
Born in France to Swiss parents. Educated in the UK. I am inspired mainly by Bill Bryson and Jonathan Meades. I also enjoy Michael Palin's humour, John Updike, Jack Kerouac, Charles Portis and Garrison Keillor and any authors with a dry, almost caustic, sense of humour.
Naturally I am a great admirer of the erotic writer Anais Nin. Her 'Delta of Venus' has to be 'the' milestone in modern erotic literature.
I have developed my main character, David Shaw, to be a hapless 'Beta-male' caught up in a world of misfortune centred on his 'bird spotting hobby' and his apparent rare ability to provide women with 'oral pleasures'. He is also fixated by women's underwear especially those worn under skirts or dresses. His short and puny body allows him to be 'mothered' or 'dominated' or both. He is openly lecherous and plays along with women's needs to obtain sexual favours which he would not normally be able to achieve competing with 'Alpha-males'. I see him as a gentle and loveable character with a heart of gold but enjoys women sexually and takes a pride in satisfying them.
My other character, Russ Baumann, with his 'FreezeTime' remote is more of an opportunist and rogue. He exploits situations particularly where there is an opportunity for upskirt or under-skirt groping or fondling. He is basically an out of control 'boy in a sweetshop'. His story could lead anywhere.
The 'French Tutor' series explores 'sexual desire and attitudes in a restrained Victorian environment'. I try and construct situations where the main characters interact in perhaps a modern way so historically the English is clearly inaccurate (eg the term 'wank' only came into use in the 1940s.)
Some readers have written to ask how I can write from a male point of view. I would reply that it is probably easier for a woman to imagine herself a male than vice versa. Once I am 'in character' I find it relatively easy to write. It does take me some time to become 'David' and have a clear mental picture of him.
Some readers ask if any of my stories are based on real events. I would say 'some'. In 'Tall Girls School' Chapters 6 and 7 there are references to French nursery rhymes, I am not revealing more....
Several readers have asked me why I have the name 'Thorilla' and one thought it was a cross between the god 'Thor' and a 'gorilla', a formidable character indeed! I hate to disappoint you but it was my childhood nickname. In 1982 when I was very young' Michael Jackson released his hit album 'Thriller'. For a young French girl who spoke no English it was almost impossible to pronounce 'Thr' so I broke it down into 'Th' and 'or' (I don't know why it was 'illa' and not 'iller' at the end.) My sister and brother from that day on have called me Thorilla in jest.
A note on 'under-skirt face-sitting'... I understand from several readers that my stories have rekindled a fetish which has been with them since early years.
I would say that the skirt is probably the most potent item in any womans wardrobe. Forget the red basque or split crotch panties; the simplest of skirts holds more fascination than a wardrobe full of 'glamourwear'.
Skirt-teasing is both under-rated and a lost art. The Victorians used the frou-frou sounds of silk petticoats rustling under long skirts, and the merest hint of starched lace underskirt to quicken the hearts of their young (and older) men.
A modern generous knee-length full pleated skirt with similar flared petticoat is the ideal size and shape to contain a man's head. Match this with simple stockings, suspenders and knickers and one creates perhaps the perfect erotic environment for 'oral female pleasuring' to stimulate any male, and satisfy any female!!
I am personally amazed that there are few sites in the WWW dedicated to this delightful practice.
I should be interested to hear from readers who take a similar view. Most women I know do not realise that most men want them to sit on, or over, their faces wearing skirts.
This to me seems to add more piquancy to a relationship and variation to the sexual act.
I also apologise for my English. I have never mastered commas and fullstops. Someone told me that 'Smelt' is a fish and it should be 'smelled'. I also get my 'q's and 'o's mixed up and 'oui' has always been 'qui' in my dictionary.
Thanks to everyone who has emailed me with mainly positive comments. I shall continue writing in the same vein concentrating on mainly upskirt and facesitting themes.



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