locked safely in his office I received something new and amazing. I'd had two husbands and two long-term lovers before him and yet not one had ever thought of my needs. Receiving oral from a man was merely a myth that some women promulgated and it was pleasant at times to think of it but I didn't believe it true.

What I received after he'd lifted me onto his meeting table, turned me sideways on it then sat in a chair between my legs and pulled me to him was nearly as astounding to me as my need and pleasure sucking his dick. I felt his kisses and then his hands spreading me before I was swept with the beginning of this new sexual experience. His tongue was alive and swept then curled before finally he sucked me into his mouth and began the perfect routine of licking then rapidly flicking his tongue over it before he circled and repeated it all. My body was swept with new pleasures so intense that my mind seemed to lose itself as the body trembled. I couldn't speak and yet somehow my hands found his head and I began humping hard against his mouth. My legs circled his shoulders and my heels dug in and clamped him in position. Intense and continuous orgasm was now a reality to me. I had no idea how long he'd kept me that way but it had been over an hour before I could speak again after he'd started then finished. When I thought he was ending it he fooled me as his tongue drove deep into me and I felt it working a pleasure spot I wasn't aware I had. This climax was more than satisfying as it rolled endlessly through me from places I'd never experienced.

When my hearing was enabled again I heard him telling me how sweet I tasted and how much he'd craved it. When I turned around I circled him with my arms and kissed him. My taste covered his face and if possible I became even more devoted to him.

It was only our second time together and I was committing myself to anything he would need or want.

Sex and my appreciation would never diminish.

And now here we are today and it's been two more years of passionate need and we're still quietly together.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Just missed

It was good except for the creepy neighbor. Once cornered in his garage I think it mattered little to him whether she was 18, 16, 14, or 12. I thought it strange she would take that experience as positive.

Rossini12Rossini12about 12 years ago

Another great story, presumably written by a woman. Well done and let's have another chapter, please.

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